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89.36% Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 210: NCR Collapse. the Concept of a Imperium.

Capítulo 210: NCR Collapse. the Concept of a Imperium.

A hooded figure watch as the bombs dropped on Flagstaff. And watched it erupted

"shit... That fool didn't last long enough against the Corpse worshipper...never mind... There are always some fools to manipulate anyway. Seems like there is a few intruders.." The figure muttered as the shadows swallow the being whole.

Several Astartes approach the place where the figure stood and scan with their auspex with extreme vindictiveness.

"Sargent Brother... The Warp signature have gotten away..." A Som of Horus Held out the Scanner as he survey the lands.

"Carry on brothers... We must not let this... Abomination get away from our sights."

Alexander looked glum with the fact that chaos gods now intruded into this place. He know them, once they got a taste of it... They will never stop...

This realm... Is a perfect breeding spot for cultist. Away from the emperor light... And untapped resources in this galaxy is enough to make several black crusades... Especially with the Black legion in Siberia that is now spreading outwards, strangely enough their method is more akin of making people livestocks... His training is not complete... He have Numbers and Chaos Gods bleeding into this realm...

He wanted to Caesar to know personally that his empire based on slavery and fear is worthless...

That his soldiers would tear it down piece by piece till he meet that false emperor that deluded himself in his vanity, face to face and he will crucify him...

But the Chaos Gods took that joy away from him...

"The Sons of Horus Chief librarian and Chaplains are now heading to ground zero and sanctify the area with the Ecclesiarchy...And reports of the feralghoul outbreak in Ohio and Michigan is more than anticipated. NCR is on the brink of Financial distress..." A Holo report was shown on the table...

He once had some feelings about NCR... Long before his first life was just fresh out of college...

Fighting against Caesar legion and whatnot...

But as he grew older, he beginning to see the parallel between his former government and the NCR... Before the American started a war against china that ended his life.

Corruption, Incompetence, Censored Happy idiots, inflation and war hungry manufacturing conglomerates, voters vote the poison willingly... Society that hates on men, degrading soldiers like shit when they don't belong, Like Omar that nearly costed the federation against the bugs... He views NCR the same. When they think that they could control a weak state they will steamroll into it and forced the vagrant and homeless as they dwell in the California with their wealth and if they met a strong one, they will be like beaten dogs while they plan for extermination... Some may said he is just the same as them... But he is different... At least he made it self sustaining enough that there is a healthy amount of jobs and understand the issues of maintaining government in a apocalyptic world. He only give the people enough to get them on their feet to the point that they can stand up and no more, the government is not the father, not the mother... He bring order... He bring peace... But he still retains humanity capacity.... This world is like a clean slate... He could be a dictator... But that is conflicting with his goals...

He recalled to old videos why democracy is a failure, read a book from Plato republic... Hoping to seek answers from the elderly have disappointed him.

"Pick yourself up in your bootstrap boy and toughen it up. Back in my day-" was all the answers they could say... No value... No substance. And they are the ones that voted the monsters that made his generations life miserable and they still shit on them for pointing out that it more different than the 50s compared today... So many rose tinted glasses... He did hoped they burned in the nuclear fire that they voted in.

Some cultist tell him is that Communism is a thing and it's better than capitalist...

He is aware that it is Anti-human ideology and they will culled those low level that is just a Cannon fodder when they're done... Like Lamb Utopia... How many corpses till they reach to that point long before the infrastructure around them failed in rapture? He played many games aside from His favorite Warhammer... Some question his morality like Frostpunk, others the policies going forward.

"What makes a good government?" He wondered...

Sure maintaining a Intergalactic Corporation is one thing and a Empire to boot.

He had a idea

A Imperium... That is meant for the people...

This galaxy is perfect for this experimental empire to be conceptualize...

"How about being a empire that people votes for policies than voting politicians as the middleman? And grant them a voice and concerns, and input from the ground, than from some smooth talker sycophant...The politician that is not the interest of the people if politicians sold out their nations, the people will not have a say or will to defy them, If the policy makers will be the one on fire when their laws is given to me, if their policies is conflicting with the values of the Imperium... " He smiled as he placed a map before him...

He placed seven continents as 8 districts as Russian is somewhat a bit of a stretch, And each of those districts is voted a representative by the people to speak of the issues of the continent problems... America is a experimental nation.

There is also check and balances, A.I governors should be used in regularly to keep in touch with him if the representative is corrupt and pilfer the resources and their reports is different than what was sent to him...

Taking a book out of Roboute field of government, it is giving him a mind of his Imperium...

As he slowly forgets the loss of Caesar Skull...

The NCR have suffered terribly with their first expedition.

They heard news of the imperial waging a war in the east and they believed they could profit from it.

Capturing both territories while Caesar legion and the Imperium is weakened.

The politicians grovel and drool of the profits and wealth that both accumulated... But not realizing that the Imperium is perfectly handle on waging both fronts and also a global conquest at the same time...

Scientist at the OSI is working daily to counter the Titans and Baneblades but they found none in their arsenals to defy them.

One of them noticed that the imperium is taking over their held towns peacefully and they should do a guerilla warfare among the population... And the plan was general consensus with President Kimball agreed with it.

The news is leaked to the public and the people were outraged of the fact that the politicians they voted for have already condemned them to the casualties of war...

"I didn't vote for a moron!"

"Please, My child at the Glow don't deserve to die!"

Riots happening daily that many rioters were quelled and placed in prison...

Makes matter worse that due to the war, trade have been suffered by the imperial checkpoints California have already been blockaded on all side saved the ocean behind them... They allowed food and water to bypass as a gesture of good will... But other things than that, must be confiscated.

The confidence in the NCR dollar have plummeted as the people faith in the government lowered drastically that those that were able to see the dangers, have converted their wealth to thrones or caps and fled to Imperial territory.

The problem with democracy... Is that when in times of peace it is good... But when in times of chaos and war... Cracks is beginning to show in the population.

The Ghouls that lived in NCR rioted and seek asylum with the imperium on on a notion that they could be reversed back to normal.

For several decades now, they been mistreated by the people as they generalized them as those that lost their mind... But when there is a offering of them returning to normal?

Many left their post in the middle of the night wearing white scarf or bandages on their shoulders and surrendered to the imperial at the front lines...

Some tried to pretend to surrender but with the psykers at every checkpoint to check the loyalty of the ghouls... They were the first Ghouls to be Servitorized for service.

"This senate is now in session..." A Man deadpan hammer his gravel...

The Senate was like a tombstone...

Many of the politicians have gotten silent, some looked dazed of the fact that their expansionism have been halted...

Others, looked nonchalant as they looked in the eyes of the people around them.

"Any plans to deal with the imperium?"

There is dead silence

"This just came in... From the messenger from the imperium..."

"What does it say?" One of them asked.

"The surrender and absolution of the NCR.

And those that started the war should be held accountable."

The Senate is in a uproar.

"This is absurd!"

"No, way we will agree with those terms!"

"We will fight to the last man!"

Many were not amused of the fact that the Imperium wanted the total assimilation of the NCR.

"What's the use?" Bemoan a senator.

Many turned to the tired senator that looked at them as a dead man. He was the one in the entire senate that didn't voted for the invasion of the east.

"Look around us... The people hates us! Our dollar is worth nothing but toilet paper! Our military is in shambles! Most of our soldiers either fled or even turned raiders! I didn't voted for this war!" He screamed.

But many weren't even listening to the man... As they surrounded him they pummelling him with fists, kicks and one of them even shot the lone senator with a voice of reason in the head.

Many stood stupified of the man that shot him. It was a Brahmin Magnate that held his smoking revolver.

"I wished to hear no prattles of surrendering, you hear me? Any other plans?"

A scientist nervously spoke out.

"We found a cruise liner in the glow and it is ship worthy to flee from this place."

"How do you expect to think that fleeing to sea is the best option!? The imperium stated that they already control the seven seas!"

"I call that bullshite! That is just propaganda!"

"Where do we even head to?! Hawaii? Australia? We would be a exiled government like those Enclave bastards!"

"Gentlemen, I suggest that we give the Imperium a warm welcome while we prepping to leave this losing ground... Did you get the plan ready?" The Brahmin magnate spoke to the scientist..

"Yes sir, the nuclear bombs cache have been primed and armed and being shipped to Shady sands and the rest of the general population centers in NCR territory. And several missile silos have been activated and targeted at imperium army groups heading here."

"And leave the people behind! We would be traitors to them!"

"Don't worry, we will start the dregs and we bring the brightest and loyal to the ship... We will rebuild the ashes of the destruction of the Imperium... See how the trash of the society complain when we uplifted them from the ashes of the wasteland? They are ungrateful wretches and demand more than they deserve... Time to wipe the slate clean...time to vote... Those that agree will have their families will be selected into the ship roster."

a spy is in the Senate watched in horror as they voted as a whole... And left the building.

He was raised in NCR, just a everyday joe struggling to make end meet working as a janitor in the Senate building as the dollar is worthless by the day... Until the imperial agents got him and gave him a simple job. Thrones for just listening the issues made by old men, no need to make a fuss.

But this time it is important that he asked for sick leave and reported to the nearest Imperial Hideout.

It was a room above his apartment floor. After a series of knocks he was allowed inside.

"I see... This is serious indeed..." The leader of the hideout listen to the janitor as he spoke what is happening...

"Tell me would the imperium save us?" The Janitor looked his eyes worried, he uncovered the dangers of the madmen that want to ruin the world he lived in once more.

"The imperium will remember your services and rewarded you greatly O'Brien... Your news have saved both the NCR citizen and your family lives... Now head back to your room and when the Imperium comes here is the token that will make you recognize as a citizen of the Imperium" a golden Medal of a winged Skull holding a aquila in its teeth was tossed on the janitor hands...

As he left the news is being relayed to the NCR radio station and a massive riot never seen before took place.

This time even the police department that faithfully carried out their orders by the government have halted. And gave way to the angry protestors.

"I don't want to die by the politician hands!?"

"The imperium will protect the poeple, those who surrendered will be treated fairly as possible!"

Many of the Towns and villages surrended quickly that the Imperial soldiers wondered if they took a vacation trip and helped build up the reputation in the hearts of the Former NCR citizens by giving food aid and jobs for infrastructure building... It helped spread the assimilation process as runners of the towns that surrendered have given their word of mouth that their homes is even better than ever, food and money flowed freely as long as they surrender to the Imperium, had it been outsiders that speak it out the citizens would been more zealous and defended to the last men, but it was their own people that surrender immediately...

The news of nuking their home have already shaken the tattered remnants of the NCR army...

"I ain't fighting for a genocidal government to nuke my own family and flee abroad just for some pyrrhic victory against the imperium!" One of the private yelled as he slammed the rifle at the ground in protest.

Many of his unit that is still in booth camp had the same feelings...

The drill instructor also had conflicted feelings about it as well... But he resume the training... As if he wanted to push the fear of his family death deep into his mind.

But the pressure is building up that some of the Units rebelled and they bore a makeshift aquila to show their newfound allegiance to the imperium.

"Han, did krieg ended up like this?" A cadian asked as he watched another detachment of conscripts from the NCR surrender as they passed by.

"Nope, It was a Colonel Jurten that brought us to the emperor light... Had these people lived in krieg, they would have been already been weeded out by nuclear fire." The Krieg engineer watched at the surrendered soldiers that passed by emotionless as he watched the battered soldiers passed by the convoy.

He grumble that his men is now checking the decayed infrastructure and found many mole rats and radiated scorpion in the sewers...

"I think by the old saying goes... We would win this war by the time of Sanguinala..."the cadian laughed as he watched the first snow flake touched his helmet.

"Help , this is Pillar one... We are being attacked by partisans!"

The nuclear convoy was attacked heavily the most..

The Senate picked their loyal troopers and their heavily armoured Power Troopers that wear T-51 power armors that pilfered by the Brotherhood of steel in California.

They were attacked by both former NCR citizens that became partisan and Brotherhood of Steel remnants as they stopped some of the Convoys that headed to the population centers that is now under martial law.

"Shit the Tires busted!" The driver screamed as the truck that held the nukes crash into a ravine.

The brotherhood paladin watched as the truck exploded and the nuclear materials was destroyed as they were not primed yet.

They made deal with the Imperium that they should be the defenders of technology... And they remember the calling to protect the citizens of the wastelands...

"Paladin Patrick... We have new convoys a mile from here that is heading to shady sands." A power armor walked beside the man heading the operation.

The missile silos in NCR laid dormant since 2077 now began to activate the technician that maintain this ancient silos unaware of the fact that they are now targeting the Imperium territory that held their families...

Ironic that there are people willing to nuke their own ancestors soil without realizing it.

The hatches open as the aged missiles now rumble to life as it lifted to the skies fulfilling their ancient duty of bringing destruction to their enemies...

It flew to the skies like a arrow unleashed from the bow...

The news have already been spread across all imperial army groups and they activated the ICBM counter measures.

Several wings of imperial craft entered NCR space, uncaring of the flak cannons that attempted to shoot them down and began to tackle down the Missiles. A video feed is shown to the people how the politicians wanted to nuke their homeland became incensed of the fact that they wanted the head of the Politicians leaders.

Many signed up to join the Texas Imperial Guards regiments... Much to Alexander awkward reaction to the news...

The politicians in the NCR on the other hand... Already placed their wealth and peopleloyal to them into the decrepit cruise liner as they escaped in the dark...

They left a Nuclear surprise in Shady sands and somehow the Brahmin Magnate "somehow" got a nuclear bomb cache that got smuggle the city and armed it to blow.

Leaving all their voters behind to pay the price.

When the next morning they found the government had fled leading the citizens fo fend for themselves.

The NCR trooper turned raiders attacked their former collegues with glee... Uncaring of their allegiance as they burned villages along their path...

It was mad dash to the capital of NCR. As the Brahmin magnate left several caches all over the city districts... The citizens whose zeal against the invaders found themselves to aid their enemies lest they will be blown up with the Imperial.

Many have mixed feelings of their new overlord.

They allowed the Imperium to enter the city and began to do their task. When the imperium found that there is bombs that is rigged to blow in 7 hours. The citizens began to panic as they rushed out the city.

Many of the veterans left behind assisted the bomb disposal squad as they never realized that the bombs that was ordered to be brought in, is now fully armed to explode.

Almost all bombs is diffused saved for one, but a Astates that took part in the occupation simply took the nuke and lobbed it into the sky. And a flash of light have erupted and the nuclear explosion disappeared... But it left most of the electrical grid fried by the Emp generated by the nuclear bomb.

Alexander began his social experiment for the foundation of the Celestial Imperium.

The west coast is undergoing several reformations.

Bulletin boards is set up for jobs that the poor and skill less individuals were allowed to work their way up.

The streets is covered by the Imperial Aquila and the people lives changed visibly for the better...

The cities is being rebuilt and the irradiated lands is now terraformed by the machines from Horizon dawn and G.e.c.ks allowing more land to be reclaimed.

The aged shipyards and oil refineries is torned down and rebuilt, making jobs along the way.

The first keel is being laid and thousand of sparks of the welders began to laid the first foundation of a true blue navy. The Orbital fleets is there to stay until the natives are self sufficient to defend themselves...

There is a Petition office that took place in a part of the Senate building, it allows the people to give their concerns to the issues that plague their homes. The other part of the senate is now a museum of memorabilia of what was the former NCR republic. And a reminder of what votes nearly costed the citizens lives.

What happened to the NCR politicians?

(A Week prior before the capitulation of Shady Sands)

"I never knew that I would be the last president of the NCR" president Kimball groaned.

He shouldn't have listened to the brahmin magnate... Infact he should have at least have a spine to surrender as he also allowed the war to continue...

Now they have no land to call their own... And they are supposed to head to Hawaii in a few days where they will regroup and hope to retake their homeland.

"Secretary... Bring me the OSI..." The president pressed the intercom system..

But there was nothing heard from the other side...

He felt unnerved... And attempted to call his SS...

"Adams... Johnson... You there?" He attempted to peek out of the hallway and did not find his security outside his door...

The ship hallway outside his office is eerily empty... And all he hear is the sounds of the ocean... The lights flicker as Kimball walked with uncertainty... This time only armed with a handgun he brought with him... He headed to the lower deck where the OSI staff conducted their research...

He saw people and felt relief and as he about to call them.

He found all them staring at a nine star symbol...

"President kimball... How nice of you to come down here..." One of the scientis spoke. As he notice his arrival.

"What is that thing?"

"The solution of how to end the war my president given by a stranger.. We must bring the gods into this realm..."

"I don't give a shit about the religious voodooism, what is going on here!"

"We need a sacrifice, we must ascend to bring forth the gods beyond the veil" all of the spoke at the same time...

"This is getting creepy..."

"That sacrifice..."

"Is you president"

They began to converge on him, he gave firing shots but they were unhindered...

What scared Kimball was one of the scientist dislodged his mouth and gave a unholy scream. Making the ship come to life...

Kimball locked down the bulkhead leading to the lower decks..

"What the hell going on?!"

He rushed back to his office, locked the door behind him and contacted security to put the end to the threat... But like his secretary... There was simply silence...

The room suddenly changed, it became rusted and flesh began to pulse from the walls as if it had a beating heart

"What is this place!?" He attempt to opened the door, but to no avail the door is stuck, as if fused to the wall.

"Sacrifice to the grand four."

"They need your flesh"

"Your blood to bring them to this realm"

"The gifts is enough for us to take back the NCR and people will celebrate us with joy..."

His eyes met for a split second a Dark hole began to envelope him and all he saw was darkness.

Alexander watched from a satellite feed of the ship that escape from his hands... Originally he wanted to punished them and made people judge for their sins... But ironic they choose to flee... He was about to call the Pacific fleet to apprehend them until the warp signatures began to be found on the cruise liner...

He know the protocol and ordered a black hole missile at the ship before it is fully corrupted by chaos... He could save the civilians trapped within the cruise liner... But by the time they arrived they would have been a Chaos cultist ready to spread the plague of the chaos worship.

"This is the second time I ordered a Emperor Mercy... Rest in peace Kimball..." Alexander sighed...

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