Some of the irregulars were sickened by the flight, as it was the first time that many of them had flown in an airplane, let alone a jet.
The speed of that jet far exceeded that of a common jet, as a jet built by the Japanese armed forces, with the intention of taking several wielders at once to great distances around the globe, had devices of much higher technology. tip than those used by regulars, for domestic flights.
Less than three hours later, the pilot's voice sounded through the cabin speakers, into the passengers' ears.
"We're entering North American airspace. So far, everything is... Oh, shit... Fasten your seatbelts!"
Immediately, everyone tightened their seat belts, and in the next moment, they felt turbulence, followed by the sound of several explosions.
"What is happening?" Cynthia asked.
"Octavius is welcoming us." Evellyn responded, gripping the arms of her chair so tight, her knuckles were white.
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