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67.74% I’m Trunks / Chapter 21: Chapter 21: Slug’s curriculum

Capítulo 21: Chapter 21: Slug’s curriculum

Sitting on the edge of Kami's lookout was a tall man draped in fancy black robes which exposed his muscular chest. He had golden tribal earrings and a leather necklace with 3 golden pendants dangling from it.

Wrapped around his head was a purple bandana which kept his firey and wild orange hair from blocking his vision while around his waist was a red scarf that acted as a belt.

On his hip, he carried a single-edged sword that looked to double as his personal self-defense weapon and some sort of family heirloom.

As he dangled his feet above the world below, he began to reflect on the recent events that transpired over the past couple of months involving a mysterious green individual he and his other clansman had encountered.


"What is it, Koga? You've been sitting out here brooding for about an hour now. " Said a small-statured woman with pointed elf-like ears and long orange hair that was ⅔ her height.

Just like Koga, her ears were pointed and accessorized with 2 gold pointed earrings each which represented one being a member of the long-extinct and teal-pigmented Hera clan.

She was outfitted with a white sleeveless leather vest, a blue top, and a purple scarf wrapped around her waist.

Koga, looking at his long-time comrade, broke out of his trance.

"Zangya? I didn't sense you coming."

"I can tell that just by how you jumped up just now." She smiled, sitting down next to the man.

"So… Why do you look so lost right now?" She said, leaning back and looking up at the earth's glimmering sky.

"I'm just thinking," Koga muttered.


"That Namekian that we met a few months ago."

"You mean the one that tried to bring us into his cult army ordeal while Bojack was off-planet? I think his name was Snail or something, right?" Zangya questioned, placing her fingertip on her chin in a contemplative manner.

"His name is Slug. And yeah, I was."

Unbothered by the correction, Zangya shrugged her shoulders.

"Why'd he pop into your mind all of a sudden?"

For a moment, Koga tightened his fist in rage, thinking about his now-dead comrades.

"Because I've been thinking about what he said he and his lord could provide. And honestly at the rate things are going, he starts to sound more and more convincing as the days pass." Widening her eyes, Zangya was at a loss for words.

"Maybe if we had someone better to guide us, Bujin and Bido would still be alive. Maybe we would actually live lives of meaning because this right here… it's all meaningless. slaves … Money… Like you said…what does any of matter when there's no real goal. Our clan is gone." He said, clenching his fist.

Sitting up, she hurriedly grabbed Koga's left shoulder and put her fingers to her lips in a shushing motion, wearily looking behind her in fear of prying ears.

Koga and Zangya were far from being the only people on the lookout. There were a few earthling slaves actively reconstructing the vicinity while others attended to the maintenance of the vicinity.

Koga, frustrated, glanced at Zangya. These slaves were all broken psychologically, programmed to only listen to the commands of the Hera. These slaves wouldn't dare speak ill of Koga's name if they cared for their lives. None of them even dared to make eye contact with the demonic clan.

In Koga's mind, if the slaves began to gossip, reporting his words to Bojack, they would have died before they could have opened their extendable lips.

Even though Zangya's actions further frustrated him, Koga begrudgingly kept his lips sealed out of respect for his own.

"Not here." She whispered, glancing back at a slave that looked to be attending to his duty of replacing damaged tile.

Standing up, Zangya hopped off of the edge of the lookout, prompting Koga to follow.

Hesitating for a moment, Koga snuck a glance behind him and frowned, proceeding to follow the woman's lead.

[ Months ago ]

Standing on top of his large space vessel docked on the mountains of the now desolate Aru village, Lord Slug preached his daily gospel of his savior, Lord Trunks.

"The Saiyan God… Lord Trunks… our liberator. He has vanished. But in his absence, we remain hidden, awaiting his return. And on that fateful day, we shall bow down to his glory!" He declared, raising a mighty green fist in the air which all of his men mirrored without a moment of hesitation.

Slug looked to the ocean of people, then looked up to the sky with a tear coming down his face.

'Lord Trunks… I hope that you're able to witness this from the great beyond. Your soldiers are here, awaiting your return. In hopes of gaining your favor, I've managed to recruit several members of your species in my travails. In doing so, this lowly servant desires your praise. If this meager army Isn't enough to satisfy you, I shall eliminate any trace of these warriors and start anew, accepting whatever divine punishment that you have in store for me. Until then, I shall continue to strengthen your empire's foundation until you are able to see it with your own eyes.' Slug spoke internally with a twisted and unsettling grin.

After Trunks had mysteriously vanished, Slug immediately left earth and began to build an army in the name of his lord. An army that consisted of powerful warriors from godless and desolate planets, his own demonic Namekian spawn, and unique individuals from lands unknown to the majority of the universe. And although a short amount of time had passed on earth since his previous encounter with his Lord, the flow of time in the cosmos was far different for Slug and his men on their travels. In what equated to 5 earth years, Slug had managed to obtain upwards of 30,000 warriors that obediently listened to his command.

The Slug Cornucopia was powerful, and although only 30,000, in terms of militaristic strength, they struck fear into the hearts of many, managing to attract the attention of the galactic patrol along with many other authoritative organizations.

"Praise Lord Trunks!"

"Parise Lord Trunks!"

"Praise Lord Trunks!"

The reason Slug was so easily able to gather his army was that he appealed to the hearts of many during his recruiting process. When he encountered individuals who were motivated by greed, through manipulation, Slug manipulated them into thinking that upon his return, Trunks would give them their weight in riches while simultaneously providing them with upfront investments.

For potential recruits who craved freedom, Slug convinced them that Trunks was the physical manifestation of freedom and promised that upon his return, a great galactic liberation would commence. In order to draw those individuals in particular in, Slug personally liberated them from whatever shackled them down in their lives, rather that was debt or slavery. Upon being set free, most became subservient to their new savior. That was when Slug started to whisper the gospel of Trunks. And because Slug seemed to have a sort of divine immortality that many in the universe only thought as myth, they were inclined to believe that the gospel of Trunks had merit.

Those who craved power and those who were in the scientific field were remarkably easier to bring into Slug's army. For those select groups, seeing was believing, and Slug had plenty of evidence that validated his cause. Slug's strength as a Super Namekain wasn't something to be trifled with was powerful. He could grow to the size of planets while also having the destructive capability to annihilate celestial bodies with his own two hands, a feat that many in the Slug Cornincopia couldn't replicate. For those who were still skeptical about Slug's divinity, all Slug had to do to turn them to his side was display his immorality once more, as he had done thousands of times prior.

Even though Slug managed to get his way a majority of the time, that wasn't always the case. Some dared to question him, even going so far as to question his lord. For that minority, not even ash remained.

On some level or another, all of the Cornucopia either respected or feared Slug which worked to further cement his God's status.

Although this was the perception within the army, it was far from the case in the grander scheme of things. In truth, the universe was infinite. There were countless beings more powerful than Slug and Trunks. But as previously stated, seeing was believing. And most hadn't considered immortality reality until they encountered Slug. And so, through deception, he now controlled a powerful force.

As the waves of people below chanted, Slug raised his hand slowly, halting the crowd's cheers.


"Since we're now on our liberator's planet, there's only one thing to do. Fleet General. Come. I'll allow you to make the announcement." Slug demanded, directing his eyes to a gray-haired man with a facial scar that stretched from his hairline and extended past his left eye.

Like all the other soldiers, he had black, purple, and yellow armor that looked similar to a Saiyan's battle armor. Underneath the armor, The General wore a black robe that covered his lower body to the ankle in a similar fashion to a gown worn by practitioners of religion.

Nodding his head at Slug, the General began to fly to the ship's roof, but as he was making his way through the air, a tall muscular dark-haired man with a strange metal collar around his neck began to follow him through the sky like a lost child. Around his waist was a strange furry green tarp that covered his lower body. Noticing the man's presence, the General stopped in midair and turned around.

"My son. Please remain in formation with the rest of the soldiers. We'll only be separated for a brief moment." He said with a calming voice.

Hearing this, the youth was saddened, slowly descending back down to the ground. Although the General's son looked to be in his late 20s, his mannerisms suggested that he was far younger.

"Ok…" The youth uttered, finding his place in the crowd of people.

Landing at Slug's side, The General bowed down on one knee, greeting his superior.

"Lord Slug."

Looking down at the man, Slug pointed upwards, signaling for the man to rise.

"General… although we've only just arrived, there is another matter that I have to attend to."

"What matter must you attend, my lord?"

"One that is rather trivial, but one that needs to be handled by me personally. Can I trust you with guiding our men?" Slug stated, placing his hand on the shoulder of the one-eyed General.

Nodding, the General raised his head with a glint of confidence in his eyes which assured Slug.


Turning around, Slug flew off, sensing 2 strange energy signatures that he had never felt before.

The General then turned to the crowd, fixing his posture and clearing his throat. Using his internal energy to amplify his voice, he began to speak.

"Attention everyone! Pay close attention to my words."


"Many may not know who I am, but I can guarantee you know of me. But to give you a brief understanding of my character, allow me to tell you a little about my history."


"Like many, I am no longer able to return to my home planet."


"That is because, many years ago, due to political corruption."


"My son and I were left with no other choice but to abandon it, for it had already abandoned us."


"After our departure, my child and I landed on a barren and inhospitable planet by the name of Vampa… a planet with air so toxic that the sky itself was stained a vibrant and repulsive and urine colored. A planet where finding clean water was considered a luxury for us."


"On Vampa, I, my son, and another had to scavenge for food regularly… Then, we were often put into situations where the three of us would have to go days without any form of sustenance. Simultaneously, we had to fight off the poisonous insectoids of the planet. Unfortunately, we weren't always victorious. When my son was little more than a toddler, we ended up losing our only comrade, resulting in him and I being the only bipedal species left."


"That blasted planet was comparable to hell itself…I had a child to feed… In a land where I never knew when the next meal would present itself, a fellow Saiyan became the fuel for my son and me to live another day… and now, our comrade's memory now lives within us… metaphorically, and literally."

Some of the members of the crowd were disgusted by the words that they heard, but there were many that silently related to what the General was saying.

"At that point in time, before even realizing it, I'd been forced to become an uncivilized beast due to my circumstances. On that planet, I was constantly pushed to my breaking point while my hate and resentment for my homeworld and its leader only permeated… I had eventually gained the perception that Vampa would be my final resting place and it horrified me. Mostly because I wasn't alone."

For a moment, the General looked at his son in the crowd, giving him a sad gaze.

"I had to watch my own child starve repeatedly. I had to accept the reality that as his parent, I had failed… Just like my planet had failed us." As the General spoke, he managed to hold back his emotions just barely.

"I'm sure that a majority of you understand hardship so I shall get to the point." Taking a deep sigh, the General steeled himself.

"In my time of need… when I speculated that it was only a matter of time before our resources were depleted, by the grace of the heavens, the sulfuric clouds of Vampa parted on the desolate planet Vampa. That was the day I met the immortal Slug."

"On that day, he asked me what I wanted most. And honestly, on that day, there were a few answers that came to mind. Revenge… Food… Shelter… But then I remembered that I wasn't alone. My son was with me on that day… And so I looked at him and thought long and hard… After a bit, I revealed my answer to Lord Slug."


"That answer was freedom. Freedom from the hell planet. Freedom of suffering. Freedom of my past. It was then that Slug decided to teach me the gospel of the Saiyan God… In the beginning, when he told me of Lord Trunks, I was shocked. To hear that a member of my race had achieved godhood was unfathomable… but that was when I reflected on my fogged memories of when I was once upon a time a loyal military colonel. In ancient scripture of my homeworld, it told tale of a Legendary Super Saiyan."

"When I made that connection, everything clicked for me. At the time that I needed him most, Lord Trunks, The Legend manifested into physical form, had sent his immortal apostle to aid his subject. From then on, I was invested in Lord Slug's mission. And here I am, serving today."


"Back then, I witnessed Slug's power with my own eyes which only served to cement my faith. Although I am yet to meet the supreme being, as a fellow Saiyan, I believe that with his power, true sanctity could be granted. And so, through his Shepard, I follow his orders. And in turn, Lord Trunks shall grant us our deepest desires!"


"Praise Lord Trunks!"

"Parise Lord Trunks!"

"Praise Lord Trunks!"

Raising his hand, the general silenced the riled crowd.

"Now… as we await Lord Trunks' inevitable return, our first order of business shall be to repurpose his land as the foundation of the Trunks empire. An empire stronger than any that has ever existed. Am I understood!"

"YES, GENERAL PARAGUS!" With the crowd's vigorous reply, Paragus smiled.

"Good. As Lord Slug has informed me, there is plenty of flora and fauna on this planet. Some of you will be tasked with being hunters and gatherers while others will become miners and carpenters. Those of you who are scientists and engineers will get your missions later on. Until then, Lord Slug has also informed me of a few rules we should follow. Do I make myself clear?"


"Good… the first is that we aren't allowed to interact with the intelligent species of this planet. Although he intends on making the earthlings bow down to Lord Trunks, he fears that it's better to wait until his return for fear of upsetting our god."


"The second rule is that there is no fighting internally. Failure to comply with either rule is met with death. No acceptions. Is that understood, men?"



Paragus smiled at his obedient soldiers.

Ignorance was truly bliss. For the soldiers, and Paragus alike. Their leader, Slug, was no religious apostle. He was no more than a sadomasochistic fanatic who took upwards of a week to write his own hyper embellished religious fanfiction of a bible. Their new God was a mere mortal, albeit a powerful one, but still mortal. On top of everything, unknownst to Paragus, Trunks was the grandson of the very same man who tried to take his son, Broly's life.

If Trunks had realized what kind of snowballing effect he had started, he would have personally jumped in his time machine with intentions of murdering his past self, afterward, remaining in his homeworld.

Unfortunately for him, that would have only resulted in creating a branch reality. The damage to the timeline had already been done and there was no repair. This was yet another problem Trunks would have to deal with in the future.








Lazily hovering over the city of Yahhoy, Zangya and Koga blew up building after building like popping bubbles wrap fresh out of a shipping container.

As each building exploded, more earthlings began to scurry like feral ants.


Zangya mumbled, causing Koga's ears to twitch in confusion.

"D-did you just verbally say sigh instead of actually sighing?" Koga asked, raising a brow, stopping his aerial assault.

Glancing at Koga, Zangya shrugged her shoulders and sighed in irony.


"…What is it?" Asked Koga.


"Don't act dumb." Koga frowned.

Rolling her eyes, Zangya pointed downwards at a tank and a few earth soldiers who had been firing their ammunition at them for the past 30 minutes.

"You see that? All of this?" She said, waving her hand, showcasing the chaos they'd caused.

There were evacuation vehicles, hurriedly evacuating Yahhoy citizens. There were entire families crushed under buildings. There were children dead on the streets while household pets burned alive in homes.

It was only 8 am, yet there were murky and cinder-filled clouds in the sky. There were buildings by the hundreds on fire, yet simultaneously, they were being flooded.

As 3 attack helicopters full of soldiers began to circle Koga and Zangya, they remained unbothered.


Promptly responding to the threat, Koga lifted up his fingers and shot 3 energy blasts that disintegrated the assault vehicles in a fiery explosion.


"Yeah, I see it. How could I not? We caused it. What's your point?" Koga said, seamlessly going back to the conversation.

"My point is we've been doing this same routine for hundreds of years. It's getting boring. I don't even know the purpose of this anymore." Scrunching his face, Koga looked a Zangya with ridicule.

"What do you mean? We're doing this so we can sell the planet for money. That simple."

Koga spat.

"It's always the money! How much could we possibly need? What are we even gonna use it for? Because it's definitely not gonna be used for the sake of our people… we can't use that excuse anymore after what happened." She said with anger written in her expression.

Surprised at the sudden outburst, Koga's eyes widened. He had never once questioned the orders that Bojack gave nor did Zangya. They were conditioned since birth to follow the Hera clan's leader, that being Bojack. Yet, here Zangya was, doing exactly that.

But as he was about to retort, an energy they had never felt before flared behind them, baffling the two, causing them to immediately drop the conversation, standing guard against the foreign energy signature.

"You two sound like you're in quite the moral dilemma."

Behind them hovered the one and only Lord Slug in armor similar to his soldiers.

"Who are you, Namekian? State your business on this planet or die!" Koga declared, unsheathing his sword while Zangya charged yellow Ki orbs in her palms.

"Wow… you two look dangerous." Slug taunted with a grin.

Without further hesitation, Zangya launched her Ki orbs at the off-guard Slug's chest which brutally ripped two large holes in his abdomen causing purple blood to splatter everywhere. His lungs, liver, and heart were all destroyed instantly.


"Pathetic bastard."

Zangya spat.

Realizing that the presumed threat had been extinguished, Koga glided his sword back into his hilt… or at least, he was about to when he realized that Slug was still hovering in the air with a smile on his face.

Zangya and Koga watched in horror as the powerful entity before they began to miraculously heal from his wound. Like patchwork, Slug's body began to stitch itself closed.

"What… the… hell," Koga uttered in disgust while Zangya felt slight worry build in her core.

Just what the hell was this green monster for it to take her life-ending attack so lightly, they thought.

Wagging his finger with a smug grin, Slug shook his head, clicking his tongue.

"Now that isn't a way to greet a friend, now is it?" He said with a now completely healed body. Strangely enough, his armor had repaired itself. This was due to the Slug Cornucopia's technological innovations, but in the eyes of Koga and Zangya, it was magic.

Jumping into action without fear, Koga vertically slashed Slug at his collarbone. Without even bothering to defend himself, Slug's arm was severed and sent flying off into the distance with one swift movement.

With his next strike, Koga sliced open Slug's neck, nearly separating his head from his shoulders… But still… Slug had not died and remained still as blood from his throat began to spill onto his clothes like a pulsating purple fountain. But soon… That cut began to pull itself shut.

"So aggressive…" Slug mumbled, rubbing his neck while in just a few moments, another arm ejected itself out of his torso. As it did, his armor repaired itself once more.

In a panic, Zangya created 2 pink energy disks, condensing them as tightly as she could. Once they had fully manifested, she launched one vertically splitting Slug down the middle, then launched the second one at his waist which separated the man into 4 pieces.

Before he could reconstitute him, Koga began slicing the man into chunks, piece by piece until Slug's body became unrecognizable.

"Ha!" Zangya shouted as she shot a pink energy wave at all the remaining pieces of Slug's body, leaving nothing behind.


Like that, the strange invader was gone… Or so they thought.

In the space at which Slug was vaporized remained a large reddish-purple cloud that rapidly began to condense. And as the cloud did, it began to take on the appearance of a liquid, then shifted into solid flesh chunks that smelled and looked horrid enough to make the two onlookers dry-heave.

Out of the flesh mass came a naked being. Contrary to their perceptions of the species, it even had a reproductive appendage dangling between its legs. The same one that many other male bipedal species shared.

Arriving at full constitution and using his Namekian, Slug stared down the two before him with a disappointed expression.

"That wasn't very nice, you two. Although my armor has self-repairing capabilities, if there's nothing to repair, it's rendered useless."

Slug then Flared his Ki at the two so violently that they were both pushed back, even though they were using all of their physical power to stay in place.

Koga and Zangya froze and remained motionless for a while. Now, both of them were intimidated. And It wasn't because of Slug's regeneration…It was his power level that was comparable to their combined strength. If they wanted to stand any chance against Slug, they would have to transform… no. with his regeneration, even that wouldn't have been enough. They would at least need Bojack to aid them if they wanted to stand the slightest chance against this monster.

"You… what do you want?"Zangya spoke.

"Me? I don't want anything…but it appears that you do. Both of you from the look of his facial expression just a bit ago. No… it would be better to say that the two of you are in need." Slug stated very matter-of-factly, putting his arms behind his back.

"Need? What would we need from a freak like you… Who are you?"

"Me? My name is Slug. But you may call me Lord Slug. Mr. Lord Slug is also fine."

Gritting his teeth, Koga gave Slug a death glare. It was all he could do.

In the past few months, while Slug was off-planet, he hadn't just been recruiting members to his forces. In order to be of use to Trunks, he had decided that his best course of action was to train. And he did just that. But even so, his being stronger than the two before him didn't mean that he was the most powerful being on earth. If there was a ranking system of power levels, Slug wouldn't have even placed in the top 5, instead, taking the 6th position of most powerful.

"You still didn't answer us. What do you want? Or what is it do you think we need?" Spat Koga.

"Simple… to be saved. Since I've answered your question, How about you return the favor, Hmm?"


"Have either of you been introduced to our Lord and Savior, Trunks?"

For a moment, Zangya and Koga looked at one another in shock. The name that was just spoken was one that they were familiar with.

"Ah… From the looks of it, you have. You two are very readable people." Slug smirked.

Determining that it was meaningless to keep hold of his sword, Koga put his weapon away.

"Trunks… are you talking about the Kid with the purple hair? The son of the man who killed our clansmen?" The moment Koga finished his sentence, Slug flared his Ki once more, siphoning the air from their lungs.

"Hmm…I don't think I quite like that tone of yours… I'll let it slide, just this once. Just this once." Slug growled.

"Anyway, to be certain that it was my lord to which you've interacted, did he have a prehensile tail with fur matching his hair color?" Slug asked, raising his brow.

To his question, both shook their heads with disagreement.

"Ah… then the nobody you met was nothing more than a fly. Yes. My lord is still yet to return." Slug smiled.

"Then no… we haven't encountered him," Zangya said, mustering up the courage to speak, slightly stumbling over her words.

"Well, if you did, you would understand that he is a far superior leader than the one you're currently following," Slug said confidently.

"You two seem to not be of this world, but admittedly, you are quite powerful. I could use two good soldiers."

"And what would we benefit from joining you?" Koga asked.

"I can provide you with purpose… meaning in that miserable, pathetic, and empty existence of yours."


"And just what does that entail, you might be wondering? The answer is, a home."

"What? What do you mean a home?" Koga begrudgingly asked.

"What do I mean? Exactly what I said. A home. A place where you lowly outcast can finally still yourselves. A planet where you can rebuild your seemingly dead clan. How does that sound?"

"Outcasts?" Zangya questioned, offended.

"Oh? Would you prefer to be called bandits?" Slug chuckled.

"The Hera clan are not bandits. We're nobility." Koga spat venomously.

"Do you not steal like bandits? Are you not lawless?" He asked, directing his eyes to the earthlings below who were shooting them with bullets.


"That doesn't appear to be the case… In fact, it appears that you lack structure as a whole. Tell me, Does he guide you toward the path that you as a group deem objectively righteous? Haven't you ever questioned the true intentions of your current leader?"

Koga and Zangya began to deeply contemplate. The questions that Slug had asked were all questions that manifested in their minds at one point or another.

"You don't have to speak… I already know the answers as follows. Yes, Yes, No, and Yes. You both suffer from lack of direction… The same lack of direction that I once suffered from until Lord Trunks guided me to the truth…"

"Just… just what is this supposed truth that you're talking about?" Koga questioned. Without missing a beat, Slug continued.

"He is. Lord Trunks is the truth… And he shall open your eyes, just as he did with me. He shall give you a home. He shall restore your clan. He shall provide you with all your needs and desires… All you two have to do is… Let… Him… In. But I understand that it will take time for that to happen… So I will give you just that." Slug smiled, turning his back to the demons.

"Hey! Where are you going? Are you just gonna up and leave like that?" Zangya snapped, to which, Slug ignored and began to ascend.

"How would we even be able to contact you even if we wanted to?" Koga shouted.

Stopping, Slug looked down at them and smiled.

"You won't. I'll contact you. And if I don't, then lord Trunks will." With that being his final statement, Slug flew back to the location of his army.





[ The Present ]

After a few minutes of free falling, passing Korin's tower which had been converted into a treasure trove, he landed beside the clans woman who stood next to a golden statue of their leader.

"You could have gotten us both killed just now if he heard you. Bojack told us not to mention their names after the incident with the Saiyans." She said with an anxious-ridden tone.

"Yeah, right. That bastard is up there asleep. And if he isn't, he's probably in a drunken stupor, fooling around with his earth toys."

"It doesn't matter what he's doing! Even if he's distracted, you're being needlessly reckless. What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that I'm tired of this! Tired of Bojack and all of the shit that he's been putting us through. He let Vegeta kill Bido. Not just that, but he also let Bujin get hit with his blast. He used him as a human shield for crying out loud! Last but not least, He let those 3 escape after knowing that the Saiyans only come back stronger."

"But he didn't let Vegeta get away with it. He crippled him and got revenge for our comrade."

Zangya rebutted.

"Ha! Revenge? That wasn't revenge. Bojack doesn't feel emotions like guilt, so don't fool yourself into thinking that he crippled Vegeta for the sake of revenge. He did it because he finds it fun to break people. We've seen what he's capable of."

Koga's statements caused Zangya to unconsciously averted her eye gaze, looking down at the ground shamefully.

"It's…It's not like that." Zangya argued.

"Yes it is. He doesn't care about us. He never did. And I'm starting to believe that Slug was right. He isn't a leader we should be following. A leader wouldn't laugh when his people die. A leader wouldn't allow his enemies to continue to roam free when they killed his own. He's done nothing for us. And it's taken me hundreds of years to realize that."

"That-that's not true. How could you say something like that when all of us have been through so much together? We're a clan… the last of our people. He's fought for us. He even got us this planet. He says he's gonna use the money he gets from selling it to buy us a better home world."

Her words made Koga snap.

"Got us this planet? Get us a new home world? And just how long are you gonna keep listening to that bold faced lie. This is the same story repeating itself over and over again!"

"…Bojack is-"

"Full of shit. He's full of shit. The truth is, we'll never have our own planet. We'll never bring our people back. We're bandits… not a clan of noble demons, but bandits. And that's all we're ever gonna be as long as we're being led by him."


"Slug… he may be a zealot, but he's a powerful one. His leader, Trunks, is probably even stronger. If I'm right, then coupled with Slug's immortality, Bojack can be taken out of the picture. All we would have to do is wait for when either of them returned."

"Koga… you can't be serious. That Slug is insane! He was literally talking about how much he loved his god."

Koga then took a moment and reflected on what happened 8 months prior…. But then, he became even more furious.

"I don't care. Tell on me if you want to, but when either this Lord Trunks or Slug shows up, I'm fighting for the winning team." With that, Koga flew off in search of an isolated area to clear his mind.

[ King Kai's Battle Arena ]


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