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100% Huntik: Secrets & Seekers x Male Oc / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Into the River of Secrects & The Ring of Arc

Capítulo 3: Chapter 3: Into the River of Secrects & The Ring of Arc

Dante's House

Venic, Italy

Lok: "Im gonna go mental we're stuck till the Foundation finishes decoding Jodis Lore's notes."

Lok says trying to figure out a puzzle.

Dante: "Patience Lok it could take several months you know that."

Dante says telling Lok to be patient.

Lok: "Don't remind me."

Lok says to Dante while building a puzzle.

Sophie: "Dante why don't you teach Lok how to use the holotome."

Sophie says as she and Lok sit next to Dante.

Dante: "This is a three-dimensional mapping device ask it to specify an erea."

Dante says to Lok.

Lok: "Okay, map this room."

Lok says making a 3d map of the room appear.

Sophie: "It's scanning range is limited, but it can store maps and display them on command right."

Sophie says.

Kaiser: "That's right Sophie, now it's displaying the entire builing."

Kaiser says walking into the living room from the kitchen and sitting down on the chair that Sophie was sitting on, while the holotome displays the entire building.

Lok: "Man if I had this in school I never would have flunked geography. Hey look it picking up Zhalia."

Lok says just as Zhalia walks into the room.

Zhalia: "Boys and their toys."

Zhalia says leaning on the pillar near Kaiser.

Sophie: "It may look cool but it's not toy, with the holotome seekers can scan any titan."

Sophie says annoyed that Zhalia called the holotome a toy.

Lok: "May I?"

Lok asks Dante.

Dante: "Sure you might learn something."

Dante says allowing Lok to use the holotome as he might learn something from it.

Lok: "Okay holotome scan this."

Lok says holding Kipperin's amulet near the holotome.

Holotome: "Kippering, attack one, defense two, type Gaia-Titan Scout, size small, special abilities Flight."

The holotome says giving Lok information about Kipperin.

Lok: "Nice, scan Freelancer."

Lok says removing Kipperin's amulet from the holotome and holding Freelancer's amulet at the holotome.

Holotome: "Freelancer, attack three, defense three, type Draco-Titan Warrior, size average, special abilities Defender."

The holotome gives Lok information on Freelancer.

Zhalia: "The Graphics are lame."

Zhalia says.

Holotome: "Upgrade required."

Says the holotome.

Kaiser: "Look what you did Zhalia, you made the holotome self-conscious about it's graphic that it wants an update."

Kaiser says to Zhalia chuckling a bit, which went unnoticed by everyone in the room expect by Zhalia.

Zhalia: "Not my fault, whoever made it should of given it better graphics to begin with."

Zhalia says back to Kaiser.

Guggenheim: "Hope i'm not interrupting."

A voice from the tv says.

Dante: "Guggenheim."

Dante says looking at the tv.

Guggenheim: "Dante and is that Zhalia I haven't seen you since our last mission, you look well."

Guggenheim says getting a nod from Zhalia.

Guggenheim: "And I see that Kaiser is with you, it's been a while Kaiser how are you?"

Guggenheim asks Kaiser.

Kaiser: "I've been great, not really anything else to say but that."

Kaiser replies to Guggenheim.

Dante: "And there's a couple of new faces here, let me introduce Lok Lambert and Sophie Casterwill, this is Guggenheim of the Huntik Foundation."

Dante says introducing the three of them.

Guggenheim: "Pleasure to make your acquaitance, now Dante I have favour to ask of you."

Guggenheim says to Dante.

Dante: "I'm investigating a case or two but if you've got an interesting, I might be able to fit it in."

Dante says.

Guggenheim: "There's been a curious rash of whirlpools in the water of the Seine River, i'll shoot you the details in a file."

Guggenheim says catching Kaiser's attention when he mentioned the Seine River.

Kaiser: "Whirlpools do they happen to be near Rouen?"

Kaiser asks Guggenheim, wanting to confirm his suspicions.

Sophie: "Of course the legend of course the legend of the gargoyle.

Sophie says.

Guggenheim: "You are a Casterwill indeed, folklore attributes these stone creatures with the power over water, these myths inspired the use of gargoyle statues as spouts and fountains."

Guggenheim says giving more information on the stone creatures.

Sophie: "And the legend comes from Rouen in France."

Sophies says.

Dante: "We know this myth is really about a Titan Gar-Ghoul."

Dante says confirming the Titan.

Kaiser: "And it's awakening powers are churning up ther river."

Kaiser says.

Dante: "Has anyone been hurt?"

Dante asks Guggenheim.

Guggenheim: "Two were nearly killed."

Guggenheim says.

Dante: "How can we help?"

Dante asks.

Guggenheim: "We stand at the dawn of a new age of Seekers, more discover their power each day."

Guggenheim says, saying the world of Seeker's is about to more wild.

Kaiser: "And all though Gar-Ghoul has been laying dormant since ancient time you believe this new age is bringing it back to life."

Kaiser says standing up and leaving the house with out anyone noticing.

Guggenheim: "Exactly, here's the plan you will go to Rouen and meet with the Foundation operative that brought this anomalh to our attention, his name is Peter and he will serve as your guide, except for Kaiser. You must attempt to recover Gar-Ghoul before it falls into the hands of the Organization, you should be recieving the details on your holotome now. Mission legend of the gargoyle."

Guggenheim says giving them their mission.

Dante: "We'll be on the next flight to France."

Dante accepting the mission.

Guggenheim: "Good luck my friends."

Guggenheim says ending the call.

Zhalia: "You get all the good missions Dante, how about sharing the wealth. I happen to know my around Rouen, though not as good as Kaiser."

Zhalia says, telling them that Kaier knows Rouen better then her.

Dante: "You want in fine."

Dante says allowing Zhalia to come on the mission.

Sophie: "Hello, excuse me but what about us?"

Sophie says not wanting to be left in Venic.

Lok: "Yeah, she's righg what better way to learn how it's done, come on.

Lok says trying to persuade Dante to take them as well.

Dante: "All right why not, but you'll have to pull your own weight. Everyone get packed."

Dante says allowing them to come on the mission as well.

Cherit: "Can we get a more comfy bag for me this time?"

Cherit asks.

Lok: "By the way has anyone seen Kaiser?"

Lok says, letting them all know that Kaiser isn't here anymore. While the five of them were trying to figure out when Kaiser left and how he left withoit them noticing, Kaiser is already on a flight to Rouen.

Arriving at Rouen, Kaiser leaves the airport and walks to the Seine River but notices he's being followed.

Kaiser: 'Should've expect the Organization to already be here, most likely plan on following me to the cave of Gar-Ghoul.'

Kaiser walks through a forest ending up near a lake.

Kaiser: "I know your there so come on out."

Kaiser says telling the ones following him, ten O.A's come out from behind the tree's.

O.A1: "You will lead us to the cave of Gar-Ghoul."

The O.A orders.

Kaiser: "I dont think so. "Mist."

Kaiser uses the spell mist to make the O.A's think the lake and field are covered in mist, Kaiser walks up behind one of the O.A's putting him in chock hold till he passes out and throws him into another O.A knocking them into a tree, and delivers an upper cut to another one, the next O.A recieves a kick in between the legs and Kaiser is wearing steel toe cap boots. The other two O.A's break out of the spell and manifest two Redcaps.

O.A 2&3: "Redcap get him."

The two O.A's order their Titan to attack Kaiser, who uses "Hyperstride" to jump back.

Kaiser: "Great you just had to summon your Titans didn't you, well two can play at that game. "Break their spirits, Thornment."

Kaiser manifest Thornment who he orders to take care of the two Redcaps, Kaiser runs at the two O.A's jumps in the air doing a front flip and slaming the heel of his boot in one their faces breaking his nose and knocking him out cold, he plants his foot into the ground and spins kick the other O.A in the chest and elbows him in the face breaking his jaw knocking to the ground out cold. Once he finshed taking care of the last two O.A's Thornment finishes the two Redcaps, and returns to it's amulet.

Kaiser: "Now to get to the cave."

Kaiser walks way from the knocked O.A's in the direction of the a small cathedral, he enters it and walks behind the podium, pulling out a key from his pocket and placing it a key hole in the floor, unlocking a trapdoor to reaveal stairs, he walks down it and enters the Catacombs and use "Boltflare" to light up the area, as he walks through the Catacombs remebering the route to the Cavern of the Gargoyle. After an hour or so he reaches a dead end, but presses a piece of the wall in to reveal a secret door leading into the Cavern of the Gargoyle to see no else in it, he walks into the cavern displelling the "Boltflare".

Kaiser: "Seem's that the Organization hasn't made it yet, mmh seems someones dealing with the trap."

Kaiser ingnores what's happening in the trap part of the cave and walks up to Gar-Ghoul's amulet.

Kaiser: "Ten years since i've been here, but this time nothing is stoping me from bonding with you."

Kaiser takes the amulet off the statue and starts bonding with the Titan, after he finished bonding with the titan DeFoe walks in.

Kaiser: "Your too late DeFoe i've already with Gar-Ghoul."

Kaiser says manifesting Gar-Ghoul making DeFoe step back.

DeFoe: "Dammit, how did you get here before me."

DeFoe says mad that Kaiser beat him to Gar-Ghoul.

Kaiser: "That's for me to know and for you to figure out. Now Gar-Ghoul use all your power and get rid of DeFoe."

Kaiser orders Gar-Ghoul to attack, Gar-Ghoul sucks all the water around in it's mouth and blasts a scream of water at DeFoe sending him back into the trap cave soon after Dante, Zhalia, Sophie and Lok walk into the room.

Dante: "Well it seems you got here before DeFoe and bonded with Gar-Ghoul."

Dante says looking Gar-Ghoul.

Kaiser: "What you'd expect Gar-Ghoul is one the Titans that is my birth right, anyway Lok their's a secret door someone in this building I want you to find it."

Kaiser says already knowing where the secret door is, as he memorised the map of the Catacombs from a young age. Lok starts walking around the the cavern trying to find the secret door, till he notices something.

Lok: "Hey guys this statue had a hole in it."

Lok says standing by a statue.

Zhalia: "It was probraly damaged in the fight."

Zhalia says.

Kaiser: "There was no fight, it was a one sided victory for me and Gar-Ghoul."

Kaiser says to Zhalia, basicaly telling her that DeFoe is weak.

Lok: "I think we need some water."

Lok says looking at Gar-Ghoul.

Kaiser: "Gar-Ghoul if you would."

Kaiser says mentaly telling Gar-Ghoul to spray some water into the hole of statue, which the Titan does making the statue move forward to reveal a hole in the wall with a secret passage behind it.

Kaiser: "Well done Lok most tend to ignore the fact that all the statues expect this are holding one item in both hand and tend not think of using water even though it's pretty obvious, if you know what Gar-Ghouls powers are."

Kaiser says complimenting Lok.

Dante: "I thought there might be more to this cave then just Gar-Ghoul."

Dante says as Kaiser returns Gar-Ghoul to it's amulet.

Sophie: "More meaning what?"

Sophie asks Dante.

Dante: "Ancient secrets can be more powerful then any Titan and I that's exactly what Kaiser wanted Lok to discover."

Dante says.

Lok: "Okay enough talking lets go down there and explore, I wonder what's down their."

Lok says eagerly pointing down the passage.

Dante: "Your not the only one. Let's go."

Dante says leading them into the secret passage. While walking through the passage Lok remebers something that Kaiser told him.

Lok: "Kaiser, a while back you said you would tell us why the Organization wants you so bad."

Lok says reminding Kaiser of what he said back when Sophie and Dante made their deal.

Kaiser: "True I did say that didn't I. Well Lok the reason is that I am a direct decendant of Jeanne d'Arc and we should be nearing were this passage lead to soon."

Kaiser says shocking Lok, Sophie and Zhalia but Zhalia hides it.

Sophie: "Your a decendant of Joan of Arc why didn't you tell us."

Sophie says asking why Kaiser kept this a secret from them.

Kaiser: "Well everyone has their secret's, even Titan's have their own secret's. Plus wasn't it obvious I mean I did manage to get into the Cavern of the Gargoyle before anyone else and I know of this secret passage didn't I."

Kaiser says giving two reasons as to why some people might of already guessed his heritage.

Lok: "So why aren't you two surprised about this?"

Lok asks Dante and Zhalia.

Dante: "Becuase I already knew about it."

Dante replies to Lok.

Kaiser: "And Zhalia is Zhalia."

Kaiser says.

The further the team walks into the passage the darker it get, resulting in Dante using "Boltflare" to light up the rest of passage as they continue walking deeper into it.

Sophie: "You said you thoughg there was more to this place Dante."

Sophie says to Dante.

Dante: "Guiet this hallway is some kind of trap."

Dante says they continus to walk deeper.

Peter: "This is ancient french I can decipher it."

Peter says pulling a flashlight out of his bag.

Dante: "Peter don't."

Dante says but Peter turns his flashlight on and point it at the ancient french writing in the wall but the light touchs a small crystal and it starts bouncing from crystal to crystal.

Dante: "Move."

Dante say pulling Peter through the door, with Sophie, Zhalia and Kaiser jumping through it as the wooden floor lowers with Lok still on it, and he falls off it falling towards a floor of spikes, but Lok manages to summon Kipperin just in time to save him from being impaled up through the small gap as the wooden floor raises it's self back up, with Lok landing on the wooden floor.

Dante: "Close call Lok."

Dante says.

Lok: "Whoa, why didn't you tell us their were traps Kaiser?"

Lok asks Kaiser.

Kaiser: "Well two reasons, one Dante did say this hallway is somekind of trap and two you didn't ask."

Kaiser says helping Lok up.

Peter: "I'm sorry mr Vale I didn't know."

Peter apologizes to Dante for not knowing about the trap.

Dante: "Relax I know you're not a seeker, you had no idea what you were getting yourself into."

Dante says telling Peter not to worry about.

Sophie: "You know the same thing could be said for Lok. Dante why did Peter's flashlighg activate the trap when your spell didn't?"

Sophie asks Dante.

Dante: "Boltflare is a magical light I passed by becuase only seekers are permitted here."

Dante says telling Sophie the reason.

Lok: "Why is that?"

Lok asks not knowing why only seekers are allowed.

Kaiser: "Becuase onlu seekers are allowed here since this was a secret base for Jeanne d'Arc."

Kaiser says opening the door leading into a room.

Sophie: "Is that Joan of Ark?"

Sophie asks looking the painting the wall.

Dante: "She must of been the last seeker to use this hideaway."

Dante say walking up to the table with a book on it.

Lok: "So Joan of Ark was a seeker."

Lok says looking at the suits of armor.

Peter: "Well if she was a seeker with a special Titan or power, that would explain the vision she had that supposedly told her the future."

Peter says.

Sophie: "One of the most powerful woman in all of history, she died just a few miles from here. You know it's widely believed she was decended from french royalty."

Sophie says.

Zhalia: "It's must have beem her ragal blood, great power comes from a noble family name, even a name like yours."

Zhalia says telling Sophie that those from noble family's have great power.

Kaiser: "Well I can tell that Jeanne d'Arc was in reality born among peasants, and it was a very special Titan that plagued her with visions of the future and I plan to get that Titan."

Kaiser says telling them that Jeanne d'Arc was not of royal blood and was in fact born a peasant and saying the last part of his sentence in a hushef voice with no one hearing it.

Lok: "What's with those two anyway?"

Lok aks Cherit.

Cherit: "I've been about since before huma history but women remain a mystery."

Cherit says to Lok.

Kaiser: "I can agree with you there Cherit, I will never understand women."

Kaiser says agreeing with Cherit.

Dante: "These are her notes and the key to our next move."

Dante tell them placing the book inside his coat. The teams follows Kaiser's out of the hideaway and go back to the place their staying at. after a while Lok and Cherit start plahing chess and Kaiser reads a book about French history.

Dante: "Okay team it looks like Joan of Arc left us map, it will hopefuly lead us to an artifact she buried somewhere in Paris. A mystical ring I believe has some thing to do with her legendary ability, our mission the mystery of Paris Catacombs we need to find where the secret entrance is located, explore the underground tombs and come back with Joan of Arcs ring."

Dante explain their mission.

Lok: "Sounds easy."

Lok says.

Dante: "Why's that?"

Dante asks Lok.

Lok: "The map will lead us right to it."

Lok says to Dante.

Dante: "Unfortunately it only details the underground route, we have to find the entrance ourselves."

Dante says.

Sophie: "Any clues?"

Sophie asks.

Kaiser: "I've got one for you, it can be seen through the eyes of the most beloved lady."

Kaiser says giving them a clue.

Sophie: "And why aren't you helping with this?"

Sophie asks Kaiser knowing he has the answer.

Kaiser: "Well you and Lok want to be top seekers one day, so I can't hold your hand give you all the answers can I."

Kaiser replies to Sophie.

Sophie: "I surpose your right."

Sophie says as she thinking.

Lok: "So who is the most beloved woman in france."

Lok says trying thinking who it might be.

Sophie: "Not is, was."

Sophie says correcting Lok.

Zhalia: "Alright but how are you supposed to measure love."

Zhalia says.

Sophie: "By the number of people who loved her, it's a riddle who's the lady loved by all our lady."

Sophie says thinking of an answer.

Dante: "In that would be."

Dante says to trying of thinking thw french word.

Sophie: "Notre Dame means our lady, it's the Cathedral of Notre Dame."

Sophie says coming up with the answer and their next location.

Lok: "Nice Sophie you were way ahead of me, I guess i'm just no good with history."

Lok says placing his hands behind his head.

Sophie: "We nocticed."

Sopbie replies folding her arms.

Cherit: "And no good at chess either checkmate."

Cherit says putting Lok in checkmate and laughing.

Dante: "Get ready we're on the next train to Paris."

Dante says.

Sophie: "I guess you we're right that we didn't need you to give us the answer."

Sophie says looking in the direction of were Kaiser was sitting, but see's thaf he's not their.

Sophie: "Umm guys where did Kaiser go?"

Sophie asks everyone in the room.

Dante: "He's most likely already at where we need to be after the Cathedral of Notre Dame, after all he is a decendant of Joan of Ark meaning he's most like memerorised most is not all the entrances to the Catacombs, either way we'll meet up with him at some point."

At the abandoned church Dante, Lok, Sophie and Zhalia walk up to door of the church.

Dante: "Seems like someone is already here."

Dante says opening the door of the old church.

Lok: "How can you tell Dante?"

Lok asks Dante how he already knows someone is here.

Dante: "Well the door is unlocked."

Dante says closing the door behind them and walks deeper.

Kaiser: "You arrived faster then I expect."

Kaiser says walking down the wooden steps.

Sophie: "Do you have to keep disappearing?"

Sophie asks Kaiser.

Kaiser: "What not my fault you don't notice my disappearance till i'm long gone, you really need to work on you enchancing your other sense after all your eyes can play tricks on you."

Kaiser says standing next to Dante.

Zhalia: "Hey guys where exactly was the gargoyle of our lady looking?"

Zhalia asks looking up at the bright light.

Lok: "The cross at the top of the church."

Lok replies to Zhalia's question.

Zhalia: "Well take a look, the cross is at the top of this bell tower."

Zhalia says causing everyone to walk over to her and look up.

Sophie: "Hey there's sunlight coming straight down from up there, how?"

Sophie asks not knowing how sunlight is coming down.

Dante: "Reflection, there's a mirror up there reflecting light down."

Dante says telling them how it's happening.

Sophie: "That actually makes sense the crystal trap from before worked off reflection too."

Sophie says but their interrupted by the sound of the opening.

Dante: "Stay here."

Dante says going to see who opened the door.

Dante: "Find out how to open it me and Kaiser will buy you some time."

Dante says as he and Kaiser walk into the center of the church.

Kaiser: "Looking for us?"

Kaiser rhetorically asks.

DeFoe: "Dante Vale and Kaiser, confident as ever I see, but you know can't defeat this many of us with just the two of you. Surrender i'll bring the two of you too the Professor in chains."

DeFoe says actually believing he can defeat Dante and Kaiser.

Dante: "I'm really starting to wonder abiut you DeFoe do you really think you'll take us without a fight."

Dante says walking closer DeFoe as Kaiser stays were he's standing.

DeFoe: "What does it matter if it's a fight you can't win. Men attack on mark, you two won't escape this time Dante Vale, Kaiser."

DeFoe's say believing he's already one as he more men.

Dante: "If your so confident why not take me on yourself?"

Dante asks DeFoe knowing he's not a fighter.

DeFoe: "Your physicla skills are no match for my power."

DeFoe says arrogantly.

Kaiser: "Sure that's why didn't try to fight back the Cavern of the Gargoyle."

Kaiser says mocking DeFoe for being to scared to fight back.

Dante: "Come on DeFoe just you and me, show your men what kind of leader you really are."

Dante says as Grier moves out of the way and DeFoe walks back a bit and summons Redcap and having it attack Dante to not give him time to summon his Titans. As Dante used "Raypulse" on the Redcap a bright light appeared from around the corner.

Grier: "Men over here."

Grier says leading some suits to where the light is coming from but Kaiser get's in their way.

Kaiser: "I don't think so Grier, Manifest Gar-Ghoul."

Kaiser manifest Gar-Ghoul and has the Titan shoot a blast of water at Grier and the suit pushing back to the door.

Kaiser: "Dante lets go."

Kaiser says returning Gar-Ghoul to it's amulet and jumping down the hole with Dante following close behind.

Zhalia: "Are we going to a stand here?"

Zhalia asks as Kaiser and Dante run towards them.

Kaiser: "No the Ring of Arc is our priority."

Kaiser says.

Dante: "Kaiser right, if it has as much power as I think we'll need it to fight the Organization. Touchram."

Dante blast the celling causing rocks to block the Organization's path.

Sophie: "Why is the Ring of Arc so important what is it?"

Sophie asks Dante.

Dante: "I'm not sure but some of the most powerful Titans are contained in rings."

Dante says believe the Ring of Ark might be an amulet.

Sophie: "You think the Ring of Ark could contain a Legendary Titan?"

Sophie asks.

Dante: "Yeah, but Kaiser is the only one who actually knows that and according to him it's something took a vowed to not tell anyone as it's a family secret."

Dante says as Kaiser leads them through the Paris Catacombs.

Sophie: "We must be in the Paris Catacombs."

Sophie says looking around as they following Kaiser and Dante.

Dante: "Yes, Foundation researchers that there are secret undiscovered portions of these ancient tombs."

Dante says looking at the map on the holotome.

Lok: "Undiscovered until now. So what are these Catacombs anyway?"

Lok asks not knowing about the history of the Catacombs.

Kaiser: "They were rock quarrels but in the 1700s the french started to bury the dead down here."

Kaiser says telling Lok a bit about the Catacombs history.

Dante: "Stop there's something strange about this hall."

Dante tells everyone but continues walking forward cautiously, till they reach a dead end.

Dante: "I have a hunch this no dead end."

Dante says as they continue.

Lok: "Check out this rock it's cool."

Lok says admiring the crystal.

Sophie: "They're called crystals."

Sophie says telling Lok what their called.

Dante: "These notes says to touch the stone of light and the pure of heart will pass."

Dante says doing as the notes say and passes followed by Kaiser, then Lok, then Sophie, but when Zhalia tried to pass through the rocks on the celling fell blocking her path.

Sophie: "Zhalia."

Sophie says running over to the rocks with Lok and moving them out the way.

Lok: "Hang on."

Lok says moving the rocks.

Zhalia: "No I can get free I don't need your help, I can do it myself, stop.

Zhalia says as Kaiser moves a rock of her leg.

Sophie: "We're all in this together no matter what our differences are."

Sophie says as they manage to free Zhalia from the rock.

Kaiser: "You okay Zhalia?"

Kaiser asks concerned if Zhalia is injured.

Zhalia: "Uh yeah, let's just go."

Zhalia says dusting off her legs.

Kaiser: "The ring chamber is just ahead."

Kaiser pointing forward.

Lok: "I've seen something like that before."

Lok saya walking into the room next to them.

Kaiser: "Lok no don't go in their it's a trap."

Kaiser says but Lok already picked up the puzzle and a metal gate lowered and spikes came out of the wall as they start closing in.

Kaiser: "Lok you have to solve that puzzle to stop the trap."

Kaiser tells Lok how to stop the trap making Lok start solving the puzzle. Just as the spike were about to finish Lok be managed to solve the puzzle, making walls retract and spikes go back into the walls. Then the puzzle glows and an amulet appears in Lok hand with a Titan spirit winking at him.

Lok: "The puzzle hide a Titan and it bonded with me."

Lok says handing the amulet to Dante.

Dante: "Well done let's take a look at your new friend with the holotome. You found Springer this Titan is skilled at solving complex puzzles and intricate traps, you two have a lot in common."

They were interrupted by an explosion from behind.

Kaiser: "Let's move the Organization is catching up with us."

Kaiser running off with Dante and the team close behind following him to a wooden.

Kaiser: "Welcome to the chamber of the Ring of Arc."

Kaiser says walking into the room.

Lok: "We made it."

Lok says as everyone follows Kaiser.

Dante: "It's not over yet."

Dante says closing the door. As they walked further into the room the weapons in the statues hands start floating.

Sophie: "Is it the Organization, how can they get here before us."

Sophie says as everyone except Kaiser is pushed into circle surronded by weapons.

Kaiser: "It the Knights of Arc's inner circle."

Kaiser says calmly.

Dante: "Hand-to-hand Titans only."

Dante says summoning Caliban, Lok summons Freelancer, Sophie calls forth Sabriel, Zhalia calls forth Kilthane and Kaiser manifests Oberon. The weapons start attacking the Titans who defend themselves and their seekers, when Sophie uses "Breakspell" on two of the weapons about to attack Kilthane, but instead start attacking the team as Dante grabs the spear but thrown off it.

Kaiser: "Oberon attack the armor."

Kaiser orders Oberon to destroy the armor to which he does and Kaiser tells Dante and the team to do the same.

Zhalia: "The Organization, we have to get out of here with that ring."

Zhalia breaks the glass and Lok grabs the ring.

Kaiser: "No Lok don't grab the ring."

Kaiser says but is to late as Lok alreadg starts seeing visions.

Dante: "We have to find a way to contain the ring, it's under a curse and we must prevent from falling into the hands of the Organization."

Dante says holding Sophie who passed out from using to many spells.

Zhalia: "How are we going to escape carrying her?"

Zhalia asks annoyed.

Lok: "And when we try to grab the ring it goes crazy. So what do we do?"

Lok asks not sure what to do. The teams starts making a run for it and leaving a distraction for the Organization, the team makes it to far enough and just in time as Zhalia spells wore off and Sophie woke up.

Lok: "Sophie your awake."

Lok says happy that his friend is awake.

Sophie: "Of course I am, what's going on?"

Sophie asks as she was out cold.

Zhalia: "We were just waiting on you sleepy beauty."

Zhalia say.

Sophie: "Is that the Ring of Arc, somethings wrong with it, I can feel it, it's cursed."

Sophie says.

Dante: "We can't do anything with a ring like this, know any good Casterwill spells Sophie?"

Dante asks Sophie.

Sophie: "Yes well I should say maybe."

Sophie says as Kaiser ingnores them and starts thinking.

Kaiser: 'Idiots why keep trying, plus you have Jeanne d'Arc's decendant in front of you why not ask me to do something, bloody idiots.'

Kaiser in his head thinking how no one has asks him do anything yet, till he see's Sophie grab it and she starts seeing visions and trys to uses a spell but is instead blasted away.

Dante: "I didn't expect the curse to be this strong."

Dante says.

Sophie: "Sorry Dante I failed."

Sophie apologizes to Dante.

Kaiser: "You didn't fail Sophie, just some curses get weaker over time and some get stronger, plus I believe it's my turn to wrestle with the cursed ring."

Kaiser says walking up to the ring but Dante places a hand on his shoulder.

Dante: "Are you sure you can do it?"

Dante asks Kaiser concerned about him.

Kaiser: "This one of the two reasons I train as hard as I do, if I can't do this then I didn't try ."

Kaiser says as he grabs the ring.

Kaiser: "Ahhh."

Kaiser screams as he starts seeing visions of Jeanne d'Arc and Arc from the past as well a memory of childhood with mother and father who looked similar to the Professor, the vision then switched to see a man with a grey beard and a staff with a red round amulet with gold lining and Cherit flying next to him, ths vision switched again to show him a green skin corspe in red and clothing with a goat like Titan in gold armor behind him. The last vision shown to Kaiser is that of an extremely muscular and burly humanoid Titan with long spiky silvery-white hair, pointed ears, long fingernails, and a tail, weilding a three-pronged spear like javelin, fight the goat like Titan. Kaiser stoped seeing the visions and see's everyone staring at him with concern, Kaiser looks at his hand to see the ring on his finger.

Dante: "Kaiser you alright."

Dante asks as he helps Kaiser stand up.

Kaiser: "Y-Yeah just need to breath."

Kaiser takes deep breaths before speaking again.

Kaiser: "Seems like I managed to bond with Arc."

Kaiser says taking a few more deep breaths.

Dante: "So it was an amulet after all."

Dante says.

Kaiser: "Yeah the ring contains Arc the Legendary Titan of Fate. Anyway what now?"

Kaiser asks.

Dante: "We'll spilt up to increase our chances and seperate them, all we need now is some decoy rings."

Dante says giving a plan.

Zhalia: "Lucky for you my disguise kit has a selection of rings, I modified them with a spell so now we have four fakes."

Zhalia takes four rings that look like the Ring of Arc from her bag and Dante, Lok and Sophie each take one leaving Zhalia with one.

Kaiser: "Good idea, now the Organization won't know how has the real ring, smart thinking Zhalia."

Kaiser says complimenting Zhalia.

Sophie: "But if one of us get captured their magic can get the information that Kaiser has the real ring straight from our heads."

Sophie says pointing out a flaw in Dante's plan.

Dante: "Doesn't matter even if do learn that Kaiser has the real ring they won't be able to beat Kaiser or a Legendart Titan."

Dante continues to explain the plain and everyone goes in the direction told and Kaiser goes in the direction of the exit. As Kaiser reached the exit he sees Grier standing their.

Kaiser: "Grier didn't expect you to be here, but while your here, Dante has already escaped with the real ring."

Kaiser says trying to Grier.

Grier: "Nice try, but we've already captured the other four and they all had fakes, leaving you with the real ring, Bring Discipline Breaker."

Grier summons Breaker.

Kaiser: "Alright then, lets let out new friend, Show them their fates Arc."

Kaiser manifest Arc and has her blast Breaker sending it back to it's amulet and Arc traps Grier in a dream, Kaiser then returns Arc it's amulet.

Kaiser: "Well that took a lot, but now for safe house."

Kaiser leaves the Catacombs and goes to the safe to wait for Dante and the team. After waiting for a couple minutes Dante and everyone's arrives at the safe house.

Lok: "I'm glad that worked."

Lok says glad that the plan worked.

Dante: "Let's get some rest we could all use it."

Dante says.

Kaiser: "I agree, lets hit the haystack."

Kaiser says walking to one of the rooms and falls on the bed asleep, with the ring showing him dreams of his childhood.

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