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Chapter 90. Art is Explosion!

Eleven o'clock at night.

The heavy snow stopped for a while. In the dark, the players with weapons on their backs spread out in an arc in the woods, using shovels to dig foxholes on the ground, simple trenches, and the work was done quickly.

"Exciting! Not long after entering the game, there have been two consecutive team battles!"

"Don't rob anyone for a while, I will kill ten of them!"

"Hey, I have to stay away from you so badly, don't count on me then."

"Am I that kind of person!"

"Ghost knows, maybe you are."

No one panicked, just a shot in the arm. This game is as real as it is real, and the atmosphere is set off too well. It's almost like a real war!

The rustling in the woods covered up the low voices of the players whispering.

Lucius, who was fully armed, stood holding a hammer, folded his hands on the end of the hammer handle, and stared at the north with his dark pupils.

He is betting.

Gambling that Harvey was on the side of the interests, and successfully persuaded the leader of the Blood Hand clan to lure him to march in the dark, and allocated a part of his troops in the northwest.

Of course, Lucius also prepared for the worst, that is, Harvey stood on the side of morality and chose to help his former trading partner, so that he would have to face the main force of the Bloody Hand Clan head-on.

It will be a close battle. But he wasn't worried. Even if one is exchanged for one, it is more profitable for oneself.

At this time, a player from the perception system came running from a distance, stood in front of Lucius, and reported excitedly.

"Respected Lord Manager, the members of the Bloody Hand clan have left the camp and are heading towards us!"

Lucius was overjoyed. However, he did not show his emotions on his face, but purged his expression.

"Have the props been arranged?"

"It has been arranged!"

"Very good, pass my order, and the teams will act according to the plan!"


The player stood at attention, put his right fist on his chest, and went excitedly.

Thinking of those "Props" that were going to be nearby, he was so excited. This is too exciting!


The North Gate of Wetland Park. A dense crowd of people stood there.

Most of them wear animal skin coats, and their vital parts are tied with homemade metal, wood or leather protective gear. There are blood-red patterns tattooed on their arms, necks, and faces. The weapons they carry in their hands are even more varied.

Although they looked like a motley army of hooligans in terms of temperament and attire, in fact their fighting power was not as weak as they looked.NEveryone here is a seasoned veteran, and even the elite of the Bloody Hand clan!

Bear in heavy armor rides on the back of a rhino with a nose ring tied to it, carrying a double-barreled shotgun in its hand, squinting at the dark forest.

At the entrance of the forest, there was a sign with a skull painted on it, and it was written in scrawled handwriting——

[ Private territory, it is strictly forbidden to step in, if you offend, you will bear the consequences. ]

The corner of his mouth curled up in a playful arc, and Bear gave the minion next to him a look. The predator understood, and immediately stepped forward with an ax in hand, raised his hand and swung the ax, splitting the sign in half diagonally.

"Let us bring destruction to their heads!"

"Everyone, go forward!"

Bear let out a hearty laugh, waved his big fan forward, kicked the mutated rhino under him with his heel, and walked in front of the team.

The rhino began to move forward with heavy steps, and at the same time, the fifty-five predators who followed him also pressed forward under the leadership of five ten captains.

At this time, Bear's heart moved, and he called his confidant who was following him.

The man's name was "Hova", he had a horse's face, was 1.9 meters tall, and was much taller than the surrounding people. He was the bravest commander under him.

Bear looked down at him and ordered.

"Lead your subordinates to go west and rush to the brick kiln by the river. Capture any prisoners you can, and drive south if you can't. We will wait for you to meet up there."

The horse folded his fists and took the order.


Having said that, the ten captain was unequivocal, and immediately took ten of his subordinates to speed up his steps towards the west.

Eleven people. It is more than enough to raid a camp in the dark.

Then, Bear looked at the remaining subordinates with a cruel smile on his face.

"We're heading south."

"Go ahead and wait for them!"


Although the heavy snow stopped for a while, the cold air in the forest did not dissipate, especially the rustling sound of the north wind blowing through the forest, which always made people nervous.

Hova didn't dare to be careless about the orders given by the leader in person, and while quickly moving towards the river to the west, he was cautiously alert to the threats in the forest.

Fortunately. There is no ambush here. Perhaps, as the merchant had said, these savage survivors were holding their open-air meetings in the camp, oblivious to the approaching death.

On the edge of the forest, the swaying campfire can already be seen. A group of predators quickened their pace and moved quickly in the direction of the light.

Soon, they found a row of shacks built along the river on the southwest side of the river.

The door of the shack was covered with plastic sheeting, so the people inside could not be seen, but there were tools for land reclamation such as axes and shovels at the door. In the center of the hut is a fire surrounded by stones, and there are still some bones that have just been gnawed around it.

Looking at the camp in front of him, a cruel smile gradually appeared on Hova's face, he loaded the iron barrel rifle in his hand, and inserted the bayonet into the slot under the barrel.

"Let's touch in quietly for a while, and don't make any noise."

"If you can use a gun, try not to use it."

"If anyone resists, stab them to death!"

At the command of the boss, the predators either installed bayonets on the barrels of their guns, or pulled out close-combat weapons such as maces and short spears from their waists, and were ready to slaughter the enemy in their sleep.

A group of people approached quietly and entered the camp without a sound. They shared a shack with a tacit understanding, one on the left and one on the right to control the door.

Seeing that all the shacks were under control, Hova raised his right fist and made a gesture of action. A group of people started together and opened the curtain of the shack with bayonets——


Everyone was stunned. There is nothing in it. No, not at all. In almost every shack, there is an iron bucket covered with wood tar.

"Get out!"

The horse's face man changed wildly, and he was the first to react and shouted loudly. However, it was still a step too late. About a dozen flaming fires flew from the other side of the river like locusts, and landed in the camp one after another.

The plastic sheeting on the shack was ignited by the fire, and instantly shrank into a ball of burning oil droplets and fell, and then ignited the iron barrel wrapped in wood tar and the gunpowder in the iron barrel.

Boom! ! !

The explosions triggered by the chain reaction raged in the camp one after another, and the escaped looters had just escaped halfway, before they were swallowed by the thick smoke wrapped in iron sheets and the flames of the explosion.

Two predators were killed on the spot! The remaining nine people were not dead but were also injured!

One unlucky one was even ignited by the gradually coming out kerosene, fell on the ground and rolled wildly, screaming like a ghosts.NThe screams became weaker and weaker, and soon there was no sound.

Seeing the miserable appearance of his subordinates, and another reduction in the blink of an eye, Hova's eyes were bloodshot, he wanted to grind his teeth, and roared angrily.

"You cowards! What kind of skill is a sneak attack!"

"There is something like a man, come out and fight with me!"


Smoke choked his throat. Ignoring the bloody mess behind him, he buried his head and got out of the billowing smoke, and the rifle in his hand fired one after another towards the other side of the river.


The flames flickered and the gunshots rang out. The rest of the predators also fought back in the direction of the bow and arrow, but they fired more than a dozen shots in a row, but they didn't even see a single person, only watching the arrows whizzing above their heads.

Morale began to falter. Not only Hova panicked, but all his subordinates panicked and began to fight and retreat.

At this time, the players ambushing on the west side of them were excitedly gearing up, waiting for the opportunity to kill them.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Hahaha, they are in a hurry!"

"The elite monster is crippled! Suspected to be a ten-man team commander!"

"F*ck it, Commander! Go! Brothers, catch him alive!"

"Ambition to fall into battle!"

"You die!"

"Long live gamers!"

"For Yaya's Mushroom Soup!"

"For Manager!"

The players screamed, and excitedly rushed out from the nearby bushes. There was no such thing as the same ancestral arts.

At the same time, the supporting players on the other side of the river also stopped shooting arrows. They pulled out their shovels, axes, and sickles one after another, waded across the ankle-deep shallows, cooperated with the friendly forces to encircle the opposite bank, and joined the carnival.

There are people everywhere!

The sounds of gunfire, footsteps, and shouts of killing resounded all over the place, and they rushed in like a tide under the cover of night. It was impossible to know how many people there were, let alone where they came from.

The predators who had just emerged from the flames and rushed into the forest felt as if their eyes had been smeared with ink, and they couldn't see anything.

Hova struggled to hang down the jammed receiver, ejected the jammed shells, and shouted at his subordinates at the same time.

"Retreat! Retreat to the south!"

The sliver of reason in their hearts told Hova that the only way for them to survive now was to join the large army in the south.

However. Someone can't even think of things that he can think of?

The line of defense against the large army was on the south side. If he fled north through the burning camp, he still had a chance to survive. Running to the south was almost equivalent to rushing into the trenches with his face!

Just when Hova and a group of subordinates were hit head-on, the elite of the Blood Hand clan who was marching towards the outpost also heard an explosion from the northwest side.

"What's the situation?"

"It seems to come from the brick kiln by the river..."

"Could it be that something happened to Hova and the others?!"

"No way, that's Hova...I saw him tear a nibbler with my own eyes!"

The predators looked at each other, whispering to each other. Intuition told them that there was something wrong with five explosions in a row.

Bear frowned and looked to the northwest, with a surprised expression.

Hova is his confidant, and he knows very well that none of the equipment under his command can make such a sound. In this way, there is only one possibility!

"Damn it! Everyone head to the northwest!" Bear was anxious and angry, kicking the mutated rhinoceros in the abdomen, urging it to roar.

"Everyone run!"


The death of Badger and Mossi was not enough to cause him pain, but if even Hova died, not only the Bloody Hand clan would suffer heavy losses, but his prestige in the tribe would also plummet.

At this moment, I can't care about the formation anymore. The predators didn't have the habit of queuing up, so the team stretched long before and after running.

The other four captains felt that something was wrong, but this time they didn't dare to raise their opinions, so they could only bite the bullet and tell the lagging brothers to follow. With a distance of less than 600 meters, support is only a matter of minutes. Even if the forest terrain is not convenient for running, it is still much better than those obstacles in the city.

The flame ahead is getting closer and closer. Even if you look at the dazzling fire from a distance, you can still feel the shocking heat.

"F*ck! Haven't you eaten yet? Let me run away!"

Up to now, there was still no sign of the horse, only the rising sea of ​​flames, and the bear was furious in his heart, cursing and urging his subordinates to speed up.

The subordinates were dissatisfied, but there was nothing they could do. Although they clearly didn't see the enemy anywhere, they still held their weapons and launched a sprint.

Bear set up his double-barreled shotgun and rushed forward. But at this moment, in the mud under the light of the fire, he suddenly saw human faces poking their heads.

A pair of eyes seemed to be glowing green, which made the brave and invincible him panic for a millisecond.


A loud shout came. Although he couldn't understand what the two cadenced syllables meant, his fighting instinct still made him turn over from his mount, and his majestic body fell behind the thick python-like tree roots.

Thunder-like gunshots rang out in an instant, crackling and crackling together, and the flashing flames seemed to surround them from all directions, and the sky was like whistling lightning.

Bear was terrified. For a moment, I couldn't hear how many guns were on the opposite side, but saw the brothers who charged nearby were caught off guard, and the figures fell down one after another.

I don't know whether he fell down or was swept down by the gun.

"Damn it! There's an ambush among us!"

"The first thing I do when I go back is to chop up that Harvey!!!"

"First, let's go back and talk..."

"F*ck! How many guns are there on the other side?!"

"How do I feel that there are at least two machine guns!"


Hearing the terrified voices of the brothers in his ears, Bear was also in a panic.

The mount running towards the opposite position had been shot to death randomly, and the body lay motionless beside a tree 20 meters away, and even the few bullet holes on its body could not be seen clearly.

Bear didn't dare to poke his head to look, he didn't dare to bet his head on the marksmanship of the other side. But when he recovered his breath and quietly listened to the whizzing sound above his head, he faintly felt that something was wrong.

In an instant, he came back to his senses, and shouted angrily.

"No! This is not a gunshot! This... this is!"

Bear wanted to say something, but couldn't think of what that thing was called.

In fact, he guessed right, it was not a gunshot, but two earthen firecrackers made of waste paper, gunpowder and brick powder.

In this day and age, people can't even eat enough to eat, so how can anyone play with cannons? I don't know that this thing is normal.

But I have to admit that in this dark environment, there are two firecrackers at one point, interspersed with rifles firing in the middle, which really has a miraculous effect.

Those predators were running panting, and before they saw where the enemy was, they received such a head-on blow. People were stunned. How could they think that the other side was cheating?

Lying on the ground, they only felt that two machine guns had been brought in from the opposite side, and they were shooting at them like rabbits.

Especially when the teammates next to him were lying down one after another, it was impossible to see who was shot or not. One and two were so frightened by the sound of firecrackers mixed with gunshots that they didn't even dare to lift their heads, let alone put their heads back to fight back.

Moreover, it is still fighting against the light...

Just when the four Predator teams were completely stunned, the players squatting on the two wings of the trench had already left the bunker, and under the cover of gunfire, they outflanked the Predator's east and west sides from the side.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a figure moving towards the two wings of his own position, and Bear let out a roar.

"Their people are scattered!"

"Everyone charge!"

"Don't lie down, it's not a gunshot at all! Come up with me, all of them, rush into their trenches, smash their skulls with the butts of their guns!"

After shouting for a long time, no one listened to him.

The successive ambushes have brought the morale of these mob to the brink of collapse.

There was a sudden despair in Bear's heart.

Perhaps... Leaving the factory and entering the opponent's home court was a wrong decision from the beginning.

"Boss... the firepower on the other side is too fierce, charging at this time is death!"

"F*cking firepower! Can't you hear it?! That's fake!" Anger was burning in his heart, and Bear almost bit his gums to bleed.

But he also knew that no matter how loud his voice was at this moment, few people could hear it, and few people were willing to listen.

Knowing that the general situation was over, he looked to the east, and with a stern heart, he ordered to a few confidants beside him.

"Here we can only wait for death, let's break out to the east!"

Several confidantes nodded nervously. However, just as Bear was about to elaborate on his plan to break out of the encirclement, piercing shouts suddenly came from the western position.

Bear raised his gaze, only to see tongues of flame piercing the darkness, pushing firecrackers the size of fists, raining down on them from the night.

There was wanton laughter in the distance. Although he couldn't understand it, he did hear a hoarse tenor voice vaguely.


"Art - is an explosion!"

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