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27.69% The Healer Prince : HOTD SI / Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Capítulo 18: Chapter 18

Chapter 18


The last couple of weeks had been a flurry of activity. The death of her Grand Aunt, Lady Maegella, followed by Uncle Daemon's apology and then their journey to Dragonstone itself. That would have been plenty of drama for one week, yet as she stood there with her mother, looking at the open ground in front of her, she felt perplexed and astonished at everything going on.

"I still don't understand! Why can't Father just have the agreement with Lord Lannister nulled? There wasn't even a proper betrothal between her and Jason Lannister," she questioned her mother, whose health seemed to have deteriorated with all the ruckus around her. Yet she had still insisted on coming to see the duel. So, she had accompanied all the nobles who had come for Lady Maegella's funeral.

"The Lannisters are High Lords themselves. Interfering in this matter could be looked upon as an overreach. Since the dispute is between Jason Lannister and Prince Aenys and is of a personal nature, it will not look good if the crown intervenes," explained her mother, yet Rhaenyra did not agree with her mother. So, she huffed.

"I think if Alicent and Uncle Aenys want to marry, they should be allowed to. Why does it have to be so complicated," she complained and watched as the two men walked out, wearing full armor. Her uncle wore an armor that was colored black with. It was as if the metal had been burnt in the fire. It had none of the sheens of regular metal and was pitch black. The only color came from the rubies adorning its chest, blue pearly stones that shone brightly even at such distance.

On the other hand, Jason Lannister's armor spoke of one thing only. Gold. It was often said that the more gold on a Lannister's armor, the higher their standing in the family, and it showed. He was the Lord of Casterly Rock, and his armor, seemed to be made of gold itself.

It was bright and shiny, with ornate lions fashioned into its design. She frowned as her father suddenly walked down and talked to her Uncle Aenys, she couldn't make out what was said, but her father seemed dejected as he walked back up to his platform.

She noticed how her mother's face paled as her father ascended to her platform. Perhaps she knew what was said.

"What did he say to him?" she asked her.

"He offered to call this all off one last time. And it seems Aenys refused his offer?" and Rhaenyra frowned at his words. As suddenly, the crowd roared as her Uncle Daemon walked out. She noticed Mother stiffen up once more at his appearance. He smiled as he joined his Gold Cloaks. Soon they would be returning to Kings Landing as well. There was laughter and jokes until suddenly, his uncle took out a pouch from his pocket and threw it at one of the men.

"Two hundred gold dragons on Jason Lannister," and the crowd roared at the bet. The bet also took aback Rhaenyra, yet Daemon spotted her and gave her a smile, and Rhaenyra felt that his face was bruised though she didn't really think much about it as he seemed fine otherwise.

Perhaps it's just my eyes.

She could hear the murmurs beginning because of Daemon's actions as the two fighters took their positions. Ser Harrold stood in the center, ready to officiate the duel, yet suddenly the whole area became dead silent again.

She looked to the side and found the cause of the duel walking to the crow. Alicent took measured steps in her white dress as she stepped forward with her brother by her side. Her eyes seemed swollen, and Rhaenyra noticed that she was still mutilating her thumb. The biggest surprise was that she did not join her father, Lord Otto, in the royal tent. No, she went to the opposite side and joined Lady Rhaenys and her husband.

Suddenly she noticed the darkening clouds and frowned as gusts of wind began to blow. The weather seemed to have taken a rather unusual turn as dark clouds began to gather in earnest. Yet it had little effect on the two men adorned in full armor as stood there ready to face each other.

And then, as Lord Harrold Westerling looked at the two men and with a nod, he lowered his arm, indicating the start of the duel.



The sky had darkened as if showing its repulsion at the ensuing clash. Aenys stood there as he looked at the Lannister in his gilded armor. Jason Lannister took out his sword and got into his stance, with him deciding to do the same. The sword he was wielding wasn't the Valyrian steel sword. By the rules of the duel, he couldn't use the superior blade. It was a regular castle-forged sword, thinner than the regular bastard sword to make it lighter, just the way he like it.

Ser Harrold looked at each of us and then and brought down his hand.

"BEGIN!" and then a fierce cry, the dance of steel began. Jason Lannister rushed at him, his sword aiming straight for his head. Aenys brought up his own sword to guard himself. The power behind his strike surprised him, yet he hadn't been idle all those years. Aenys gritted his teeth as he pushed his feet into the ground and pushed back, and then Jason pulled back, and the duel began in earnest.

"You made a huge mistake in challenging me, Prince Aenys. You should have stuck to healing people," muttered Jason as their swords met again and again.

"I don't even see what's so special about her. But perhaps I shall find out when I bed on our wedding night," the man taunted him, yet Aenys did not respond to his taunts. Though it seemed that the heaven's patience had run thin as the downpour began and drenched them both. Raindrops hammered against their armor, making it difficult to see or get a proper footing on the soft ground, yet they did not stop.

Jason's attacks were calculated and ruthless. Each aimed precisely at a vital point. One mistake and Aenys would be dead. Yet his defense of methodical. He had always known that he had little talent regarding swords or spears. So, he had learned to defend. Defend. Defend and defend. It wasn't the breathtaking swordsmanship of Daemon, yet it was just as effective.

With a fierce cry, our swords met, and the dance of steel began. Jason's strikes were calculated, his movements precise. Yet, I matched him, step for step, my training and Valyrian steel guiding my every motion. Raindrops mingled with sweat upon my brow as the rhythm of our duel quickened.

"Have you given up, Prince Aenys? Don't worry, I will take good care of that sword of yours," the blonde bastard taunted him again. Yet he also made a mistake in his overconfidence as he swung wider than usual.

Aenys gripped his sword tight and moved forward, surprising the bastard as he aimed a kick right at his chest.

"AHH!" the Lannister was pushed back as Aenys began attacking him, and now the blonde idiot was on the back foot. The sound of water splattering vanished even as heavy rain tried to drown them both.

And just as he had made the perfect opening, Aenys swung at his undefended shoulder, yet tragedy struck him as his foot slipped. Giving the Lannister a lifeline and a chance to finish it all.

Jason wasn't known as a talented warrior for nothing, for the man did not let go of the chance and aimed a slash straight at his head.

Aenys tried to defend himself as he brought up his sword.

"THUNG!" yet it broke. Shattered as the crowd gasped as searing pain ran through him.

"AGHH!" Aenys reeled back in pain as the sword left a gash on his face, reddening his vision. However, he wasn't done yet. As Jason Lannister rushed to end the fight, instead of running away, Aenys closed the distance between them as he ducked away from his slash and took out a dagger from his side.

He smashed him in the face, breaking both their helmets and rendering them useless as he tried to stab the man.

The ground wasn't just terrible for him, but fate compensated him as Jason Lannister struggled to get good footing. Aenys could slash the man's exposed shoulder with his shorter dagger.

"AHHHH! You bastard!" he cursed him as he was forced to drop his sword as well. He also tried to attack him as he swung his arm wildly, but it was evident that the man had no training in hand-to-hand combat.

Aenys had the advantage now as the rain continued to pour down. And he knew it, and then in a flurry of barrage, he had the Lannister on his back.

"Yield!" Aenys offered, his body tiring as blood ran down his face.

"NEVER!" said Jason Lannister as he struggled to get Aenys off, but Aenys had the upper hand now, and so he began to punch the man. Jason Lannisters face became bloody as he couldn't react to his flurry of blows.

"YIELD!" Aenys yelled again, and Jason Lannister did not reply before finally opening his mouth.

"I...," and Aenys stopped as his body relaxed, and as the adrenaline rush came off, he finally heard the huge ruckus around him. He frowned as he looked up and found everyone running away in panic. They were shouting and running away like animals. And suddenly, the ground shook as a loud roar made the whole island shake.

"ROAAAAAAR!" Aenys looked back, and his eyes widened as he saw a giant shadow heading straight at him.

Vhagar was the largest dragon alive, and its size was only smaller than the now-dead Black Dread itself. It rushed straight for them as it opened its giant maw, which lit up.

"GET AWAY, MY PRINCE!" came the shout of Ser Harrold, yet Aenys knew it was too late. Yet he did not give up as he struggled to stand up. He tried, slipped, and crawled as he tried to escape. Yet it seemed there was no hope. He closed his eyes as he readied himself for the fire, yet suddenly there was another roar.

"ROARRRR!" and then suddenly, he heard Vhagar screech in pain as it closed its mouth. Aenys opened his eyes, and relief ran through him as he watched his dragon Grey Ghost attack Vhagar with its flame.

Vhagar flew past him as it headed for the skies again. Every instinct inside of him told him to run. To run away with time, Grey Ghost had gotten him. But how could he let his dragon die like that?

He looked to the platform up above and found it completely empty except for his sword. He rushed towards it as Vhagar vanished into the clouds once more. When it flew past him, he hadn't missed the small shadow holding onto it for dear life.

So, he ran as she shouted.

"Nudho! naejot nyke!" (GREY! TO ME!)

And his dragon responded and screeched as it landed near him. Aenys picked up his sword and watched as Vhagar returned to attack them once more, as it spewed fire from its mouth as it flew straight at them.

"Sōves" (FLY!)

He ordered as he took the reins of his dragon in his hand. Grey Ghost screeched as it flapped its wings. Vhagar's age had slowed it, and even among the dragons, Grey Ghost was probably the fastest dragon alive.

They were able to escape the flames as they took to the sky, and Aenys was finally able to look around, and yet he found no sign of help. Both Daemon and Rhaenyra had dragons on the island yet there seemed to be no sign of either Ceraxes or Syrax.

He pulled the reins of Grey, and it headed to the sky as they flew right above Vhagar's head, and his guess had been correct as he watched a young Laena Velaryon holding onto its saddle for dear life.

"JUMP INTO THE SEA! SWIN TO SHORE!" Aenys shouted at her as he flew past her as he stopped Grey Ghost from attacking Vhagar with his flames.

Vhagar felt them above him and tried to circle in the air to face them, yet they were faster. And Aenys pulled the reins, and they dropped back before suddenly Grey Ghost zoomed through the rain, and they hid under Vhgar's exposed belly.


And Grey Ghost responded to his order as it attacked the larger Vhagar's exposed underside with his flames.

"AGHHHH!" Vhagar screeched in pain and tried to bludgeon them with its tail, yet Aenys had his dragon circle up as it avoided its tail.

The rain continued to pour down. Blood covered his face as he battled the biggest dragon alive for dear life.

Tired. Alone.

And Betrayed.



Alicent watched as Aenys mounted his dragon and refused to escape. Her heart gave out as she watched him barely avoid the attack from Vhagar as they ran to take shelter in a nearby cave.

"He is still there. You have to help him, your grace. There are other dragon riders present here," she pleaded to the King, whose face was pale, his breath heavy as they walked into the cave. She could hear Lady Rhaenys wailing in the back as Lord Corlys held her back from running back into the open.

"LAENAAA!" she cried as she dropped onto her knees, crying in agony for her daughter.

Rhnaeyra had joined them now, as had Prince Daemon. And ALicent had not forgotten his words to Aenys but she had to try, so she spoke up again.

"Aenys will die out there alone. Perhaps with Ceraxes and Syrax, they could subdue Vhagar," she pleaded, and Rhaenyra nodded.

"She is right, father. Syrax is in the second cave to the left. I could try and help. By then, Daemon can join with Ceraxes," and hope bubbled in her chest as Rhaenyra stood up before she had taken a single step.

"NO!" came the booming reply from the King, killing all her hope. Rhaenyra seemed appalled as she turned to face the King.

"What are you saying, Father? Uncle Aenys is still out there. We have to help him." Argued Rhaenyra. And Alicent flanked outside again and watched as Vhagar screeched in pain as a silvery blur attacked its underbelly. Suddenly the giant dragon swung its tail to attack the silvery smaller dragon, but it was faster as it suddenly flipped through the air and came to fly above it. Beginning another attack.

"I will not have you risk your life like that! I might lose a brother today; I am not ready to lose a daughter as well," and Alicent's breath hitched as she heard those words. And she realized the truth behind Aenys's words from earlier. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Ser Criston! See to it that my daughter doesn't leave this cave!" the King ordered the Kingsguard, and Rhaenyra seemed equally distraught.

"What are you doing, father? He is your brother!" she then looked at her Prince.

"Uncle Daemon, say something. He is your brother. We can make it. With Syrax and Ceraxes, we can subdue Vhagar," pleaded Rhaenyra, but Prince Daemon was unmoved.

"Ceraxes is too far, and there is a massive chance that even with three dragons, Vhagar overpowers us all," Alicent couldn't stand, but Gwayne supported her from the side.

"Your grace, your brother nearly flew himself to death when you called him for the Queen. You cannot just abandon him like this," she tried again, but the King just looked down and refused to look at her, for he knew exactly what he was doing.

"You cannot do this! You cannot! He would have rushed out without a second thought if it were any of you. GODS! Yet you betray him like this, have you no shame, you coward, but she was suddenly cut off.

"THAT IS ENOUGH ALICENT!" came her father's booming voice, and she looked back to find him standing there.

"See how you speak to the King! Sometimes we must make difficult decisions for the greater good, and this is one of those times." He chastised her. Alicent looked around and found everyone was evading her gaze as they all lowered their heads, refusing to meet her gaze, for they knew they were guilty.

She didn't know what to do. The ground continued to shake, and she felt her eyes moisten at their cruelty. She couldn't look back. She just couldn't. Her mind raced as he thought up any way she could help. Thinking of any way that she could compel them to move. And suddenly, she remembered just the thing.

"YOU HAVE TO HELP HIM!" she shouted suddenly. And just as the King was about to shake his head again, she continued.

"You have to because Prince Aenys is special. He is a…," but the ground shook heavily before she could finish her sentence.

"LOOK THERE! THE PRINCE IS WINNING!" said someone from the crowd, and she turned to look at the ensuing battle once again. Vhagar screeched again in agony and pain. And Alicent watched as a silvery blur lit the giant dragon's wing on fire.

"What about my Laena!" suddenly questioned Princess Rhaenys.

"I saw something small fall to the sea. Perhaps it was Lady Laena. Does she know how to swim?" asked the stranger, and Lord Corlys replied as Lady Rhaenys dropped to her knees.

"Yes, she does," and she felt a faint sense of hope in his voice.

"Vhagar's injured. Its wing is too damaged now," spoke Rhaenyra from the side, and Alicent also noticed how the larger dragon was struggling to fly. By then, the silver dragon of Prince Aenys had vanished once more.

"He is using his speed. Vhagar's major advantages are its rugged scales and massive size. By attacking the underbelly without scales, he is leaving massive damage. He is using hit-and-run tactics," muttered Rhaenyra, and she gasped as suddenly a silver blur appeared from the clouds above and lit the other wing of Vhagar on fire as well.

"ROARRRRR!" screeched the giant dragon, the painful cry of the massive dragon was so loud that it reached even their cave. And suddenly, she saw the Grey Ghost and Aenys approach Vhagar, closer than they had ever been, when suddenly she noticed him throw something at the giant dragon.

"What's he doing? He is getting too close!" gasped Rhaenyra as Vhagar turned its head to the side and spewed a massive mountain of fire straight at Grey Ghost.

"NOOOO!" she screamed as the fire engulfed the young white dragon, but thankfully the dragon suddenly flapped apart its wings and came to a screeching halt before it suddenly vanished into the skies again.

"It's injured. But what was he doing getting so close to Vhagar like that?" questioned Rhaenyra, perplexed she had the same question in her mind, and suddenly the clouds thundered!


Lightning struck, but it did not strike the ground or the sea. NO.

It struck Vhagar.

"ROAAR!" the giant dragon roared in pain, and Alicent watched as it faltered. Its massive body began to fall.

Lightning struck once again. Striking the dragon once more. What the hell was going on?

"Is the Prince controlling lighting? Is he blessed by the Storm God," someone gasped, and it seemed like that as the giant Dragon struggled even to roar. And then, in a blazing flurry, the Prince appeared from the clouds again.

And attacked Vhagar again and again. And again. Until the giant dragon completely stopped flapping its giant wings.

"He's done it! He has killed that beast!" said Lord Corlys as Vhagar's giant body began to fall, heading straight for the land before them. People were already rushing out, Lord Corlys among them.


And the ground shook heavily as the giant dragon's body crashed into the land itself. The cave was beginning to empty out as people rushed to see the massive body of the Vhagar. Yet few could do nothing but stand still, their heads hanging low in shame/

The King, Queen, and Prince Daemon all stood there, with complicated expressions on their faces as they watched Grey Ghose descend slowly, but before landing, it doused the corpse of Vhagar in flames once more and flew past it and turned back, and did it again. And again. Vhagar showed no reaction to it, hence confirming its demise.

It landed on the beast's side, and she had also begun running by then. The King and his retinue behind her as the Prince descended from his dragon, blood caked onto his face. His gait was wobbly, yet none approached him, for they stood in awe of his accomplishment.

She rushed past the crowd and headed to the front as they parted way for the King behind her. She halted as she reached the front. She noticed the Prince's eyes land on her. Suddenly his face hardened as he looked up at the King and Rogue Prince behind her.

Everyone was silent, and only the sound of water splattering filled the air. She noticed several people diving into the sea, probably searching for Lady Laena Velaryon.

She expected anger, hate, and contempt. She had thought that the Prince would shout, rage, and rave, yet his reaction was none of those things as he began to chuckle before breaking down into a full-blown laugh.

"HAHAAHAHA! HAAAA! HAHAHA!" yet it was not a laugh of joy. No, it was not a laugh at all. It was a broken cry of a man who stood alone even in a gathering of thousand. Who stood alone in the presence of his own kin.


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