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Rumi, I hate you!

In Gangbuk district of Seoul, It's pretty common to see many cases of bullying. No matter which school you go to, you will always come across someone who is a victim of bullying.

Do people try to help these victims? The answer would be no, they do not and why would they? If they so much as just talk with these supposed victims, then instead of helping them out, they would end up becoming the victim themselves.

Every day when you see a scrawny guy getting his ass beat by a much larger individual, the first thought that comes to mind nowadays is not 'Poor him' or 'why isn't anyone helping him', no, it's actually 'Thank goodness it's not me'. You don't feel pity, neither do you feel sorry for the guy. Instead of all those emotions, that disgusting feeling of relief is the first thing you feel after seeing that guy getting beaten up instead of you.

Is it bad to feel that way? Many people would answer in a similar manner by denying it.

He is the one who is getting beaten up. I am not the one who is beating him up. If I help him out, then it would probably make it worse.

These are the excuses they would use to run away from the scene. They try to tell this to their conscience, saying that what they are doing is the most logical thing to do. They would reassure themselves over and over by saying they are not cowards, they will tell you that you would do the same if you were in their situation.

Which, I hate to admit, is true for most cases.

There is no right and wrong in this. If you do not help a victim, then that doesn't make you a bad person. If you have the power to stop that bullying, but still decide to not help the guy because you find it too troublesome, then it's your choice and I respect it.

The only one wrong in this is the shithead who is doing the bullying.

Before my father told me to never hurt someone who is weaker than me, I was a very aggressive child. I always wanted to fight strong people, no matter their age, gender, height or weight, if you know how to throw a fist, then I would be all pumped up to kick your ass. This feeling was soon replaced by a hero complex, don't ask me how because I don't know myself.

I have always hated bullies. It has been like this since I was little. At first, I tried to be a hero and beat up the bastard who was bullying a close friend of mine. I felt really good after putting that shithead in his place, and seeing my friend's face without any injury was a sight I didn't despise, not one bit. My friend was happy, I was happy, Everyone was happy.

Well, everyone except for the bully himself.

There's one thing that you need to know about these bastards, and it's that these guys have an ego thicker than Pakgo's neck. If you hurt their pride, they will do anything in their power to get back at you.

They will try to take revenge by ganging up on you, they will use underhanded tactics to hurt you, or will use their parents' connections to ruin your life.

In this Bully's case, nothing worked.

No matter what he did, I always kicked his ass.

It all changed one day, when I had to transfer to another school in a different country. Basically, I lived in America, but I had to move to South Korea because my Dad missed his home country.

I lost all my connections to my previous school, so I had no idea how much of a mess I created for my friend in that place.

Just a year after I transferred here, I met a previous classmate of mine who came here to meet his relatives, and he informed me about a news that traumatized me to my core.

My closest friend, her name was Suzen, committed suicide just three months after my transfer.

What happened to her, and why she committed suicide, I had no idea. I was just a child at the time. I thought that it was because she was lonely without me.

Oh how wrong I was. She wasn't lonely, she had the company of that bastard bully.

What he did to her, and what led her to take such a big step, I have no idea. The only thing I know is that I am going to kill that bastard. I can't do that yet, as he is in an American Juvie at the moment. So this have to wait.

But why I brought this incident up right now, is not because I want to recall these memories just to ruin my mood, no. It's because this incident told me just how stupid my methods were.

I thought I got rid of all her problems. I thought it to be the end. But fortunately or unfortunately, It never is.

It never ends.

This taught me a lesson. If I want to help someone, then helping them doesn't help. What I need to do, is make them good enough to not need my help at all.

I will not give a starving man a fish. I will teach him how to fish and make him independent.

This was the reason why I taught Daniel how to fight. The reason I gave Daniel a choice to choose between taking my help or learning how to not need anyone's help.

Daniel hurting his own bully, made him more confident in himself. His bullies also got the hint that if they try to mess with him again, he now knows how to fuck them up.

Delinquents like them have a huge ego, so if Daniel were to beat them, it would hurt their egos more than it would hurt their bodies. So my guess is, they would not mess with Daniel anytime soon.

And the next time they mess with him, Daniel wouldn't be the same kid who they used to bully. He would be stronger than any of them. I will make sure of that.


[ Gyerong High ]

"This bastard...why does he have to be absent today of all times?" I muttered with an angry scowl on my face.

It has been a day since I helped Daniel with his bullies, and today I made up my mind to beat up my bully too. But the baldy has not come to school today. Lucky bastard!

School has been nothing but boring today, not that it's interesting any other day but still. It's even more boring than usual. Without Pakgo here, there is no one in this school who tries to mess with me. They think I only get beaten up by Pakgo because he is inhumanely strong, which is bullshit considering how weak that motherfucker is. But because of me following my dad's words, I let that fucker walk all over me and now my classmates think that he is a God at fighting or something.

The reason for that is actually quite simple. I am a big guy, at least compared to most of the kids in my school, with over six feet of height. I am quite muscular too, and my poker face scares quite a lot of people in this area. So Pakgo beating me up without even getting a single hit made them think he is a genius fighter or something.

Why am I even wasting my time thinking about him? I will beat his ass tomorrow. Let's just beat up Snapper instead.

Just as I thought that, my eyes landed on the blonde headed douchebag who was busy chatting up with Rumi. I wonder what they are talking about- you know what? Forget it, I don't wanna know.


Yes! It's time to go home! I have to go to my part-time job, but I have a night shift today! Call of duty chaan~ Here I come~

As soon as I saw my teacher leave, I grabbed my bag and dashed outside the classroom with a dorky smile on my face.

Before I reached the end of the hallroom however, a naval voice that I was all too familiar with called out to me stopping me on my tracks.

"Wait up tough guy! It's rude to make a girl run all over the way for you like this you knowww?!"


"—Run, she is coming to steal our subscribers!—"

"—OH NO- wait, I don't have a Newtube channel though?—"

"—Just run, ask questions later!—"

When this whole busllshit was going on, my eyes were fixed on Rumi. I didn't expect her to call out to me like this. Wasn't she the one who told me not to talk to her? I mean, she lost her chance to collab with Pakgo because of helping me. And the way she is running, those 'Rumis' of hers are quite distracting(pleasant) to watc- take your mind out of the gutter! 100 pushups now!!

Getting out of my weird thoughts, I noticed that she had her equipment with her. Is she going to stream something?

"My, you really run fast don't you? I work out daily, but I was still not able to catch up with you." Rumi said with a slight giggle as she stopped just in front of me.

She is not out of breath. That's unexpected. I thought she would be one of those types of girls who can't even lift a feather, talk about never judge a book by its cover.

"Well, I guess. What's up? You need me for something?" She wouldn't talk to me otherwise. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this.

"Oh? Yeah, this is something that only you can help me with..." Rumi said with a hand on her chest with her smile turning shy. Oi oi, you think I would fall for something like this? I ain't that weak.

"...What do you want?" I didn't intend to, but my voice came out a bit shaky. Why the fuck am I sweating?!

"I would like to ask you for a favor. Please?" She gave me the most adorable puppy eyes that I have ever seen. Who can say no to such a face?

"Sorry. I need to play games tonight. Go bug someone else." Safee. I almost fell for it.

Just as I said this, I turned around to leave but a hand grabbed my sleeve. The one who stopped me was obviously Rumi, but this time she was not giving off that cutesy vibe. She was still smiling, but this time she looked a little serious. I don't know how that works.

"Wait, you need to help me with this. Pakgo doesn't want to Collab with me anymore. Snapper refuses to help me, and I lost the chance to gain more subscribers. Just help me out for once 'kay? I will make sure to pay you back for this. Just hear me out at least?" Rumi said with a smile on her face while tilting her head.

To be honest, I thought she would try to coax me into helping her by saying that she helped me out once from Pakgo's bullying, so I need to return the favour. This is actually quite surprising as she didn't try to guilt trip me. At least not completely.

Here I have a choice. If I want to, I can leave her by saying I never asked for her help, so she is on her own. As much as I want to do just that, I can't help but feel a little bit responsible for this.

To me, getting bullied was no big deal considering I was strong enough to shrug most of what Pakgo threw at me, but she didn't know that. I have met many people in my life who just ignores these situations to save their skin, but this girl, she decided to intervene and help out a guy she didn't even know before that incident.

She is a snake, and is willing to go as far as to use her looks to get what she wants. But even if that is the case, I know one thing for a fact and that is-

Rumi Yeo, is a genuinely nice girl.


Damnit, I will play with you tomorrow Call of duty Chan, I promise!

"Tch, okay, go ahead. I am willing to listen at least." I said with an annoyed tone of voice.

Rumi after hearing my words, didn't say anything for a while. She just blinked a few times and then said

"O-oh, That's nice! Thank you so much for at least hearing me out, you are a life saver!~" Rumi said while flashing me a cute smile. She looks relieved.

"Now what do I have to do? I am guessing it's related to your Newtube video. Do I have to be your model or something? Don't you dare put lipstick on me." The thought of that is enough to make me shudder.

"Haha, it's not that silly~ I mean yeah I need your help for my latest Newtube stream, but I am not going to do your makeup. It's something else." Rumi said with a dangerous glint in her eyes.

I have a bad feeling about this....

"What is it?"



[ Huh? ]

[ Did the stream go live just now? ]

[ Woop, it's starting! ]

"Hello everyone! Welcome back to my channel you guys, I really missed you all~"

[ Hey Rumi! ]

[ Are you going to destroy someone else's face again with that makeup skill of yours? ]

[ She is probably going to ruin someone's face again lol ]

[ Run, Beauty destroyer is here! ]

"Today, I am going to do something different for you guys. It's going to be really fun, so please share this stream with your friends and family too!~"

Why did I agree to this again?

[ Something different? ]

[ Hey, where are you right now? ]

[ Hey, isn't that J High school behind you? What are you doing there? ]

[ I heard there's a guy named Vasco in that school, and apparently he eats children for breakfast. ]

"Yup! As you guys already see, I am at J High school right now, and apparently I am not alone! Come here Alex, say hi to our viewers!"

I am asking again, why did I agree to this?

"H-hi dear viewers, Alex here." I waved with a pained smile on my face. Knowing what is to come, I am really surprised I didn't run away just yet.

[ Who tf is that?! ]

[ Rumi is hanging out with a delinquent? He is big! ]

{ And handsome too~ }

[ Shit! These fangirls are here again! ]

What the fuck is wrong with these people....

"Now dear viewers, meet Alex Jin. He is a classmate of mine, and today, he will be the star of the video! And don't worry, we are just friends~" Rumi said while winking to the camera. I wonder when was it decided that we are friends.

[ We already know that lol ]

[ She just has to bring it up doesn't she? ]

{ Yay! Now I don't have to kill her for my hubby~ }

[ Wtf?! You fangirls are seriously going out of hands these days! ]

"Do you guys want to know what we are doing here, standing outside the famous J High school today?" Rumi said while moving closer to the camera.

[ What is it? ]

[ Just tell us already ]

[ Women... ]

{ Marry me Alex! }

[ Someone kick her out! ]

"Today, we are going to," Rumi paused for a dramatic effect before looking at me and then opened her mouth to dramatically exclaim-

"Help my friend Alex, score a girlfriend from this school!"

[ LMAO! The girls at this school have really high standards ]

[ Dude's probably gonna get rejected ]

[ Who knows? He is handsome, maybe he have a chance ]

{ .... }

[ Her silence scares me ]

I hate my life.

ManofcultureQ_Q ManofcultureQ_Q

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