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6.25% Yu-Gi-Oh! Gojoing GX / Chapter 4: The Start Of The Lazy One - 3

Capítulo 4: The Start Of The Lazy One - 3


"It was just one time, babe! One time! I promise we won't do it again!" I practically pleaded to my super cute Dark Magician Girl, while hugging her from behind.

I had convinced her to take on some very questionable roles. It is probably not a good idea since she has a hidden obsession with justice (the need to do good), but because she cares about me too much she actually went along with this sick play. Maybe I did push the role-playing a bit too seriously.

One of the many roleplaying things we did was, Dark Magician Girl was an 'evil succubus' who only feeds on human milk for nutrients and treats humans as livestock. And I was a helpless little human underage hero furiously resisting. And because I was helpless against her, this evil succubus who took a liking to me decided to use me as her boytoy.

So, understandably Dark Magician Girl had many reasons to be extremely upset, but she handled her role admirably. By the time it was over, she was hollow at the end. There were a couple of tears in her eyes, and she just looked empty, repeatedly muttering to herself, "I am a good girl" "I am on the side of justice". Full disclosure: she also had fun.

"Alright, maybe we should go for a walk? Doesn't that sound like a good idea? Come on, let's go for a walk right now," I plead, uncertain about how to escape this situation and make things right.

Eventually, we both agreed to take a leisurely stroll, holding hands and walking at a relaxed pace. We didn't say much as we strolled along, just taking in the view as we wandered through the woods. We had no destination in mind but I noticed we were walking uphill both ways at the same time.

The surroundings were peaceful as we embarked on a lengthy walk, venturing far from the dormitory. I was confident about easily finding my way back to the academy, and if needed, I could always use teleportation to return. Plus, I had the ability to summon Dark Magician Girl whenever I wished.

At some point during our little moment, we heard a female screaming coming from a strange, rundown, really suspicious building that we had been trying our best to ignore as it came into view.

"Ah! We have to go help her!" Her frustration was clear as she gritted teeth. Just as she was preparing to gear up and fly over there.

I stopped her.

"Huh? Why?" I commented as if it's not our problem.

"Wha? What? What do you mean why!? We have to go and help her!" Dark Magician Girl seemingly confused and frustrated.

"I mean that girl got what's coming for her. Who the hell comes here in the middle of the night to a very suspicious building? I wouldn't be surprised if the person had a death wish, died, and is now possessed. Are you certain that woman isn't an enemy or an enemy in disguise attempting to lure us in? What if it's a skinwalker?" I tried to explain the concept of an enemy in disguise ambushing us by impersonating a female scream or distress to lure people in.

"Why all this skepticism? And what is a skinwalker??" Dark Magician Girl frowned, looking puzzled.

A/N: Skinwalker: A supernatural creature that's a shapeshifter that takes the form of a human and mimics them. Legends say that they lure humans there to kill them and do other stuff.

"Ah, Okay. Don't worry about that. The point is you can't always rush to help without knowing what's possibly in there. But remember this, we share a soul. If something happens to you, it will affect me too. So, let me handle this." I held on to Dark Magician Girl's wrist and used teleportation to transport us towards the source of the voice.

As we teleported closer, we found ourselves facing a tall mysterious masked man, Titan. Who had Alexis by the shoulder. He was just about to knock Alexis out cold but stopped when he noticed an individual who was in front of him. After all, I was blocking his way on where he was heading towards. The entrance of the back of the abandoned building.

[A millennium pedant. Be Careful.] Dark Magician Girl immediately shot me a telepathic warning, she considered that pedant a potential threat.

I rolled my eyes after hearing that, [It's a toy. The real one is gone.] I retorted back at her.

The Titan couldn't help but ask, "Who are you? Are you Jaden?" The man's tone was wary and cautious. Alexis turned to see who the question was directed to but found that it was just me and just when she was seemingly about to shout for help. But when she observed how composed I was, she remained silent.

"Nah, I'm not Jaden. Jaden is probably inside." I shot back, making it clear that I wasn't who they were expecting. "I don't know why you're taking her, but I need you to hand her over to me. That is, if you want to live." I firmly stated my demands.

Oh, I think I'm starting to remember this a little. Didn't this guy get possessed at the end?

"Oh? No. I'm not handing you anything." Titan reached out to touch his fake ass millennium puzzle.

"Millenium Pedant huh? Nice toy. It's a fake isn't it? Mr. Wannabe Shadow Duelist. I'm not sure how you managed to infiltrate the Duel Academy, but you're probably got insider information, that isn't a good thing you know." I gave a grin as I observed the surroundings.

"How?!" Titan was so shocked at the revelation that he stopped what he was doing; he didn't think he would be exposed.

Alexis seemed kinda surprised by what she was hearing. She turned to look at both the kidnapper and me, her eyes locked onto the scene that was about to unfold. 'Millennium pedant? Shadow duelist? Infiltration? Gojo? What the fuck?' She's heard a lot of legends, some of which she doesn't understand and doesn't know what to make of.

"How funny, you just answered my question with that reaction of yours. But did you know? This place does indeed contain enough negative and dark energy to perform a halfass shadow game. Although it's a far cry from a genuine Millennium Item shadow game," I added, my curiosity leading me to glance at our surroundings.

"But who is going to duel who? When you're already dead." I coldly stated.

"Huh?" Alexis and Titan both stuttered in confusion.

In an instant, a brilliant golden light emerged blinding both Titan and Alexis. A multitude of weapons materialized, impaling Titan from all sides - front, back, and even from beneath - resulting in his death. My skills were precise enough to ensure that Alexis remained unharmed and untouched by the blood that might have splattered from the incident.

Before Alexis could open her eyes and see what had happened, I immediately blitzed through and scooped her up in a princess carry. After that I used jujutsu curse techniques lapse blue, swiftly dispose of the corpse along with any traces, and then fling that shit towards the ocean at maximum strength.

[I can't believe you killed someone and then erased all evidence of it… Are you even human?] Dark Magician Girl shuddered, her words carrying a tone of concern.

[Shush dear, I had to kill him. Think about it for a second. If he was spared he might come back with a whole ass organization. The fact he can infiltrate here easily goes to show the security here is dog shit and if he gets back alive he can spread this information. Potentially making this island a target for various organizations that are against Kaiba.] I reasoned.

[Was that a quick excuse you just came up with?] Dark Magician Girl scolded me with a questioning tone.

[Yes.] I honestly responded.

Alexis slowly opened her eyes and found herself being princess carried by Gojo. Her jaw dropped slightly as she got a better look at him. Her heart began to beat faster and faster. In her opinion, he was both handsome, mysterious, and charming. For some reason, the blindfold fits him perfectly, even if he was purposefully concealing his eyes. But if she could only catch a glimpse of his eye...

A/N: I know this may sound forced and fast paced but hear me out. Aren't we all downbad for her 💀.

That was when I dropped Alexis after seeing how she tried to take off my blindfolds.

"Ouch." She got up and rubbed her butt.

"Yo. Can I ask why are you here? Alone. At night. If it wasn't me you might have gotten raped by that dude." I scolded her.

Alexis shuddered at the thought of that potentially happening. The fact that it was Gojo saying it might hold some credibility of it becoming true.

"I-I— " Alexis tried to respond but she couldn't come up with a proper excuse because there were too many things going on for her. The story of her brother. The potential rumors circulating about the broken down dormitory. Her hopes of visiting here will make her brother come back.

"Save it. I'm not interested in your story. Do you know how much trouble you have gotten into?" I continued.

"No—" Alexis was scared and shocked at what she was hearing.

"Right! Of course you don't. If you did get caught the possibility of punishment is at least expulsion and among many other things." I interrupted her.

Alexis seemed quite taken aback and she didn't think all her actions would get her in trouble like this. Hell, she even started to cry a little.

"Woman, I'm not here to hold your hands. Even if you want to help repay me for saving you. Do absolutely nothing." I gave her some words of advice. Alexis's eyes widened at what she was hearing. 'Do nothing? And everything will be resolved?'

"Yep, you heard me right. Tomorrow, it'll all make sense why I'm telling you to do nothing. Don't let your guilt take a hold of you, because I am the one requesting and ordering you to do nothing."

"Ah… If you're also wondering why I'm even here, it's because I was taking a stroll with my beautiful wife and we heard you crying." I added.

"Wait a second—I wasn't!" Alexis objected, trying to deny it.

Then, I playfully tapped her head and made my exit using teleportation, accompanied by Dark Magician Girl, who remained unseen by Alexis.

Alexis's jaw dropped at how I disappeared. "How did he?—" Then, as if on cue, Jaden and the rest emerged from the mansion and started making their way back. Alexis swiftly took cover behind a tree and observed their departure. Once they were out of sight, she let out a relieved sigh, grateful that everything turned out alright, and eventually she left the scene herself. The events of the night weighed on her mind as she made her way back to her dorm.


Two weeks had passed since that incident, and a whole lot of stuff went down during that time. Jaden and Syrus were 'caught' for supposedly trespassing the abandoned dorm and had to face punishment.

The most notable one was that Jaden lost to Zane in a children's trading card game. All because Jaden wanted to help Syrus who was feeling down about how he feels about his brother. It first started between Jaden and Syrus for practice and getting a feel for each other as they tried to practice for the tag duel coming up that they were going to face as punishment. The last one was about Chumely going against his father to fight for his right to stay in duel academy.

In the midst of these events, Alexis managed to find some moments of free time for herself. It was pretty cool because she could use that time to help Jaden and his friend out and also hang out with Zane. Her thoughts, however, remained preoccupied with Gojo.

Gojo, is what you could called a fucking weirdo. An enigma of coldness and care, leaving her curious about him even more. And he has a…wife? When he is in school? Is she here on this island as well? How come I never heard of her. Who is she? She also thought back about what happened. Did he also kill the person who attempted to kidnap her? If so, that was both hot and downright scary.


Naturally, I wasn't present for almost all of these events happening. Because even if I did know, I wouldn't care; they weren't important to me. What can be more important than being inside Dark Magician Girl both figuratively and quite literally. Of course in my free time I was also doing something productive like understanding magic theory, researching magic, and playing around with 'Gate Of Infinity'.

I had made contact with the Egyptian god cards through my blank cards at some point. It was on a whim at first, and Dark Magician Girl was extremely terrified of me when I was doing so. Me and the god cards were gradually becoming informal with each other after some calls and I can bother them whenever I want now. I was literally deceiving them by claiming that some of your fake bastard twins of yours said they were going to destroy the present world where I'm living in and that they claimed to be the most important god cards of all time, surpassing the Egyptian god cards and Holactie the creator of light. You can imagine the Dark Magician Girl fainting after hearing that.

In essence I am not wrong so they can't detect my lie if you just amplify the exaggeration and word it properly. All you have to do is be delusional and believe that this unknown organization (that doesn't exist) is indeed evil and they are gathering worshippers and planning to destroy the world. While explaining that there is an existing agenda (There really isn't) on how to surpass the Egyptian gods (since the god cards no longer exist in this world). And evidence that there are fake millennium items as an attempt to combat the originals (Phrasing it as an act against gods). So I got all the Egyption God Cards on all on my side and ready to be summon at a moment's notice 💀.


When the time came for the tag duel to begin. I actually went to go see it with Dark Magician Girl, who was in an extremely happy mood while I appeared exhausted. No more words need to be said about why.

The scene remains the same as it was in canon; but this time with Alexis heeding my advice and choosing to refrain from taking action. All the while, she carried the burden of guilt for Jaden and Syrus, who found themselves in a tag duel against the formidable Paradox Brothers. As the duel progressed, she couldn't help but wince at the sight of Jaden and Syrus who were about to lose.

However, the duel took an unexpected turn, and to everyone's surprise, Jaden and Syrus emerged victorious, defeating the Paradox Brothers. Alexis couldn't help but be surprised by the unexpected outcome. The sight of Jaden and Syrus defeating the tag duel champions was shocking. But Syrus who made it possible at the end by summoning a monster with 8000 attack points and got the win in the end. She couldn't help but wonder if Gojo had predicted something like this.

Oh yeah, I was there watching all go down, on the balcony though. But I wasn't keen about being seen. And I am not all that impressed by the duel. Perhaps it's because my deck is a collection of strategies I've picked up from my own world, where we have some pretty high standards for what's considered the best. But that doesn't make me invincible because I don't know every strategy or every card, but it does make me nearly unbeatable. I have to watch out for those crazy bastards who can make cards out of thin air and counter anything that comes at them.

I don't really think going against old generation duelists with my current deck is going to be fun… On second thoughts, it might be fun. Wrecking noobs all day long. Of course, there's bound to be a moment when it starts feeling monotonous and irritating.

~This is an already ongoing duel~

"I activate the spell card. Shield crush. That's right, just like the name says it will destroy any monster that is on defense mode. Just like that Gate Guardian!" Syrus explained his spell card.

"OH! Gate Guardian is cooked." Para exclaimed as he covered himself by the destruction of his own monster "And I can hardly look." chimed in Dox, the twin brother of Para.

'Cringe.' I muttered with a shiver as I observed from above.

"Great job Syrus!" Jaden complimented his friend. And then roared from the audience cheering for them.

"I will place one card face down and end my turn. Thanks for the help Jay." Syrus glanced at Jaden

"No, thank you for the sweet moves." Jaden replied with a smile as he gave a thumbs up.

"Pause." I gagged.

"Mind if we joined in all praises, you two?" Para unexpectedly responded.

"Because. Destroying that monster. We should really. Thank you." Dox added then proceeded to give a deep smile.

"They say what doesn't destroy you makes you stronger and it's true." Para explained as he played a spell card.

"After all, we haven't been destroyed and we're about to become more powerful than ever. I play Dark element. This card can be activated whenever the gate guardian is in the graveyard and by paying half our life points." Para activated his spell card and grinned. As their life points drop from 7000 to 3500.

"Now we can summon a monster that can't be beaten by battle. Dark Guardian!" Para announced as he summoned a monster.

'Huh…I wonder if the White Guardian is the strongest. I wonder how that looks. Oh wait, was that racist? Shit.' I pondered silently.

A Dark attribute monster with 3800 attack points and it cannot be destroyed by battle.

"This is…bad." Syrus groaned.

"Now Dark Guardian attack the drilloid with axe slash fashion and finish this duel!' Para made an exaggerated movement as he ordered his monster to attack.

"Not yet! I reveal my face down trap card! Hero barrier! This stops your attack as long as I have an elemental hero out on the field." Jaden exclaimed, launching into an explanation.

'Impressive. I would have never put that card if I were playing an elemental hero deck. Props to you Jaden. I think that card is useless but yet you managed to utilize it somehow.' I smiled as I watched Jaden block the attack that could have ended the game.

"A trap card I never quite thought they'd be so hard." Dox grinned.

"I know we bombard and bomba oh well. At least our precious guardian." Para continued.

"Has kept up his guard." Dox added.

"He will finish them off next turn and this duel will be ours." Para and Dox synchronized in their proclamation.


A/N: Blah blah blah Blah.

We get it. I'ma skip towards the end 💀this is just script I decided to meddle while adding Gojo thoughts. We are going to skip and fast forward this to the end. I don't know if you guys like reading this compared to watching the actual one.


Syrus used Powerbond, which is a fusion card-> Which was then used to fuse between Syrus and Jaden's monster -> UFOid + Tempest = Into UFO Fighter. Which has an attack point of 4000. But due to powerbond its attack points have doubled.

Syrus ordered the UFO Fighter to attack the Dark Guardian which was in attack position with 3800 attack points. With the 8000 attack points monster Syrus had, it ended the duel because the Paradox Brothers' life points were at 3500.


'You know, looking at it closely now. Do people not get tired of shouting and speaking across the room? I know I will. I wondered how the hell they kept up that level of enthusiasm and remained standing. Wait, is this what the academy is all about? Standing, public speaking, and cringe movement while playing card games? God damn.' All these thoughts were swirling around in my mind.

Dark Magician Girl reprimanded me, [Those thoughts of yours are really rude, you know.]

[I know, I know dear.] I quickly replied telepathically. After seeing how the duel ends I found myself pondering if I should meet Jaden. When would be the right time to meet up? Maybe when the shadow game starts? I teleported myself and Dark Magician Girl out of here after Jaden and Syrus won.


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