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Capítulo 4: :Professors help

Max turned around at the sound of a voice calling out to him. He was surprised to see a cheerful witch standing before him. Her disheveled mop of gray hair, with leaves and dirt still tangled within it, framed her round face. She was wearing long green robes that blended perfectly with her surroundings, and a matching hat adorned with an earthenware ornament. Despite the strange circumstances, her warm and motherly demeanor put Max at ease. It was none other than Professor Pomona Sprout, the Herbology teacher at Hogwarts.

"This is quite an unusual situation we find ourselves in, Max," she said, smiling warmly. Max noticed her earthy, nurturing quality of voice, which was calming. "Oh, where are my manners?" she continued. "I am Professor Sprout, head of Hufflepuff, and I teach Herbology at Hogwarts." She extended her hand towards Max, "It's a pleasure to meet you." Max took her hand, feeling a sense of comfort. "The pleasure is mine, Professor."

"Joining in year 5, eh? That's unexpected," remarked Professor Sprout, with a hint of surprise in her voice. "But let's not waste any time. We need to get you everything you need for the new school year." Her warm, motherly demeanor put Max at ease. The bustling street was a feast for the senses, with colorful shops and interesting characters at every turn. He would have gotten lost, but thankfully Professor Sprout proved to be an invaluable guide, navigating the bustling crowds of Diagon Alley and helping Max procure everything he needed for the upcoming school year.

As they made their way through the crowded streets, Professor Sprout spoke of the other Hogwarts professors and the headmaster, Albus Dumbledore. She explained that Max would also meet a representative of the board of education, but for now, they were focused on the task at hand - buying what was needed on the list.

Their first stop was Flourish and Blotts, the premier bookseller in the wizarding world. Max was in awe of the sheer number of books lining the shelves, including textbooks, reference books, and other wizarding literature.

With Professor Sprout's guidance, Max bought all the books he needed for the 7 core classes - "Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, History of Magic, Astronomy, Herbology, and Defense Against the Dark Arts" - years 1 to 5. She sympathized with Max, as he had to learn five years' worth of content for the core classes and then decide on two elective classes from "Ancient Runes, Apparition, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and Muggle Studies". She said that he could decide once he got to Hogwarts, but the professors, Dumbledore, and a representative of the board of education were trying to come up with a plan to help him catch up on five years of content to prepare for the O.W.L.S exams.

Placing all the Books on the shop counter and paying the tall, but thin shopkeeper, Max wondered how they were going to carry it all. Thats when Professor Sprout took out a small bag from her pocket.

"Put them in here, dear," Professor Sprout said kindly, gesturing to the small bag.

"Are you sure that's going to fit Professor?"

"It's enchanted with an Undetectable Extension Charm - it'll hold all your books, no matter how many you have." Smiled Professor Sprout.

<Just like Hermione's bag. But I thought she bought hers from the black market or something, implying it wasn't legal> Thought Max. He followed her instructions anyways and just like the movies the tiny bag seemed to swallow each book whole without ever appearing to fill up.

Their next stop was Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, a charming little shop with large windows displaying the latest fashion trends for Hogwarts students. The shop was run by Madam Malkin herself, a short, plump witch with kind eyes and a warm smile. Her curly hair was a deep shade of auburn, and her clothes were impeccable, with intricate patterns woven into the fabric. As Max and Professor Sprout entered Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, they were greeted by the friendly and cheerful Madam Malkin, who recognized Professor Sprout immediately.

"Ah, Professor Sprout! Always a pleasure to see you," Madam Malkin said with a smile. "And who is this young man with you?"

"This is Max," Professor Sprout introduced him. "He'll be joining Hogwarts as a fifth-year student this year."

Madam Malkin's eyebrows raised in surprise. "A fifth-year student? I don't believe I've seen you before. Are you transferring from another wizarding school?"

Max hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "No, actually, I haven't been to a magic school before," he admitted, feeling a little embarrassed.

Madam Malkin looked surprised. "Really? So you're new to the magical world?"

Max nodded, not wanting to reveal the true nature of his situation. Max decided to conceal his knowledge about the magic world as he wanted no one to know that he was transported from the modern world.

Madam Malkin looked a little bewildered and looked up at Professor Sprout, who simply nodded. "Well, we'll have to make sure you're properly outfitted for your classes at Hogwarts," Madam Malkin said, eager to help.

Madam Malkin showed Max to the fitting area and measured him for his robes, taking note of his height, weight, and body shape. As they went through the fitting process, Madam Malkin explained the different types of robes, hats, and accessories that he would need. She then helped him select his robes, offering advice on the style, color, and fit. Max was pleased with the final selection, which included three sets of robes - one for everyday wear, one for formal occasions, and one specifically designed for Quidditch matches.

In addition to the robes, Max also acquired a plain pointed hat for day wear, a winter coat, a robe, a hat, gloves, one of which was a pair of protective dragon hide gloves, and a scarf for winter. Madam Malkin made sure everything fit Max perfectly, adjusting the sleeves, hemlines, and collars until they were just right.

As Madam Malkin was gathering the items, Professor Sprout and Max continued to talk about the different aspects of Hogwart's life. Max mentioned that he was still learning about magic and the wizarding world, and Professor Sprout offered to help him catch up on what he needed to know.

As Max was leaving the shop, Madam Malkin gave him a warm smile and wished him good luck for the upcoming school year. Max felt grateful for her help he gave her a wave back, thanking her for her help.

The next stop was Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment a fascinating shop with a wide variety of magical instruments and tools for the discerning wizard. The storefront was lined with shelves filled with strange and curious objects, crystal balls, and magical compasses. At Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment, Max was able to get a set of brass scales, and a telescope. The shopkeeper, a kind-looking wizard with a thick beard and twinkling eyes, rang up the purchases and gave Max some advice on how to properly use the equipment. He explained the various enchantments that had been placed on the scales and the telescope, making them more accurate and durable.

Potage's Cauldron Shop was their next stop, the shop was a cramped, cluttered little store with shelves upon shelves of cauldrons in every size and shape imaginable. The storefront featured a large copper cauldron with steam rising from the top. At Potage's Cauldron Shop, Max was able to get a sturdy iron cauldron with a copper bottom, which the gruff-looking shopkeeper claimed was the best option for brewing potions. After Max had made his purchases, the shopkeeper gave him some advice on how to properly care for his cauldron and how to brew potions safely.

Scribbulus Writing Instruments was their next stop, the shop was a quaint little store nestled in the heart of Diagon Alley. The storefront was a bright shade of blue, with a large sign displaying the name of the shop in elegant calligraphy. As Max and Professor Sprout entered the store, they were greeted by the sound of a bell tinkling above the door and the smell of fresh parchment.

The shopkeeper, a middle-aged witch with sharp eyes and a no-nonsense demeanor, approached Max and asked what he was looking for. Max explained that he needed writing supplies for his studies at Hogwarts.

The shopkeeper led Max to the quills and explained the different types of feathers used in their creation, as well as the various types of ink available. Max was amazed by the variety of colors available, ranging from deep shades of black and blue to bright hues of green and red. After Max had made his purchases, the shopkeeper gave him some advice on how to properly care for his quills and ink bottles, ensuring that they would last for the entire school year.

At Slug & Jiggers Apothecary, Max was able to purchase potion ingredients and other magical remedies for his potion-making classes at Hogwarts as well as a set of glass vials. The shop was a dimly lit shop, with rows upon rows of shelves filled with strange and exotic potion ingredients. The storefront was decorated with jars of brightly-colored liquids and small boxes containing various magical remedies. After making his purchases The shopkeeper, a small and stooped old wizard with a crooked nose gave him some advice on how to properly handle and store the ingredients, as well as some tips on how to brew potions successfully.

As they continued down the alley, Professor Sprout pointed out Obscurus Books, a shop that sold rare and hard-to-find magical books. Although they didn't enter, Professor Sprout told Max about the shop and what it sold. As they walked by, Max suddenly felt a strange sensation and stopped in front of the shop window. He looked inside and saw a book that was glowing with a soft blue light. However, Professor Sprout urged him to hurry along, and Max followed her down the alley, wondering about the mysterious book he had just seen.

After they checked off the last item on their list except for a pet and a wand, they arrived in front of Ollivanders, the iconic wand shop. Before entering the shop, Professor Sprout asked Max what animal he would like, and he quickly answered that he wanted an owl. With a reassuring smile, Professor Sprout promised to find one for him while he went to pick out a wand. She handed him a small bag of Galleons, ensuring he had enough to buy a wand.

"I'll be waiting for you over there by that shop," she said, pointing. "Now, off you go." She gently pushed Max towards the door, reminding him to wait for her by the shop or risk getting lost.

Max took in the quaint sight of the wand shop, located on the corner of a winding alleyway. Although the storefront had a somewhat ramshackle appearance with peeling paint and chipped wood, there was an undeniable charm to it. The weathered sign above the door read "Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC," swinging slightly in the breeze. Max pushed open the door and heard the faint jingle of a bell above him.

The interior of the shop was dimly lit, casting long shadows across the old, creaky floorboards. The air was thick with the smell of ancient wood and magic, and the walls were lined with shelves that reached up to the ceiling, each holding a myriad of wands of various shapes and sizes, neatly organized in their boxes. The shelves were so high that they almost seemed to touch the ceiling, and Max couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he looked up at them. The atmosphere was heavy with anticipation as if the wands themselves were alive and waiting to choose their next owner. As Max stepped closer, he could feel the energy in the air, and he wondered which wand would choose him.

Max stood in front of the counter, his eyes scanning the dimly lit store. At first glance, it appeared empty, and he began to wonder if it was closed. However, he spotted a small bell on the counter and pressed it, the sound echoing through the shop. "Is anyone there?" he called out, his voice echoing through the space. Just as he was about to call out again, the floorboards creaked, and a tall, thin wizard with a long, crooked nose appeared from a shelf at the back, making his way to the counter.

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