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79.68% Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX / Chapter 51: Dap Me Up - 4

Capítulo 51: Dap Me Up - 4


When Alexis arrived at Jaden's room in the Red Slifer dormitory, she was surprised to see Chazz with a camera in hand, recording something.

'…What is going on here?' she wondered, a mix of curiosity and suspicion crossing her mind.

"Am I interrupting something?" Alexis asked, her voice cutting through the room's chatter.

Immediately, the four boys—Jaden, Syrus, Chazz, and Tyranno—turned their heads towards the door.

"Alexis?" Chazz stammered, lowering the camera.

"Who is that?" Tyranno asked, looking puzzled.

"Alexis? What are you doing here?" Even Jaden was puzzled about why she came here.

Alexis closed her eyes. "I came to hang out with you guys for a bit, and then I'm going to head to Crowler's office later. Have to turn down his crazy request."

Chazz's curiosity got the better of him. "What request?" he asked, stepping closer, a subtle blush on his face.

Alexis took a dress from her large purse and held it up to herself. "He told me to wear this damn dress and sing while I duel. Can you imagine me wearing this?" It was a crimson dress.

The room fell silent for a moment as the boys processed what she had just said.

"School idol?" Jaden asked.

Syrus added, "He wants to make you the school idol?"

"Yeah," Alexis replied. "He even established an idol-promotion program for Obelisk Blue students."

"Its fucked up," she added.

However, some of the boys had different thoughts as they tried to imagine Alexis singing as an idol while wearing that dress.

Noticing their daydreaming, Alexis felt a bit irked. "Guys! Stop dreaming about it," she snapped. "I'm not doing it!"

"But Alexis, why are you walking around with that dress if you don't like it?" Jaden asked, bringing up a good point.

"Ummm." Alexis stammered.

Chazz scoffed, "Idiot, the Obelisk Blue status has gone to shit. Mainly because we've been stomping on every Obelisk student we come across, except Alexis and Gojo."

"Oh, that makes sense. Hahahaha!" Jaden scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face.

With the rate they were improving, thanks to Gojo's ridiculous yet helpful advice, they had to rack up as much DP currency as possible. This was essential to get the specific cards they needed for their decks from the school. The best way to earn the most DP was by defeating every Obelisk student they encountered.

It was mainly Jaden and Chazz doing the stomping. This led to rumors about the decline of Obelisk Blue's status. Although it wasn't a huge issue yet, it was starting to concern the Obelisk duelists. However, they were mainly being beaten by those two who were famous on Academy Island—Jaden and Chazz.

But here's the thing: Crowler doesn't really concern himself with this situation. He acknowledges duelists from all color ranks, rather than being biased towards Obelisk alone. Jaden is one prime example. A duelist who tied with Zane. Then there's Chazz, formerly of Obelisk Blue, who dropped down to Slifer Red but continued to defeat Obelisk duelists. Yet, even Crowler couldn't help but wonder why Jaden and Chazz were constantly targeting Obelisk Blue students.

"In order to make things better, Crowler needed to come up with some kind of publicity or fan service for the blue side." Chazz said, shaking his head turning his head to Alexis.

"By the way, how did Gojo react to this?" Chazz asked, though reluctant to admit that he knew Alexis would reach out to Gojo before anyone else.

"He wanted me to wear something even more ridiculous." Alexis sighed.

"Sounds just like him." Chazz agreed with a grin and nodded.

"By the way, have any of you seen my room?" Chazz interjected, abruptly changing the subject.

When Alexis shook her head, everyone followed Chazz as he proudly showed them around his room.


After the tour, they all went to his living room, the final stop, and it had plush sofas.

"Is this even still the red dorm?" Jaden asked, surveying the luxurious space with wide eyes.

Chazz chuckled, a hint of pride in his voice.

"I'm impressed, Chazz. If it weren't for me living next to Gojo, I might have considered crashing in for once," Alexis remarked, her gaze sweeping over the comfortable surroundings.

??? What did she sayyyyy?

There were so many things wrong with what statement. Chazz's eyebrows furrowed slightly. "Wait, what do you mean living next to Gojo—"

A new voice interrupted, as someone was already comfortably settled on one of the plush sofas. "I know, right? A spa in your own bathroom? That's insane, even I don't have one of those." Gojo remarked, laying on the sofa.

Chazz blinked in surprise. "Gojo, when did you get here?!" he asked, puzzled by his sudden appearance.

"What? I can't come here whenever I want?" Gojo replied nonchalantly, feeling drowsy.

"Whoa, you mean the Gojo Satoru!? I am a big fan!" Tyranno widened his eyes and quickly approached him.

"Yeah, I am. Put it here." Gojo lazily raised his hand. Tyranno happily obliged and gave him an immaculate dap.

The dap made a loud clap, like a whip cracking.

A/N: A dap is a slang term used as a special form of greeting handshake, often involving a series of intricate hand movements or gestures. It's a way to acknowledge someone in a rather cool or friendly manner.

"One more time." Gojo said, now fully waking up. He couldn't believe this person had executed such a flawless dap with him, on his first try. It was like they'd known each other for years, even though they'd just met.

Tyranno beamed, feeling a surge of pride at Gojo's approval. "Sure thing!" He eagerly repeated the dap, mirroring the intricate hand movements flawlessly.

The second dap made a sound like thunder cracking.

Gojo grinned, impressed. "Not bad. What's your name?" he admitted, giving Tyranno a nod of approval.

Tyranno grinned from ear to ear, feeling like he was on top of the world. "Names Tyranno Hassleberry." he said, trying to contain his excitement.

'Ah. So that's him. I should have seen that one coming, he's even wearing a dino hat,' Gojo mused quietly as he nodded to himself.

"Gojo Satoru. The Strongest." Gojo introduced himself. "But you can just call me Gojo."

The Dark Magician Girl, in her spirit form, joyfully took the duel spirit Arahime from Alexis and they began holding hands, drifting around together. They phased out of the building and ventured out, accompanied by a multitude of other gentle spirits.

"Morning. Morning. What's good? What's good. What's popping" Gojo eventually strolled up to where Jaden and the others were and dapped them up too.

Gojo eventually returned to the plush sofa he had been planning to lay on. Just as he was about to settle in, Alexis plopped down on the sofa at the edge, stopping him in his tracks.

Although Gojo felt like complaining, he knew it wasn't his sofa. He glanced at Alexis, who met his gaze head-on.

"What? Not gonna sit?" Alexis quirked an eyebrow.

"...No," Gojo replied, meeting her stare.

A moment of silence lingered in the room as everyone watched Gojo intently. Despite an empty sofa across the room, Gojo seemed oddly reluctant to move. To everyone's surprise, he boldly stretched out on the couch and rested his head on Alexis's lap.

Alexis's eyebrow arched, a mix of surprise and anger flashing across her face as she looked down at him. "Well, aren't you shameless?" she asked with a strained smile, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Her clenched fist betrayed her growing annoyance.

Nestled between her thighs, Gojo let out a satisfied sigh. "Very," he mumbled, his voice slightly muffled but unmistakably smug.

The others in the room exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how to react. Some were visibly taken aback, while others simply couldn't believe what they were witnessing.

"Only Gojo," "Unbelievable," "That shoulda been me!" someone muttered under their breath.

Suddenly, Alexis's fist shot out and smacked Gojo on the head, sparking some laughter throughout the room. Rubbing his head, Gojo looked up at her with a pout before sitting up straight.

"Do that again, and you'll regret it," Alexis warned, her eyes narrowing on him.

Gojo glanced at Alexis, who turned her head to avoid his gaze while crossing her arms. This only amplified her charm.

"Oh, wait, that's right! Alexis, what did you mean you're living next to Gojo? Aren't the male and female dorms separated?" Chazz asked.

'It's gotten exposed!?' Gojo thought to himself

Alexis shrugged and explained, "When I got back, all my stuff was moved. Crowler and the dorm manager said there wasn't enough space in the girls' dorm, so I ended up next to Gojo." She glanced at Gojo. "But his room is hidden for some weird reason. It's oddly convenient," she added.

Jaden, who had been listening quietly, finally chimed in. "So, you two are neighbors now? That's pretty cool! But why would Crowler want that?"

Alexis sighed. "Probably because of those dumb rumors about pairing up the Obelisk king and queen. He really is abusing his powers."

"But I'm actually okay with this. I can bother Gojo now and keep challenging him every now and then." She glanced at Gojo and grinned.

"Wow, I never expected Gojo to be okay with that," Syrus said, staring in amazement. He knew that Gojo preferred spending his time on strange activities rather than dueling. The fact that Alexis could challenge him to a duel anytime was surprising, or maybe Gojo was just very tolerant of her.

Gojo stayed silent. There were good things and bad things about the arrangement, which balanced each other out. So, he didn't see a need to comment.

Chazz inwardly pouted as he was jealous.

Jaden, noticing Chazz's expression, chuckled. "Come on, Chazz. Don't be so down. Maybe you'll get lucky and end up with a cool neighbor too."

Chazz scowled. "As if I care about that. I just think it's unfair, that's all."

Alexis rolled her eyes. "Sure, Chazz. Anyway, Gojo, let's have a duel tonight. I can't wait to see if I can finally beat you."

"The day you do is when the world is finally going to end," Gojo replied nonchalantly.

Alexis smirked. "We'll see about that."

Oh no, she is getting cocky.

Just then, the door burst open, and a Ra Yellow student walked in. He looked tired but relieved. It was Bastion Misawa.

Bastion quickly scanned the room and smiled when he saw his friends. "There you all are! I've been looking everywhere for you."

"What's up, Bastion?" Jaden asked, curious.

"I've got news for you guys," Bastion said, catching his breath. He then turned his gaze toward Syrus. "Syrus here has to duel an Obelisk Blue student."


"What!? I have to duel a Blue?" Syrus gasped, clearly shocked.

"Yeah, and it's happening when school starts," Bastion confirmed, looking serious. "I even got some intel for you."

'As expected, one of my useful tools.' Gojo thought with a secret smirk.

"Your opponent's name is Ran Kocho. If you win, you'll move up to Ra Yellow." Bastion added.

"Oh, I remember her. She's known as the insect princess. She's tough," Alexis remarked, glancing at Syrus.

'Gross. Who'd wanna be called an insect princess? Wai, are they bullying her?' Gojo yawned as he put a bit of thought into this.

"You know, this isn't even a scheduled promotion exam. Is this Crowler's idea again? First idols, and now this? Is he trying to make Syrus a star?" Alexis spoke her thoughts as she arched her eyebrow.

Syrus glanced up at his friend, feeling the weight of expectations settle on his shoulders.

"But...but they're so much stronger," Syrus stammered, his face pale. "I don't stand a chance."

"What? Feeling weak? Well, it's expected, perhaps it's too overwhelming for someone like you." Chazz spoke with annoyance.

"The hell are you saying? The stronger the opponent, the more exciting." Jaden countered.

"That's a weird fetish," Gojo commented openly, drawing a few chuckles.

"Come on, you know what I mean. It's about getting into a duel," Jaden clarified.

"I get enough of that every day even if I don't want to," Gojo scoffed, shooting Alexis a knowing look.

"Anyways, get in there and win, and show everyone what you can do Sy!" Jaden happily encouraged him.

Syrus who was sitting down timidly and shaking.

"I can't do it."

"The fuck you mean you can't?" Gojo spoke up a bit annoyed.

"There's no way I can beat a blue." 

"I'll just lose and look pathetic in front of the whole school." As he started panicking and running.

"...But it's just card games." Gojo sighed.

"The hell is all that about Syrus?" Tyranno asked, puzzled, as he watched Syrus sprint away. He quickly followed suit, eager to catch up and find out what was wrong with him.


"Okay, I should head out. Got to meet Crowler," Alexis said, sounding a bit tired.

"Can I come with?" Gojo asked.

"Yeah, sure. How about you, Chazz?" Alexis turned to face Chazz.

"Nah, I'll just hang back," Chazz replied.

And with that, the group split up, each going their separate ways for the day.


As the two made their way towards Crowler's office, they noticed some Obelisk students. What caught their attention was that these students were wearing white uniforms over their usual blue ones and staring at them with a weird expression. However, Alexis and Gojo chose to ignore them.

As they approached Crowler's office, Alexis taking a deep breath, they knocked on the door.

"Ah, if it isn't the best of the best students of the academy island. What can I do for you?" Crowler said with the gentlest smile.

What ensued was Alexis expressed her discontent and firmly refused the idea of wearing the dress, returning it and storming out. Crowler tried to convince her and pleaded for reconsideration.

Turning to Gojo, Crowler asked him to stay for a moment, to which he agreed. After a brief discussion, Gojo emerged from the room.

"What did you two discuss?" Alexis asked, waiting outside with an arched eyebrow and a huff.

"He suggested I wear a formal dress suit to charm the ladies at school for Obelisk." Gojo replied nonchalantly. "And I said okay."

Alexis raised an eyebrow, trying to imagine Gojo in formal attire. The thought caused her to blush slightly and a mini nosebleed.

"Pervert," Gojo teased, offering her a tissue.

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR THAT COMING FROM YOU!" Alexis retorted, snatching the tissue from his hand.

After their day ended, Alexis hurried over to Gojo's room. She wanted to cook for him, so she gathered ingredients from the Obelisk dorm kitchen. Soon, after dinner, she found herself in a duel with Gojo, playing card games until nighttime fell.


Crowler on the inside of his office heard some noises outside his office and could hear Alexis and Gojo's voice talking. 

"Ahhh. Youth." he murmured, shaking his head before returning to his paperwork.


AnHa8 AnHa8

I dunno. This chapter feels kinda weak. I had to cut it in half. (The previous chapter was about Alexis Rhodes, and this is the remaining portion).

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