Kurt ran through the forest, calculatingly avoiding specific points in his path.
And no matter how fast the creature was, it was not able to detect the traps that the little boy had planted throughout the forest's earthy terrain.
Kurt knew he wasn't capable of surviving a direct confrontation with that thing, so he had chosen, the moment he was able to dodge, even if unintentionally, the withering attack of that monstrosity, to run with all his strength, and try hard. to slow the progress of that thing.
As much as I could.
Even if it would only delay his death.
So Kurt did so.
And the minutes turned into hours.
The hours turned into days.
And around that forest, with the reddish fog seeming taller and denser every day, Kurt managed to escape by steps, meters, and sometimes even by a hair's breadth, from the powerful attacks of that monstrosity.
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