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18.18% Livestreaming My Pokemon Journey! / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Professional Clout Chaser

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2: Professional Clout Chaser

"Surprise attack!" A loud boisterous voice bellowed out, shocking me out of my sleep.

"GAH!" I choke on my own spit at the sudden impact of 5'6, 120 lbs of pure stupid bitch that just collided with my poor resting body.

I was completely disoriented, I almost pulled out the knife I keep stashed away under my bed for emergencies. I would've too, if I hadn't realized who it was from previous experience.

My hand involuntarily goes to pinch the bridge of my nose in an attempt to ward off the migraine I could already feel forming, "Dammit May, I told you to stop waking me up like that!" I scold.

I look down to see the unapologetic gremlin laying stomach-down on top of me, chin resting on my chest and a mischievous look in her eyes.

Her smug smile only served to piss me off even more. So in retaliation I grab both ends of the blanket that she was laying on and that was currently shielding me from her sinful body and hoist her up in one swift motion.

"Kya!" I ignore her squeal and before she can react I started wrapping her in a way she couldn't escape from.

"W-Wait! Dante please! It was just a joke. Stop, I'm claustrophobic! I promise I'll wake you up normally next time!" May attempts to bargain in a mixture of giggles and real panic. 

Though even given the strength similarity between us, she didn't really struggle or try to get out of the situation.

"There won't be a next time!" I retorted, playing up my irritation even though at this point any real anger I had, had already fizzled out.

I glanced at my alarm clock and was not surprised to see 5:40 am. The meeting with the professor wasn't until 8:30.

'I hate morning people.'

Knowing there's no way in hell I'll manage to fall back asleep I decide to start getting ready for my day. I swear I hear something as I make my way to take a shower, then again maybe not.

"Must've been the wind." I muttered.

"Dante? Dante! This isn't funny let me out, I can't move my arms! Daaante!!!" 

Yep, definitely just the wind.

— — — — —

I munched away at my food trying to ignore the demonic presence sitting before me.

"I can't believe you left me like that for that long!" May expressed her outrage and disbelief.

I looked at her through half lidded eyes and asked, "Really? What part of that was out of character for me?"

Instead of answering she just puffs up her cheeks and looks away in a pout.

Foolish May! Looking away was your first mistake!

As her head is turned I make sure to plunge my fork into her plate, stealing as much of her breakfast as I can manage before she notices. Meanwhile she still has her head turned, presumably waiting for an apology.

Yeah, right.

I'm about done with half of her pancakes before she finally notices, letting out an audible gasp of pure betrayal.

"How could you!" The amount of accusation in her voice, you would've thought I killed her pet dog or something.

"Now we're eve-" I'm not even able to articulate my sentence before I'm interrupted by her literally pouncing on me.

"Gimme some of your food, now!" She demanded.

She hoisted herself over, taking a seat on my lap and throttling me. Her hands were gripping my collar and shaking me as if to get her food back one way or another.

"Hey stop you're gonna tip us over!" I yelled out. 

Sure enough, as if on cue one of the legs of my chair, no longer able to support the weight of both of us, end up snapping under the strain. Sending both us tumbling to the floor.

You'd think this would deter her, but if you thought that, you obviously didn't know how determined of a girl May Maple is. Not even blinking at suddenly collapsing on the ground she continues to shake my collar.

"I'm a growing girl you know!? How am I supposed to grow if I don't eat?" Perhaps involuntarily she ends up showing said growth in the way she was rubbing her body up against mine.

Desperate to get her off of me before she noticed any involuntary-, ahem, growth, on my part.

I decided to yield, "Fine, you can have my food, happy?" I questioned rhetorically.

Contrary to my expectations she didn't look that happy, in fact her face was one of contemplation.

I immediately got a bad feeling in my stomach, knowing she's probably going to attempt to milk my 'apology'.

"I hereby declare that I, Queen May of the Maple dynasty shall pardon your war crimes so long as you pay sufficient tribute." She snobbishly demanded in a British/Galarian accent.


"You heard me. You must feed me." She goes on to elaborate. She sounds casual but I don't miss the way she twitches and the blush slowly spreading across her face.

"No." I answered simply.

Immediately I see tears start to form in her eyes and before we could do the whole song and dance again I decide to just concede. It's the only way, otherwise we'll never finish breakfast.

"Fine." I muttered, "Now get off me."

Her eyes light up in joy, "Also you must kiss my cheek and give me head pats whenever I want for a week! No, two weeks! Three!?"

'This girl! I give her an inch and she takes a mile.' How shameless.


She looks down at me with a smug smile, "Then I guess you're not getting up." She teased playfully.

The food's probably gotten cold at this point.

I glance at yet another clock only to have my eyes bulge at what I see. We really were gonna be late at this rate. Professor Birch wouldn't care but Brandon the stickler totally would.

Better to not give him a reason to pick a fight, he and May hate each other enough as it is.

Knowing the time crunch we were on, I decided enough is enough, May should've taken her victory while she still could.

I reach up with my hand as if I'm gonna caress her cheek, she goes shock still, frozen as her body is he starts to stammer incoherently, her face crimson.

"I-I w-what are y-you do-doing?" She asked shakily in accusation, "I d-don't know if I'm r-ready… but if it's for you, Dante." She relaxes her body and closes her eyes in anticipation.

Ignoring the obvious implications of not only her words but her actions too, I decide to act to break her misunderstanding. Rather than acting on my emotions, and doing something I might regret.

While she's distracted I embrace her body and swiftly turn us over.

Not having expected such sudden movement May is wholly unprepared for my attack, leaving her vulnerable. Having lost her balance she topples as does her kingdom of cards.

I pant slightly out of breath, it's embarrassing to admit, but May and I are about the same, strength-wise. She's like one of those farm girls that are unusually strong, only she grew up in our small rural town of littleroot.

If it weren't for the height and weight I have on her, she could easily out lift me.

'Maybe I should've invested the point in strength. I'm really taking a blow to my masculine ego.'

I snap out of my thoughts and realize how this looks. I'm looming over the curvaceous form of my childhood friend, I have her pinned under my arms and I'm panting like an animal.

God, Norman would kill me if he saw this.

May seems to understand how this situation looks if her even redder face is any indication. At this point I'm concerned she'll turn into a tomato, this is anime after all, anything could happen.

Strangely she starts giggling with a weird look on her face, and… is she panting too?

This is getting too horny, abort mission!

I get up and make sure to pull her up as well, it wouldn't be the first time she's swept my legs like some type of martial artist.

"Look May, it's getting late, we should get going now if we don't wanna show up late." I explained.

I then went on to further elaborate, "I also have to start my stream before we head out so that'll take a bit too."

That similarly knocks her out of her stupor, "Stream? Oh you did mention something like that towards that tail end of your last livestream."

"How are you gonna stream, are we not setting off until later in the day? I'll be honest I was hoping we'd set out directly after getting our starters." She admitted.

"You were watching?" I asked.

"I'm always watching." She said completely serious.

The way she said that and the look in her eyes started to freak me out so I changed the subject.

"Anyways, I'm not gonna spoil it, your reaction will look better live.

"Fine, be that way. Let me just finish what's left of my food and yours, then you can go get your camera." She said before sitting down and starting to devour her food faster than those professional speed eaters.

'I swear all that food goes straight to her tits.' I'm careful not to say that outloud don't need to start another wrestling match after all.

"No need." I said, eluding to her previous words, "From now on, I no longer need something as cumbesome as a convential camera equipment." I boasted through my smirk much to her confusion.

She even did the standard anime girl head tilt, Shaft could never.

"Oh, Rotom!" I called out like a 1950s housewife, within seconds the Rotom in question appeared from god know where, floating before us in all his electric glory.

This Rotom in patricular was a drone shaped version with a large camera lens right above its face like a thrid eye.

Its color scheme consisted of a golden texture for its body alongside piercing red eyes, I'm pretty sure it's a fire/electric type.

What? Its color scheme matches mine… nonsense! If it does, it's purely a coincidence! I will not tolerate any slander on my name!

"Hello Dante, what can I do for you, is it time to go live?" It questioned in its robotic voice, a constant smile on its face.

I turn towards May with a proud smile, "As you can see-"

"Kyaaa! He's so cute." She wasted no time in glomping the poor Pokemon.

"Rotom are genderless." I informed her only to be completely ignored.

She pauses, "Aren't Rotom like Uber expensive though?"

"Uber, uber, uber expenive. Only because we still still can't figure out a way to breed them." I explained.

"Wait are Rotom not artifical?" She asked.

I looked on in complete shock.

"What?" She questioned seeing my expression.

Recovering from what I reassure myself was just a figment of my imagination.

"Sorry I was just so shocked you not only knew what artifical meant but you could even pronounce it too! I'm proud of you!" I congratulate her in a condescending manner.

"How dumb do you think I am!?" She launches a punching barrage on my upper arm.

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" I reassured to get her to stop her rapidly forming Dempsey Roll, "To answer your question, no Rotom are not artifical, they're as naturally ocurring as Taillows." 

I can see her about to ask more, but we were running late enough as it is so I get up back on schedule.

"Anyways as I was saying before we got off topic, this Rotom in particular was extra expensive because of some specially customized features." I gloat.

Seeing that May was just about done with her breakfast I decide to wrap things up.

"Rotom would you like to explain said features, perferably in a quick and concise manner, we're running short on time." I asked but it was really for a request.

"Of course, Dante! First of all I am specifically trained by world renowned movie directors and as well as many famous photographers. Given my aerodynamic form capable of flight, I'm able to implement this knoledge into capturing the best angles and shots even while on the move."

"I am especially well versed in recording Pokemon fights from intense and exciting angles normal cameras could never dream of. Even if they could they'd get in the way and disturb the fight, I'm quick enough that it's a non issue."

"Another feature of mine is my holographic projector, I can project images and screens visible to the naked eye. Dante in particular wanted me to write a program in which I display the live chat pertaining to his Twitch account."

"Similarly-" I interrupted it there.

"Alright Rotom you can stop now, those were the main three." I said.

"As you wish."

I looked over at my companion to see her processing the information overload.

"Wait follow along as you walk? Perfect for recording Pokemon fights? Holographic chat that you can read while on the move…?" She reiterated with a puzzled look on her face.

May might look and act like an airhead, and granted she kind of is, but she's not stupid. She was already starting to piece things together and I could see that from her expression.

Realization suddenly hit her, "Wait are you planning on livestreaming our-

I interrupt before she can finish that thought.

"Rotom now! Go live!" My words rushed out, enabling the protocol me a rotom had practiced the day before.

"Going Live!"

"Now follow me Rotom, and make sure to get the best angles, I leave it up to your judgment." Having said my piece I book it out of my house, I can feel May hot on my heels however. Her shrill voice screeching out my name in outrage.

I burst out laughing and rush to my garage where I bring out my trust bike. "Golden Red Lightning."

No, I don't have a problem, you do!

I adjust my seat and make sure everything's in tip top shape.

I hadn't adressed Chat at all because I was waiting for people to start rolling in before I said anything.

I turn to my right side to see the semi translucenct screen besides me I'm almost reminded of my own cheat ability. Except instead of my supernatural ability it's the unfiltered thoughts of a bunch of basment dwellers.

[Shadowstep12:Hello? Did he go live on accident or something?]

[Howdy_Fellow_Kids: why is he ignoring us?]

[Not_Annoying: are you gonna play tekken!?]

[Crack_Head: if you take any longer to adress us I'll have to fine you!

Righg below said Chat, is a concurrent viewer counter.

[2204 Viewers]

"Hmm, I guess that's good enough." I said speaking to chat for the first time. "Make sure to explain what I'm about to tell you to the rest of chat when they show up." I request of my audience but more specifically my paid moderators.

"Before that however", I turn to look at the fuming teenage girl who had just caught up.

[ProudMomOf2: Is that little May?]

[PiplupSupremacy: bestie!!! <3]

[IHateLucarioGardevoirZor-: It's May the Professional Clout Chaser!]

[Pokemon_Master12:Is this a may stream? Was that the special thing he mentioned.]

[Long_OakWood: @Pokemon_Master12, he said it's unlike anything we've ever seen, we've seen May, dipshit]

[Pokemon_Master12: @Long_OakWood, fuck you!]

"Hop on, May." I motion to the back of my seat where she usually sits.

"You still haven't answered my question!" She demanded.

"I will! God, you're so impatient." I click my tongue at her. "Now hop on, I'm about to explain while simultaneously answering your concerns."

She lets out a sigh of frustartion as if I'm the unreasonable one! No self-awarness.

As she trodded her way over I assumed she'd hop on like I said, instead she nudged me of the seat and sat down herself.

"I'll pedal, you'll die of a heartattack if you try to bike us all the way there while simultaneously interacting with chat."

I want to argue but it's a valid concern, May definitely has more Stamina than me, it wouldn't affect much ordinarily but I live pretty far out in the outskirts of our town. Far from where May and the professor live.

If I try to cover that distance at the speed in which we need to not arrive late coupled with me talking. I'd probably suffer a heatstroke, this is Hoenn after all.

"Fine, let's go." I sit behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

[Runic: Typical Dante move, letting the girl carry his weight, couldn't be me]

[Freeze!: couldn't be me.]

As May was peddling us over to the Professor laboratory, I take the time to answer some questions knowing they'd probably perfectly lead into me explaining the situation and the premise.

Sure enough, it's almost like I wrote the questions myself the way they were perfectly written for me to segue into the wider topic.

[Dante_Simp: wait I just noticed, who tf is recording!?]

[Future_Kalos_Queen: how did i not notice that?]

[Dragon_Queen667: world's steadiest hands. Maybe a drone?]

[Science_is_the_future: definitely a drone its literally gliding through the air.]

[FilialGranddaughter: also why does he keep turning right to respond to chat, i didn't think much of it since thats usually where hsi second monitor is, but he's literally moving on a bike?]

[CasualLurker: tf is this fever dream?]

"I'm glad you're all so curious." I go on to explain Rotom and his purpose, I even order Rotom to film the holographic twitch chat which I had previously told him to hide in order to not ruin the surprise.

As expected my Chat started going crazy, I could almost see the gears turning in some of the smarter memebers of my audience.

So like with May, before they could ruin the surprise. I finally let out the truth.

"That's right," I intoned, channeling as much of my S-Rank Charism as I could, I knew this would get clipped to high hell, the most I could do is give people a reason to follow, "I'm sure some of you have already pieced it together!"

"I've told you guys a multitude of times over my entire streaming career, that I would one day set off on a Pokemon journey. I told you of my ambitions and my aspirations."

"Many of you, perhaps justifiably assumed I'd give up streaming, at the ver least take a break. But you're wrong, streaming is what I love doing, but so is Pokemon training."

"Logic dictates, I can't have my cake and eat it too right? Pick one or lose both?" 

"Well fuck logic! Who says I can't have both!? I'm not giving up streaming! I never will! I loudly exclaimed..

Out of the corner of my eye I could see my Chat going crazy, my Charisma stat obviously doing its job.

[PiplupSupremacy: LEETSS GOOO!"]

[TutuPrince: HYPE! HYPE! HYPE! HYPE!]

"That's not all, the focus of my channel will no longer be Video games, it will be an adventure stream! That's right I will livestream my entire Pokemon journey!" I said finally letting the cat out the bag.

I hear May let out a bark of laughter, though not one of surprise. She had obviously figured it out and was only awaiting my confirmation.

Though far be it for me to already be done, I continue with my impromptu speech.

"Experience everything you never could, the joys of battle, the joys of training, the sorrow of lose and defeat, the curiosity of new horizons, all of it for your consumption via this channel, Dante's Inferno!"

"Live vicariously through the screen and be inspired. This world has so much to offer, and I intend to take it all! So should you!"

"As for me, I will conquer the world if it's the last thing I do! You're looking at the future Hoenn Champion!" 

Caught up in the hype and the excitment, I balance as best I can on the back of the seat and fully stand up, I do my best Kamina pose and point towards the heavens before bellowing out, "You alone will bear witness to my acension. Follow me on my rise to the top!"

May panicked between her joyful laughter, "You're gonna fall, sit down dum-dum!" But even she couldn't hide her smile obviously caught up in the moment.

She even started to speed up, peddling even harder in excitment, contrary to her words.

I continue, "And if you think I cant do it that's all the more reason to tune in, try to prove me wrong! But you obviously don't know who the hell I am."

"I am Dante Fucking Cross! I. AM. HIM!" I screamed at the sky.

I finally collapsed back down into a sitting position, panting my lungs out in exhaustion, completely winded out my goddamn mind.

I try to read my chat only to give up, it's zooming way too fast for me too catch up. I end up bursting out in laughter at the way eveyone was so in disbelief.

As I laugh my heart out, not for the first time since my transmigration, I feel a familiar feeling well up inside me, something deeper than joy and elation.


I was grateful, grateful that I could be reborn into this wonderful world.

'This is going to be so much fun.' 

[A/N: That's Chapter 2, again if you liked it, please like and comment. I live for validation, I'd shrivel up and die without it. I promise we'll get to the starter stuff next chapter, May was just too easy to write and I got lost in doing so.]

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