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48% Reincarnated in The Owl House / Chapter 12: The mind, the wolf, and the lady

Capítulo 12: The mind, the wolf, and the lady

middle of the night, somewhere unknown...

As I felt myself floating through the comforting embrace of sleep I felt my back laying on what felt like grass. "Huh, where am I?" I said as I opened my eyes and sat up to look around to see a forest of pine trees.

"Weird," I said to myself as I got up and started to walk towards a path I spotted near me. As I walked down that path, the forest seemed to change with the trees becoming red like maple trees. "What's happening?" I mumbled as I started to become more concerned, feeling like something was watching before I walked faster along the path. "That was quite the disappointment, young hunter." I heard a deep voice say from behind me as I turned around startled.

"Who are you? What is this place? And my name's not hunter." I said feeling unnerved as I heard rustling around me. "You could have killed that feathered pest if you tried harder but chose to rely on an unknown plan made by a girl you barely know." The deep voice said the rustling became louder. "How did you know that?" I said feeling even more unnerved as I got ready to cast a bard spell. "I wouldn't try that if I were you." The voice said as I held it near my lips. "And why is that?" I said as I felt something knock me down from behind before I flipped over to see the same red eyes I knew too well. "What?! Why are you here, wherever this is?" I said confusion and distress as it stared at me impassively.

"What are you truly surprised to see me?" Stalker said as he seemed to smile at my distress. "No, not exactly. I mean, after seeing you chasing me in Connecticut, which at that time was surprising since I thought you were dead... and I'm getting off-topic, it wasn't all that surprising to see you now since I already saw you.

"I was expecting to see you again but this weird place surprised me," I said explaining my surprise. "Wait how can you even speak?" I asked as I continued on my dialogue as it seemed to become progressively frustrated. "Silence child!" Stalker yelled as I shut up. "Good now to explain where we are... we are in your mindscape where your memories give shape to a world within your mind," Stalker said as I looked around. "This also explains why I can talk, since I can vocalize my thoughts in a mental world." Stalker continued to explain. "That's great and all but does that mean you're a memory or some ghost that possessed my body?" I asked as it looked at me unamused. "No I am not a memory nor am I a ghost." It said as I looked at it even more confused.

"Wait then what are you?" I asked still confused. "I am the consciousness of the creature that you killed. "So you're saying that Stalker's consciousness, which is you, got into my mind? How and if you're only his consciousness then how did you chase me and Mama Camila?" I asked as it looked at me dissatisfied for some reason. "I am not 'Stalker', my name is the Great Hunter of the void and for your other queries, I was absorbed by you through my blood and I manifested through your magic." The newly named Great Hunter said as I went into deep thought.

"Hm, a new nickname, a new nickname... wait you can use my magic?!" I said panicked as I stood up and backed away. "Do not worry I do not intend to use it maliciously." It said as I looked at it wary. "And why is that?" I asked as a confident smile appeared on his face. "Because I intend to make you the greatest hunter as my successor!" It said as I thought as I looked on confused. "What?" Is all I could say as its smile turned to a grin. "Like I said I will turn you into a great hunter since I cannot have my reputation besmirched by you who defeated me and as my successor." The Great Hunter said as I just stared at him. 'This situation is eerily similar to a talk I had with Ego.' I thought as I relaxed my body from its tense stance. "Sorry, but I'm already someone else's successor," I said as I decided to walk away from it. "Yes, you shall be- what do you mean you're already someone's successor?" The hunter said as he ran up to me. "Do you mean that old man that you met before coming to this world?" It said surprising me. "Seriously how do you know this stuff!" I asked exasperated as I turned to it.

"Well I did technically hitch a ride here with you through that weird string but it was mostly from looking through your memories." The hunter said as I looked at it with wide eyes. "You were there when I met Ego?" I asked in surprise. "Oh is that his name." The Hunter said as I looked at him angrily. "So you were there when I was transported!" I said before I realized something. "That means... I helped you to get here, so then why did you try to attack me!" I asked angrily as it looked at me like I was stupid.

"I was in a weakened state when I crossed and was delirious, you can't blame me for acting on instinct." It... no, he stated as he turned away from my gaze. "More importantly back to the topic of you being my successor-" He said before I interrupted him. "No, I won't, not until you say sorry for attacking Luz and me," I said as the Hunter turned back towards me with a serious expression. "I will not, I stand by my statement and I will not let a child undermine my pride." He said in a deadly serious tone as I kept staring him straight into his eyes unflinching. "Fine then you can take those powers back," I said as I started walking off faster than before. "Wait child as your predecessor I will not let you waste the powers I gave you!" The hunter said as I turned back. "And as I said, I'll just give them to someone else unless you have a reason or an apology." I said still exasperated.

"You cannot give them away!" He said not stating a reason. "And why is that, Oh Great Hunter?" I said as it looked to the side bitterly. "Because it is not possible to give them away unless you die." The Hunter said causing me to freeze as my expression became blank. "Come again?" I said as he sighed. "You can only give them away when you're killed." He said in a lower more serious tone than before. "Hm ok well you have fun here, I'm going to wake up now," I said sarcastically as I closed my eyes only to open them to see I was in the same place. "Why didn't I wake up? Shouldn't I have woken up when I closed my eyes?" I said questioning ahhh I wasn't awake.

"Fine if you don't want my powers now then I'll respect your wishes but don't expect me to help you if you need to shapeshift, now wake up." He said as his tail brushed my face before my eyes shot open, finding myself looking at the roof of a house. "Huh!" I said as I quickly sat up to see Anne jump in the armchair she was sitting on that was near the couch I was sleeping on. "Whoa! Hey there Chris wasn't expecting you to wake up suddenly... or loudly." Anne said surprised as she got up and walked to me. "Are you ok you seem pretty freaked out?" Anne asked before I realized how I looked as I regained my composure and smiled.

"It's nothing, just a dream. Moving on from that, what is that delicious smell?" I asked as I smelled a delicious scent coming from the kitchen. "Oh that's mom making breakfast, you want some?" Anne asked as I nodded. "Great then let's head to the kitchen," Anne said smiling as she walked towards the direction of the kitchen before I got up off the couch and followed her. 'Was that really a dream?' I questioned in my head as I sat down at the kitchen table. "Oh, Chris good morning." I heard from behind me as I saw Mr.Boonchuy and Mrs.Boonchuy sitting down at the other end of the table. "Good morning Mr. and Mrs Boonchuy,"I said with a smile as I looked towards the plate in front of me with eggs and bacon. "Thanks for the breakfast," I said as Mrs.Boonchuy smiled. "You're welcome, Chris." She said as we started eating with me listening to Anne and Mrs. and Mr Boonchuy chatting with each other.

Time skip 2 hours...

"Bye Chris! I hope we have another sleepover soon!" Anne said as I walked through a portal I made going back to Connecticut. "Bye," I said smiling as I close the door causing the portal to close. "Ugh, that was exhausting! Why do I have to get involved in something chaotic almost every day?" I asked myself before I felt a hand on my shoulder. "That's because you're a magnet for trouble, welcome back Mijo." I heard from behind me as I turned around to see Mama Camila standing there. "Oh hey Mama Camila you would not believe what happened at the sleepover-" I said before stopping myself as I noticed the smile on Mama Camila's face wasn't one of happiness. "Oh I know what happened and I have some words for you about it," Camila said as I froze there before I was dragged by her towards the house.

"Please Mama Camila, I wasn't trying to cause trouble, please you have to believe me!" I yelled in vain as I was eventually dragged inside. An hour or so passed with me screaming as I was hit with a Chancla before I was sent down to my room in the basement. "Ow! Did I do something that bad to deserve being grounded?" I questioned as I tenderly rubbed my backside which was stinging quite. "I mean yeah I summoned that portal but I didn't draw that bird out! I only tried to deal with the problem that was caused by it coming through the portal." I said before groaning. "Who am I kidding? None of that would've happened if I just didn't make the portal in the first place or closed it quicker." I said as I paced around my room. "None of this would be so complicated on th-" I said before pausing when I heard the door to the basement creak open.

"Hello? Chris? Are you down there?" I heard a voice that I knew belonged to Luz say as I heard Luz walk down the steps. "Uh, hey Luz, Why are you here?" I asked as I finally saw her emerging from the stairway holding a book. "Well, I was wondering if you'd finish reading Good Witch Azura with me since you're grounded and all," Luz said seeming way too happy about this. "Uh sure but we can't stay up the whole day with school tomorrow," I said reminding Luz what day it was as her face changed from a smile to a look of panic. "Oh no my assignment, I forgot!" Luz said causing me to stare at her with a mix of confusion and amusement on my face. "*snicker* You forgot about your assignment, what class was it for?" I asked holding back a laugh. "I think it was for my music class?" Luz said, trying embarrassingly hard to remember. "Luz, you should really try to keep better track of your assignments," I stated as she looked at me embarrassed. "I do try, I try really hard." She said as her embarrassment turned to annoyance as she turned away. 'I think I may have made her mad.' I thought as the laugh I tried to hold back was harder to keep in. '*snicker* I just can't take her seriously with how she's acting.' I continued thinking as I smirked a bit at the immature and weird way she expressed herself.

'No I have to take this seriously, Luz is my friend and she's frustrated with me.' I thought snapping back from my previous thoughts as I walked up to Luz and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Luz I'm sorry for saying that you need to keep better track of your assignments, You're better at keeping track of your assignments than most people our age," I said trying to cheer up Luz as she turned her head around to look at me. "Even you?" Luz asked curiously as she looked me in the eye. 'Well I mean at this point school assignments aren't that hard to do so...' I thought as I stared at Luz. "Yeah compared to me in the past," I said vaguely as Luz smiled.

"Yeah! I'm better than Chris at something in school!" Luz said as I remembered something. 'Oh yeah, since this is my second time around I didn't really have many problems in school.' I thought remembering how boringly easy the classes were compared to High school. "Yeah yeah, that's great and all but your assignment?" I said reminding her as her face turned to one of panic. "Oh, shoot you're right! Could you please help me? I know you were good at a lot of stuff in our last school so please!" Luz asked pleadingly. "*sigh* Alright fine, what do we have to do?" I asked as Luz smiled and explained what the assignment was about before we worked on it together for about 15-20 minutes, completing it.

"Well, that was easy," I said plainly before turning to Luz who looked relieved to be finished with the assignment. "Yes, Finally done! Now I can watch Anime, Thank you, Chris!" Luz said hugging me suddenly before realizing what she did as she quickly stood up and ran towards the stairs of the basement. "Luz you forgot your paper!" I yelled to her as she did a 180 and ran back snatching her paper before hugging me again. "Whoa, what's with the second hug?" I asked as Luz only gave me a nervous giggle before running back up the stairs. "Girls can be so weird, especially ones from TV shows... Wait didn't she say she wanted to read Azura with me? I remember her saying that, you heard it too right Hissby?" I said looking down at my neck only to see Hissby gone. 'Huh guess he's off somewhere searching for mice again.' I thought before shrugging and reading some of my own books, more specifically an abomination magic textbook. 'Since this is a useful type of magic I might as well work on it more.' I thought as I spent the rest of the day reading it before eating dinner and going to sleep.

Time skip, the next morning...

"*yawn* good morning Hissby," I said greeting Hissby who was sitting on a pillow I laid out under a heat lamp I found in the basement. "So what's happening today? Oh, right school..." I said in a tired and disappointed tone as I stood up before changing into a new pair of clothes just as I heard my door slam open. "Chris are you awake yet!" I heard Luz excitedly yell down the stairs before she turned to me seeing my surprised face. "Yeah, I'm awake Luz," I said as Luz smiled. "Great, oh, and also Mama says that you need to be up soon or you won't get breakfast," Luz said before laughing mischievously as she closed the door without leaving me anytime to respond. "Well okay then?" I said confused as I finished getting ready. "Well now that's done with, it's time for breakfast," I said as I walked to the kitchen where I saw Luz eating what was probably my food. "What're you doing?" I asked before sighing as Luz turned to me with a smug smirk. "I'm eating your breakfast since you took too long muaha-" Luz tried to say before she seemed to choke on something causing me to smile.

'*snicker* Well that's karma.' I thought, debating whether I should help her before my thoughts were interrupted by footsteps entering the kitchen. "Luz!" Camila said as she noticed Luz choking causing her to rush over as she performed the Heimlich causing something to shoot out of her mouth. "*cough**cough**cough* Don't worry I'm ok!" Luz said smiling as a piece of egg landed on the floor by my feet. "Eghk!" I exclaimed before my face shifted from a smile to a look of disgust as I looked at the egg bit before backing away from what was left of my breakfast that Luz ate.

'Well, there goes my appetite.' I said before walking up to Camila who was standing by Luz. "Good morning Mama Camila." I greeted as Camila turned to me. "Oh, Chris good morning! How'd you sleep?" Camila asked as she smiled. "Ah, it was... fine." I said pausing for a moment as I remembered what happened in my 'dream'. "More importantly when are we leaving for school?" I asked curiously. "We'll be leaving shortly after you eat your... breakfast," Camila said before noticing my plate was already empty as she turned to me. 'Well, it turns out Luz eating my breakfast was convenient.' I thought as I smiled at Camila. "Your food was delicious Mama Camila, thank you for cooking," I said looking up at her as her smile became bigger than it already was.

"You're welcome now let's get you two to the car," Camila said as she took our hands in her own and lead us to the foyer where we put on our shoes before we walked to the side of the house where the car was located. "Chris..." I heard Luz who was following behind me say as I turned to her. "Thank you for not telling Mama about what I did," Luz said before I shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said before getting into the as I saw Luz sit down with a confused expression. "You seriously don't remember when I-" Luz said before I stopped her. "Do you know what playing dumb is?" I said rhetorically as a look of realization dawned on her face before she nodded. "Great now play dumb please?" I whispered as I sat back in my seat sighing. 'Let's hope school goes better than breakfast.' I thought as Camila finished backing out of the driveway.

Time skip, several minutes later...

"-The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round!- awww I wanted to sing more!" Luz said disappointed as her singing was interrupted by the radio being turned off as we pulled up to the school. 'Ugh finally! There are only so many toddler songs I can listen to before I get fed up!' I yelled internally as I opened the car door and hopped to the ground before I started to walk toward the entrance. "Chris wait." I heard Camila say as I stopped and faced her. "Yeah, what is it?" I ask as I see her help Luz down to the ground. "I need to talk to you about something," Camila asked as I nodded. "Ooh, can I talk about stuff with Chris too?" Luz said as she pulled out her book that she apparently brought to school. 'Seriously?' I thought before focusing back on Camila.

"Maybe later Mija but for now you need to get to class," Camila said as Luz nodded excitedly before walking off towards the school building. "Now that Luz isn't here, what did you want to talk about?" I asked curiously. "Well, I wanted to talk about your 'magic'," Camila whispered as I looked at her more focused than before. "What about it?" I said as I became curious why she brought it up. "Mijo do you remember our rule about portals and magic?" Camila said as I nodded in response. "Don't use it without supervision from you or another adult," I said before I internally deadpanned at myself saying adult like I wasn't technically an adult or almost an adult mentally. "Yes well Mijo, you should try not to do any magic while in school," Camila said with an awkward smile. 'Well yeah it's pretty obvious, I don't need to be told this.' I complained mentally as I smiled up at Camila.

"Of course Mama," I said calmly as I walked off to the school. 'Huh this is less impressive than Hexside but still, it is something.' I thought as I arrived at my classroom before noticing the flood of children who were walking into my assigned classroom as I walked in as well, looking at the classroom. "Excuse me?" I suddenly heard as I turned around to see a woman or rather a woMAN. 'Jesus, what's with all that muscle?' I thought as I looked at who I assumed was the teacher who looked like a professional bodybuilder. 'Nope, not talking to that.' I thought as the professional body- I mean the teacher continued talking to me. "Who are you, little guy? You seem to be new to the class." The teacher said as she looked at me curiously.

"Ah well my name is Chris Berming and I just transferred here from my previous school," I said as she looked at me in realization. "So you're the new student that I got. It's nice to meet you Chris, my name's Mrs.Fotry and I'll be your new teacher." She said as she put her hand forward. "Before any of that, can I ask you how much weight you can lift?" I asked as she looked at me confused. "Well I can lift about 200 lbs but why does that matter?" Mrs.Fotry asked still confused. "Ah, it's nothing just curious," I said moving on from the topic. "It's also nice to meet you Mrs.Fotry," I said as I tried to shake her hand keyword being tried as I could barely fit a finger or two in my hand. "Now please take your seat, we're about to begin class." Mrs.Fotry said as I looked for my seat which was labeled with my name before I sat down.

"Good morning class, how are you all doing today?" I heard Mrs.Fotry say as they all responded at the same time with mixed answers. "Well while it's not great to hear that some of you don't feel great today, I hope some of the things we do today make you feel better." She said as everyone responded with an ok. 'And I thought I almost forgot how boring this part of life was for me.' I thought to myself sarcastically as I laid back in my chair before Mrs.Fotry continued speaking. "Speaking of things we're doing today I have a surprise for the whole class!" Mrs.Fotry said enthusiastically getting some of the students excited as they cheered. "Alright alright settle down." She said as the class went quiet. "Now about the surprise, would anyone like to guess what it is?" Mrs.Fotry asks the class as some kids raise their hands. 'Welp this is gonna be great.' I thought as I heard the kid's answers ranging from candy to ice cream to pizza parties causing me to roll my eyes. 'Ugh, why are you expecting stuff like that when it's the beginning of the year?' I thought mentally as Mrs.Fotry shook her head. "No, it's something even better, a new student!" She said as the class's enthusiasm dropped almost immediately. 'Wow, insult why don't you?' I thought as I was told to stand up and walk to the front of the class. "This Chris he'll be your new classmate please treat him nicely." Mrs.Fotry said as I was told to go back to my desk.

Time skip, Noon...

'Finally, it's lunchtime, I was so bored.' I thought letting out a sigh of relief as I stood up and turned in the assignment I completed half an hour ago. 'Thank you simple arithmetic.' I continued to think as I lined up with the rest of the kids in front of the door before we walked to the cafeteria. "So you're the new kid?" I heard a kid say as I turned around to see a boy about my height facing me. "Hey there... dude?" I greeted him awkwardly as he looked at me with what looked to be an annoyed expression. "Don't call me dude, my name's Darren!" Darren said as I nodded. "Nice to meet you Darren, my name's Chris," I said as he became increasingly annoyed. 'Jeez, what's this guy's deal?' I thought as he stomped closer to me like a toddler would when they get angry. "Who cares, what I want to know is if you were cheating on the assignment," Darren asked as I realize what he was asking.

'Ohhhh, he's the type of kid who wants to be the best at everything kind of like Amity!' I thought as I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Answer already, did you cheat or not?" He said as I shook my head. "No I didn't cheat, I'm just good at math," I said before pushing his hand off my shoulder as I walked past Darren who was lost in thought. "Ah hey get back here! You still need to prove th-" Darren was saying until he tripped for some 'mysterious' reason as I continued down the hall towards the cafeteria, whistling.

As soon as I got there I headed to the lunch line where I picked out what looked to be chicken. "Ok, now that I've got my lunch I need to find a good spot to sit," I said to myself as I walked around until I arrived at an empty table. 'Well, that's convenient.' I thought before sitting down and eating my food. "I wonder *crunch**crunch**crunch* what Luz is doing right now?" I wondered out loud before I heard the sound of a tray being placed on a table. "Hey, Chris!" I heard a familiar voice say as I turned to Luz. 'Well, that answers that question.' I thought as I smiled. "Hey, Luz." I said as Luz started to eat in the same messy way as this morning.

'So it wasn't just because she was trying to finish eating my breakfast to mess with me.' I thought as she seemed to choke again. 'Are you serious?!' I mentally screamed as Luz turned to me. "Chris... Help." Luz said as I rushed over and mimicked the Heimlich Camila did during breakfast before a piece of a fish stick flew out of her mouth flying off somewhere. "*cough**cough**cough* thanks Chris." Luz said thanking me before I heard footsteps fast approaching as I turned around to see an angry-looking Darren rushing towards me with a piece of fish on his face. 'What are the odds?' I thought before focusing back on Darren who closed the previous distance quickly. "Raaaagggghhh!" Is all I heard before being body checked into a table. "Ow! Shi-oot." I said as I stopped myself from cussing before I looked at Darren who was still pinning me to the side of the table as everyone around us seemed to cheer.

'Are they seriously cheering about a fight?' I thought looking on in annoyance. 'Of course, they're cheering since they've probably never seen a fight in their lives.' I said face palming before pushing Darren off of me. "Hey... Darren, I don't know why you're angry but if we just talk this out-" I said before being interrupted by Darren who decided to rush me again as I stepped to the side, out of the way of his tackle. "*clang*" is all I heard before I saw Darren who hit his head on the table crying. "Well that's not good-" I began saying before I felt a large hand on my shoulder. "It seems we have some troublemakers here." I heard a man's voice say as I turned around to see a man bigger than Mrs.Fotry looking down at me as I started to sweat a bit. "H-hello Mr?" I said as he walked over to Darren. "My names is Mr.Fotry and you are going to detention for the rest of the day." He said in a serious voice as I sighed, cursing my luck of meeting Darren who seemed to cause me trouble with his presence. "M-Mr.Fotry? C-Can I say something?" I heard as I turned to see Luz meekly staring up at Mr.Fotry. "What is it, Noceda?" He asked turning to her. "I-I just wanted to say that it was D-Darren that started the freight," Luz said as Mr.Fotry nodded. "Well, then I guess both of you will be going to detention." He said as he lead us to an obscure part of the school. "Wait is that- no they wouldn't at this point right?" I said as I saw a familiar-looking woman outside yelling at... an owl(?). "And we're here." I heard Mr.Fotry say as he stopped at an ordinary door before we entered.

POV Change ???, 1 hour ago...

"Finally!" A voice behind a door said before it opened to reveal a familiar orange-haired woman stumbling out. "Jeez, what was wrong with that stupid door!" Eda said as she angrily turned to the old shack she just walked out of. "Well, whatever, Owlbert fly ahead and search for the kid with this," Eda said as Owlbert nodded and flew off with an odd scroll. "Now let's hope he finds the kid," Eda said as she looked toward the direction Owlbert flew off in.

Time skip 30 minutes...

"Ugh, what's taking him so long? We don't have all day and I don't have a lot of time until I need my next potion which by the way I need to restock on!" Eda complained before hearing a hoot behind her as she turned to see Owlbert. "Owlbert did you find him?" Eda asked curiously. "*hoot**hoot*, *hoot*?" Owlbert hooted as he gave an unsure look. "Huh! What do you mean kind of? There is no kind of!" Eda said to Owlbert, annoyed. "*hoot*" Owlbert hooted as Eda sighed. "Fine I'll follow you to where the 'kid' is but if you're wrong then I'll be making your quota of human stuff collection much larger," Eda said annoyed as Owlbert nodded before flying off with Eda running along behind him.

As they arrived at the location Owlbert found where Owlbert pointed to a window where you could see a group of kids following a tall comically muscular man. "What those kids? You can't be serious, they're all humans!" Eda yelled as she turned to see a brown-haired kid briefly turning to look at her before they turned away and walked on.

"You know Owlbert he may actually be here and I think the key may be those kids," Eda said as Owlbert looked at her strangely. "No Owlbert you don't get it, when that kid turned to me he felt... Familiar! He must have something to do with the kid." Eda said Owlbert just looked at her like she was crazy. "No seriously!... You know what forget the other bet, let's make this one the only one." Eda said as Owlbert looked interested. "*hoot*" Owlbert hooted in agreement as he nodded. "Ok then, so like before if I'm right I increase your quota but if I'm wrong... I'll do the collecting for the next 3 weeks," Eda said reluctantly as Owlbert looked at her surprised and then a confused look. "*hoot*?" Owlbert hooted questioning her. "Yes Owlbert I'm sure now let's go," Eda said as she ran towards the back of the school.

POV Change Chris...

'*sigh*, I probably shouldn't have interfered, Luz could have gotten that fish stick out on her own.' I thought annoyed while sitting in a desk watching the clock tick by. "*tap**tap**tap*" I heard as I turned to see that familiar woman from before looking at me from the window. "Huh?!" I yelled out surprised. 'Wait is that Eda?' I thought finally recognizing her before I heard what sounded like a fist slamming onto wood as I turned to see Mr.Fotry look at me annoyed. "Keep it down Berming." He said as I nodded. "Good." Mr.Fotry said before going back to reading whatever book he had in his hand.

'What are they doing here and how did they recognize me?!' I questioned feeling surprised as I turned back to them only to see them gone. 'What, where are they?' I thought before I felt my chair shake and I saw a flash blinding me before I felt myself falling for the second time since I got back. "What going on!" I yelled out before I heard a hoot. "Huh, a hoot?" I said confused before my vision cleared up revealing a forest with Eda standing in front of me with an owl who I remembered was called Owlbert. "What? How?" I asked surprised. 'How do I keep getting teleported like this?!" I mentally yelled as I remembered my previous encounters with portals.

"Don't worry kid we just need some information from you... so spill it!" Eda said suddenly changing from calm to rash as she stuck her staff in my face.

"Whaw do yaw meah?!" I said weirdly due to Eda squishing my face with her staff.

"I mean you better tell me..." Eda said as time seemed to stop. 'Wait did she recognize me?' I thought snapping out of my thoughts as I focused back on her.

"...where to find a kid named Azure?" Eda said as my brain felt like it crashed. 'Wait so they want me to tell them where I am?' I questioned as a thoughtful look appeared on my face. "H-hey hurry up kid, I need to do something soon!" I heard Eda say as I snapped back from my thoughts to see a feather appear on her arm. 'Wait...' I thought as I turned to look at her. "...did you not take an elixir?" I said thoughtlessly as Eda's expression filled with suspicion. "How did you know abou-" Eda said as I pushed her staff away with a serious look on my face. "Just answer the question." I interrupted as Eda seemed to back off. "Yes I forgot to take one earlier but how do-" Eda answered as my expression seemed to show a bit of concern. "Then please go drink an elixir right now," I said as I pushed her off in a random direction, hoping that it was the way back.

'Shit we don't have much time!' I thought noticing the frequency of the sprouting feathers increasing along with Eda's discomfort. "Whoa, kid! I'm not leaving here until you tell me two things." Eda said as she stopped. 'Shouldn't you be prioritizing your curse? I'm not that important right now.' I questioned as I saw her arm fully engulfed in feathers. "Fine, your questions were about the location of Azure and why I know about your elixirs, right?" I asked as Eda nodded. "*sigh*, ok then the reason I know is because... I'm Az." I said as Eda looked at me surprised which quickly turned into an annoyed look.

"K-kid you think I'm stupid or something? You're not the k-" Eda said before dropping to the floor screaming. "Eda!" I screamed as I saw her transform completely. "Eda?" I quietly questioned as I looked down at her before I noticed her staff roll in front of me as I grabbed it. "rUn." I heard a garbled voice say as she raised her now-transformed head to look at me. "*sniff**sniff*" I heard as I noticed Eda's nose twitching. 'Oh no.' I thought briefly before seeing Owl Eda's mouth open as I heard her screech.

"Shit! Owlbert fly!" I said putting Eda's staff between my legs before smacking it, causing Owlbert to fly off. 'Shit!Shit! Shit, is this my fault? What do I do?!' I thought in a panic as I felt a twinge in my head. 'You could use that sound blade to kill her.' I heard a deep voice say in my head. "Wha- ahhh!" I screamed as I narrowly dodged a tree due to my surprise. 'Where the hell did that come from?!' I thought panicked as I swerved past a few more trees, trying to lose Owl Eda who was chasing after me. 'Wait, that voice was Stalker!' I thought realizing who had just 'talked'.

"Screeeeeeech" I heard from behind me as I turned to see Owl Eda flying behind me. "Wait when did she start flying?!" I screamed as I took off faster with her following me not far behind. 'Use your magic.' I heard in my head once again followed by the same twinge following after. 'No I refuse to kill her, she's like a cool aunt or mom in my life back in the Boiling Isles!' I thought angrily as I felt a hint of annoyance from Stalker. 'At least use your magic to restrain it, I will not have my successor due to an Owl beast.' Stalker said to me mentally.

'You think I know how to do that effectively at my level?!' I responded as I sloppily weaved past a tree. 'You can't? I had the impression you were quite skillful with magic when you beheaded me.' Stalker in surprise as I growled angrily before dodging a swipe from Owl Eda who covered most of the distance between us. 'No you dumb wolf, I only killed you by a fluke and I can barely control my bard magic decently at a beginner's level.' I mentally yelled at Stalker before I felt a claw scratch the side of my face causing me to scream in pain as I slid off the top of Eda's staff, barely catching myself as I grabbed onto it with my right hand. 'Young one, you need to do something.' Stalker said as I realized what he was insinuating even through the pain.

'N-no I refuse.' I said stuttering in my thoughts. 'What will it take for you to be convinced?!' Stalker said angrily as I tried to pull myself up onto Owlbert. 'You know what I want you to do.' I mentally said as he growled. 'Fine, I apologize for attacking you and your little friend!' He yelled in my head as I smiled. "That's all I needed to hear," I said as I decided to let go of Owlbert. 'What are you doing?!' I heard a scream from Stalker as my body start to transform with my hands starting to grow claws and my eyes turning black with red irises with slitted pupils before I fell to the ground in a cloud of smoke.

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