Dante was unceremoniously deposited back into his room, and his face was still as pale as it had been from the moment every single being on that street treated him as their life's goal.
He was panting heavily and sweat formed on his body despite not partaking in any strenuous physical activity. His mind buzzed with thoughts that were flying through rapidly and he realized that he was having difficulty actually getting air into his lungs.
[Detected that the user is in a state of severe mental imbalance due to heightened fear and panic. Releasing required amounts of melatonin.]
Suddenly, Dante felt his body relax involuntarily and he felt incredibly sleepy. He only had enough energy to lift himself up from the floor and fall onto his bed before he began snoring lowly.
[Host is in a peaceful state, and is asleep. Beginning in-depth assimilation to the neural system! Estimated time: 10 hours.]
Dante woke up and blinked three times, his brain barely functioning. Before he could even think, he jumped off his bed and rushed to his toilet before going to take a long and deep piss.
The more time he spent excreting, the more his brain fired up and memories came back to him. Now that he was out of the intense situation, he was far calmer about everything and couldn't help but feel strange.
First question, what exactly happened?
Second question, why had it happened?
Third question, how had it happened?
Every other question would have its content partially answered as long as he could satisfy these three. In order to investigate what happened, the first thing was to check his phone and the app he made, which were the most likely culprits.
As such, Dante patted himself for his phone and realized it wasn't on his body. He then checked his desk, his bed, and the floor where he landed.
He began to panic slightly when he realized his phone was missing inexplicably, but then he remembered something from yesternight.
"That's right, a voice spoke in my head, and it was also synthetic. Could it be that the Huawei gained some new features after passing through what should be a quantum wormhole?" Dante pondered.
Then how was he supposed to contact it? Uh, in the fictional stuff, they often had to either think or speak 'status'.
"Status," Dante spoke and thought at the same time.
Dante was slightly embarrassed before calming himself down and pondering once more. He had an idea and decided to be more direct and not be obtuse.
"Huawei G20, respond."
[Greetings, Dante. What can I do for you?]
Dante was startled that it actually worked. A part of him wanted to believe that everything he experienced was a fever dream he made up due to fatigue or excitement, but this practically cemented that everything was real.
"What exactly are you? How are you able to do this and what happened before I went to sleep?" Dante asked three of the most pertinent questions rapidly.
[To answer your first question, I am an embedded AI chip formed from the hardware of the previous Huawei G20 that was modified by an external force and merged into your body.}
[To answer your second question, I am currently merged with the entirety of your body's brain and neural system. This is my current limitation as I require further upgrades to be able to extend to your other organs and systems for maximum compatibility.]
[To answer your third question, you ran a program on my previous model which was misread and processed, opening a spacetime anomaly that warped you to another universe. Upon return, you were heavily panicking and hyperventilating, so I flushed your brain with melatonin and forced you to sleep.]
Dante was amazed. He received the answers directly in his mind and there was no delay or misunderstanding. He understood each word and phrase without any ambiguity that came from listening or speaking to others.
He saved this miraculous feeling and then thought about the phone's… AI's… answers. He realized that there was a good chance it could answer some questions since it seemed to understand some of what occurred in-depth.
"Alright, thank you for the answers. Before I continue, may I know what kind of authority you have over my body and how I can access or control you?" Dante asked calmly with his hands on his thighs.
[I have only partial access to your body outside of emergency situations, limited to scanning, assisting, and boosting. In Emergency situations, I can take the most logical options to preserve your safety in the most optimal and beneficial way.]
[Your control is full and unlimited. You only need to think of any application of which you want me to perform, and it shall be done.]
"Hmm…" Dante rubbed his chin and thought about it.
"I don't have any qualms with this, maintain these settings as they are, thank you," Dante instructed with a smile.
Dante wasn't enough of a blockhead to do something stupid like limiting his AI's ability to save his life in a critical situation. He did not believe his thinking or reasoning capacity was better or faster than an AI.
"Hm, Alright then. You changed from a phone with an AI? Do you still have a physical form or are you in the form of nanobots or the like?"
[Unfortunately, I am the most basic AI model available on the market, so I have a physical chip lodged in the center of your brain. Also, because I was not naturally produced and rather converted from a phone, my capabilities and functions are far weaker than even the AI chip I am supposed to emulate.]
This naturally made Dante frown. No one liked hearing that something they owned or possessed was far inferior to everyone else's, even to the basic standard of mass-produced items.
"Why did this happen? I saw you said you were modified by an external entity? What exactly was that?"
[Upon intrusion into the alternate world, we were noticed by some form of high-dimensional entity. After we were inspected, it chose to allow us passage and chose the place where we landed. It also modified my form into an AI chip and implanted it into your body perfectly.]
[I was also given basic information about the universe we entered, its laws, languages, and customs. That was how you were able to understand what they were saying.]
Dante was shocked by this. A high-dimensional lifeform? So in other words, assuming he wasn't turned into primordial soup by the travel, he could have just been silently erased if he was detected to be a threat by that entity?
Dante shook his head. He then thought for a short while, contemplating what was important to him and what wasn't.
"You said you have scanning functions, right? Can you scan my body and let me know my state compared to the average humanoid organism in that universe?"
[I have already done so while you were asleep. I will now display your information in the standardized method used in the Eternal universe and explain what they are or what they correspond to.]
「User: Dante
Age: 21 (Converted to Earth years)
Race: Pure Human (99.9% genetic perfection)
Strength Index: 0.3
Agility Index: 0.2
Dexterity Index: 0.3
Intelligence Index: 0.5
Constitution Index: 0.1
Vitality Index: 0.1
Bionic Level: 0
Psionic level: 0
AI Chip level: 0.1
Superpowers: Quantum Entanglement.」
[This is the SDI, the Standard Display Index, for all living beings in the Eternal universe when they undergo any scan. Each category has a different meaning. The 'User' denotes who the AI chip is registered to.]
[The 'Age' is converted in earth years, so if you ever exchange information with another person, their age will be automatically converted to this value.]
[The 'Race' naturally denotes the species and genetic stock of an entity, and at times, the quality of their racial genetics might be displayed.]
[The six body indexes are calculated based on your current value versus the basic standard of your species. In this case, it is being compared to the standard of pure humans in the eternal universe. Naturally, a full point is the average.]
[Bionics are physical enhancers that are installed into the body. They comprehensively increase the physical prowess and indexes of a person depending on the level and type.]
[Psionics are mental enhancers that are installed into the body. They also comprehensively increase the mental prowess and indexes of a person depending on the level and type.]
[AI Chip level is an indicator of my current performance quality against the basic standard per level.
[Superpowers are special genetic mutations obtained by organisms that allowed them to perform incalculable feats that neither bionics nor psionics can mimic.]
[Your current superpower is the ability to open a quantum wormhole to the Eternal Universe and back.]
Dante looked at the information and took in a deep breath. He just shut up and digested the information and its meaning for about 10 minutes, thinking rapidly the entire time.
Then he focused on one important fact.
"You say I can go back? Back to that place?" he asked with incredulity.
[That is correct. It is a power that has been granted you by that high-dimensional being, no longer linked to me or your app.]
Dante suddenly jolted. "Right, that app!"
He then rushed to his laptop and lifted the screen, waking it from sleep mode. Just as he was about to type, he saw a bunch of random strings of code flash by on his laptop as if it were some cheap hackerman movie.
Dante was initially stunned then slapped his forehead.
"Is this your doing?" He asked the AI chip in his head.
[That is correct. I can interface with any electronic device, wireless network, or even wired network so long as it's either releasing a signal or has an access point. This is only at level 1, higher level AI chips can remotely access even the most secure intranets from kilometers away.]
Dante leaned back in his seat and rubbed his chin. "Huh. That's super neat and convenient. You are every user's dream."
[This is just the surface-level use. I only acted upon your laptop because I detected that you wished to access something on it. AI chips are designed to be one step ahead of their users, acting on their wishes and fulfilling their wants as well as their needs to the highest degree of perfection and efficiency.]
Dante shrugged. "Keep it up, I like the proactivity."
[I have checked the original code for the multipurpose app you created and copied it into my database, deleting it from your laptop system.]
Dante nodded. That was basically what he wanted to do, copy and paste the code elsewhere then delete it. He didn't want any liabilities leading to him down the road.
'Down the road huh…'
Dante pushed his seat back from the table and let it spin around slowly. He finally had to think about the most important thing right now, which was his next step.
Knowing about this alternate universe as well as his ability to go and come from it changed everything. His dream to make an app and get a few million dollars from it seemed childish and useless with what he just experienced.
The most logical way to move forward would be to make the most of this gift from the higher dimensional being. Dante did not know why it did this, but then did humans ever claim to know what the gods were thinking?
It might have done so for shits and giggles, but it didn't matter. What mattered was what Dante would do with it.
Dante slowly rubbed his temples, where he assumed the AI chip to be, and then smiled. It was a very dark smile that any young adult born after 2000 would make if they were in the same situation as him.
What other option was logical? Of course, it was the make the most of his opportunity!
To gain the best of both worlds!
He might be a backward, uneducated dog in the Eternal Universe, but that could be changed with time as he integrated into their world. More importantly, just a smidgen of tech and knowledge from their world could help him build an empire in this one!
Dante stood up in shock.
No, he had been thinking too small!
Where he landed was just a random cosmopolitan city on a random planet he didn't even know the name of, in a random galaxy within the Eternal Universe.
With the knowledge and advantages he could glean from the Eternal Universe, he could take over earth and expand outward! Conquer the solar system, then the Milky Way, then the entire Home Universe!
Then, use the resources of the Home Universe to counter-invade and take over the Eternal Universe!
My god!
Dante sat down with a frown. However, how many years will that take? Just growing his pedigree in the Eternal Universe to acquire information about top-level tech might take a while.
Not to mention, how was he supposed to expand outward without manpower? Humans can only give birth so fast…
[Cloning technology.]
Dante's eyes lit up. That was one way, but eh.
He'd watched the movies and played the games. Trying to mass control organic species would always backfire when they developed things like 'a sense of self' and start to desire luxuries like 'freedom'.
[Then Androids are the best option.]
Dante nodded. Synthetic humanoids made of metal with human skin and features were much better. He could control them with a single powerful AI that was linked to their central processors which would ensure peak efficiency and loyalty.
Of course, that was all far in the future. Whether it was on earth or on the other planet, he was broke. Even if he returned to that city and - assuming people didn't lunge after him again - he had absolutely zero of whatever currency they had.
Assuming he could even get things like gene serums, bionics, and psionics, how would he buy them? Was he supposed to sell his booty on the corner for quick cash?
No, Dante needed to plan things properly. First, he had to contrast and compare, as in what did earth have that the people in that universe valued or needed?
Well... apart from pure human DNA, which was why they were about to accost him, nothing else really.
Dante briefly considered robbing a sperm bank and selling the stuff in that city's black market, but he wouldn't even sell his own. After all, something so precious that could get random civilians frothing at the mouth for it was something that would make the news.
Dante had to make sure it was squeezed for its maximum value, and by the time he reentered that world, those who could make the most of that value would soon swarm to that planet to investigate his traces.
This was why he hadn't yet popped back in to take a peek. Not only that, but he had to make some common sense preparations first.
Dante stood up and walked downstairs to see that his mother was washing the dishes while his father was cutting up some fruits. Dante smiled, took one of the sliced apples, and took a bite with relish.
"Well, good to see someone is up and in a good mood." His father remarked with a stoic expression.
"Of course. You always told me growing up that the best way to start the day is with a positive mind, as it affects your success in all endeavors." Dante replied while opening the fridge for some milk.
David smiled slightly but suppress it and nodded. "Good to see you remember. It will help you now that you're an adult."
"Mhm, speaking of an adult. I want to accomplish something and acquire some advanced life skills. To that end, I rented a one-bedroom studio apartment in the mini-estate on the west side of the city."
Dante wore a solemn expression and faced his father. "Dad, I think it's about time the bird left the nest and learned how to fly on its own. What do you think?"
David paused and looked at Dante with a raised eyebrow. He then nodded and smiled slightly.
"Sure, as long as you remain safe and know what you're doing."
Eh? That's all? No fierce rejection?
"What about you mom? How do you feel?" Dante asked cautiously.
His mother placed the last dish in the rack and then removed her gloves before inverting them and carefully placing them to the side. She turned and walked to Dante with a gentle look.
"Well, I'm not too happy that my baby is leaving. However, I've greedily kept you around for 21 years, I can't always keep you forever."
She then hesitated and made a soft request. "Just… just make sure to call often as well as to come and check in on us okay?"
Dante felt his heart soften. "Aww mom, you're so cute."
He moved to hug his mother and kissed her on each side of her cheek, which she received with a roll of her eyes. Dante then turned to look at his dad, who looked back at him calmly.
…Dante wisely chose not to try that with him. He was sure he wouldn't be leaving the house with his head attached if he did.
"Right then, I'm going to go pack and then move out asap. There are a lot of things I want to try and learn in the coming month." Dante confessed with a smile.
"Sure, go ahead. When you're done, we'll go ahead and drop you there so we see where you are in case of an emergency." David commented calmly.
Dante nodded and walked upstairs, his heart feeling heavy. However, he knew he couldn't be going in and out of an alternate universe in his parent's house.
He didn't have much to pack, only his laptop, some books, and some clothes. He didn't even pack toiletries and the like because he could buy new ones and also because he would come home often if things got too hot at his other place.
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