Even standing from behind the crowds, Vega knew the rate to get accepted was only in one out of hundreds. Looking at the sea of people, he already felt overwhelmed by the applicants. Most proudly displayed their wealth by wearing the most current robe in style — woven with the silk from the rare bamboo caterpillar sparkling under the glowing hot sun. Even the cheapest one, the one with only intricate embroidery, still sparkled in a green hue.
Instead of being allowed from the two bridges straight to the guild, they took the test in another underground chamber on the other side of the island. He spent hours to figure out the way in and after waiting his turn, he even had to pay for ten gold to register. Staring at some of the groups who failed to provide the money necessary for the test, Vega understood why his mentor always thought badly about the guild. It reminded him of the sect he visited where having money is a must.
"What do you think they will do?" Vega asked Dion while summoning a gust of breeze to cool himself down.
"Probably doing some adventuring. Somehow it's nice being a crafter or a potion master. Did you decipher anything from the book?" Dion whispered.
"Not really, no. And even if I did, the material wasn't as cheap as simple herbs."
After all, even though some people boasted their knowledge in crafting, the prices of magical items were several times more pricey compared to potions. And potions weren't that difficult to concoct. The only thing the potion masters needed are their knowledge in finding the correct plants and using their utmost focus when creating a potion. With the help of his talking, yet sometimes annoying book, he could easily find the materials. But of course, the guild had to create a rule to minimize potion masters to appear out of nowhere. Their monopoly in the herbs and also the recipes kept the prices high.
After they finally waited for some time under the humid cave that grew hotter by the minute, the door finally slid open and Vega could see the edge of the traditional white cloak from behind.
"Welcome. The tradition was to accept only intermediate-level apprentices, but considering several schools were discovered to ally with the dark, we are giving more leeway for any apprentices to join us. Of course, I'm only saying that if you pass."
"The first test was simple. Behind me, a formation exists to test your willpower. The guild won't accept anyone who's lazy. As the strongest alliance, we need to keep our quality intact. Of course, nobles are not exceptions, but your bloodline would help you tremendously." His eyes twinkled when mentioning nobles.
"So, it's true then. They are aligning themselves with the guild." Vega understood the expression. Different from the academy, people in the capital treated nobles better.
"I won't doubt it. The nobles had been around for years and their cunningness was the only tool to keep them stay in power." Dion sneered.
Obviously, aside from Vega, even his noble friend didn't like how the nobles in the capital operate. He recalled when visiting the Goldenhearts their impression of Dion was really bad when seeing the wheelchair. Probably their signature was playing with their swords, but it wasn't nice to look down at a member bearing the same family name as you. Being an orphan, family is really important to him.
After a while, the line shortened and it was their turn to go inside the formation. The first thing he noticed was the darkness surrounding him but slowly he could see a faint silhouette of rocks around him. He stood by himself in the middle of a dark cave with glowing moss creating a blue hue on the surface of the rocks.
"Dion!" He shouted, screamed, and even slowly walk through his side. But the place was completely dark and he couldn't find anywhere else to go out. Basically, he was trapped inside. He was sure that the test had started and if the purpose was to test his willpower, he could just meditate inside without giving up. He hated being alone but after being disappointed several times, he had to get used to the loneliness.
Outside, several apprentices had been ushered out from giving up too early and deemed to have failed the test. Most were crying and sobbing. One even had to close his eyes from whatever they suffered inside the formation. The guild didn't bother to refund back the money. A commotion started but died down after the guards brandished their staff trapping the propagators inside.
Vega sat down surrounded by darkness around him while meditating. But without any mana, his meditation felt really long. After being dependent on his visions since he was born, the darkness was something he wasn't fond of. His experience living in the streets made him strong and drove him to keep surviving. He didn't have any fears, he killed people, he survived hunger, beating, and even sold his bodies for mere food. Yes, he hated nobles for using his service and sometimes they went away without giving him anything, but Dion brought him hope. Sometimes loneliness brought his deepest, darkest fear. An image of his friends dying in front of him and even the image of Dion leaving him crossed his mind. But he remembered his first time in the academy and his mentor taught him the heart of stone.
In his mind, he played some relaxing melodies. In repetition. Over and over again. Time went by and the darkness seemed to stretch longer. It could be days, weeks, years, or even centuries. Even with his meditation routine, this felt longer than necessary. He didn't know how long he stayed there until finally he felt someone hold his shoulder and opened his eyes.
The brightness made him squint and a blurry figure in white appeared before him. "You passed. And with that talent of yours, you didn't have to join the rest of the test. Come."
Vega passed by the screaming figure of apprentices around him. And even though they screamed, they seemed to close their eyes. The formation was similar to the first time he got tested for his affinity toward the elements, but instead of giving him knowledge of elements, it tested his will to live. The member of the guild led him toward the door on the other side of the cave and white walls greeted him.
Several sigil lamps hung from the tall ceiling showing a great hallway. A huge statue of a guy holding his staff and a book stood in the middle. The Mernoralin. Behind him, a huge staircase led him toward the guild. Getting his robe and his essentials, he was assigned to his room. It had four beds in total complete with a window overlooking the capital that looked tiny from the guild. The guild member asked him to wait inside and someone would call him.
He scanned the room and all the beds looked similar. He chose the bed closest to the window and opened the chest the guild provided for him. Without any lock, the chest was not possible to keep his belongings safe. Not knowing what to do, he straightened his pillow and put his head on the pillow. Luckily the ceiling wasn't as white as the walls making it easier for him to adjust to the place. His cloak was white, his pillow was white, and even his boots were white. Even if he wanted to wear the cloak, it would be weird wearing it on top of his robe. He didn't have any tunic or even a simple shirt to wear. But while he was feeling the soft materials on the cloak, someone knocked on the door.
"Sorry, but I think this is also my room."
Vega scanned the newcomers. The guy cuddled all his belongings with him tightly to his chest. He wore a simple shirt with several patches of dirt around his sleeve. Knowing that the guy was a commoner, he smiled to the guy. "That's okay. I'm Vega, I guess we're a roomate." From the aura, the guy must be a high-level apprentice. But with that shirt, he probably graduated from the schools without any ability to earn money.
"I'm Shin from the school of Master Terimarie in the Nighthaze Island."
"Ah, Nighthaze Island. Under the Nighthaze Academy, correct?"
"Yes. Can I sit here?"
"Of course. I think we're the first here."
Shin sat and felt the cloak. "What's wrong with the cloak? Are we not allowed to wear it?"
"I don't have any shirt and pants. It would be weird wearing it over my robe, right?"
"That's true." He kept feeling the cloak with him.
"Just wear it first. It's fine."
Shin slowly slid the white cloak around his arms and straightened the collar. Aside from looking like a guild member, his green eyes looked obviously contrasting with the white cloak around him.
"So, tell me. How's the situation in Nighthaze Island?"
"It's crazy. When I advance to high-level, my master gave me money and asked me to join the guild right away. I heard several adepts from the Nighthaze Academy died and all the elders left. Luckily we leave close to the edge of the cliff. So my friends and my master survive."
Vega nodded. "How about the island? What do you have there?"
"Mostly mountains. We have one forest in the middle of the island, but my mentor forbids me from going inside the forest. So I'm only there practicing and helping my mentor to raise some farm animals."
"That's interesting. How about your test?"
"The first one was scary. I experienced all my animals dying around me, but then someone told me I passed. The second test was easier. We have to attack some wooden puppets in three rounds. I only managed to finish the second round before the puppets started to shoot compressed air straight into my chest. Luckily it only hurt a little and the tests are over."
"That's weird. What do you think the guild has these tests for?"
"My mentor told me that big academies and the guild are testing affinities and willpower. But of course, my willpower wasn't that strong before I became an apprentice and I failed to join the Nighthaze Academy. For willpower, I didn't know mine. My mentor mastered the earth element so I also learned a similar ability from my mentor. He told me my knowledge of deciphering the spell models was good enough. That's probably the only reason Master Terimarie gave me the money to join the guild."
Vega didn't know any of that. He thought the first test in the Sea Blue Shoal Academy was to test his talent. But the slight darkness around him was easily broken by him and he was deemed to pass. From Shin's explanations, Nighthaze Island had better living conditions compared to the Shoal Blue Sea Academy. No weird stories and an apprentice tending to farm animals was something unheard of. He remembered he had to take on some tasks to kill creatures in his academy. No wonder Dion told that the Nighthaze Academy lost to the members from the Shoal Blue Sea Academy and took the apprentices with them.
"Alright, anyway. It's really nice to meet you. I hope you learn how to fight here in the guild. Even though you mastered some earth spells, it won't help you as an apprentice. Later if I'm free I can teach you how to use your spells better. I was a tutor before."
Shin nodded.
While they were talking. Someone got through the door without knocking.
"That was crazy."
After some talks with the newcomers, he learned the guy's name was Torin. But he didn't talk much with him because Torin straight away laid on the pillow and snored. Softly but still disturbing.
He shrugged. Slowly the platter on the window created a magnificent atmosphere. The sound of rain. When suddenly the door to his room opened and a figure wearing a white cloak, an adept, summoned him.
Thank you for reading! I'm grateful for your support. Shower me with golden tickets, power stones, comments, reviews, and add the book to your library if you like it!
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