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Ch13. Who the heck is Jahovah? (Door knocking sound)

The walls of Orario came into view, the expedition had lead to quite the revelation, however, thankfully an agreement was made for the safety of Orario.

Everyone would report what was learned and carefully approach the culprit, no need to antagonize a small child…nothing to do with the fact he could potentially DETROY THE ENTIRE CITY WITH EASE!

Ok so maybe everyone was a wee bit freaked out, but he one shot a being that gave both the Zeus and Hera Familias the what for.. can you blame them for being a tad frightened?

Well almost all of them, a certain wolf was smiling big and walking with bravado.

Bete was ecstatic, his lil bro was probably one of the strongest mortals alive, he totally wanted to see what Haru did to take that big beotch down!

"Guh, that smiles pissing me off…" Riveria however was in a far different boat, such a cataclysmic anomaly was right under their noses, one slip up, just one! And bobs your uncle and hello heaven.

She kept looking over at poor Ais who was staring into space… well more then usual.

Gareth had a calm face, but Riveria could see his fingers twitch so often, he was nervous, they all were.

Soon they'll be back in Orario, the same city he calls home, hopefully he doesn't change his mind anytime soon, or they're all screwed royally.




"HARU!!" A white haired rabbit came flying into the shop at the speed of 'How much c*caine is too much c*caine' making Haru smile at his ever energetic big brother.

Ever since Bell got his Falna he had been busy in the dungeon, but he still made time before every delve in to check in on Haru.

Haru couldn't fathom the size of Bells cajonas, half the horror stories he's heard about that place from the people he's healed over the last couple days has given him a very rational fear of the place.

It's not that he's afraid of monsters or the dark, it's the anticipation and potential jump scares.

It's not about being alone in the dark, but not being alone in the dark that got him keeping that place out of sight and out of mind.

All it took was one horror movie in his past life and bam! Haru hates what might be around the corner, you want to go towards the scary noise then you do you boo.

Man, Haru really wanted pizza…

"Um, Haru? You okay there bud?" Bell voiced out his concern as he watched gurus face go through an array of emotions ending on one of…hunger?

Haru shook his run away thoughts as he focused once more. "Hmmm? Yeah I'm fine, just thinking about something I might try to make later…" Haru had wasted his system's potential, but no more! Cooking skills here I come!

Bell felt amused as Haru's attention drifted off once more, he even began to drool.

Bell reached out and ruffled Haru's hair, lost in the feeling between his fingers, like thousands of strands of the world's finest silk, his fingers nearly completely disappearing in the midnight black locks of hair.

Haru pouted, "bro we talked, anymore then thirty seconds is just shameful!" Haru smoke out without stopping Bell.

"Your absolute right!" Bell agreed one hundred percent, but an extra couple minutes wouldn't hurt, right?



Pulling out a mirror he had received from Freya when she decorated the shop, Haru checked the top of his head to ensure he wasn't missing hair, he swore Bell had nearly rubbed his head bald, seriously, who stands there and spends twenty minutes giving someone head pats?

His goofy big brother, that's who! Still it made the boy smile, it was nice to have someone care so much.

'I'm bored…' now Haru was just sitting at the counter twiddling his thumbs, sure his store was popular, but most wounds worth healing had already been healed.

Haru had a nearly bottomless amount of 'mind' apparently.

It took mere seconds to heal one person, but went quicker yesterday when Haru realized he could actually touch a barrel of healing potions and 'upgrade' them.

Miach started too send larger one gallon barrels of potions for larger groups going on longer trips, in the middle of moving one, it's lid popped off and it splashed on Haru.

This lead to the discovery, however it wasn't truly omnipotent revelation due too a sever drawback, the upgrade only lasted about five minutes and the potions would turn bad, becoming more of a poison as his magic wore off.

This allowed him too heal large numbers in minutes, leading to him now dying of boredom as most adventurers were busy in the dungeon or out relaxing on the town.


"Hmm?" Looking up from drawing circles on a piece of paper, Haru noticed a silver haired woman walking into the shop with her guard.

"Hello, welcome to Second Grace! How May I help you today lady Freya?" Haru smiled at the woman, and she smiled right back.

"I've brought a special gift for you." Freya took out the beautifully decorated box she held behind her back and gently placed it on the counter in front of Haru.

"This is something I've held dear to me for a VERY long time, now it is yours."

Haru looked down at the intricate box and reached out towards it, suddenly he felt his heart beat quickly in his ears as a burning sensation tucked upon his back.

His body shook in excitement?

Haru, lost in his own world reached for the box for what seemed like centuries, but happened in almost a blink to Freya.

With a click and gentle creak the lid rose up and revealed a large white feather, a golden shine rippling along its surface, it seemed to be otherworldly, the being it belonged too Truly regal.

Haru's throat grew parched as his eyes fell upon the feather no bigger then a large writing quill.

"W-wh-what I-is thisss…?" Haru's voice trailed off as his hand trembled with unconcealed elation.

"Pick it up and see for yourself my lord." Freyas knees grew weak, his eyes had changed just like that man!

Completely black with deep golden glowing irises, his canines had increased in size and his ears became pointed up, somewhere between a human and an elf…

But most importantly was that!

A pitch black halo five inches above Haru's head that gave off a soft white light and gentle hum.

Just as she was too far gone,Haru's hand finally touched the feather…

Haru's brain exploded as a terrifying amount of power washed over him, in the back of his brain a continuous sound of system notifications began to ring as he felt like a single step from him could shatter the world.

His back suddenly felt heavy, his head felt heavy, his sight became far sharper and his hearing became so acute he could hear the beating of the adventurers hearts on the 18th floor of the dungeon.

He could see a familia of all women hunting in a forest south of Orario, he could see the Expedition as they entered the northern gate, a tall man on a war chariot leading an army, a small girl dipping her toes in an ocean.

He could see everything…

And then nothing…




Ottar was shocked to say the least, he had seen some things in his days, but this? What had his goddess done?

The boy, his aura, his features…

No god or goddess could surpass this.

His aura became overwhelming, then he witnessed his goddess drop to her knees and pray?!

It was a strange one he had never heard, but he had no time too think as that boys aura pushed down on him, like it wanted him to kneel…

He did so gladly? But why?

His consciousness began to fade, he looked up one last time and what he witnessed forever shook his soul.

Two large black wings unfurled, each one pitch black with a tapestry of stars and swirling galaxies blinking in and out of existence.

Feathers so exquisite that just touching one would be the highlight of his existence.

A large floating crown of sorts, black as an abyss gave of a soft hue of light, no crown could ever compare in Ottars mind..

Just as his eyes closed he heard Freya speak a short sentence, a name he didn't recognize before sleep took him…

"Lord Jahovah, you've returned."





Shadow_of_death Shadow_of_death

I’m just gonna say this, I’m not a religious sort, this is just my way of changing up the story from other types of Fanfics.

Don’t be mad or start a crusade on me plz.

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