"Anna Perenna, release."
Twelve violet circles shone on Adelphas' greatsword, gorging themselves with a burst of Mana as he slashed through each of the pungent maws in less than a blink.
The flesh tendrils didn't slow him in the slightest as he dug in and out of Gal-Enshu's body in search of his heart.
His movements were too fast, and the thrusts too precise.
The sudden change in speed and strength blurred Gal-Enshu's wits, and he staggered backward before he could be hit in a vital spot.
Unfortunately, Adelphas wasn't about to let him escape this time.
His eyes turned a shade brighter as he scried Gal-Enshu with perception magecraft, locking onto his shifted organs. He immediately stepped forward, his overcoat fluttering as purple light radiated from his muscular frame, steadying himself for the killing blow.
Gal-Enshu was about to die.
The more I write about Gal-Enshu, the stauncher I am in my belief that he's a human-shaped puppy.
I'm more of a cat person though, so expect him to suffer.