"It's the third time I hear about this legacy." Kurt scratched his chin. "Since you seem to be all about answers and stuff, do you mind telling me about what this legacy is?"
Orkas/Kurt chuckled.
He went to one side of the room, and from what looked like a bookshelf with a few drawers, he got a few tools.
"How about I show you, instead of just telling you?"
Kurt didn't detect any malice in his tone, so he nodded, as for what Orkas/Kurt walked towards the black fire in the fireplace.
"How many [BLOOD VIALS] and [BEAST CORES] did you get?"
Slowly, the pieces began falling into place in Kurt's mind.
He checked the inventory and answered.
"Ten thousand of each."
Orkas/Kurt's jaw dropped to the floor.
"That many? Gods... Even I wasn't able to gather as many back in the day." He laughed. "I think your legacy will be much stronger than mine."
"You're telling about the [MIDNIGHT SET], right?"
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