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77.41% DEAD NO MORE / Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Capítulo 24: Chapter 24

Hina was over monitoring everyone getting packs ready since it now changed to a bigger operation to fill the vehicles full of supplies, it was luck Tai found this place since they knew it was around but thought it'd be passed the next cabin where it's a lot colder.

" Winter you will be in charge along with Ami' so take care of the others...Ami' keep your eyes on Joe and Jr at all times, give them responsibilities so they'll be content.

" oh trust me we all have our eyes on the children especially Lydia has taken the responsibility and actually, she has taken to Jr and Joe staying by their side or watching them when she's not. " Ami' said looking through her scope while Winter was loading the ammo line inside the Machine gun, she looked over at the three crates of ammo then smiled.

" I believe if anything comes through we'll pick them off" Winter said stretching her back.

Hina smiled at them both, then made her way down to read her list twenty one people stood by the vehicles one or two riding in each one making room for supplies, Hina hugged both Joe and Jr who went outside to see them off with their new friend a few steps behind them so Hina gave her a warm smile waving at the girl to come closer then looked at them seriously.

" Lydia make them mind also have them do their training, I believe they'll be learning maps today then some more weapon training, Jr keep Joe safe and stay out of the woods, watch for anyone who comes around and especially for those things I showed you a picture of...make sure to do the jobs assigned to you both they're very important plus practicing with your weapons, Ami is going to show you how to use your axe and your short sword Joe so have fun. Lydia I've heard good things about you plus how well you use a gun, Ami said yesterday that you'll be a pro with sharp shooting when she trains you " Hina said getting on her knee hugging both kids then whispers in Jrs ear.

" don't take your eyes off Joe even if she says hateful things, pushing you away just keep your eyes on her no matter what and make sure to tell Ami or Winter with any problems no matter how small. Another thing if someone tries to get you to leave or doing something that could put you in danger tell Winter and remember keep your eyes open for anyone acting strange or doing things they shouldn't.. go tell Ami or Winter " Hina said pulling away from the hug then standing back up looking at the three, she walked over hugging Lydia and it took a minute before she returned a tight hug smiling.

(" good girl she's had it rough, I also know she put her brother down so she's going to be ok now ") Hina thought to herself, she wants to have these children out of danger but also where they can handle anything that tries to kill them Hina thought to herself since she's been trying to interact with Lydia since they got here.

" be safe and tell Tai to come home to us or I'll beat her butt " Joe said wiping a tear away while Jr placed his hand on her shoulder that she shrugged off, even though He is her best friend she doesn't like any male touching her..Hina laughed at what Joe said then pinched her cheek making the girl groan pulling away, Joe glanced over at Mr. Smith then Scowled while looking at him, she looks back at Hina putting her pointer finger up motioning Hina to come closer.

" he's not a good person, he's been looking around the vehicles and was looking at the locks on the closet and the room the armory is in, it's a good thing it's locked. " Joe said looking back at the man who was now looking at her and she flipped him off making his jaw fall open then glaring at Joe.

" I'll look into it we also have this place covered in cameras just stay away from him ok " Hina said patting Joe's head then looking at their vest.

" Keep your radios on you and wear your vest that Grady and Len made for you three at all times " Hina said not wanting to leave the two, Lydia stood behind them like a protective older sister always keeping an eye on the two along with the other children.

They used the sheriff's SUV that Alex's group brought in to haul both trailers, Monroe will drive his truck to load the back down.

Loading the truck full along with the trailers would be too much weight on the truck since the trail is bad, rail if they would have used the truck and with a fully loaded back then the trailers would be to much weight then.

Hina looked at Monroe and Barnes loading thick long wide planks that were hanging a couple feet out the tail gate, she looked at Grady who stood by cleaning his glasses and he always had a warm smile on his face.

Hina figures it was in case one of them got stuck in mud if a pit hole is too deep to drive through, She looked over the list of people while each one stood by the vehicles they were assigned to check everything. Three of her men were on the dirt bikes with automatic weapons ready for a fight with riot shields that Grady attached to give the riders protection from the infected or if they run into other survivors who'll attack with weapons.

(" well so far so good ") Hina thought to herself watching Olivia came out of the house with her pack and weapons along with her computer tucked under her arm, she climbed inside the jeep closing the door rolling her window down then opened her laptop.

(" eh moody...let's check the list and head out ") Hina thought reading silently over the list while the others was double checking all their gear.

: Lillian and Len were in one of the SUVs that had the Sheriff logo in bold letters on it also with the sirens and spot lights, Grady is going to give them a paint job painting them both black when they get back but planning to keep the sirens plus spotlights.

: Tom, Johnny and Robbie were on the first bikes with metal spears that Grady made in case they needed to move a creature out of the way or pierce its head, everyone has a bow or bow gun to keep it quiet if they need to.

: Taylor and Lia were in the other SUV that was like the one Lillian was driving, it was also fitted with a machine gun with extra crates that had the ammo on lines to feed the guns and with a flame thrower in the floor board. They were pulling the trailer they used to transport the bikes, Hina decided that Tom was in isolation long enough and they needed it to haul the large amount of stuff that Calista told them about leaving the rest of the bikes at the cabin.

: Monroe, Grady and Barnes were inside the truck

: Ali and Brian were in one of the ATVs which was modified with a few others to keep any creatures or attacks out the best the metal and triple paned glass will allow.

: Alex and Kyle in another ATV that was modified along with a machine gun that was sitting at the passengers front with a metal barrier giving them protection with slots cut out of the metal so they can slide metal shutters to close them off, even with the metal and a limited space to see what's around they also have a camera that allows them to see a 360° degree view with the camera on the top. They also have flame throwers that Grady made hooked to the sides with the tanks in the back, they only plan to use them if they need to.

: Hina and Olivia were in Tais Jeep that had the tactical new age heavy machine gun on top that you could fire and see anything from a tablet or VR goggles that Olivia knew how to use and they were behind Alex and Kyle.

: Harold made the teacher and guide who wants to be called Bub come inside another ATV with him since he didn't trust leaving them at the cabin

: Brax and Oliver in another jeep that had two heavy machine guns that had grenade launchers on top of theirs along with a military grade flame thrower, they also brought along George who was a scientist like Olivia.

George was a very intelligent man who worked on computers and also was a scientist, he Volunteered to work alongside Olivia who was happy because having another Scientist to go over the data and specimens to find a cure would help them out more. Not too long she didn't want him near her since he always found an excuse to touch her or was always staring at her with a look that made her feel like she was his prey.

Hina did a head count of twenty two people and looked over at George giving him a confused look as to why he was running over to one of the vehicles in the convoy, he looked over at Olivia with a loving look making Hina roll her eyes and George gave Oliver a pleading look but Brax said "no" and Oliver pointed over to Hina making George sigh before walking over.

Hina gave George an uncaring look while he was walking over to her, She looked at him then looked back at her list as he stood their shifting on his feet.

" umm Hina I was wondering if I could tag along, with only Olivia knowing what all we need to take will take more time at least if I'm with you all we could get the lab equipment quicker along with the samples we need " George said, Hina thought it over and he is right and she will keep him in a separate group away from Olivia since she'll be by her side throughout this mission.

" fine but I'm telling you now one screw up and I'll leave you behind " Hina said throwing him a pack while handing him a UMP-45, he had extra ammo and a 9mm Baretta inside the pack along with other items like a tactical knife.

" You need to have the items put on your vest " Hina said, She noticed that George was staring at Olivia the whole time she was talking and Olivia looked over making eye contact with George making her shiver and feel uncomfortable so she looked away.

" you know always looking at her like that makes you seem like a I'm pretty sure she has told you that she doesn't like you like that and she is also seeing Tai and she would kill you without blinking if she seen you making Olivia uncomfortable in any way" Hina said making George scowl angrily at her before he walked off to get inside the jeep hooking things to his vest While mumbling about Tai making Oliver turn in his seat glaring at him.

Brax turned in his seat hearing George bad mouth Tai and before Oliver could stop him, Brax slapped George across the Cheek even hitting his nose making it bleed.

" you say One more word about my commander and I'll break your limbs next, I've told you before to keep your eyes off Olivia and don't ever touch her...not even if it's an accident." Brax said turning around in his seat started the jeep up.

" look just because you like Olivia, she doesn't like you and I was there with her when she told you how you touch it look hell even speak to her is creepy. Olivia and Hina are together with Tai and they agrees to be with Tai even sharing her, Olivia just isn't into you so leave it be " Oliver said turning around checking the weapons manifold, he also checked the tanks for the flame thrower.

" Everything is a go...over " Oliver said tapping Brax on the shoulder while the convoy started moving out with Alex and Kyle on point, since Alex was a military officer Hina trusted him enough to take lead.

Harold kept glancing in the rearview mirror at Mr. Smith who seemed like a very uncaring person who would do anything to save his own Hyde so he knows to keep an eye on him, Bub seemed like a person pleaser who would work for his recreational fun that is alcohol or anything that'll take the edge off and he knew these trails like the back of his hand that's why they were a car behind Alex's vehicle.

With Hina in the middle with Braxs group at the rear, they drive for an hour then went slower when the trail got rougher plus all the mud pits they needed to not get stuck in especially the vehicles towing the trailers.

" well with all the weight from the other vehicles it'll take us another hour give or take to make it to that trail " Bub said over the radio while looking at the map, Harold smiled then handed Bub his flask when he noticed both the man's hands tremoring.

They came across over fourteen infected that were being consumed by several of those creatures fusing their bodies to theirs, One had three Bodies the two torsos was connected like Siamese twins with four legs and Two arms being used to let the thing walk, the third Bodie had its top part hanging down between their legs with it's legs hanging over the back of the two bodies up top.

It dropped on its back letting all it's limbs touch the ground using all twelve limbs running toward Alex's vehicle and he opened fire hitting the thing head on eventually splitting the thing straight down the middle, they drove by the other ones that was still fusing with some of the other bodies and is going to let Brax deal with them since their off to the side doing their thing ignoring the convoy.

Brax slowed the vehicle down using the flame thrower lighting them all on fire even the body that was twitching on the ground from Alex and kyles machine gun, they set everyone of them on fire while Oliver opened the window taking head shots watching the bodies drop letting the fire do it's job.

" all our vehicles have a flame thrower I rigged up only the tanks are smaller then the one in the last vehicle which is military made, if we can let the back set them ablaze unless we're in a pickle then use yours " Grady said over the radio with a laugh for using the word pickle, Hina was staring straight ahead taking glances of her watch while Olivia was working on her laptop while she kept sighing.

" what do you want to say " Hina asked while tapping her fingers on the wheel, Olivia closed her laptop then turns in her seat to look at Hina.

" I'm not going to stop seeing Tai even if what you said about those other girls wanting to be with her as well, I'll tell them that too and you said those three are in a relationship with each other already plus the other girl Len also has been with Tai before....Even if she wants ten of us I'll stay " Olivia said, Hina glances over at her then back to the road and smiled.

" well I figured as much cause I'm not either, pretty soon some of us will be adding little ones to our large family anyway. " Hina said looking back over at Olivia who blushed then closed her Cardigan crossing her arms over her stomach.

" Olivia you should have stayed in your lab we made and you need to tell Tai as soon as are forbidden to get out of this jeep until I tell you, it's not just yourself you have to worry about and how far along are you..." Hina said watching the road gripping the steering wheel watching Olivia shuffle in her seat from her perifial vision.

" four months " Olivia said with a small smile while placing a hand on her stomach rubbing it softly, Hina smiled then reaches over placing her hand on Olivia's stomach also.

" ahh I can feel it... seriously Olivia don't go against me or I'll handcuff you in the back with an armed guard to babysit you, you'll be giving your child something worse than a death sentence if those things infect you they'll infect the baby as well" Hina said retrieving her hand back then glanced at the screen that had an incoming call from Jake.

" Sir...." Hina said then was cut off by moving bodies behind Jake talking about something about a place they're getting ready to raid, he walked inside a room closing the door.

" Hina how's Ali and the girls doing " Jake said as the radio on his vest had chatter going acrossed it, talking about a pop up lab in abandoned warehouse in a city called Playton.

" they are fine umm actually we're en route to the lab that they first used while the one on top of the mountain was still being built, we have knowledge that there is minimum infected inside but nothing we can't handle. It seems the place is fully intact with all the supplies, weapons and the labs are still functional with data we can use." Hina said glancing from the trail to the screen watching Jake's face get serious, he sighs then sits back in his chair relaxing his arms on the armrest.

" that's data plus all of the samples we definitely need, who found the place and identified the stuff we need " Jake said pulling out a map looking it over while grabbing a pen writing something down on the map.

" Tai accidentally found it when she was checking the trail out for when we move, with all the people we now have along with the supplies it was a must to scout ahead and the infected are seems to be a lot more than what we estimated by a hundred fold " Hina said watching Jake's eyebrows furrow in confusion.

" that can't be" Jake said typing on his keyboard reading over the reports, he looked back to the screen pulling out a paper from the copy machine.

" how many do you think you've encountered so far " Jake asked looking over at the paper putting his reading glasses on skimming over the paper.

" well with the ones who are fusing two to eight bodies plus the hoards we've encountered so far has to be over three hundred and there is a lot more " Hina said looking at the trail ahead seeing over thirty of them with ones that were massive having three to eight bodies fused.

" I'll send you the new videos " Hina said as she patched the live video to the screen for Jake to see, he shakes his head in disbelief.

" try to record as many as you can and keep count something isn't adding up that place should be safer than other areas....Has Tai said anything about the facility, did she say anything about being there before, if she does Hina report to me....I know you've read the files on her being raised in that place by a foster parent until she was six, just let her remember on her own and don't tell her anything yet just let her remember" Jake said making Olivia scoff at what he said, she seen the files as well with the majority of it blacked out except for a little data on her.

Her information of who she is, who her parents are or anything about where she came from are all blank, they have the rest of the info they know and how well she did in combat outdoing even the instructors at age seven.

Jake took custody of Tai teaching her things that seals and Rangers are taught along with special forces, Jake also has taught her arrange of things even weapon training along with hacking and medical training.

Tai was like a sponge that absorbed anything she saw, heard or tried, Tai is a killing machine she knew she was different and she got close with some scientists families along with Jake's that taught her how to love. Tai was with the girls for a long time and she fell in love with all four, until she disappeared taking on missions that had her killing without batting an eye.

" ok Jake I'll send you anything we record along with detailed reports " Hina said as Jake nodded his head and Olivia cut the feed sighing while pouting her lips making Hina giggle.

" Are you sulking " Hina said as the gunfire was going off at the infected pinning the large mass of bodies keeping it from moving toward them, screeches rang through the air when they hit the creature with the flame thrower that Grady told them about while chunks of flesh was covering the road when the .50 caliber was slicing through them.

Hina looked to the hillside seeing tons of infected rolling down the hill hitting in the side of the vehicles, she couldn't use the machine gun while their close to the others.

" how are there so many " Olivia said picking ones off that was on top of the hill to kill as many as she could become they came down the hill, Hina looked at the infected that seems to be at least a hundred or so.

" Alex move out let's put some distance between us and them so Brax can clear them out " Hina said sending the video live to Jake showing over a Hundred of the level one infected coming down the hill, not to mention the level two that are fused together up ahead, they slowly went ahead while Alex cleared out the ones around them clearing the way.

Hina pulled around where she had a good aim at the massive dead thing that looked like a blob of bodies and Olivia used the grenade launcher shooting two at the thing while Kyle used the flame thrower dessimating it.

" ten more miles " Harold said over the radio when bud informed him, the teacher in the back seat heard the hands slapping the side of the vehicle when driving through them and even felt the ones that they ran over like speed bumps.

Alex used the machine gun cutting down the infected and shot a grenade at the large group that was ahead of them, they set them all on fire as the burning bodies were still chasing after them.

" we encountered another group besides the ones that you saw on call, how did all these infected get up here and don't tell me that maybe they were up here being infected already it doesn't make since" Hina said over a message she sent Jake waiting for his reply.

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