The story revolves around a female protagonist from a wealthy family who has a best friend named Erica. Despite being forced into a marriage, the protagonist refuses to accept it as she doesn't believe in love. It all changes when she meets a bartender named MB, and they engage in a series of fights and trolling sessions, which eventually leads to them falling in love with each other.
But unbeknownst to Kiara, MB had another motives under his sleeves......
will Kiara and Erica be able to fight him after finding what his motives were?...
well lets hoop into the story and find out this trailing love triangle between these two!!
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Escreva uma avaliaçãoI've never been one for romance novels but this piqued my interesting. Good plot and good grammar. Keep it up author!
It's good not gonna lie, romance isn't really my thing. I rather read a fantasy romance, but a change of taste wouldn't hurt, and this is promising keep up the good work author.
I won't be bad in if author supports her own book. leaving five stars to keep motivating me.
Revelar SpoilerAutor Ewu_Rama
Love this book, it's very interesting and I will recommend it to my friends