Dante did not know what awaited him on the other side of this achievement, but he was ready to find out. Interestingly, it wasn't just him who was interested, but so was Etz Chaim, who woke up from her hibernation to come out and give him moral support.
Dante speechlessly watched her try to do some form of cheerleading dance but had to stop her due to how cringe it was.
Extremely dissatisfied, Etz Chaim asked, "Huh? What's the problem, don't you know I'm cheering you on?"
Dante pursed his lips, holding back laughter. "I'm aware, but you don't need to go so far. Besides, it's distracting me."
"Huh? How is that possible, I've seen Myra do this for Luka when he was training his abilities back then too," Etz Chaim exclaimed with disbelief.
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