The two drones hurtled towards the Paladin, their enchanted blades spinning at a terrifying speed, poised to tear apart anything in their path.
Christopher swiftly launched two sets of blades at the drones, disrupting their flight trajectory. Utilizing his superhuman speed, he retreated, creating a significant distance between himself and the approaching drones. However, as he readied another set of blessed blades, he realized that each set contained only two blades instead of the usual three.
"Tch!" Christopher clicked his tongue in frustration, realizing that his supply of blessed blades from the Vatican Armory had been depleted.
[It might be more taxing on my magic vein, but I need to make it count!] The Paladin thought, determined to utilize his precious energy effectively. Channeling his mana and faith power, he infused two blades with heightened energy before hurling them towards each of the drones.