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50.43% The Dragon God of Tyranny(DxD) / Chapter 56: Introductions and Open House Preparation.

Capítulo 56: Introductions and Open House Preparation.

As Tiamat walked behind Maulketh she looked up at him. She had been defeated for the first time by a fellow dragon so she wanted to know more about him. First of all, he was still huge at 7 feet tall.

He was extremely muscular for sure, his clothes which were actually his scales were bulging from how big he was. His face was covered in thick facial hair, while his eyes were covered in a pair of black sunglasses.

Though what she was focusing on was how Astrid and Celestine were holding his arms. They were fawning all over him which would have annoyed her. But for the moment she stepped back as Grimnar was walking next to her.

She turned to her right to look down at the dog.

"So what is your deal?"

Grimnar looked up with his left head and as usual, stayed silent. She expected an answer so she stared into his eyes for several seconds, but not a peep. Instead, she somehow got a vibe from him that spelled out unsaid words directly into her head.

Grimnar did not speak, telepathically or verbally. So this is how he communicated. What he said though made Tiamat squint her eyes.

'I am my master's attack dog. Nothing more and nothing less.'

"An attack dog? Must be a sad existence them if that all you are."

Grimnar walked past her, but he left her with a wordless warning. That she had to decipher once more.

'It is an honor, not a punishment. Just know, that I shall kill you should you make my master your foe.'

Instantly Tiamat felt her back soaked with sweat. She was a Heavenly Dragon and second only to Maulketh. Yet she felt that this dog was on a level similar to Maulketh himself. Maulketh laughed as he looked back to Grimnar who walked with pride.

"Do not disrespect him Tiamat for he is my will made manifest. My second in command, and my trusted friend."

Grimnar held his three heads high at the praise from his master. Never had he felt regret at what he was now? Because he became Maulketh's familiar did he become more than just a Hellhound.

Tiamat raised her hands as she walked past the dog to walk in front of Maulketh. She walked backward as she looked up at him.

"My mistake. Though, I would like to know how many females you have in your harem. Must be a lot right?"

Maulketh once again felt he was a weirdo among Red Dragons as his harem was small. He just did not care for the numbers at all.

"Actually no. Counting you, Celestine, and Astrid, I only have 7 and one I have yet to make official."

Hearing that made Tiamat go silent as she looked up at him. She went silent for a moment and he did as well.

"Only 8? You know, you are the Dragon Emperor of Tyrrany so I expected a harem in the hundreds at least. That actually makes me feel relieved. When I said I wanted to have you to myself, I meant that from a huge harem. I can coexist with that many."

He scoffed.

"What would I gain from having a harem based on numbers? I am me, women have to prove they are worthy of joining my harem. Not me being worthy of having them, but you proved it with your power. Now, let me gather them all."

With a wave of his hand, he teleported into his huge bedroom. Here, Runeas, Rias, Calypso, Ingvild, and Valina appeared with him. When they all gathered, they wondered what he had to tell them so they looked toward him.

They so Celestine and Astrid being touchy with him, but that was normal as they always did that. Grimnat was silent as usual, but when they saw the other blue-haired horned woman they went silent for just a moment.

Runeas walked toward Tiamat and walked in circles around her. Tiamat followed Runeas with her eyes for a few moments before the devil turned to Maulketh with a thumbs up.

"So you got Tiamat now? Good for you."

Tiamat did not expect that reaction.

"I would expect you to get mad at him for adding another woman to his harem?"

Runeas scoffed.

"I am a Devil. Some Devil nobles get hundreds of women in their harem. My descendent Zeoticus has all the maids in his manor in his harem and they number in the hundreds. Meanwhile, Maulketh here only has 8 girls. I am counting you two by the way. Fairly underwhelming all things considered."

She meant Celestine and Astrid who just smiled as they still hugged his arms.

Ingvild also had to agree.

"Yeah, when I met Maulketh here I truly expected him to have several hundred women in his grand harem. Though I am honestly relieved he had a small harem. Instead."

Valina sat down on the bed as she could tell they included her.

"So? When did I get added to the harem?"

She said it with a smirk as she looked at Maulketh who just grinned.

"Do you deny it? You did in fact choose me over your dad so I say that was a good time."

She smiled as she turned to Tiamat.

"Welcome to the family I say. Maulketh here is picky to the extreme so this reaction we have to him adding new members is expected."

Maulketh just sighed.

"I get it already. Do you all have to react the same way?"

Rias nodded.

"I think it is quite normal as dragons are lustful to the extreme. Especially Red Dragons like you so finding out you have a small harem is a surprise to any you add so get used to it. But I think that is a good trait to have."

Celestine and Astrid released his arms as he sat down on the bed. The girls sitting with him as he sighed.

"Well, I am glad you all find joy in self-control."

Calypso who had sat on his lap as a sign of affection reached up and ran her hand down his face.

"I think it is sweet that you don't go around adding woman after woman. It would be hard to believe that you care for any of us. Cause you know, a lot of something loses its value."

That was true which is why he was not ashamed of his small harem. Though now came the important information.

"Right, while we are all here, I have some news to tell you all so listen close. I just killed Zeus and Hermes. When I did so, I gathered all of my kin and took over all of North America in that instant. Olympus is currently floating 400 miles above my lair."

That caused them all to go dead silent. Rias cleared her voice to ask for some information.

"When you say take over, what do you mean?"

"When I killed Zeus and Hermes, I then got the urge to gather my kin. I called them all and I took over North America for all of them. They are currently spreading out through the continent, but to ensure the humans are not massacred I placed on them some temporary rules with my Principle of Tyranny.

I intend to make this continent a place where Supernatural races and humans can be treated as equal no matter the kind."

Ingvild was worried about something though.

"Will the humans be killed by your kin? The dragons."

He shook his head.

"No, the rules I placed will ensure that won't happen. Soon, I plan to get help from Athena to recognize my new territory. In time, I plan to open it up to the rest of the Supernatural races, though I will be kicking out the worship of God as he is dead.

Instead, I will make a new religion with Dragons on top of my ally gods as well. The Norse gods, Shiva's people, and the Devils and Fallen will also join on my side. This is why I will call a meeting with the factions that will be on my side in one month.

Oh, and the Titans so don't worry about that Calypso."

Tiamat smirked.

"Good. You are not inviting those purity bastards to the meeting. Everyone should be welcome except them."

Runeas laughed.

"I can see the hatred of Heaven is spread among all dragons."

Tiamat nodded.

"Of course. We dragons are the representation of power and sin while Angels are our polar opposites. Our kinds just cannot get along at all with how much God hated us. So I say we kill every last one of them."

Maulketh waved her off.

"What's the point? God is dead, the rest of the Seraphs are weak, and they can't repopulate at all. And we Dragons now have no weakness so why should we bother with them?"

Tiamat was not so easily convinced.

"But why? Would it not be better to simply kill them all?"

Runeas shook her head.

"Definitely not. I think it will be better to add them to the alliance."

Maulketh and Tiamat instantly were not happy, but she kept going.

"Before you say anything, just hear me out. I know that your Blood Memories tell you to hate Angels, but they can teach so much."

Tiamat and Maulketh looked at each other before they spoke at the same time.


"That is the biggest lie I ever heard."

Runeas was about to try to get them to listen to her, but Ingvild tugged on Maulketh's sleeve. He looked over at her as she looked up at him.

"Can you just try? Please. I know that is asking a lot, but they can't hurt you, can they? And you can ask for heavy compensation. Like the Fruit of Life and Wisdom. Not to mention all the secrets that G.O.D kept hidden. They will be forced to give that up."

Maulketh grinned as he leaned in and gave her a kiss on her lips.

"You are a genius. Yes, those fruits are just what I need to get even stronger. But growing them would be better. I should ask Nyx, and Demeter for some help so I can get an unlimited supply of them for us."

Already, he had several ways to better milk out all Heaven had to offer to let them continue existing. Tiamat already saw the girls of Maulketh's harem in a better light. Even the sweet one like Ingvild could still draw out something like that.

"I think we will get along well."

Now that the business was dealt with, Maulketh turned to Rias.

"Now, three more days for your Open House? Ready?"

Rias nodded.

"Sure. Will all of you come with us? That would be for the best after all. It will be something normal for all of us."

One after the other they all agreed in the end to go. So with that decided, they all spent the rest of the day just getting to know Tiamat. They came to enjoy her company as she was very experienced so she gave them all advice.

Those three days passed by in a blur to the big day.


Currently, they all found themselves back in Kuoh Town hours before the event. They all were at Rias' home that her family had made for her to use during her time in Japan. It was a European-styled manner which showed how luxurious she lived.

Currently, they were all in the living room on the very big couch as Rias stood dressed in teacher clothes in front of a board. Grimnar was sitting on Maulketh's lap like a regular dog though.

"Alright, the event will start in exactly 8 hours so that gives me some time to ask somethings of you. First of all, try to be patient with the humans."

Maulketh shrugged.

"I can do that. Easily."

Astrid and Celestine though had not spent any time around regular humans so they were the ones this was addressed to. Astrid raised her hand.

"What do you mean?"

Rias explained.

"No attacking anyone. Showing off your supernatural features, and not killing anyone. Also, not talking down to them."

Celestine now had a question.

"But what if they disrespect us? Can't we kill them then?"

Rias shook her head.

"NO! Definitely don't do that. That is the wrong reaction to something like that."

Celestin was not so sure.

"But, what about if they touch us?"

Maulketh spoke up.

"Then I kill them."

Rias shook her head again.

"That won't happen for sure. So let's stop with the killing idea."

Valina crossed her arms and jokingly acted oblivious. It was not Astrid's or Celestine's fault as they never really interacted with humanity much. But she could make a joke out of this.

"Wait, so if the humans look at my chest I am not supposed to kill them?"

Rias sighed.

"Don't act dumb, you know better than that."

Runeas joined in as well.

"What if they are rude? Do we kill them then?"

That just started a back-and-forth between them all as Rias halfway through gave up fighting their jokes. Maulketh laughed and stood up with Grimnar.

"Alright, enough jokes. We are not children. For the moment I have something to take care of. Runeas, want to come?"

She nodded as she stood up.

"We will be back soon."

With that said, Maulketh teleported himself, Runeas, and Grimnar back to the home of Issei's parents. When they appeared in the drive way, he put Grimnar down on the ground. He turned to Runeas and explained.

"When I first awoke in this body, it belonged to the child of these people. I could care less what they feel, but I guess I do owe them a favor for creating the perfect body for me. Issei lacked talent on the surface, but his body took power a little too well. Now, I guess I should return the favor."

Runeas was curious about what he would do.

"What favor will you do?"


He bit his tongue and drew out a single drop of blood he kept in his mouth. He drew it out and made it float in the air, but he was not done. He reached a finger to his forehead and drew out a copy of all the memories Issei had, but edited.

He did not want to recreate the same waste of space that Issei once was. It would still be Issei, but a much better individual. He fused that with the drop of blood and with that done he just needed one thing. Issei's consciousness was devoured by him.

With a thought, he recreated the fragmented consciousness and fused it with the memories and the blood.

"There, now reform."

Instantly mana surged into the drop of blood which began to grow in size into the shape of a person. In just seconds Issei was recreated, but better. He looked a lot like Maulketh really as he was 6'4, he had black hair, and dark green eyes, and his clothes looked similar to Ares and Maulketh.

He was much more muscular than the original Issei, but he was still him. The new Issei had the original's consciousness but was edited by Maulketh. Issei took a breath as he popped his neck and stretched out.

"Thanks for bringing me back master or should I say, Dad."

Maulketh laughed.

"Call what you like. Your body was made from my blood so you are more of a clone with only a few of my powers. In all honestly, comparing you to me is like comparing a dragon to a lizard."

Issei laughed.

"Harsh, but fair. Anyways, what do you want me to do?"

Maulketh had one idea for now.

"I am going to introduce you to your parents."

Issei still had all his memories of them, just not the ones that made him into a total creep so he was now a much better person. Not to mention he also took in some of Maulketh's personality traits.

"Sure, I can do that, but can I come back to you after that? I know they are my parents and all, but I just can't seem to connect to them anymore. Which is why I want you to rename me. Issei just is not a good name in my opinion."

Maulketh wondered about that.

"Seems you are my son then. I hated the name as well. Fine, give me some time to think of one.

Issei smiled as he fixed his leather jacket.

"So, can I call you dad then?"

Maulketh shrugged.

"Do it if you want, but if you call me that, you can be sure I will treat you like my son. Harshly."

"Then Dad it is."

Runeas looked Issei over and then at Maulketh.

"Is this what he looked like when you took him over?"

Issei shook his head as he remembered that at least.

"No, not even close. Now let's get this over with."

They all walked toward the front door of the Hyoudou residence. Before they made it to the front door Maulketh created two FBI badges. He handed one to Runeas who looked at the picture of herself.

"So, you want to pretend to be FBI?"

Maulketh nodded.

"Sure, why not. I got to entertain myself after all. Boy, stay out of sight for a bit alright."

"Sure father."

When they stood in front of the door, Issei stayed out of the line of sight for the moment. Maulketh then began to bang heavily on the front door which caused Issei's parents to jump awake. They did not have to wait long before Gorou answered the door.

He looked diffrent from what Maulketh remembered. He had gained weight, and he looked pale. From his memories, Maulketh read that he had begun to drink heavily and he constantly did everything to search for Issei.

Though he was stressed he still never took out his anger on his wife who was suffering more than him. Now, he saw two people dressed in leather jackets with a big dog with them.

"Yes? How can I help you?"

Maulketh and Runeas held out their fake badges.

"Hello. I am Agent Mark. And this is Angent Runeas. We know that you had a child go missing not long ago correct?"

Gorou perked up not carring if this was a lie or not.

"YES! Do you have news?"

Maulketh nodded.

"We went over the information, and your son Issei was found alive and well in New York. We have brought him over, but I am not sure that you will recognize him though."

Gorou instaltuy began to worry.

"What do you mean? Is he hurt?"

Maulketh looked at Issei who was only a few feet away from Gorou's line of sight who was still in the house.

"Issei, you can come over."

Issei did as he was told and he walked into the line of sight of his birth father. When Gorou saw Issei he almost did not want to believe this was his son. He had only been missing for a year and he now looked like a totally diffrent person.

However, the overall features looked a lot like his son so he knew it was him.

"Hey dad. Been a while."

Tears began to stream from Gorou's eyes as he gave Issei a tight hug. Issei hugged him back still feeling some affection for him, but it was reduced. Issei's conciouness was heavely influinced by Maulketh so his emotions were very diffrent now.

Gorou pulled back and tugged at Issei's jacket.


Issei pulled back as he did not want his jacket messed up.

"Calm down. I got an offer I could not turn down. Learning magic under a mage was too good to pass on. Just a year of training and I became what you see."

Maulketh and Runeas nodded.

"As hard as it is to believe, magic is very real. Our best agents are mages, and he seemed to have accepted a offer to work for a mage. That is why he seems diffrent, but he is still your son."

Gorou felt there was more to it, but he was just glad to see his son back.

"I don't really care, I am just glad you are alive. Come, your mother will want to see you."

Issei turned to Maulketh and spoke to him telepathically.

'I will spend a few hours with them, then wipe their minds of my existence. I owe it to them to do that. I will be back before then.'

Maulketh nodded.

'Alright. Do what you want.'

With that said, Maulketh teleported himself, Runeas and Grimnar away causing Gorou to now belive for real what was said. Issei smiled as he walked into his house for the last time.

(The idea to bring back Issei was actually one I always planed on, but not as he was. He will get a new name and be his own character rather than Issei himself. Also, check out my friend's youtube channel UltraBlueENERGY2.

It's about comics, anime, and Monsterverse content. He is too good to remain unknown so I am giving him a headstart.)

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