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46.15% Outsider : Classroom Of The Elite / Chapter 24: Chapter 4.1 - Island

Capítulo 24: Chapter 4.1 - Island

"Umi..." I whispered to myself nonchalantly.

One of my favorite location within the Ikusei Kyoudo High School borders was the shore area near the dormitory. Every evening, I would go there and sit on a nearby bench, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. It was like my safe zone, my escape from reality. Just being there used to put my mind at ease. The refreshing air with a heaven-made combination of the setting sun; a perfect example of peacefulness.



...Being in a cruise ship above the ocean felt like I was "walking" on top of a high velocity revolving machine.

"What's wrong, Levent? You seem like you're feeling out of it." the person beside me asked, concerned about my well-being.

"I feel a little dizzy to be honest."

"Are you feeling sea-sick?"


Sea-sickness. The state of nausea and dizziness, sometimes accompanied by vomiting, resulting from the rocking or swaying motion of a vessel in which one is traveling at sea. It's a common recoil effect for those who travel by water.

When I was little, I grew up in a small sea-engulfed region. There was water all over my hometown. In fact, boats were the primary means of transport for us. I would always peak by the window to watch the boats sailing by my house. I never really had the chance to experience riding one of those vehicles.


But now that I finally get to experience it, I was struck by another realization. To think that I was sensitive to waterway vehicles...

"What a cruel world!" I muttered to myself

"You should probably go back to your room." Ayanokouji asserted.

"Thank you for your concern. But it'll be fine. I just need a few seconds to adjust myself."

"Is that so? Well, I guess you'll be fine."

That aside, it seemed like the boy himself had some internal conflict of his own.

"What about you? You seem like there's something you want to discuss." I inquired.

For a few seconds, he stared at me; most likely because he didn't expect me to read his expression. Well, he was a human too. There is no such thing called "pure stolidity" after all.

"Chabashira-sensei called me earlier." He responded with a rather heavy voice.

"What were the specifics of the meeting?"

"She had claimed that professor Ayanokouji made contact with her in an attempt to expel me from this school. She had also stated that she wouldn't mind cooperating with him it if I didn't work hard enough to reach class A."

Chabashira Sae, our homeroom teacher lied in order to make use of her student Ayanokouji's skillset in order to reach class A. She fabricated a false information in an attempt to put a leash on Ayanokouji. But more importantly...

How is she not satisfied even after providing her with such remarkable results?

"Do you believe her?" I asked.

"She didn't give me any evidence to solidify her claims."

"So you don't." He side nodded his head, confirming his skepticism.

Think about it like this. If Chabashira was well-aware of Ayanokouji's feats and skillsets, would she even dare try to remove him from her class?

And if Professor Ayanokouji was as intimidating as described, would a woman like her dare disobey his inputs?

"I really don't think there's even a single fragment of truth in her statement. But then again, to make an enemy out of someone who's going to be your homeroom teacher for the next two and a half years would be foolishness." I replied.

"I am aware of that."

"What do you want to do now, Ayanokouji?"

Ayanokouji closed his eyes for a brief moment, as if contemplating his next actions. Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it would be for the best.




He's staring at me, strangely.

"Ayanokouji... What are you thinking?


"If you want to lie, then lie properly. If you don't, then I'd much rather you speak up with full honestly."

"Congratulations, Levent-kun. You have been selected as a reliable friend by the one and only, me."


"Was my joke that bad?"

"No. But I do think that you've been growing fat from being lazy the last couple of months. Perhaps cooperating wasn't a good idea?"

"Hey now, Levent. Are you really going to leave me? Your friend? Exactly when I need you the most?"

You cheeky-

"Sigh. Fine. You win. I'll take care of it in my way. You'll just have to help me with a few adjustments."

"Will do."

I'm pretty sure I've spoiled this person by giving him too much freedom. But, if anything, that was also part of my initial goal too. For now, I had decided to let him live the life he desired. It was oddly satisfying to see Ayanokouji slowly indulge himself in a normal high school life.

The two of us were walking side-by-side. The cruise ship was larger than I had ever imagined. It was a three-storied ship. The first floor was entirely made out of bedrooms alongside a cafeteria. There were approximately three beds per bedroom. The total headcount of the passengers was approximately a hundred and eighty, including the teachers and the crew. So that means there were approximately sixty plus bedrooms on the first floor! Including a gigantic cafeteria!

Do you understand how big it was!

"This ship is quite bigger than I imagined." Ayanokouji remarked.

"As expected from a government sponsored institute."

After nearly getting lost several times, Ayanokouji and I climbed the second floor. Our destination was the deck area where many of our classmates had gathered.

"Whoa! This is the beeeeeeesssssst!" as we approached the area, a voice echoed across the deck out of the blue; most likely Ike Kanji's voice.

Normally, someone would have grumbled or shouted "shut up" in response. But just for today, no one minded, instead enjoying this moment of bliss; well, except for me and another person of a certain archetype.

"This view is incredible! I'm honestly super moved right now!"

A group of girls led by Karuizawa came out from the ship's cabin. She pointed out to the expansive ocean, wearing a radiant smile.

"Seriously, the scenery here is just amazing!"

Kikyou was also present among the group of girls. It looked like the extraordinary view had 'stolen her breath' away.

After overcoming numerous hardships, midterms, and the final exam, we had welcomed summer vacation with open arms. The Advanced Nurturing High School had arranged for an extravagant two-week trip-a cruise on a luxury liner.

"Wow, Ken, you must be happy you didn't get expelled. I mean, if this were a normal trip, it would've been impossible for us to go. Hey, how did it feel to be on the verge of expulsion, since you had the lowest score on the final? Come on, tell me. How did it feel?"

Yamuchi was being the 'nicest' friend that he was, basically rubbing salt on his wound. However Sudou didn't seem mind his childlike behavior. Instead, he laughed it off like it was nothing all-the-while puffing his chest in pride.

"With my skills, there was nothing to worry about. Didn't I tell you I'd prove myself, and it'd be easy?"

Sir, you have absolutely no idea what I had done for your safety.

"I never dreamed that high schoolers could go on such a luxurious cruise. And it's for two whole weeks. Two weeks! When my mom and dad hear about this, they're gonna be so shocked they'll wet themselves!"

After deciding that it was getting way too inappropriate for my liking, I silently removed myself from the spot.

The farthest corner at the back of the deck was actually the least populated area, which was also the windiest. As I walked on the edge of the deck, the wind suddenly blew on my hair, completely ruffling my hair in the process. It was an irritating, but also somewhat pleasing sensation. I instinctively leant over to the guardrail and had completely lost myself in thoughts.

As Sudou had bluntly stated earlier, this was certainly no ordinary trip. At our government-sponsored school, there was absolutely no need for us to pay for tuition or other miscellaneous expenses- which, of course, included this trip.

At 5 AM today, one hundred and fifty-seven first-year students had boarded buses and departed for Tokyo Bay. The passenger ships departed from the port once the students arrived. After eating breakfast in the lounge, students were permitted to move freely throughout the entire vessel. Best of all, we were able to use any of the ship's facilities free of charge. For the one's who had suffered daily due to a lack of points, this ship was heaven-sent.

We received the best of special treatment. The cruise liner and its facilities were of the highest possible quality. This ship was fully equipped with everything from prestigious restaurants to a theater, and even an upscale spa.

Our trip, which promised the pinnacle of luxury, had finally started today. According to the schedule, we would spend our first week staying at a fancy summer lodge on a deserted island. After that, we would enjoy the cruise ship for another week...

...which of course was a lie.

Something the students didn't know was the fact that the school authorities had a certain agenda behind this blissful sea trip. In order to throw the students in a curve, they had disguised this trip in order to camouflage two special exams. In actuality, the week long summer lodge camp would be spent inside a plastic tent, socializing with fellow classmates. And the other week was going to be spent trying to play among us.

Ignoring what I said on that final sentence, I could somehow understand the school's reasoning for such an absurd commodity. Normally anyone would see the school authorities actions as unreasonable. However, there was a hidden meaning behind their actions. when seeing this from an objective point-of-view, you realize that they were actually trying to prepare the students for real life situations.

Problems can occur at any time of your life. There's no saying when you might be in a dilemma. Whether it's your typical workday, your birthday, your marriage anniversary day, a long awaited vacation etc; problems are not a considerate entity. They will come at you when you are least prepared. Life is like a paradox full of problem. There is no life without hardships. And if course, it's up to you to solve your own problems. One must be prepared for any thing at any time. That's why I strongly agree with the scho-

"Attention, students. Please assemble on the deck. You will be able to see the island soon. This is a good time to take in some 'rather significant' scenery."

The PA announcement was the signal. Other students noticed, and began assembling on the deck. I nonchalantly dragged myself towards the deck.

After a crowd had gathered, some particularly domineering boys showed up and began pushing us out of the way in order to get the best position.

"Hey, you're in the way. Move it, you defect."

One of the boys tried to intimidate me, and shoved my shoulder. But I stood strong as he got pushed away due to the recoil. He desperately held the railing in an attempt to stop himself from falling.

"Oi! What're you-"

"Sorry, but that's not my problem. I was here first."

"You do understand how this school is structured, right? Class D doesn't get any human rights. Defects like you are just that-defective-so you shou-"

"That's where you're wrong. We're not from class D; not anymore."

"Huh? Are you for real now?"

"Oh yeah. I heard that they recently got promoted." One of them affirmed my statement.

"Seriously? Well, even if that's the case, we're all in Class A over here. So naturally we deserve more than you bottom feeders."

Sigh... Katsuragi would be ashamed of you.

"That is based off of your own personal perspective. I don't have any reason to compromise as it is not stated within the school rules. I suggest you try somewhere else."

"Why you-"

"Hey, what the hell are you guys doing?!"

Noticing the interaction, Sudou immediately responded in kind, trying to intimidate them right back. My classmates were right behind him.

"Tch. Let's go somewhere else." they clicked their tongue in annoyance.

"Hey where do you-"

"That's enough, Sudou-kun." I stopped him.

"What was their problem anyway?"

"Don't worry. It's resolved now. Thank you for coming over."

"Nah, don't mind it. We're classmates, aren't we? We have to be there for each other when it's needed."

Sudou may be a head strong person, but his heart was made of gold; or at the very least it was made out of pyrite.

In any case seeing my classmates as they came to my aid, made me feel a little satisfied.

But more importantly...

"Wait, what's that thing over there?"

"Is that a scanning machine?"

My classmates coming here was a good thing after all.


As soon as the ship anchored on the island, I was relieved of my sickness and genuinely felt good for the first time. I'd prefer this rather than 'enjoying' the entirety of this accursed trip.

"We will disembark in thirty minutes. Please assemble on the deck. All students should have changed into their jerseys. Make sure to check your designated bag and your luggage, and do not forget your cell phone. Please keep all other personal items in your room. There is a possibility that you will not be able to visit the bathroom for some time, so please do so now." an announcement came over the PA speakers.

Ike and the others went to change in high spirits. I started heading toward my group's room, too. After changing, we assembled at the deck of the ship.

"We will disembark now, beginning with the students from Class A. Cell phones are prohibited on the island. Please hand your phone to your homeroom teacher as you leave."

Following the loudspeaker's command, the students went down the stairs in an orderly fashion.

"Come on. Hurry up! Even though we're wearing thin clothes, we're all sweating!"

There was no place to hide from the sun on the ship's deck. No surprise that people were complaining. The class C students waited on standby in the heat.

Horikita finally joined us. At first glance, it didn't appear as though anything had changed. But I was already aware of her condition. She was feeling cold from her fever, unconsciously rubbing her arms as we waited to disembark and set foot on the island.

"What were you doing until now?" I asked.

"I was just reading a book in my room. 'For Whom the Bell Tolls'. You wouldn't know it."

"You're right. It's very unlikely for me to know about Ernest Hemingway's masterpiece."

Honestly, it was quite amusing to notice how the author of the light novel put so many book references in his work. It was quite possibly his way of recommending books to us. Being curious I tried reading some of them. Honestly, they were way better than I had ever expected.

"Oh, so you do know about it."

"More importantly, how are you feeling?

"Why are asking me that all of a sudden?"

"I'm just curious."

She wasn't saying anything for a moment. I didn't want to overwhelm her, so I stopped pressuring her about it.

"I'm feeling anxious about what's coming, but since we're prohibited from bringing personal items along, there's nothing I can really do." she grumbled, seemingly dissatisfied.

"Horikita, that's because we most likely have another storm coming in front of us."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's think about it together. Why do you think they're being strangely cautious right now? Why are we not allowed to carry our personal items? We going on an abandoned island with only our gym clothes and nothing else. We're not bringing any food, no water, no cellphone; in short we being deployed with empty hands."

"Wait.. By that do you mean, we'll have to survive on that island?"


"This is only a mere hypothesis. But judging by the nature of this school, there's a high chance of them actually implementing such absurd curriculum. This may be some sort of endurance test; a special exam designed to enhance our survival and cooperation skills?"

"It certainly seems that way." Horikita released a heavy sigh. "I guess there really is no saying when the lightning will strike."

"Which is why I'm asking..." I closed in on her as I looked deep in her eyes. Horikita suddenly became stiff, straightening her posture as she looked at me with a worried expression.


"Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

Horikita averted her gaze. I could clearly see her entire body become red due to her fever. After a brief moment of silence, she parted her lips.

"I...I'll be fine."

The likelihood of her being 'fine' was little to non-existent. But her determination was something worthy of my praise. She was a stubborn person with a strong personality and a long black hair. I simply didn't want to tarnish her self confidence.


Now that she's pushing herself, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I took advantage of her health condition, right?

"Good luck. Don't push yourself." I gave her an obligatory farewell before going towards the examiner.

She didn't say anything in reply.

Soon, it was be our turn to be examined and got off the ramp. The students were yet to realize that this island was going to be the boundary between heaven and hell.


As we got off the boat, chatting amiably with one another, our homeroom teacher greeted us with some harsh words.

"I will now start roll call for Class C. When you hear your name, please respond loud and clear."

Chabashira started taking attendance, clipboard in hand, while simultaneously instructing us to form a line. She wore the same kind of jersey as her students. Because of that, her assets seemed bigger compared to when she wears a blazer atop.

But personally, I , Aozaki Levent, would prefer her without wearing anything.




Why is she glaring at me of all people?

"Oh, come on! I want my free time already! The sea is right in front of me!" Ike muttered, standing right behind Ayanokouji.

Ike's frustration was understandable. It was quite perturbing for them to be stopped right in front of their goal. Sea water seemed quite alluring from that distance. On top of that, we were made to stand in a disciplined line under the noon sun. As we were staying on a tropical area, the heat was multiple by twofold. To be honest, even I wanted jump in the ocean.

However, soon enough, their last bit of anticipation would be replaced with even more frustrated cries.

Eventually Class A homeroom teacher Mashima stepped onto a prepared white platform.

"First, I would like to say that I'm happy you've arrived safely. However, it's unfortunate that one of you was unable to participate due to illness."

He was talking about Sakayanagi Arisu, who had a walking disability. From afar, I had noticed her standing with a cane on her hand beside a girl. From the looks of it, she seemed to be apologizing to her classmates for not being able to participate. But even so, the way she bowed was elegant and everyone seemed to respect her a lot. That was my first time seeing her in flesh.


She reminded me of a certain person.

"Well then. We shall commence the current academic year's first special test."

After giving another glance at the first year participants, Mashima finally dropped the bomb

"Huh? Special test? What do you mean?" almost everyone in the class asked some variation on that question. An expected reaction.

"Living on a deserted island. Does that mean we're not staying on the boat, but the island?"


"You are correct. During the test, you will not be allowed to board the ship without a suitably justifiable reason. It will be necessary for you to fend for yourselves on this island while you are here, from creating a place to sleep to preparing food to eat. Once the test starts, each class will receive two tents, and two flashlights. You will be provided with one box of matches. There is no limit to the amount of sunscreen you can have. Each student will be provided with one toothbrush. As a special case, girls will be allowed to have as many feminine sanitary products as they'd like, without any restrictions. Please ask your respective homeroom teachers for those. That is all."

Everything about this exam seemed fair; although I had confusing feelings about something.

There were forty students in Class C, approximately one-third of them were girls. We were given only two tents to go by. Two tents to contain forty students.

This wouldn't be a problem if the tents were big; but that was clearly not the case. There was no way that the boys and girls would agree to sleep under the same tent.

Then in what sense did the author expect to fit forty people inside two tents?

"Huh?! So we have to live like survivors on a deserted island?! I don't want to hear this kind of insanity! This isn't an anime or a manga or something! We can't all sleep together in just two tents! And what are we supposed to do about food in the first place? This is unbelievable!"

No, Ike. You're wrong. This is both an anime and a manga; plus a light novel.

All jokes aside, just like him, many of the students seemed unconvinced and wore an unconvinced looks.

"Sensei, isn't this supposed to be our summer vacation? We were brought here under the pretext of going on a relaxing trip. Don't you think that bringing us here and then springing this corporate training on us could be considered unfair?"

Some of the students from class B began to protest along these lines. Unlike Ike's complaints, their arguments were reasonable. There were both the students who were dissatisfied with the current situation, and those who were dissatisfied with the process as a whole.

"I see. I suppose that you're not wrong about that. I can understand why you would be discontented. However, please do not worry. It would make sense for you to have complaints if you were being forced into a harsh situation. However, even though we're calling it a special test, there's no need to think about it in such unhappy terms. In the coming week, you can go swimming, or hold a barbecue. It wouldn't be a bad time for you to occasionally have a campfire and chat with friends, either.

The theme of this special exam is 'freedom' after all."

"Huh? The theme is freedom? We can have a barbecue? Hmm? And this is still called a test? I'm so confused..."

'Freedom', huh? How ironic.

In actuality, the 'freedom' that they had in mind was different from the one Mashima wanted to imply. In this society, freedom is nothing but an illusion. All humans are born free only to be shackled. Name it responsibility, consequences or the agony of hunger.

Take this exam for instance. We were free to do 'whatever' we wanted. If we wanted to, we could've spent all our points excessively without facing any penalty. There was no negative value in this exam, unless someone decided to murder an enemy batchmate and get expelled. But the freedom in question, is not to be seen.

We were given hopes of raising our class points, which alone restricted our expenses. The willingness to secure as many points as possible had pretty much won over our intentions of enjoying this precious summer vacation. On top of that, certain restrictions were implemented which could cause potential repercussions; further increasing our hindrance.

In a nutshell, we were given freedom, but it was engineered in a way that we would voluntarily deny it. Such examples are scattered all across the society. From a salary man working seventeen hours for his daily bread, to a homeless begger who can't even eat without the help of others. Which is why in this world, freedom is nothing but an illusion.

Say, do you, as a human, consider yourself to be a truly free existence?


"As a major part of this special test, we've decided to distribute 300 points to each class. By using your points well, you might be able to enjoy this week's special test just as you would during a normal trip. We've also prepared a manual just for that purpose." Mashima continued his briefing.

Gradually, the student's grim expressions grew calmer.

"So, we can do whatever we want with the 300 points?"

"That's right. It's possible to arrange for anything using your points. Of course, it's necessary for you to use them in a systematic way, but with a solid plan, you can spend your week without any difficulties."

While spending all of our points was definitely an option, we'd end up wasting our chance to raise our class points by doing so.

"B-but, teacher. You said this was a test, right? So shouldn't there be some kind of difficulty to it?"

"No, there's nothing difficult. It won't even have any adverse effects on your second semester. I guarantee it."

"So it's really okay for us to just have fun for one week?"

"That's right. You're all free to do what you want. Of course, there are some bare minimum rules that you need to abide by as a group, but there shouldn't be anything difficult about that."

Mashima kept reassuring the participants and seemed to work. I had noticed some of my classmates smiling in joy. However, only the teachers and I was aware of just how long said 'joy' would last.

"Also bare in mind, when this special test period is over, each class's remaining points will be added to their total class points. Your point totals will reflect this change once summer vacation is over."

After finishing his speech of reassurance, Mashima held a manual that seemed to have approximately a dozen of pages.

"Each class will receive one copy of the manual. If the manual is lost, you may have another copy. However, it will consume points, so please be very careful. I will also hand out wristwatches for every single one of you. You are not allowed to take them off until the end of the test. If you remove your wristwatch without permission, you will be punished. This watch doesn't just tell time. Its sensors also check your body temperature, your pulse, and even your movements. It's equipped with a GPS. Also, in the off chance something bad does happen, this watch comes equipped with the means to notify the school.If you find yourself in an emergency situation, please do not hesitate to push that button."

That was pretty much the gist of it. After the watches were equally distributed, the other teachers walked towards their own classes, marking the beginning of the special exam.

Let's see what chaos awaits us in the ensuing future...

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