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No more squibs!

The next morning, Soisen sat at his house table in the Great Dining Room, but did not touch any of the appetizing breakfast dishes in front of him.

-By Morgana's cold tits! Soisen, what happened to you! -Silvia exclaimed, shocked to see her boyfriend in his current state. The others at the table couldn't help but look away from their plates and look in the direction of the scream.

Messy, dull gray hair, bloodshot eyes, large dark bags under his eyes, yellowish skin and you could even see that even sitting up he was swaying weakly from side to side.

He looked like he was going to faint at any moment!

-It's nothing, I just stayed up late preparing a rather complicated potion," he explained in a weak voice, totally hoarse and dry as he took out a Herbovitalizing potion from his robes and drank it all to recover a little.

In fact, it would be more correct to say that he didn't sleep at all.

The tension he felt brewing the potion, along with the nerves due to the importance he attached to it and the unexpected discovery halfway through the brewing that his magic was being sucked out in somewhat frightening quantities, ended up this way.

It could be said that brewing the potion successfully exhausted him almost completely on a physical, mental and magical level. He nearly fainted, but luckily, he finished a few moments before he reached his limit.

He had never felt so bad in his life as he did at this moment. If it weren't for his current state, he would have already called a house elf to send him out of Hogwarts to the magical bastion and delivered the potion to his mothers in person.

-You need to go see Madam Pomfrey," even Ginny couldn't help but comment when she saw his almost comatose state.

-It's okay, I just need to get some sleep and I'll be as good as new -Soisen refused, she just wanted to recover a bit to get ready and leave quickly.

But it seems that someone was not on the same frequency of thought as he was.

-Soisen Galegold Evans Valriss Aulus! -Silvia shouted at him while putting her fists on her hips.

-Oh, no. He's using the full name and he's not blinking," Soisen sighed knowing he was lost and any resistance would be futile in his state.

-You're going to the infirmary this instant and that's all there is to it! -Sylvia grabbed the back of the collar of Soisen's robe and dragged him towards the exit of the Great Dining Hall under the gaze of all the students and professors.

Snape in particular seemed to be making a great effort to maintain his insensitive facade, despite finding the situation immensely funny.

He didn't even have the strength to raise his hands to show his helplessness to the situation, and could only receive sympathetic looks from those wizards who knew what it was like to have a determined witch as a partner.

Still, that didn't mean she couldn't complain heartily.

Couldn't she at least float it all the way?

This way, her robe would end up dirty and her butt would hurt.

Meanwhile, Silvia realized halfway to the infirmary what she did and blushed as she remembered how she acted in front of the whole school.

Usually, it was Soisen who had the dominant role and now that she was the one who took that place, she felt perhaps a little too excited.

Perhaps switching roles from time to time would be stimulating?

Soisen couldn't help but notice in bewilderment that halfway to the infirmary, Silvia tightened her grip a little more as she quickened her pace and her face grew redder and redder.

What was his girlfriend thinking right now?

Once they reached the infirmary, Popy ordered the two of them to stay. Soisen had to drink several bad tasting potions while Silvia only needed to drink a bright cyan potion that looked cold before getting permission to leave an hour later when her flushed face returned to normal.

-I will notify the teachers that you will not be attending any lessons today," Silvia told her before taking her leave.

Soisen still didn't understand why he had been receiving furtive glances from Silvia for the last hour while taking those nasty potions, but he was too tired and soon fell asleep.

In the end, it turned out that his condition was a little worse than he estimated and it wasn't until two days later that he woke up and felt refreshed once again. After further examination by Popy and forcing him to drink an additional Pepper potion to wake him up, he was released from the infirmary without delay.

The first thing Soisen did was to look for and find Silvia in the Library to take her and express his gratitude for her attentive care in front of the whole school. Silvia was only seen for another few minutes later with her head bowed, while muttering between her slightly swollen lips: I knew it, I knew it....

Feeling at his best, Soisen went to take a much needed cold shower and after getting dressed, called one of his house elves to secretly take him out of Hogwarts and drop him off at the magical bastion.

Since he owned Hogwarts, the barrier was not limiting for him and he could come and go as he pleased.

-Soisen? -Nagini was the first to notice her master's arrival as she pruned a decorative tree to relax in the front garden, "Has something important happened?

-You could say yes," Soisen nodded as he looked around and compared the state of the bastion since he left, "Could you bring my mothers here, please? And don't let the other families know.

-Okay," Nagini didn't hesitate or ask, returning shortly with Ann and Ingta.

-Soisen? -Ingta saw him and was surprised - You should be at school!

-Did something bad happen? -Ann asked immediately in concern as she examined her son for any injuries anywhere.

-Something happened, but it's a good thing.

-Is it possible that...? -Ann's eyes lit up and as if she saw what he was going to say coming, Ingta blocked her partner's mouth with her hand.

They'd scared him enough with the wedding thing, without starting to bring up the grandchildren thing. He needed to have a very serious talk with Ann once Soisen returned to school, because he clearly hadn't learned his lesson yet.

-Nagini, put a "bell" around it," Soisen asked.

Nagini nodded and began to cast several isolation and defense barriers around everyone with her wand.

-This is very serious, so pay attention," Soisen said with a solemn expression as he pulled out two two-hundred milliliter vials of bubbling metallic orange solution, "Questions for later. If you trust me, you each take one vial and drink it in one sitting. It's best if you lie down on the grass first.

Ann and Ingta took a flask carefully as they examined it. It was clear that it was some kind of potion, but they couldn't identify which one. They exchanged glances and with a nod, uncapped the vials and drank the contents in unison.

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