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21.05% Psionic (Marvel) / Chapter 16: Chapter 15 - Daily Life In The X-Mansion

Capítulo 16: Chapter 15 - Daily Life In The X-Mansion

Last chapter for the week... See you in Monday.

Happy Reading!



[30th of June, 2011]

3rd Person P.O.V

A day passed in the X-Mansion as Andrew sat beneath a tree while he observes the kids playing on the big front space of the mansion.

He saw the new mutants interacting with the other mutants their ages as they laughed happily and without worry.

As he was about to stand up and go inside the mansion, he saw the Professor, Hank, Alex and another guy who seems to be also a teenager wearing a white blindfold as Alex Summers carefully guides him to walk along with them as they came out of the mansion.

'Cyclops?' Andrew immediately thought as he slowly stands up and continues to look at them.


"Why don't you show us what you can do?" Charles Xavier said to the blindfolded teenager "Don't be afraid Scott, you're safe here."

"Come on bud, don't be afraid, you can do it." Alex said to his brother while encouraging him.

"Okay.." Scott Summers reluctantly said as he slowly removes the white cloth blindfolding him.

He furrows his brows as he positions himself according to what Hank guides him to with his eyes still closed.

Unknowingly, a floating child's clothes and eye-glass ran into the range where Scott would open his eyes.


Hank and Charles was late to notice the kid as Scott already opened his eyes and a beam of concussive energy came out of his eyes and rapidly approached the kid.


The concussive heat was a meter away from reducing the invisible kid into chunks of meat when it collided with an invisible wall that redirected the beam towards the sky.

Andrew who is standing from his position has his left hand in a reaching motion as he spends some effort to keep the wall of force-field sturdy. That beam was quiet powerful.

Scott seeing this immediately closed his eyes in fright and began to panic "W-what! What happened to the kid? I-i.."

Andrew then flew close to the invisible kid and deduced that the kid seems to be frightened seeing that it wasn't making a noise "Hey, kid. Are you okay?" He tapped the shoulder of the shirt.

"Waaahhh." The invisible boy who recovered from his shock immediately wailed like a pig being butchered and cried pitifully.

The nearby students immediately scrambled away in fear after the seeing the incident while the other professors came out of the mansion to see what has just transpired.

"What happened?!" Storm along with Colossus and Kurt immediately asked seeing the situation.

While Sam along with Roberto at the side who saw the whole thing explained it to them.

Charles with the others also came over to Andrew to check on the kid and after 'confirming' that the kid was fine and just experienced some mild shock gratefully thanked him "Thank you, young andrew if it wasn't for–"

Andrew cutted him off as he said "No worries professor, just like you said, we are all family here, who else will help us other than family?"

Xavier smiled and then looks at the invisible kid while Hank also thanked him. While Alex also expressed his gratitude to Andrew by giving him a thumbs up. Scott on the other hand is still in shock and was looking blankly at the ground.

"Based on what we see, I can manufacture the leftover ruby-quartz I have in my lab that will keep Scott's optic beams contained within their own vector field." Hank talked after a moment as he immediately come to the most feasible solution to the problem of Scott.

Storm, Colossus and the other professors checked upon the kid and also consoles the sulking Scott while Andrew who was about to go back inside saw a young woman looking at them at the side holding books and papers. The woman has a beautiful red hair and an overall amazing features.

'Jean Grey..' Andrew thought as he looks at the woman while Jean Grey also looks at him as he felt the same feeling when Charles tried to read his mind.

Andrew then began walking towards her direction and stopped beside her and said "Stop snooping inside my mind." and then continued walking towards the mansion while wondering where the Phoenix have been when they were touring this place since he didn't see her.

Jean was stunned and tried to explain that it was not her intention but Andrew was already far away from her, not giving her the chance to get close to him.


Andrew P.O.V

I sits in the sofa at the living room of the mansion comfortably as i look at the television curiously while munching on some nuts. This is some good stuff.

["Catch our exclusive interview with Tony Stark and his thoughts after revealing his "true" identity to the public, tonight at 10."

— WHiH World News]

"That guy is always starving for attention." Ororo Munroe spoke while leaning in the frame of the door and then walked and sat beside me. "What do you think of him?"

I stared at her for a moment and then replied "Well, I think he's already on his redemption arc seeing that he already took down the weapons manufacturing of his own company. Definitely sacrificing a sizable sum that dealing weapons make."

"Yeah, but he still got a long way if he want the approval and forgiveness of the people he directly and indirectly hurt." She replied while crossing her hands as she looks at the narcissistic man waving his hand to the press in the Tv.

Well she's not wrong..

"Yeah.." I agreed on her opinion and then changed the channel of the Tv.

["The Mutants are the devil's spawns! They're an abomination! A wrongness that should and definitely needed to be write. They're the Devil's Spawn! Devil's Spawn!."] a relatively big group of people are gathering infront of the white house while carrying some placards and shouting with a determined but crazy look in them.

I was about to continue watching but then stopped as sensed the mood of Ororo going down the drain with my [Empathy]. I changed the channel as i turned to look at her.

I then brought my hand to her shoulder to comfort her and then said "They just don't know anything, don't listen to them."

"I know. We are already trying our best. But it's like they are not seeing the good things we do and only the bad things." She replied after sighing with a tired look on her face.

"That's just human nature. Even if you do hundreds upon hundreds of good things for them, the only thing they will immediately remember from you is the single mistake that you did. So don't mind them." I responded to her as i leaned my back to the couch with my palms on the back of my head. 'So why bother?'

"Sigh. You got some deep words there, huh, kid..."



We managed to talk for a while and this made her more comfortable and open to me and our conversation lasted longer than expected.

The black hottie then stood up and made her way to the door but then stopped, turned around and smiled to and said: "Thanks.." and continued.

I just smiled at her in return and after seeing her disappearing from the door, I removed my smile as i shifted my focus back to the Tv.

I then changed the channel back as I thought about the main reason for mutant hate in this world: Sublime

If some you all don't know. Sublime is the name of a sentient bacterial life-form. Yep that's right. A sentient bacteria, I'm pretty sure some germaphobic people out there would themselves if they learnt about this shit.

Back to the bacteria. Sublime arose during the beginnings of life on Earth. And with the rise of humanity and other lifeforms. He or it rather, found endless host to infect. However, for some reason, the mutant kind is immune to his infection and this sparked his hate for mutants as he assumes that they are a threat to his domination and should be controlled or exterminated.

So in the end, he's actually just a sore loser whom after not getting his way, would resort to underhanded means to take revenge.

Basically a bitter megalomaniac sentient bacteria.


3rd Person P.O.V

[°Danger Room°]

Andrew stands inside the Danger Room alone as he looks at the big robots currently facing him.

The red robots was about 13 meters tall and exudes a pressure that will make any normal person buckle but Andrew just looks at it with a calm calculating gaze.

The first robot began to rapidly run to him as it bring its fist to punch him. Andrew floats away from its range quickly and then made a punching motion.

The robot was if punched by something invisible stumbles a bit, the second robot took this chance to make a move as its right robot arm detaches from its shoulder and rapidly approached Andrew in the air.

Andrew seeing this made a clasping motion with his hands as the arm was then crushed in the air and produced some sparks.

Andrew continued his attack with his right hand slowly clenching as the two robot also began to produce some sparks and knelt on the ground. He finished the attack with a swatting motion to the ground as the two robot was then slammed to the ground—motionless

Though, the training seems to be still not finished as the metallic wall behind Andrew silently opened as numerous projectiles shot out of it with a swift speed and stealthily.

Andrew just scoffs as he activated his force-field and just watched as the projectiles slam at his force-field uselessly and fell to the ground with a useless sound. (lol useless)

A green light replaced the red light that was on the top of the door indicating that the training was finished.

Clang! Clap! Clap!

A clapping sound resounded in the Danger Room as the metallic door automatically opened and revealed Colossus, Charles and Hank.

"Well done, Andrew, well done." Charles praised him with a smile on his face while rolling(?) towards him.

"I can see from how you fight that you prioritize a long-range combat, from that we can structure some more tests and curriculum for the students who also think the same as you to efficiently enhance and improve their capabilities to defend their selves incase of emergency." The Beast; Hank McCoy at the side immediately tinkered after analyzing his fight and began writing at his mini pad.

"You fight well, my friend. Do you want me to be the one to test you myself?." Peter a.k.a Colossus asked with a genuine look at Andrew while rubbing his metallic head.

Andrew looks at the honest Colossus and thought about how vastly different the personality of the two siblings "Sure, why not."

"Wait.. Are you not tired Andrew? You should rest for now and do this spar next time."

"Yes, Professor." Colossus agreed after hearing him.

"... Sure thing." Andrew replied and then began making his way out of the room with Colossus accompanying him after saying goodbye with the two professors.

Charles Xavier smiled seeing the interaction between the two and then turned to Hank "It's better to give him the benefit of the doubt. He has definitely changed, even if I can't see his mind, I can feel it. I can feel that he's now different from the him that made a scene in Seattle. And that's a good thing. Everyone deserves a second chance."

Hank also agreed and his hesitation to accept Andrew as a true student after seeing his researching about his past began to wane down.


Walking on the long silver corridor with Colossus talking with him about how Illyana interacted with them in the past and whatsoever. Andrew patiently answered his questions since he know that Peter is trying his best to know what Illyana likes.

While he doesn't even know why the metal man would think he would know what that crazy blonde likes but he just answered him based on the things he learned from the interaction they had in the facility.

They came out of the corridor and walked the long staircase that guides them up towards the surface area. They came in the living room as Andrew was greeted by a redhead. Piotr seeing this tactfully shuts up and thanked Andrew and then made his way to find his sister.

'Ugh.. this girl again' Andrew thought tiredly.

Jean waits for a bit and seeing Colossus was now gone, she spoke with "I'm here to explain myself that it was actually not my intention to spy in your mind a-and.."

"I know. You don't have to explain yourself. Now bye." Andrew smiled seeing her struggling to come up with her explanation.

"... Oh.." Jean replies with an "O"


'Heh, she's cute, but nah, I'm not looking to be cosmically incinerated into nothingness.' The protagonist thought seeing her blank and confused expression and lists her to his "To Avoid For Now List".

Andrew then taps her shoulder since he doesn't want the conversation to get long as he felt glare 'tangibly' poking his back and he doesn't really want to deal with a brain-damaged-lovesick-blind-without-his-glasses right now and he also currently also don't want to be near the host of a comic entity without assurance that he can survive if it suddenly began rampaging.

Andrew made his way outside the mansion rather quickly after smiling at the frowning Scott at the side.


Andrew P.O.V


[30th of July, 2011]

One month later

I lay on my bed comfortably while Pyro lays on his bed at the other side of the room.

This month was bit boring but also fruitful since I managed to meet most of the students here and all i can say to them is they're useless.

I watched the other students also train themselves in the Danger Room and I'm disappointed with them. Specially Bobby Drake, he is supposed to be an Omega Level Mutant be here he is—throwing streams of ice and breathing snows–like what the fuck?.

If I have been reincarnated as him I'd already be throwing mountains of ice and reforming the melted glaciers in antarctic at his age, but it is what it is as I'm already thankful and sure that i can do much more than that in the future.

But forget about him, lets talk about myself. My ability have also progressed nicely even though i don't have the freedom here to use my ability here in a large scale anywhere and anytime I want.

The good thing is i can now do [Hydrokinesis] and [Geokinesis], the lifting strength of my TK has also now quadrupled.

I can now probably throw trucks upon trucks at my enemy without quickly tiring and squeeze them to suffocation and maybe even lift some small establishment... Maybe.

While I have my plans on how will i increase my physical strength effectively, i am still choosing what ways–since i am definitely not choosing the way of the hulk or even getting his gamma radiated blood to merge with my own.

It's too much of a risk since there's the threat of the freakin' One-Below-All–which is the dark aspect of the One-Above-All, and his Below-Place–which is the lowest point of reality, even below the deepest layers of the Hells–and I am never gonna be ready to be possessed by something like that.

The idea of the Golden Sentry Serum also came to me but I am not pretty sure if Sentry exists in this reality considering that this universe inclined more to the plot of the M.C.U even with all the different kinds of things mixed up here together but it'd be nice to get my hands on that Super-Soldier Serum that is on a million steroids. But as always. There's still of course the threat of the Void.


Why can't anything just be normal for once? Like the original Super-Soldier Serum.

At the same time, I also thought about just manually increasing my physical strength considering that i now have a limited form of Body Manipulation (A/N: Not to be confused with Biokinesis a.k.a Biological Manipulation)

I am also excited in my approaching journey to Seattle soon. I can't wait to see the look on the face of that father of mine will make after he sees me all alive and kicking. But for now? Let me sleep–this monologue of mine has already gone too far.


I have already decided on who's for romance.. Not Wanda.. Not Jean.. It's..



Stay Tuned to find out. Lol

Also give me your stones. Just give it to me and no ones going to get hurt.


Moziel Moziel

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