Enel's eyes tracked Luca as he leapt through the air, his movements wild and charged with anger. The red, ominous glow surrounding Luca's body was unmistakable—it was the same cursed magic Enel had seen before, long ago, in that timeline he had erased with Solomon's gift.
He'd dared to hope that, with a different upbringing, Luca might escape that fate.
That he bitter jealousy and heartbreak would not push luca to the same fate this time. It was the reason he had intentionally had Allison cover her face.
But some fates cannot just be escaped. Even when some of them were heart breaks.
The twisted expression on Luca's face and the violent aura bleeding from him told a different story. It was like staring into a dark reflection of the past, and Enel felt a pang of sadness at this devastating truth.
This time, though, Luca had no help from Lucifer's holy tool.