nside the opulent halls of the royal palace in Alubarna, King Cobra sat upon his intricately carved throne, a regal figure dressed in flowing robes befitting his noble stature. At his side stood Chaka, the tall and imposing head guard of Alabasta, known for his fierce loyalty and unwavering dedication to the royal family.
Gathered around the king were the four Tsumegeri Guards, a group clad in unique armor that set them apart from the regular Arabasta Royal Guards. Their turbans adorned with a distinctive duck headband and wings on each side, and their faces marked with a single line of war paint, a symbol of their allegiance and unity.
Chaka's deep voice resonated in the grand chamber as he reported the unusual incident that had befallen the palace guards. "Your Majesty," he began, his tone respectful yet concerned, "Some of our palace guards suddenly collapsed and started snoring at the end of their shift..."
Brah, one of the enigmatic Tsumegeri Guards, a man tall with a hunchbacked appearance and his eyes obscured by a veil of brown hair, stepped forward. His voice held a hint of urgency as he added, "Your Majesty, there was a strange pillar of flame that erupted outside the city gates. It was a sight to behold and caught everyone's attention. Pell had no choice but to leave his station and investigate the matter."
The room fell silent for a moment as the gravity of the situation settled upon King Cobra's features. He furrowed his brow, contemplating the simultaneous occurrences that had disrupted the palace's tranquility. "A pillar of flame and guards collapsing," he mused, his mind working to discern any connection between the two events.
As the discussion unfolded in the grand chamber, another figure stepped forward, adding his voice to the council.
Arrow, a man with an imposing presence, tall and thin with a pointed chin, and his face adorned with intricate face paint, spoke with an air of authority. "Your Majesty," he began, his keen eyes scanning the room, "With the sudden appearance of so many mercenaries and bounty hunters in Alabasta, these two incidents cannot be mere coincidences. There's something sinister at play."
Hyota, a man of tremendous physical strength, his muscles rippling beneath his clothing and his chin covered in a large stubble, chimed in with a nod. "Arrow's right," he asserted. "These people stirring unrest and tarnishing your name, they might have grown too bold in their actions."
Barrerl, a man of robust build with a prominent nose, added his voice in agreement, "Absolutely. It's possible they're planning an attack on you, Your Majesty."
Chaka, who had been listening intently, nodded in concurrence with the other guards' assessments. "Given the circumstances, it would be prudent for Your Majesty to take shelter in your study for now," he suggested, his loyalty to the king evident in his every word. "We will comb through the palace and ensure there are no intruders or threats lurking within."
King Cobra considered the advice of his loyal guards and the possible implications of the incidents that had occurred. "Very well," he conceded, his voice steady despite the underlying concern. "I will take refuge in my study until we can ascertain the situation."
Chaka nodded in agreement, his stoic expression firm. "Your safety is of utmost importance, Your Majesty," he said, turning to King Cobra with a determined look. "I will personally escort you to your study, and the others will take command of the guard and comb the palace thoroughly."
King Cobra smiled, appreciative of Chaka's loyalty and dedication. "Thank you, Chaka, for your hard work and unwavering commitment to protecting the kingdom," he said warmly.
As they began to move towards the king's study, Chaka positioned himself beside the door, ready to stand guard. "Please stay in your study for the time being, Your Majesty," Chaka instructed, his gaze never leaving his duty.
King Cobra nodded, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation. "I trust in your capabilities, Chaka," he replied with confidence before entering the room.
Having entered the study and closed the door behind him, King Cobra froze as he found a tall, blonde young man sitting on Cobra's desk, his intense gaze fixed on the king with an amused smile.
King Cobra sighed, recognizing the mischievous look in the young man's eyes, and said, "It's been a while, young marine." He added with a hint of sarcasm, "I'll assume you have good intentions this time as well since I'm still alive..."
Cedric, with an air of nonchalant confidence, chuckled lightly and swung his legs off the desk, landing gracefully on the floor. "Of course, King Cobra," Cedric replied, his smile unwavering, "In fact, I have nothing but good intentions at heart. Though I'm not a marine anymore..."
With a friendly grin, he continued, "I've heard about the little problem you had, and I couldn't resist coming all the way from Water Seven to help."
King Cobra's relief was evident in his expression as he said, "That is a relief indeed. Your assistance is most welcome."
Cedric leaned back against the desk, crossing his arms casually. "That's me, always happy to help...." he said with a shrug.
King Cobra chuckled, remembering the reverie meeting. "Indeed..." Cobra replied, "Though I can't deny that your methods are sometimes... unconventional."
Cedric grinned playfully. "That's what makes life interesting, isn't it?" he remarked.
As the initial pleasantries settled, King Cobra decided to address the burning question on his mind. "I'm guessing you were responsible for my guards making fools of themselves?" He inquired.
Cedric's smile didn't waver, but he nodded in confirmation. "Guilty as charged... they'll be alright through..." he admitted, "I couldn't risk approaching the palace directly, given my status as a wanted pirate. But I had to make sure I got your attention."
King Cobra let out a resigned chuckle. "First the Reverie and now this... you certainly have a knack for causing a stir," he commented.
Cedric laughed good-naturedly. "Well, it got us talking, didn't it? Now, let's get down to business," he suggested, his tone turning more serious.
Cobra nodded, appreciating Cedric's focus. "Agreed. So, what do you propose we do about this situation?" he asks.
Cedric leaned back against the desk, his confident grin never fading. "First of all, King Cobra," he began, "you shouldn't be too worried about the bounty hunters and mercenaries. I'm not entirely sure, but they are most likely here because of me."
King Cobra's frown deepened, intrigued and concerned by Cedric's statement. "What do you mean, Cedric?" he asked, trying to understand the connection.
Cedric's grin widened mischievously, and he replied, "Well, you see, I'm a wanted pirate with quite a high bounty on my head. Not to mention, I happen to be considerably strong, making me a variable that anyone scheming in Alabasta would want to eliminate."
Comprehension dawned on King Cobra's face as he realized the implications. "You're saying that whoever is behind the organization that's stirring unrest in my kingdom is worried about your presence here," he deduced with a nod.
Cedric nodded, confirming King Cobra's suspicions. "Exactly," he said, his tone serious. "Whoever is behind the organization that Princes Vivi has infiltrated, was the likely the one responsible for calling these people here..."
"Whether they are his underlings or just a random group of overconfident idiots here to claim my bounty..." Cedric said with a sigh, trailing off. "I'm not really sure, but it doesn't matter either way..."
The king was taken aback, not just by the revelation but also by the fact that Cedric seemed to be well-informed about Vivi's secret mission. "Wait a minute," Cobra said, a touch of disbelief in his voice, "how do you know about Vivi's mission?"
Cedric chuckled, seemingly pleased with the king's astonishment. "I have my ways of staying informed," he replied cryptically with a chuckle. "I also met here in Nanohana, by the way... she told me to say hi to you, and before you ask, she seemed fine..."
King Cobra nodded, sighing in relief now that he knew his daughter was still safe and sound. "It's good to hear that she's okay... but you still haven't told me what you suggest we do...?"
Cedric's expression turned thoughtful as he leaned forward slightly. "We need to find out who's behind all this," he said. "I have it on good authority that the Baroque Works organization is working to destabilize your reign over Alabasta..."
"The person pulling their strings has to be someone with considerable resources... someone powerful enough to command so many capable mercenaries..." Cedric continued. "I already have someone in mind, but how about we discuss the small matter of my payment first...?"
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