"For now, study this book on alchemy flames to learn the basics, and then I will give you the technique to create your flame," Duan Shu said.
Chen Tian nodded and took a corner inside the room, and began studying the book.
The book contained detailed illustrations and instructions on how to control an alchemy flame and other basic information on how to harness its power.
As Chen Tian dove deeper into the text, he found himself captivated by the intricate process of manipulating alchemy flames.
Seeing Chen Tian studying the book, Duan Shu nodded and looked at Yin Yun. "Come, I will make your pill. You've been stuck in The Qi Refinement Realm for too long."
With Yin Yun's talent, she should already be in the High Stage of the Meridian Opening Realm, but just because Duan Shu wanted the girl to have a good foundation, she asked her to focus on refining her Qi for an extended period of time.
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