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[February 1962 – Northwest Territories – Canada]
"We aren't ever doing something like that again. We're getting too old for this." Moaned Jim as he struggled to catch his breath.
Mike just smirked as he removed the tarp from the back of the truck.
Underneath was a long cylinder with the letters 'USAF' Painted on the side. It was a B28FI Mod 2 Y1 thermonuclear bomb.
Project: Shroom-Light Status: Complete.
What's one more broken arrow in the annuls of history.
We can get a lot more use from it then they will where it will just sit there for the next twenty years before eventually being decommissioned.
Jim was getting old, even with the wolf serum he still felt more and more sluggish every coming year. He could see mike heading towards the lab. "Where are you heading."
"I need something from project fortitude and then it's off to upstate New York." Said Mike with a smile on his face.
Project fortitude was one of the simpler projects he ran. All they were doing was tracking the business attachments of one Sebastian Shaw to find the Russian group that would go on to make the classic magneto helmet.
They had managed to find the alloy and it was a mix of weird and unusual metal.
After some refining, Mike managed to create a pill that he could take and it would make his thoughts unreadable for a few days before his body flushed out the metals. Eventually he wanted the alloy for all employees but even for the Augur Corporation it was an expensive alloy.
But first he wanted to try out his new toy. An F4 Phantom that had just been delivered to his Aerodrome.
[March 1962 – Xavier Estate]
Mike walked up the steps to the school. He could see a few kids here and there playing. He smiled knowing that maybe he should bring sky here so she can associate with kids like her. He knocks on the door which is answered by a kid who looks to be fifteen.
"Hi, I was wondering if I could speak to a Professor Xavier." The kid just nods and closes the door. After a few minutes the door is opened by Alex Summers AKA Havok. He has a cautious expression on his face. "Come." He waves me in and shows me to a kitchen with a table where Xavier is drinking a cup of tea.
"Who are you and why are you here?" the professor asked in an aggressive tone which surprises Alex. Mike of course fully expected this knowing that Xavier would be highly cautious of anyone he couldn't read.
"Well Charles, I came to make sure you fix a mistake you've made." I say with a grin as I take a seat and continue. "As for who I am, you can call me Seer."
"Go on?" says the professor as he leans forward.
"You see while my ability doesn't come from the X-gene it's powers are similar but different. While my primary motive in coming here is to help you, I do have a secondary motive." Mike
"And, what would that be." Xavier
"To speak to someone with a similar burden." Mike
"Alex please leave us be." Xavier said. Alex had a look of reluctance but soon left. "Pray tell, what exactly does your ability entail."
Mike then explained his abilities in the same way that he had explained them to Jim and the others.
"So, how much do you know about me?" Xavier
"Enough." Mike
They both remained silent.
"First of all I wanted to speak to you about the morality of our powers. Firstly, my powers while not evil could be used for such easily. And I do feel guilt for all the lives I could have saved, but I know that by letting some die now many can be saved in the future. But your powers are inherently evil don't you say?"
Charles sat there for a moment and then said. "But I would nev…"
"Don't give me that crap. You already did it to Moira and that won't be the last time." Mike
He sat there contemplating a response but before he could Mike continued. "You have already crossed a line that most would already think too far. What is stopping you from going further past it in the future."
"Do I?" Xavier
"The future is not set in stone, but in some futures, you wipe out all life in the universe in your grief." Mike.
"So, what exactly did you come here to get me to not do." Xavier.
"Firstly go undo the mind rape you did to Moira, tell her the truth and that your sorry before you get to the point where she won't forgive you." Mike "You did that to her not because of your care about the other mutants but because you feel with your powers you are incapable of having someone's love. Trust me in the timeline's where you don't she never ends up telling anyone and in most you get married and have kids."
The guilt Xavier already felt for what he had done had just been dug up by this absolute stranger.
"Second, your power is inherently evil. Accept that and always think about what you are doing when using it." Mike
"Anything else?" Xavier
"And finally, you will eventually get a student called jean grey. She is far more powerful than even you. So, in your fear you put a cap on her powers and memories. Now while I understand why you did it in those circumstances. Don't keep it from her, tell her exactly what you did and why."
Xavier stood in shock for a few moments as his mind caught up with his current situation. "Oh, I might bring my daughter over sometime so she can play with some kids who she won't accidentally hurt.
"Is she a mutant?" Xavier.
"No but like me similar. She has enhance strength, speed and intelligence. I'll see you around." Mike
"Goodbye Seer and thank you for correcting my path." Xavier