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69.23% Youngling / Chapter 18: Chapter 6.1

Capítulo 18: Chapter 6.1

So, the situation is that I can't physically take him down, and using Force techniques is also unlikely to work since he can sense my manipulations in advance and prepare for them. The solution? I need to hide my influence on the Force. The first thing that comes to mind is Zabuza's mist from Naruto. Ideally, I should train my stealth, but right now, I can only try to mask my actions. I start compressing the air in front of me slowly, while at the same time, I begin twisting the "mist" around his right ear and his left ear. I create small clusters of the Force here and there, compressing them, accelerating some and slowing others down, all around the little goblin. The more varied and complex my manipulations, the more strain on his sensitivity. Let him guess where and how I will strike. I create points of tension with the Force in a small area around the grandmaster. Some manipulations I stop as soon as I start them, some I maintain for a while, and some I continue to sustain. Therefore, in addition to the disappeared points of tension, I create new ones, sometimes even in the same place as before. Ha-ha-ha, try to sense something now, green man.

And just when I was about to launch a real attack, Yoda finally struck. It was two Force pushes. The first one, judging by its strength, should have knocked me back three meters, and that alone threw me off balance. After all, even though I have skills, I haven't shown any defensive abilities, and so Cheburator's strike was cheating. Well, a youngling of my age couldn't deflect it. I didn't deflect it, either. Seeing the cloud forming in front of him, which was already compressed from the start, he did the only thing he could do in that moment. He absorbed it. Yes-yes-yes, young Dakari is capable of that too. If only you knew how much effort it took me to learn this skill and how many times older colleagues from the Drallig group beat me up, and how much pleasure Ahsoka and Joss got from throwing me around with telekinesis... Anyway, I may have the talent for this skill, and I definitely do, but mastering it took and continues to take a lot of hard work. And so, I didn't stop training.

So, I absorbed the first hit from Yoda, but the next one could have thrown me meters away... God knows how far. But the fact remains that Cheburator was knocked out, if not thoroughly, then somewhere close to it. And only thanks to my energy absorption skills and the fact that the second hit was delivered almost immediately after the first, which prevented me from coming out of my absorption state and allowed me to absorb some of the Force Push, only because of that, I flew only six meters.

My concentration was completely off, as was my orientation. I could estimate the distance my body flew only because Yoda remained in his place while I regained consciousness. Getting up on all fours, shaking my head, and then looking at this little rascal. And who is he after all of this? Even I, with my not-so-friendly attitude towards children, never allowed myself to do something like that. Even in the sparring with Ahsoka and Joss, I kept myself within limits. But this... What did he even think of? He might not have killed me, but if an ordinary Jedi Youngling my age was in my place, broken bones would have been unavoidable. Plus the preparation with Drallig, which was harsh enough for children. At least falling and landing, he taught me quickly and for life. And if it weren't for that, I could have easily broken another bone. In short, people, what's going on?

I wouldn't say that rage overwhelmed me as I looked at this dwarf, but the anger deep inside was clearly felt. After managing to stand up and taking deep breaths, trying to calm down, I looked into the eyes of this... Grand Master. To which he sighed sadly and limped towards me. By that time, Lairi had regained her senses and, with a few slaps, returned the children to their study mood. Before that, they were all staring at me.

- I should apologize, I suppose, - said Yoda as he approached. - Yes, apologize, - he nodded to himself.

He then sat down in front of me, cross-legged and patted the floor, inviting me to sit as well. Well, it's too early to scream, so I might as well listen to what he has to say.

- So are you apologizing or just contemplating it? - I couldn't help but snark. I admit it.

- Apologizing, - he nodded to me. - My mistake. I shouldn't have acted that way. I was scared. Yes, scared.

- I don't understand. - Yes, stupid. But what else was I supposed to say to such a statement? Yoda was scared? Scared of what? Losing? Nonsense. But I couldn't think of anything else.

- Mistakes, mistakes, - sighed Cheburator. - Everyone makes mistakes, but we old folks are forgiven less often. After all, we are experienced and wise. Reasonable people forget that everyone has weaknesses.

- Still don't understand.

- Ah. You are strong, youngling, and intelligent. You have convinced everyone of this, including me. I forgot that you are still a child. Small, inexperienced, just discovering the world, - he chewed his lips, shaking his head.

- And what, that's a reason to throw me such a Force Push?

- No, no, what are you talking about, - he said and closed his eyes for a couple of seconds. - Tell me, youngling, what were you trying to do? - he asked unexpectedly.

- And if you clarify? - I asked.

- How were you trying to defeat me?

- M-m-m... by pulling your leg with telekinesis.

- Hm, - he nodded his ears. - Did you really have to cause such chaos in the Force for that?

- How else? - I protested. - You could sense any of my moves at the stage of formation.

- Is that so? Hm. - His "hm" was starting to annoy me.

- So where did you go wrong, Master? And what were you afraid of?

- Your Force sensitivity is poor, youngling, even for your age. - Well, how was I supposed to know that? - But what you did, no youngling could sense.

- Master, are you deliberately messing with my head?

- It's working pretty well, isn't it? Heh-heh-heh.

What a green bastard.

- Let's get back to the point.

- To the point? An endowed telekinesis cannot sense. None of us can.

- But.... What a shit.

- Haven't you noticed that? - he asked in surprise. As if he still didn't understand, the joker. And then he continued, shaking his head: - Poor communication skills negatively affect the young generation.

- What does that have to do with this?

- New words appear in the lexicon. Bad ones, clarified he.

- Uh... I'm sorry, Master Yoda, I couldn't help it, I lowered my gaze. - My fault.

- O-ho-ho. Our problem, youngling, is in how you wanted to hide your actions. - And scratching his head, he continued: - I have never seen such a thing before. There were many manipulations with the Force in a small space that undoubtedly clogged sensitivity, but... I felt fear when I realized where it was leading. I panicked. I struck. It didn't work. I struck harder... - he closed his eyes and fell silent.

- I still don't understand, Master. What did you realize? And why have you never seen it before, considering your vast experience? Surely someone must have tried it before?

- Tried it? Heh-heh-heh, hm, hm. I doubt it strongly. And you shouldn't do it either.

- Why not? - I let him know that I wouldn't give up.

- You began to warp space. It crackled, it cried, - even Yoda seemed to shudder slightly. Which made me feel uneasy. - I am considered the oldest Jedi in the Order, is that not so? Well, never mind. I have some experience, but I am not even able to... - he hesitated, choosing his words carefully, - to perform so many manipulations with the Force simultaneously and in different ways. That is your gift.

- Hold on. Master... I'm missing something again. I didn't perform that many manipulations. Compression, - I held up one finger, - twisting, - another one, - acceleration, deceleration. - Two more. - Four different types in total.

- Telekinesis and Force Web, - he nodded. - Force Push...

- Wait, but that's just compression, isn't it?

- No, not at all. Movement with compressed clumps of the Force, if you will. And Force Explosion...

- Master, - I interrupted him wearily, - what's that again?

- You don't know? Strange, - he was surprised. - A clump of neutral, "stopped" Force charged with your own. Be more careful with that, - Yoda frowned, - it's a dangerous thing in the hands of the inexperienced.

- Hmm. - Ugh, did I catch something from him? - Honestly, I didn't even notice anything like that. Well, I'll be careful.

- I'll repeat myself, youngling, don't throw it at others, it's dangerous.

- Of course, Master, - I nodded. - But getting back to the previous topic, there are only... eight different manipulations in total. Even that seems a bit limited.

- Not quite, youngling. There were numerous different types of "compressions". "Accelerations" and "decelerations" at different speeds. "Twists"...

- I understand - in different directions. I'm sorry to interrupt, Master, but is that really important? In my opinion, it doesn't matter, it's just... done differently.

- Imagine two swords in your hands. You twist one, and the other you move from side to side. It's all just swinging a blade, but the actions are different.

- And telekinesis? If I can hold... - I stopped, glancing at Yoda who shook his head negatively.

- The action is the same. And it doesn't matter how many objects you're holding.

Oh well, who cares in the end. Since Yoda says so, let it be.

- And how many actions did I perform?

- I lost count at twenty-eight.

And how cool and interesting is that?

- And how many can you do?

- Seven.

- No way! Sorry, - I corrected myself.

- Seven is just a few, - he nodded. - I only count those as physical techniques. External ones. Those directed at ourselves are in a different category.

- Which category is that?

- The mental one, - the pointy-eared one emphasized.

Did he just brush me off? Like, don't go where you're not invited? Okay, got the hint. But not the reasons.

Well, maybe he didn't. Actually, I'm the fool here. We were told about different categories during the lecture on Power Push before training. Mental, physical, enhancing, scanning... No wonder he said it in that tone. I should have known it myself.

- Sorry, Master. I'm still recovering from your blow...

- Ahem, - he interjected.

- ...I'm still a bit slow. - Darn, it came out awkward, like I'm rubbing his mistake in his face. But who cares. Really, with that kind of life experience, and he suddenly panicked. Ugh. Couldn't the green beast be a bit more delicate than me?

About this thought, I suddenly REALIZED! Holy smokes, as one nurse says. So, let me get this straight, Yoda will just get up, dust himself off, and go about his business, and then casually tell the Council about a unique talent like me? And will anyone from the Council share with someone else? And then that person, in confidence... my goodness... it could even reach Palpatine. And if someone with just talent but not exceeding the limits of a youngling didn't appeal to him, then someone gifted with talent like mine... well, at the very least it would interest him. Oh my, I can even rip the fabric of space. Or will be able to in the future.

Holy... I'm in trouble now.

- Master, - I started cautiously, - can we keep this conversation and what happened here between us?

- Hm? Is something troubling you?

- I... - Damn it, how do you speak to an almost nine-hundred-year-old creature? I have no idea. Not up to me.

We fell silent. I had no words. I could, of course, tell him about the future and the evil Chancellor, but something told me it would only make things worse.

- Be that as it may, - Yoda suddenly said. - But promise me that you won't repeat such behavior.

At first, I didn't even believe what I heard. Or rather, I didn't realize it immediately.

- Master... - I fell silent, not knowing how to thank him.

- Just promise me.

Sure thing!

- I... - Wait. - I can't.

- And what are the reasons for this?

The Galactic Empire hunting for the gifted? The last chance? Protecting loved ones?

- This life is too uncertain to make such clear promises. And I don't want to break them.

And only by saying this did I realize that the Order had indeed brainwashed me a little. What did it cost me to promise? Well, I'll break my word, and so what? Will I go to hell? Or will the Jedi chase me, killing friends and loved ones? What the hell did I just blurt out?

- Hmm, hmm, - Yoda rubbed his chin. - Being a youngling, you won't do anything like this. And when you become a Padawan, you'll tell your teacher everything.

- I promise, - I said at once, realizing the Grand Master's words.

- In that case, we'll finish this conversation, - the Master stood up. And I followed him. - As for this lesson, - he looked around at the pushing children, - you'll play with Rama Olan without using the Force.

- M-m-m... Master Yoda, but he's a Tiss'pian. How am I supposed to take down this snake-like creature without the Force? Can I at least use telekinesis?

- No, - short and concise.

- What if I think, Master Cheburator?

- No.

- Are you suggesting that I don't think either?

- Don't... what? - he looked at me in surprise. - Hm-m-m. Yes.

-... - I didn't understand anymore.

- Don't think. Just don't think in this duel.

Definitely. Yoda's "Perplexing" skill is maxed out. Jokes aside, I had no doubts that I could take down Rama. So what if I have a tail instead of legs? And who cares that I can't use the Force? I may not win against anyone else, but I won't lose to the guys in my room.

- Rein, how are you? - asked the snake-legged guy, dropping me to the floor for the second time.

- Excellent, - I replied, not getting up and staring at the ceiling. - Just great.

I mean, seriously, how can I even knock him down?! He's like a damn punching bag! The lesson is almost over, and I haven't even come close to winning.

- Do you need help? - he asked me, concerned.

- Back off, snake boy, you're not helping me think.

In the end, I couldn't come up with a plan, and the lesson ended with a score of two-zero in Rama's favor. Total failure.

By the end of the day, I was able to calm down. After all, I lost today, but I'll win tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow. Right now, while I have some free time, I need to go see Ahsoka and find out about the gyroscopes. Although no, first I need to take the parts to Dzik and get new ones. Togruta got so carried away yesterday that she not only improved the ones on my bed, but also all the parts in the room. So we grab a plastic box loaded with gyroscopes and head to the technical hangar.

- Hi, Paratus, BBR-3, - I nodded at them.

- Can I help... - the droid started.

- Shut up, - Paratus kicked him, not even paying attention to me. And by the way, why does he keep coming here so often?

- Hey, Stoyl, Ginnis... - I nodded at everyone I saw. - Hi, Dzik, - I finally reached the mustache guy. - Here you go, - I put the parts on the table.

- There's a lot of stuff here, - he looked into the box. - Did you harness the neighbors or something?

- Almost, - I leaned back. I'm not that young anymore to drag even these miserable ten kilograms without consequences. - Lucky me. Oh boy, this damn box. Anyway, I actually came here for a new batch of parts.

- New? - the man was surprised. - So, - he nodded at the box, - that's all there is at the moment. I'll sell it, and then I'll buy more.

What bad luck...

- Hmm. Well, then I have a couple of questions for you.

- Ask away if you like, - he chuckled at something.

- Do you know if any Jedi besides me are involved in improving parts for sale?

- I'm not even sure, - he scratched his bald head. - Never really looked into it. But most likely yes. I mean, I've definitely worked with parts that have been improved by Jedi, but whether they make them for sale, I have no idea. For that question, you're better off asking Master Paratus over there. Who would know better than him?

- That's for later, - I turned to Alina. - Can you tell me if the Order is involved in this kind of business, will you be able to sell gyroscopes? Actually, let me rephrase that. Will you be able to sell them in the quantities we planned for? After all, the Order won't deal with small stuff, and if they start earning money from improvements, it'll be in huge quantities. Will we be able to penetrate this market?

- You know, kid, I don't know what the Order is up to, but when I negotiated the sale of this batch, - he tapped the box, - I was assured they'll take as much of our... - he hesitated, - product as we can provide. And think about it, what's the Order, and what's the Galaxy. Even if it's just the Core... no, even if it's just Coruscant. However you look at it, Rein, your Order won't be able to satisfy the market's needs.

Damn, that makes sense. Even if suddenly the whole Order gets involved in this, we'll always find someone to sell... our product to. But I'll still ask Paratus a couple of questions.

The Jedi technician resisted for a short time, until he realized that it was easier to answer my questions. Easier and faster. To begin with, I learned that the Order does indeed engage in sales improvement, not all of it, of course, but only the Tech Corps. And even then, only newcomers, that is, young people, are involved in this. When I asked how long it would take an average Jedi to improve a component like a gyroscope, he hesitantly answered, after thinking for a couple of seconds, that it would take about five seconds. It seems that it is quite difficult for a genius like him to answer what an ordinary Jedi is capable of. Although it doesn't make me feel any better, because it turns out that I really am a novice in this business. It only calms me down that I'm not completely clueless. It may take longer, but I can do it. I also asked how I managed to do this in the first place. After all, in class, we were told that it is necessary to understand what you are doing. The answer was simple - understanding the essence of the subject is not the same as creating it from scratch. If I tried to do that, then I, and not just me, would face a big disappointment. But anyone can feel the essence of the subject, its inaccuracies, unevenness, and micro-errors in production. Otherwise, none of us would be able to create our lightsabers.

And yes, the final nail in the coffin of my self-confidence and hope was driven in by Ahsoka's peers, who later managed to "click" gyros in an average of thirty seconds. That's it. I did it in five minutes, and they did it in thirty seconds. Although, no, I was hasty, the last straw was Palatt and Giro, who managed to do it in two minutes. I didn't even bother checking the other guys. But knowing what to strive for, I put them on "training" with gyroscopes while I was working with Drallig. However, the way they unquestioningly began to do it made me a little ashamed. Well, they earned their cherry-topped cake...each one of them.

TheTranslateMan TheTranslateMan


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