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Chapter 30

"Don't chew that!" Sukal berated their new family member again. Something about bringing home a baby Thanator that greatly enjoyed biting and breaking everything in sight didn't sit well with his wife.

Harry had found out that unlike on Earth, Navi didn't keep pets. The Navi had working animals; Ikran or Dire-horse for hunting that they bonded with and even named, but they were not pets.

"Fang, come here boy," Harry called over the Thanator in a ridiculous high-pitch voice. Fang looked up, then padded over to Harry's waiting arms.

Currently, Harry was the only one who could control the Thanator as he had formed Tsaheylu (The bond) with it on the flight back. The mind of Fang was different from others as he was so young that he relied more on instincts rather than coherent thoughts. Through the bonding, Harry had formed a strong connection with Fang that was similar to that between a mother and her cub. It knew that Harry would protect and care for it, therefore it listened to his commands.

Placing a rope toy into his waiting teeth, Harry smiled at the strangely familiar sight. The puppy was smaller than a full-grown Thanator, but it was no less fearsome. Despite adult Thanators having dark leathery skin, the puppy had fur that was a deep, rich black, with a few white spots scattered here and there. Its eyes were bright and curious, and it seemed to take in everything around it with a sense of wonder.

Harry crouched down, offering his hand to the puppy. It sniffed at him cautiously, then licked his hand with its rough tongue. Harry laughed and scratched behind the puppy's ears, feeling a sense of joy and connection wash over him. In his human life, he had never found a great appreciation for the natural world, but reborn as a Navi, it was like his eye were opened for the first time. Even the most vicious of creatures, like a Thanator, had both a regal elegance and an adorable side that meant he couldn't resist the chance to raise one.

Harry grabbed the toy and tossed it across the room, watching as the puppy chased after it with glee.

"A home is no place for a Thanator Harri." Sukal seemed immune to Fang's puppy-like charms.

"He's still a puppy love, training him will take time."

"And if he hurts someone? It won't be long before he could bite fingers off!"

"Fang's a good boy. He already knows he can't bite people." Sukal started to object again, but Harry quickly silenced her. "Trust me. Eywa put him in my path for a reason."

Finally nodding her agreement, she gave her husband a final condition.

"He needs his own nest Harri. We hardly have room for a growing Thanator to stay here."

Kissing his wife to seal the agreement, Harry promised that in a few weeks, when Fang had grown enough, he would construct a nest. It would give the animal the needed room to roam more freely but also safeguard many of their possessions from becoming chew toys.

As the afternoon wore on, Harry and the puppy played together, exploring the island and chasing each other through the trees. Harry was able to forget about everything else, free from the burdens of leadership to get lost in the simple joy of the moment. A Thanator could truly be a Navi's best friend.

As Fang climbed a rock, eclipsed by the setting sun, Harry could see glimpses of the animal's mother as the light made the puppy seem far larger. Fang had a long way to catch up to his heritage as one the greatest predators of Pandora.

One claw at a time, he would get there.

"What's the worst that could happen?"


Harry rode alongside his fellow Na'vi, his eyes fixed on the herd of Hammerhead Titanothere ahead. They were massive, majestic creatures, with thick, armoured hides and curving horns that could crush boulders. Harry knew that it would be a challenge to bring them down, but he was determined to succeed.

With all the training with his clan members as well as improving his hunting skills, Harry had been permitted to join a group hunt. They were held several times in the year where the Navi could combine their strengths to take down larger prey. If Harry was successful, it would go a long way to convince Ra'sar and others in his tribe that Harry was ready to bond with an Ikran.

Joining Harry on the hunt were several of the younger Navi who, like him, was training to be a hunter. The other addition was Mutil, the recent addition to his tribe, who had a similar goal of impressing the neighbouring tribe by offering his prize to receive permission to claim an Ikran of his own.

Harry signalled to his companions, and they spread out, forming a wide circle around the herd. He steadied his mount and raised his bow, taking careful aim. He could feel the Titanothere's presence all around him, sense their movements and intentions. He knew that he had only one shot, and he couldn't afford to miss.

Even with Harry's enhanced bow, the Hammerhead's armour was too thick to penetrate leaving the only option to go through the sides or neck. Riding up alongside the herd, Harry could hear the animal's cries of distress. Several of the hunters behind him had already made their move sending arrows and spears into animals' flanks. Some clattered uselessly against their armour while others found their marks, extinguishing their mighty life.

The Na'vi moved with precision and efficiency, taking down one Titanothere after another. They worked together seamlessly, each one knowing their role and working to bring down the prey as quickly and humanely as possible.

He could feel the shocks through the ground as the great animals fell to the ground, tripping their fellows who were similarly in rapid retreat. Harry passed by several suitable targets however he didn't fire instead choosing to ride further up the herd.

He was an Olo'eyktan. He couldn't just hunt like the others, more was expected of him.

The Alpha Bull. It was the dominant member of the tribe that led all the others. While the Hammerhead's already reached over twice the size of an Earth elephant, the Alpha was even larger.

Seeing the challenge in Harry's eyes, the Alpha Bull swung its giant armoured head at the rider. Without a moment of thought, Harry pulled his dire-horse to swing further away. A tree that had been close by was reduced to splinters by the animal's attack.

Trying to keep his aim on the moving target while riding, he let the arrow fly, watching as it soared through the air.


It had struck the beast in its chest. Letting out a pained cry and stumbling, its legs collapsed beneath it. A great cloud of dust and earth was shot into the sky as the behemoth skidded to a dead stop.

Seeing their Alpha fall, the rest of the herd panicked, breaking formation and fleeing in all directions. The Navi who had not yet found their prey, chased the scattered animals with arrows and hunting cries.

Harry slowed his mount and returned to his prey. Taking his spear, Harry approached the animal cautiously, even wounded such as creature could kill. With a single thrust to the animal's vulnerable underside, Harry finished off the wounded Titanothere ending its life. Feeling the rough hide beneath his skin, Harry whispered his prayer of thanks to the animal for its sacrifice.

The Navi moved quickly, taking care to remove the valuable horns and meat before moving on to the next target. Harry helped where he could, however his ability to strip and gut animals was still lacking. The Navi wasted nothing, the great heaps of meat would be transported back to the tribe where it would be cooked, smoked or salted to provide long-lasting food. The horns and armour would be fashioned into many decorative items or ground into a powder for medicine. The skin would be tanned to make leather for clothing and myriad other uses. Even the organs and bones would serve a purpose as the Navi buried them under the roots of certain trees to help them grow.

The hunt was over but Harry could still feel the sense of excitement and adrenaline coursing through his veins as he rode alongside his companions. The thrill of the hunt was exhilarating and he relished the opportunity to prove himself in this sacred and important tradition, even as a part of him still mourned the loss of life.

They returned to Ra'sar's village triumphant, their bags and baskets overflowing with food and resources. He had played a crucial role in the hunt, and he knew that the people would be grateful for his contribution. As a prospective hunter, his prey wasn't his to take back to his own clan. Instead, Harry and Mutil had to offer their kills to the tribe as payment for the permission to claim an Ikran from their territory. A steep price but one that both were willing to pay.

Taking a moment to send his thanks to Eywa for a successful hunt, he joined his victorious companions in celebration. There was music and dancing, and the air filled with the scent of roasting meat.

It was good to be Navi.


Harry and Sukal stood at the edge of the forest, gazing out at the island before them. It was a wild and untamed place, with jagged cliffs and sandy beaches, dense forests and sparkling waterfalls. Harry could feel the sense of adventure and possibility pulsing through his veins, and he couldn't wait to explore this new and mysterious place.

The couple had opted for some time away from the tribe, where they could explore nearby islands while escaping the pressure and responsibility of the tribe. They both loved their roles in the tribe, however the pair felt like firefighters, constantly putting out fires and not able to dedicate time to each other. While it was unusual for an Olo'eyktan to leave the tribe, even temporarily, Harry had put his foot down. He needed some time alone with Sukal, to give them the opportunity to get to know each other on a deeper level that their whirlwind romance didn't allow for.

Sukal led the way, her feet sure and steady on the uneven ground. Harry followed close behind, taking in the sights and sounds of the island. Despite the lack of a Navi tribe or a spirit tree, he could feel the presence of the Eywa all around him, sense her presence and guidance.

As they walked, they came across a clearing filled with strange, glowing plants. Sukal stopped and reached out to touch one, her eyes narrowing as she studied it. Harry watched with fascination, knowing the close connection Na'vi had to all life, including unusual plants. He crouched beside his wife and used his scanning device.

"What is it?" Harry asked, Sukal had lived among the reef people her entire life, there were many plants she knew the names and properties for that were still a mystery to him.

"It is unknown to me." Her voice was calm but Harry could detect the curiosity masked in her voice. For both of them, a new plant meant new opportunities for discovery. To learn its secrets. To find how and if they can use it to help the tribe. With practised ease, the pair extracted a small sample of the plant, including some seeds to germinate back at home, and packed away the equipment again into the rucksack on Harry's back.

They continued on their journey, exploring the island and discovering its secrets. They climbed to the top of a towering cliff, gazing out at the endless ocean below. They walked along the beach, collecting shells and marvelling at the strange and colourful creatures that swam in the shallow waters.

As they walked, they talked about their adventures, sharing stories and memories of the things they had seen and done. Harry couldn't help but feel himself falling in love with Sukal all over again, and he knew that their bond would last a lifetime. As Harry became more knowledgeable about Navi culture, Sukal surprisingly showed an interest in Earth culture. Getting Harry to explain all that puzzled her, from Earth's history to popular cartoons. Each piece of information gives her a clearer picture of the sky people, who had and would continue to affect every life on Pandora.

As the sun began to set, Harry and Sukal made their way back to the Skimwing, which Sukal had named Pxi (Sharp) and Harry's Ilu, Eylan. They mounted up, performing Tsaheylu with their mounts and riding out through the waves in the day's last light.

They had made camp on a nearby island which they used to stage their systematic search of the surroundings. The rotorcraft may have sped the search up, however the pleasure of being alone with his wife on deserted islands made the inconvenience worth it.

As the night wore on, Harry couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this amazing world. He had come to Pandora as an outsider, but he had found a home and a family among the Na'vi. He lay under the distant stars of his birth, his wife nestled in his arms, feeling a tranquillity he had never experienced as a human.

He knew that he still had much to learn and many challenges ahead, including protecting his clan from his former species but he would be ready for whatever the future held. With Sukal by his side, he felt like he could conquer anything, and he was excited to see what the next day would bring.


The next day, Harry and Sukal descended into the depths of Pandora's oceans, marvelling at the strange and wondrous plants and animals that surrounded them. The water was clear and cool, and they could see for miles in every direction.

Sukal led the way, her movements graceful and sure as she navigated the underwater landscape. Harry followed closely behind, taking in the sights and sounds of the ocean. Since his initial training and induction into Sukal's old tribe, the Way of Water had become an essential aspect of his being. This resulted in a drastic shift in his lifestyle as his feelings for the ocean went beyond love to become a necessity for him to immerse himself in its depths to wash away all his negative thoughts.

As they swam, they came across a field of glowing coral, its colours shifting and pulsing in the sunlight of this new and mysterious world. Sukal reached out and touched it, explaining its significance to Harry. He listened with interest, learning for the first time how coral protected the shallows from dangerous predators like the Akula, a great shark-like beast with an unending hunger.

They continued on their journey, exploring the reefs and the floating rock formations, the schools of colourful fish and the strange and exotic creatures that lurked in the shadows. Harry was amazed by the diversity of life in the oceans, and he couldn't believe how much he had to learn.

As they swam, they came across a group of sea turtles, their ancient and wise eyes gazing at them with curiosity. Sukal reached out and touched them, seeming to communicate with them in some way that Harry couldn't yet understand. He watched with fascination, feeling a sense of awe and wonder wash over him.

There was always more to learn and understand.

As the underwater exploration was coming to a close, Harry spotted an unusual coral formation. It extended from the seabed with colourful rocks that weaved and intertwined with each other like a rose-petal cage. Using his hand signals, he indicated to Sukal that they should investigate.

Swimming closer, they saw that enclosed in the coral was a small, spherical object with a smooth, glossy exterior. It was a deep, rich purple colour, with streaks of silver and gold running through it. It was different from others he had seen but Harry knew what it was.


A miracle fruit that was said to have miraculous healing powers, and it was sought after by many for its ability to cure any injury or ailment. It was believed to contain powerful chemicals and compounds that could regenerate damaged tissue and boost the immune system. He had seen its potency himself when he had to use his only sample to save Ra'sar life.

The fruit was rare and hard to find, and it was often guarded by powerful creatures or hidden in remote and treacherous locations. Those who were blessed by Eywa, or lucky enough to find it would go to great lengths to protect it, and they would often keep its existence a secret in order to prevent others from trying to take it from them.

Harry however didn't see the fruit as a blessing as many of the Navi did. He had two previous encounters with the sacred fruit and both were associated with life-threatening incidents. The first was when Fang's mother had nearly ripped him to shreds, that fruit was later stolen by an unknown Navi. The second was far easier to secure however had coincided with Ra'sar crippling injury at the hands of the Great Leonopteryx.

Rather than a blessing, Harry couldn't help but wonder what terrible tragedy was coming up that Eywa had placed this Tra'vre in his path.

With great caution Harry and Sukal harvested the fruit and quickly sealed it in a glass container, trying to ensure they didn't attract any wild animals. Having secured their prize, they made their way back to the surface, scientific curiosity balanced against the feeling of impending doom.

Emerging from the water, they found they were not alone.

A herd of overloaded ilu was landing on the beach with several reef Navi trying to maintain order during the inevitable chaos. Hearing the voices, they stopped and listened. Even with Sukal excellent local knowledge, she couldn't recognise the clan.

Sukal gestured for Harry to follow her, and they made their way cautiously towards the group, making sure it was clear they were unarmed. Seeing their eyes fixed on the pair, Harry and Sukal stopped and waited, unsure of what to do. The other Na'vi seemed friendly enough, but they didn't know them, and they didn't want to take any unnecessary risks.

One of the Na'vi stepped forward, introducing himself as Tawtute. He explained that they were a group of wanderers, travelling from village to village in search of a new home. They had heard of Harry and Sukal's clan, and they were hoping to join them.

Harry shared a shocked look with his wife.

The fame and allure of their clan were greater than expected.

The Tawsemka Clan would be growing again soon.

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