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6.45% GATE: Thus The Imperium of Man Fought There / CODEX: Solar Guardian Auxilia

CODEX: Solar Guardian Auxilia

"We are the bastion as we are the legion. We are His tools to protect mankind and the Imperium. However, we are much more than that. We serve as the next step in humanity's evolution as warfare was one of our forms to nurture mankind to its ascension." - Colonel Dentrix, M29.053.

The Solar Guardian Auxilia stands as the largest armed fighting force in the galaxy, meticulously crafted to serve as humanity's first and last line of defense. Sprawling bastions dot the stars, forming layers of impenetrable defense seemingly impervious to breach.

In contrast to the Edertus Imperialis, tasked with guarding individual planets, the Solar Guardian Auxilia is drawn from the elite of each world, entrusted with safeguarding entire sectors. Integrated with the Armada Imperialis, they wield formidable power across vast expanses of space.

Within the Solar Guardian Auxilia, ranks are imbued with unique titles varying by sector:

- Solar Auxilia Strategic Command Ranks -

The strategic command holds the utmost importance within the Solar Guardian Auxilia, bearing responsibility for all tactical and strategic objectives. To fulfill their demanding duties, those in strategic command undergo extensive augmentation of their genetic systems and WAR-CASTER interfaces.

These augmentations involve comprehensive molecular enhancement and rewriting, elevating the subject's DNA to levels nearing the purity of the Magistratus. As a result, their biological and biomechanical bodies are evolved to conform to the highest standards, creating a new breed of highly intelligent Solar Guardians capable of serving as the second brain of the Ferrous Mind.

The genetic rewriting is coupled with psychic anchoring to the Solar Guardian's soul, facilitating enhanced connectivity with the true essence of the Ferrous Mind. This synergy enables them to form a seamless bond with the vast network of Ferrous Minds, granting unparalleled insight and strategic prowess in guiding the Solar Guardian Auxilia to victory.

1) Lord Commander Militant

The role of Lord Commander Militant stands as the pinnacle of strategic leadership within the Solar Guardian Auxilia. Those who bear this esteemed title undergo extensive enhancements and augmentations, enabling them to maintain a constant connection to every Ferrous Mind within their sector through the Neuralsphere.

The Neuralsphere serves as the deepest layer of connection cloud utilized by the Imperium, drawing upon humanity's mastery over the Warp. Through this remarkable connection, the Lord Commander Militant gains unparalleled insight, but it comes at a significant cost. Each Lord Commander Militant is permanently entombed within massive mechanical chambers known as Aeternus Somnus. Within these chambers, the transhuman is able to access countless streams of the Noosphere and delve even deeper into the Neuralsphere.

With this extraordinary connection, the Lord Commander Militant gains access to quadrillions of data points spanning the entire sector. From this vantage point, they command countless battles, orchestrating strategies and deployments with unparalleled precision across their jurisdiction.

2) Lord Admiral

Lord Admirals hold supreme command over the entire battlefleet within their respective sectors. With a fleet comprising at least one thousand vessels, ranging from nimble one-kilometer corvettes to colossal Juggernauts spanning hundreds of kilometers, they possess formidable firepower and unparalleled strategic reach.

Harnessing the vast resources and firepower of the Armada Imperialis, any Lord Admiral wields the capability to bring about devastating consequences, potentially leading to the destruction of multiple solar systems. Their primary duty encompasses ensuring the Imperium's unchallenged dominance over the sector's vast expanse of space.

In addition to their overarching responsibility for sector-wide security, Lord Admirals are tasked with safeguarding Auxilia assets amidst the harsh and unforgiving environment of void warfare. Their leadership ensures that Imperium's interests are protected and its supremacy maintained amidst the challenges of the cosmos.

3) Field Marshal

The Field Marshal stands at the forefront of invasions within the Solar Guardian Auxilia's operations, wielding command over the formidable might of the Imperium's forces. Charged with leading the charge against adversaries of the Emperor, they oversee vast legions comprising tanks, artillery units, and transhuman soldiers.

With their strategic acumen and tactical prowess, the Field Marshal orchestrates offensives warfare with precision, devising intricate maneuvers to outmaneuver and overwhelm the Imperium's enemies. Their leadership ensures that their forces are equipped with cutting-edge weaponry and technology, ready to confront any challenge and prevail on the battlefield.

Whether launching assaults on enemy strongholds, seizing crucial objectives, or defending Imperium-held territory from incursions, the Field Marshal's decisive actions are pivotal in securing victory and upholding the Emperor's sovereignty over contested realms. Their unwavering commitment to the Imperium's cause makes them indispensable assets in the ongoing struggle for dominance across the galaxy.

4) Lord Colonel

As the Lord Commander Militant oversees the vast expanse of a sector, the responsibilities of the Lord Colonel extend even further to the governance of entire solar systems within that sector. Working in concert with numerous Ferrous Minds, they harness the collective power of the Noosphere to ensure the security and stability of their domain.

Linked to the extensive network of Ferrous Minds, the Lord Colonel utilizes the boundless capabilities of the Noosphere to orchestrate elaborate strategies and tactics on a monumental scale. They are adept at maneuvering millions of assets, akin to pieces on a cosmic chessboard, to achieve strategic objectives and maintain dominance across the solar system.

The expertise of the Lord Colonel lies in their comprehensive understanding of warfare within the vast expanse of a solar system. They possess the tactical acumen and strategic foresight necessary to navigate the complexities of celestial combat, ensuring the defense and protection of every celestial body under their purview.

-Field Rank-

The field forces of the Solar Guardian comprise standard template augmented soldiers, but with notable advancements tailored to enhance their effectiveness on the battlefield. While these enhancements may not be as drastic as those seen in the strategic command, they remain essential for ensuring the success of military operations.

Genetic rewriting and improvements have been implemented to augment the resilience and intelligence of these soldiers, elevating them above ordinary civilian transhumans. These enhancements enable them to withstand the rigors of combat and adapt swiftly to changing circumstances on the battlefield.

1) General

The role of General stands as the pinnacle of authority within the Solar Guardian Auxilia's field invasion operations on a specific planet. Directly answering to the Field Marshal, Generals work in conjunction with a sophisticated network of UR-type Ferrous Minds that have been upgraded into Apotheosis-class.

Empowered by the unparalleled capabilities of the Ferrous Minds and their metal vessels, Generals undergo a pure soul bonding process with transhumans, unleashing tremendous power. Through their combined connection to the Noosphere, they possess the ability to oversee millions of tactics and logistical details, facilitating precise and strategic deployments tailored to the unique specialist classifications of their Auxilia units.

Each deployment orchestrated by a General is distinctive, meticulously crafted to align with the strategic objectives and operational requirements dictated by the nature of their Auxilia's specialization. This symbiotic relationship between the General, the Ferrous Minds, and the transhumans under their command ensures a seamless and efficient execution of military operations on the planet's surface.

2) Colonel

The Colonel holds a pivotal role within the Solar Guardian Auxilia, overseeing the entire cohort of Solar Guardians on their mission. Tasked with ensuring tactical victory, Colonels wield authority over the entire tanks battalion, Auxilia cohorts, and aircraft squadrons.

Leveraging the formidable capabilities of the Ferrous Mind's matrix, Colonels possess the ability to master the battlefield, orchestrating coordinated strikes and maneuvers to achieve strategic objectives. As executors of the General's orders, they are entrusted with carrying out missions with precision and efficiency, relentlessly advancing the Imperium's agenda in the Emperor's name.

3) Captain

The rank of Captain within the Solar Guardian Auxilia signifies a significant level of authority, granting command over entire battalions. Unlike preceding ranks, a Captain who is linked to the Ferrous Mind is tasked with a specific duty: to uphold unity and near-perfect coordination within their battalion.

Through their connection to the Ferrous Mind, Captains possess the ability to synchronize their battalion's movements with unparalleled precision. This synchronization allows for seamless coordination of tactical maneuvers and strategic operations, ensuring that the battalion operates as a cohesive and efficient unit on the battlefield.

By leveraging their connection to the Ferrous Mind, Captains play a crucial role in maintaining order and effectiveness within their ranks, thereby maximizing the combat capabilities of their battalion and contributing to the overall success of the Solar Guardian Auxilia's missions.

4) Lieutenant 

The role of Lieutenant within the Solar Guardian Auxilia is to serve as a company leader within the battalions. Lieutenants are tasked with overseeing the operations and personnel of their assigned company, ensuring its readiness for combat and its ability to fulfill its mission objectives.

Lieutenants adhere to doctrines that emphasize self-sufficiency and flexibility. This means that their companies are trained and equipped to operate autonomously, capable of adapting to various battlefield conditions and executing missions with minimal external support.

To achieve nearly perfect coordination within their battalion, Lieutenants maintain a partial connection with their Captain. This connection enables seamless communication and coordination between the company and higher command, ensuring that every unit operates in harmony towards the overall objectives of the Solar Guardian Auxilia.

The autonomy and coordination instilled by Lieutenants are crucial for each company to function as an independent and effective fighting force. By cultivating these qualities, Lieutenants play a vital role in enhancing the combat effectiveness and operational efficiency of the Solar Guardian Auxilia on the battlefield.


The deployment of the Solar Guardian Auxilia is strategically organized into two distinct categories to ensure optimal readiness and response to threats. Primarily stationed within their home sector, the Solar Guardians stand vigilant, safeguarding their territory against potential adversaries.

However, in response to commands from higher authorities or imminent threats, the Solar Guardians are prepared to mobilize swiftly and decisively. This deployment strategy enables them to remain poised for action while maintaining a formidable presence within their sector.

The two deployment categories are as follows:

1 ) Protector Regni Auxilia

In the event of a foreign invasion within their sector, the Solar Guardian Auxilia typically operates alongside the Edertus Imperialis to maintain order and defend their borders. While the primary responsibility for defending the home planet falls under the jurisdiction of the Edertus Imperialis, the Solar Guardians can be deployed in dire situations as determined by the Lord Commander Militant.

When deployed, the Solar Guardians act as a supplementary force, bolstering the existing defenses and leveraging their advanced weaponry and tactics to enhance the Imperium's defensive capabilities. However, if the threat escalates to the point where it jeopardizes not just a single planet but the entire sub-sector or sector, the Lord Commander Militant may authorize the deployment of even larger forces of Solar Guardians equipped with sophisticated weaponry to confront the threat.

Once the invasion is repelled, it becomes the responsibility of both the Imperial Navy and the Solar Guardian Auxilia to eradicate any remnants of the enemy forces. This counterattack, considered an offensive deployment according to Imperial protocol, is meticulously planned and executed by the Solar Guardians to eliminate the enemy presence beyond the Imperium's borders.

2) Bellicum Iudicium Auxilia

In contrast to the Protector Regni Auxilia, the Bellicum Iudicium Auxilia is systematically designed to serve as both the spearhead and shield of the higher transhuman armies in the Imperial Crusade. They are capable of acting as the anvil, providing a solid defense, while superior firepower serves as the hammer. However, they can also switch roles, becoming the hammer themselves when necessary to obliterate their enemies.

The Bellicum Iudicium Auxilia must maintain a minimum size of at least a quarter of the Protector Regni Auxilia's entire forces. Despite their smaller numbers, the Protector Regni comprises the most lethal and dangerous war machines in the Auxilia's arsenal, including ships that are among the most formidable in their class and doctrine.

To ensure self-sufficiency and independence from external resources, the Bellicum Iudicium Auxilia is equipped with dozens of support void craft, including forge ships capable of producing vast quantities of resources and warmachines. These vessels enable the Bellicum Iudicium Auxilia to operate autonomously, without reliance on external supply lines.

Additionally, the fleet and ground forces of the Bellicum Iudicium Auxilia are equipped with superweapons capable of unimaginable destruction. These weapons can swallow planets and stars, tear open void in space and time, and shatter continental crusts with ease, and much more horrors. However, the deployment of such devastating weaponry is strictly regulated and can only be sanctioned by the highest authorities in the respective Segmentum. Misuse of these weapons carries severe consequences, including immediate execution.


Solar Guardian Auxilia, despite their specialization and classifications, must master each type of these formations because the war itself is hell, and in that hell, they must be victorious. 

1) First Formation "Spearhead Formation."

The Spearhead formation of the Solar Guardian Auxilia stands as a testament to the Imperium's commitment to achieving decisive victories on the battlefield. Comprised of five battalions, each meticulously equipped with the most lethal weapons and technology available to the Auxilia, the Spearhead formation is a force to be reckoned with.

Designed to spearhead assaults and break enemy lines, the Spearhead formation excels in delivering swift and devastating strikes against even the most formidable adversaries. Armed with advanced weaponry and supported by elite transhuman soldiers, the battalions of the Spearhead formation are capable of overwhelming enemy forces many times their size.

2) Second Formation. "The Warmachine Formation." 

The Warmachine Formation is a strategic deployment tactic devised by the Imperium to counter the relentless and swarm-like assaults of certain enemies. This formation focuses on the mass deployment of battle automata, which are inexpensive to fabricate but highly effective in combat.

In the face of overwhelming enemy numbers, the Warmachine Formation leverages the sheer quantity of battle automata to overwhelm and subdue the enemy. These automata are equipped with basic but reliable weaponry, allowing them to engage enemy forces en masse and hold the line against waves of attackers.

The strength of the Warmachine Formation lies in its ability to create a formidable wall of firepower, capable of mowing down enemy ranks and disrupting their advances. By saturating the battlefield with battle automata, the Imperium can effectively neutralize the numerical advantage of their adversaries and maintain control over key strategic positions.

3) Third formation. "The Onslaught Formatiom."

he Onslaught Formation serves as a devastating addition to the Warmachine Formation, providing additional firepower and resilience on the battlefield. Comprised primarily of war skeletons and other non-titan walkers, this formation is designed to unleash apocalyptic destruction upon the enemy while enduring significant punishment.

War skeletons are the backbone of the Onslaught Formation, renowned for their unparalleled durability and destructive capabilities. These formidable war machines are capable of withstanding tremendous amounts of damage while delivering devastating firepower against enemy forces.

When deployed, the Onslaught Formation typically takes on the role of the demolition phase of the engagement, exploiting openings created by the Warmachine Formation's relentless assault. As enemy forces falter and lose their momentum, the Onslaught Formation moves in to deliver the killing blow, unleashing a barrage of devastating attacks that leave destruction in their wake.

By combining the overwhelming firepower of the Warmachine Formation with the resilience and destructive power of the Onslaught Formation, the Solar Guardian Auxilia can effectively neutralize enemy threats and secure victory on the battlefield. Together, these formations form a formidable force that strikes fear into the hearts of the Imperium's enemies

4) Fourth Formation. "Armored Warfare."

The Fourth Formation, known for its highly maneuverable yet devastating nature, consists of a massive column of tanks and armored vehicles designed to bring maximum destruction to the enemy on the battlefield.

When deployed, this formation typically operates in conjunction with other formations, providing support and firepower to ongoing battles. At its core, the Fourth Formation supports the frontline engagement between Automata and Solar Guardian forces, delivering the Emperor's justice with superior firepower.

The formation includes a diverse array of vehicles, ranging from light armored vehicles for mobility to heavier machines for engaging enemy targets. Additionally, heavy artillery, known as ordinates, are deployed to provide long-range firepower and support to ground forces.

Divided into several sub-formations based on armored unit weight classes, the Fourth Formation maximizes its effectiveness by leveraging the strengths of each vehicle type. Light armored vehicles excel in mobility and reconnaissance roles, while heavier machines form the bulk of the formation's offensive capabilities, unleashing devastating firepower upon enemy positions.

5) Fifth Formation. "Infantry Deployment."

The Fifth Formation stands as the largest and most pivotal formation within the Solar Guardian Auxilia, serving as the core of the organization's forces. Comprised of countless men and women who bravely hold the line against the myriad horrors of the galaxy, this formation relies on their armaments and unwavering resolve to confront the enemy.

While the Fifth Formation boasts considerable number, it is also regarded as the most vulnerable. To address this vulnerability, the formation is designed to be exceptionally flexible, capable of adapting to changing battlefield conditions with ease. Detachment forces can be swiftly added or removed from the battle plan, allowing commanders to deploy resources precisely where they are needed most.

This flexibility enables the Fifth Formation to achieve strategic victories and tactical success with precision, leveraging superior tactics and strategic planning to overcome enemy forces. Despite the challenges it faces, the Fifth Formation remains a cornerstone of the Solar Guardian Auxilia, boasting their image as the first and last line of defense in mankind's domain.

6) Sixth Formation. "The Steel Wall."

The Steel Wall formation exemplifies the Solar Guardian Auxilia's expertise in long-range siege warfare and offensive tactics. This formidable formation employs a strategy that begins with the systematic clearing of a large area through devastating orbital bombardment. Following this initial assault, giant drop pods are deployed, swiftly transforming into mobile headquarters known as pseudo arcologies.

Upon landing, the arcologies immediately establish defensive perimeters and deploy siege weapons to secure the area. Meanwhile, ongoing orbital bombardment provides additional cover and support.

As the defense perimeter strengthens, the arcologies initiate the construction of manufacturing facilities based on Standard Template Constructs (STCs) brought by the Auxilia. Guided by the Ferrous Minds present within the Auxilia's ranks, these facilities rapidly produce supplies, ammunition, and war machines, ensuring sustained combat effectiveness.

The versatility of the Steel Wall formation lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate with other formations within the Solar Guardian Auxilia. By maintaining a continuous supply chain and manufacturing capability, the formation ensures that all kind of formations ,besides the Seventh and Eighth, can sustain themselves indefinitely, even in the face of prolonged or intense combat engagements. This makes the Steel Wall formation a cornerstone of the Auxilia's military strategy, enabling them to wage war with relentless efficiency and endurance.

7) The Seventh Formation. "Titanomachy."

The Seventh Formation, known as the Titanomachy, is invoked only in the direst of circumstances when no other option remains but to unleash devastating force upon the enemy. This formation heralds the arrival of the mighty Titans, colossal war machines of unparalleled destructive power.

The Titanomachy is a cataclysmic event, signifying the descent of these colossal war engines from the heavens to wreak havoc upon the enemy forces. Each Titan is a towering behemoth armed with devastating weaponry capable of decimating entire armies and laying waste to fortifications with ease.

During the 29th millennium, the Imperium's vast industrial capacity ensured that every planet was guarded with at least one Titan legion. These legions, comprised of hundreds of Titans, stand as bulwarks against threats to humanity's domains.

When the Titanomachy is called upon, Bellicum Iudicium Auxilia is typically accompanied by multiple Titan legions, each adding their overwhelming firepower to the onslaught. Together, they unleash the Emperor's judgment upon those who would dare oppose the Imperium, leaving naught but devastation in their wake.

The Titanomacy represents the ultimate expression of the Imperium's military might, a force so overwhelming that none can stand against it. When unleashed, it is a harbinger of destruction, ensuring that the enemies of mankind face swift and decisive retribution for their transgressions.

8) Eighth Formation. "The Destroyer."

The Destroyer formation represents the epitome of terror and devastation in the Solar Guardian Auxilia's arsenal. Comprised of a diverse array of weaponry and war machines tailored to annihilate any and all threats, this formation embodies the relentless pursuit of destruction.

Within the ranks of the Destroyer formation, there is no room for mercy or restraint. Every weapon deemed too dangerous or overwhelming for conventional warfare is unleashed without hesitation, wreaking havoc and devastation on the battlefield. From distortion weapons to radiation-based armaments and exotic technologies, no method of destruction is off-limits.

War machines within the Destroyer formation are modified and augmented to maximize their destructive potential, turning them into instruments of unparalleled ferocity. When faced with targets that must be utterly obliterated, even more terrifying weapons are brought to bear. Mechanivores, Sun-snuffers, The Life Eater, Horizon Machine, Psy-warping, and other superior technologies are deployed, each capable of unleashing unimaginable devastation upon their foes.

The true extent of the Destroyer formation's power is shrouded in secrecy, with many of its most terrifying weapons kept hidden from civilian knowledge. Only those within the Solar Guardian Auxilia's highest echelons possess full knowledge of the capabilities of this grim and terrifying formation, ensuring that it remains a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.


1) Psycant Astra

The Psycant Astra represents the apex of psychic mastery within the Imperium, wielding powers that seem almost magical in their potency. Augmented by advancements in human technology and the psychic arts, these psykers possess the ability to alter reality itself with a mere thought, achieving feats that defy conventional understanding.

Deployed in their own specialized cohorts, the Astra Psykana is equipped with advanced war gear and technology that appears unfathomable to those outside their ranks. Their abilities allow them to manipulate the Immaterium with precision and control, unleashing devastating psychic onslaughts upon their enemies and turning the tide of battle in favor of the Imperium.

With their unparalleled psychic prowess, the Psycant Astra serves as a formidable force on the battlefield, capable of reshaping reality and achieving feats that border on the miraculous. They stand as a testament to humanity's mastery over the psychic arts, wielding power that rivals the gods themselves.

2) Arcant-Praefato

The Arcant-Praefators represent a stark departure from the psychic forces of the Astra Psykana, embodying humanity's dominion over the material realm and its laws. Born from Mars and its sister planets, these transhumans are masters of manipulating the material universe and its essence.

Unlike psykers whose powers originate from the Immaterium, the Arcant-Praefators possess a limited or nonexistent presence in the Warp. Instead, their abilities stem from their profound connection to the material soul, allowing them to manipulate the very fabric of reality using the data and concepts inherent to the Materium itself.

Armed with an array of deadly weapons and advanced technology, the Arcant-Praefators wield devastating power on the battlefield. While such weaponry may be reserved for special eighth formations within the Solar Guardian Auxilia, for the Arcant-Praefators, it is standard issue, allowing them to unleash mass destruction and manipulate the universe to suit their objectives.

With their ability to wield impossibly advanced weaponry, command legions of automatons, and reshape reality itself with sheer power alone, the Arcant-Praefators are formidable adversaries on the battlefield, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies with their ruthless efficiency and mastery over the material universe.

3) Collegia Titanica

The Collegia Titanica stands as one of the most formidable branches within the Imperium's military hierarchy, found across all armed forces throughout the transhuman domains. Each titan within the Collegia Titanica is specifically crafted to suit the needs and preferences of the faction it serves. For the Solar Guardian Auxilia, they are typically paired with standard-issue titans that are widely deployed across all planets within the Imperium.

These titans wield immense power, capable of penetrating various battlefields and emerging victorious against even the most formidable adversaries. Alongside the standard-issue titans, specialized variants are also deployed to accompany the Solar Guardian Auxilia. Psi-titans are often seen alongside forces from the Psycant Astra, while Pariah Titans march in step with the Praefators.

Leveraging the vast industrial capabilities and ongoing technological advancements of the Imperium, the deployment of thousands of these colossal machines simultaneously, and their seamless coordination, is a testament to the Auxilia's military prowess. With such capability at their disposal, the Auxilia can swiftly and decisively crush their enemies, ensuring victory for the Imperium.

4) Silica Auxilia

The Silica Auxilia represents a combat force comprised entirely of automata and Quasi-AIs endowed with independent traits, connected with multiple Ferrous Minds. This force eclipses the Solar Guardian in sheer quantity and operates without the biological limitations that constrain its counterparts, affording them unparalleled flexibility in body modifications and weapon deployment.

Distinguished by their distinctiveness, the Silica Auxilia navigates battlefields inaccessible to the Solar Guardian, owing to their unique composition. As a subsidiary of both the Arcant Praefator and Psycant Astra, they wield weaponry from both factions, tailored to confront the diverse array of adversaries encountered by humanity. Serving as the linchpin of the Second Formation, they specialize in versatility and unleash devastating assaults.

Organized into various classes, their forms adapt to the directives of the controlling Ferrous Minds and Quasi-AIs, with some units crafted to resemble humans, housing organic Quasi-AI systems directly linked to the overseeing Ferrous Mind. Their primary function on the battlefield involves overseeing battle automata while simultaneously serving as conduits for Ferrous Minds. Furthermore, they fulfill garrison duties, leveraging their human-like appearances to seamlessly integrate and adapt to their surroundings.


Standardization and flexibility are paramount within the Solar Guardian Auxilia. Despite its vastness, specialization in armament and doctrine persists, ensuring readiness to confront the myriad horrors lurking in the universe.

Standard war equipment such as nano suits and their variants, as well as a wide array of standard-issue combat weapons, are readily available to all transhuman forces, particularly the Solar Guardian and the Edertus Imperialis. Updates and improvements to equipment like armor and weapons that have been sanctioned as standard Auxilia gear are swiftly mass-produced to meet the extensive demands of the Auxilia.

In addition to the standard equipment, War Skeletons stand as the backbone of heavy forces and play a vital role in the Third Formation. Available in various classifications, War Skeletons are always present in vast numbers within Auxilia armories.

War Skeletons are just one component of the Imperium's heavy war machine arsenal. Tanks and various armored vehicles are also prevalent, adhering to the formal doctrines of the Auxilia. Some Auxilia in certain sectors possess a notably larger stockpile of armored vehicles, often influenced by their specific doctrines and the abundance of Manufactorum Worlds within their sector.

While standardization is prevalent within the Solar Guardian Auxilia, it's not uncommon for each sector's Auxilia to possess unique weaponry or technology, often classified as Artificer-grade. This specialized armament and technology are reserved and only deployed when the situation demands it. However, some Auxilia units operate differently, outfitting all their weaponry with Artificer-grade equipment.

Lastly, superweapons. These devastating weapons are stored under the highest sanction seals in the Auxilia armory. They come in various types, but they share a common purpose: to annihilate the enemy to the point of no return. Superweapons are present in all branches of the transhuman hierarchy, but the Solar Guardian's arsenal tends to be more conventional compared to the other three transhuman factions.

-Primum Exaltans. Solar Guardian Section-

The war section of the transhuman hierarchy stands not only as a formidable military force but also as a cornerstone in the grand design of the Master of Mankind. Within the Imperium's regime of conscription and martial law, every citizen is called to serve in the ranks of the Solar Guardian for a designated period, before resuming their roles in society to contribute to the advancement of the Imperium or be elevated to the Magistratus. However, beyond mere soldiers, it is widely understood that those who become part of the military undergo significant biological and psychic enhancements. This diverse array of transhumans encompasses individuals with their own distinctive traits and specializations. Some function as mortal conduits, facilitating connections between disparate realms, while others exhibit wills akin to those of deities.

The Emperor himself decreed that every single transhuman warrior in the hierarchy is not just a defender but also a pioneer, tasked with spearheading the Imperium's progress and ingenuity.

Henceforth, a classification system of unparalleled complexity yet remarkable efficiency was devised to centralize and streamline the management of this hierarchical structure. Instituted initially in M28, the Imperium gained the capacity to supervise myriad Primum Exaltans, each segmented into five distinct categories.

Among the entities ensconced within this labyrinthine bureaucracy, the Solar Guardian holds a prominent position as the conduit to mortals. Each of the ranks is unique in each hierarchy, and thus, the classification used in Solar Guardian will be most likely different in other ranks.

1) The Builder

Builders consist of the most prominent polymath of the Solar Guardian's ranks. Builders typically originate from sectors boasting a high concentration of Ecumenopolis and Manufactorum worlds. Thriving amidst the abundance of Alpha-class planets within their domains, they emerge as trailblazers in technological innovation and economic hubs. Unlike traditional warriors, Builders are comprised of the brightest minds across various knowledge domains within their sectors. Those designated as Builders within the Auxilia are unrivaled scientists and engineers, renowned for their expertise.

For them, rapid innovation and astro-engineering are routine endeavors. When called upon for crusades, the weaponry they wield often springs from their own ingenuity, leading to the development of experimental warfare strategies and adaptable tactics.

Builders are frequently deployed to regions ravaged by war, entrusted with the monumental task of reconstruction. From desolate wastelands, they conjure centers of civilization adorned with marvels beyond measure. Revered as Wonder Crafters, they are embraced by every planet they visit for their role in construction and innovation. Despite their mastery in construction, Builders maintain a symbiotic relationship with the Arcant-Praefator, affording them near-boundless access to the Solar Guardian's arsenal of advanced weaponry. Consequently, they boast the most extensive collection of super weapons among all Primum Exaltans factions.

2) Bio-Crafter

The origins of the Bio-Crafters trace back to Luna's most venerable scientists from epochs past. Over millennia, these adept bioengineers dispersed throughout the dominion of the Master of Mankind, founding colonies on innumerable worlds and establishing thriving communities brimming with masters of life.

Accounting for nearly a quarter of the biological innovations archived on Mars and Luna, the Bio-Crafters possess an extensive repository of knowledge concerning humanity's evolution in both physical and psychic realms. With such profound expertise at their disposal, they wield the potential to unleash unprecedented advancements and achievements previously deemed unimaginable in humanity's biological evolution.

Bio-Crafters are the artisans of life and growth, deeply intertwined with Luna, Arcant-Praefator, Psycant Astra, and Magistratus. Their understanding of human biology surpasses that of their peers among the transhuman ranks, with only those higher in hierarchy possessing greater insights.

With an extensive network of connections and millennia of accumulated knowledge, with boundless more awaiting in the Akasha, Bio-Crafters hold immense potential to nurture, support, and advance the transhuman lineage of the Solar Guardian alongside the Imperium's foremost genetic researchers.

Beyond their pivotal role in transhuman evolution and nurturing, Bio-Crafters oversee all micro gene-crafting endeavors within the Imperium, including the development of weaponry. Through their mastery, they possess the ability to wield Geass, a term coined by Gene-Crafters. With Geass, Bio-Crafters can manipulate the cellular structures of any living organism and alter their genetic composition at will. Conversely, they can also twist souls into maladies, evoking echoes of the Eldar's Isha's Lament.

3) Ariscator

Arsicators constitute a unique classification integral to the spiritual essence of humanity. Emerging from sectors steeped in the cultural and beliefs traditions upheld by the Imperium, they embody the voice of spiritual civilization within its vast dominion, analogous to how Builders symbolize its physical progress.

Typically, Arsicator-dominated sectors are characterized by artisan worlds or Paradise Worlds, acting as vibrant hubs for artists, craftsmen, and artifician from across the Imperium. These sectors stand as beacons of social evolution, guiding planets scattered throughout the galaxy.

Arsicators are renowned not only for their refined combat prowess but also for the unparalleled quality of their weaponry. Revered as masters of Artificer craftsmanship, they produce arms that are deemed the pinnacle of excellence within the Imperium. Armed with a vast arsenal of Artificer weapons, they specialize in Specile Strike forces, executing swift and devastating strikes with minimal forces to achieve maximum impact.

Thanks to their upbringing in culturally rich environments, Arsicators undergo extensive diplomatic training, honing their innate transhuman aura alongside diplomatic finesse. Consequently, they are esteemed as the foremost diplomats in the galaxy, adept at navigating complex political landscapes with grace and efficacy. Furthermore, their status as the preeminent artists, philosophers, and artificians of their sectors further bolsters their legendary reputation within the Imperium.

4) Ether Guard

The Ether Guard stands as a formidable talon within the Psycant Astra, positioned directly under the auspices of the Ordo. Originating from sectors under the direct administration of the Psycant Astra, these regions are characterized by burgeoning populations of psykers, numbering in the millions or even tens of millions within a single sector.

Comprised entirely of psykers trained and equipped by the Astra, each member of the Ether Guard possesses psychic abilities and immaterial combat prowess far surpassing those of the average battle psyker within the Solar Guardian ranks. Through the terraforming of various planets into Spirit Worlds, ordinary humans can awaken their latent psychic talents, transforming into stable psykers who undergo rigorous training under the auspices of the Solar Guardian.

Within their ranks, Beta-Class Psykers are commonplace, with even Alpha-ranked individuals serving as integral staff within their military structure. Endowed with overwhelming psychic power, every member of the Ether Guard undergoes complete soulbonding to the Emperor's Anathematic, rendering them immune to corruption from Primordial Annihilators—a safeguard not afforded to other battle psykers. In alignment with other classifications, the Ether Guard actively supports the Psycant Astra in their exploration of the Sea of Souls, contributing to innovations and breakthroughs in psi-tech and psychic art.

As the war engine of the Solar Guardian, the Ether Guard is specifically designed to confront threats emanating from the Immaterium, armed with both psychic abilities and psi weaponry. They charge into battle wielding eldritch and reality-shattering forces, their arrival heralding a significant omen akin to the ancient gods of Old Earth. Upon their entry into a solar system, space and time itself quiver and fracture, presaging imminent destruction.

5) The Judicator

The Judicators stand as a vital administrative branch within the Imperium, distinguished by their unique recruitment from all corners of its vast domain. Tasked with a myriad of administrative duties and bureaucratic functions, they are heralded by the Solar Guardians as exemplars among mortals. Judicators play a crucial role in documenting and overseeing the operations alongside SR-type Ferrous Minds, ensuring the comfort and harmony of Imperial Citizens across every planet within the Imperium.

While Judicators predominantly occupy desks rather than battlefields, they maintain combat prowess on par with the Solar Guardians. Instead of serving as a primary combat force, they function as a reinforcement and support unit, seamlessly integrated with other classifications. Leveraging their extensive networks, they wield the most varied yet standardized weaponry. Trained to serve as the steadfast foundation rather than the frontline aggressors, Judicators embody the role of the anvil in the grand scheme of the Imperium's operations.

Ray_Vorhard_2199 Ray_Vorhard_2199

Sorry for the late update. But I hope this will be enough to satisfy your hunger, my beloved readers.

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