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31.18% Strange Monkey Boy / Chapter 29: Chapter 29 Showdown

Capítulo 29: Chapter 29 Showdown


Annie's titan form stood opposite Gohan, his body tense and ready to move. Slowly, she moved into her own stance, the familiar raised fists ready to meet him. It was not a match up of human and Titan, this was two martial artists who would not be holding back against each other.

Eyes locked on one another. Gohan looked into Annie's eyes, and saw her guilt, her hesitation. Annie looked back at him, seeing only a resolute determination.

Gohan moved first. Stepping forwards, his foot dug itself into the ground and he used it to fly forwards, the wind cracking around him as he accelerated. He flew towards her front foot, his rapid movement taking her only momentarily off guard before she bent her knees and performed a sweeping kick at him.

The blow kicked up the earth is at roared towards him, dirt and debris on the forest floor sent flying into the air. Gohan leapt as it came close, raising an arm to cover his eyes. When Annie realised she had missed, she froze and instead threw a punch at him, the colossal fist aimed squarely at his airborne body.

With the smallest burst of Ki, Gohan floated just high enough to land on her arm, breaking into a sprint as he ran up and along it. She could see him clearly as he approached yet was unable to do much as he approached aside from jerk her arm upwards in a panicked motion, flinging him behind her. She turned to watch as he soared through the air and towards a tree trunk, landing against it and pushing off with his feet and flying back at her.

He struck her with a side kick, hitting her dead centre between the eyes and shattering parts of her skull. Between the force of the blow and her compromised stance, she was sent tumbling backwards, almost landing flat on her back if not for her last-minute brace with her arms.

Steam poured from her face as it quickly began to heal, scrambling backwards and struggling to stand quickly as she tried to re find her target. He'd moved quickly since striking her, and a series of rapid slices cut both of her legs, tendons ripped apart and sending her legs limp. She pushed herself backwards with her arms, trying to back up against a tree for cover and crystalising her nape when he suddenly appeared from above. The immense force that crashed into her would have taken the head off any normal person, and possibly even a regular Titan. Her neck almost broke from the blow, and her head rang from the vibrations. Her horror was only heightened as she heard a loud crack, as her crystal armour began to break.

Gohan reeled back a fist for another blow, the large chink in her armour ready to break away, just like the small shards that littered the air around him already did. Just before he could strike however, Annie flung herself to the side, knocking him away and scrambling to swipe at him. He swiftly moved away, dodging out of her reach for the first few strikes. When she next reached for him however, a flurry of blades tore her fingers into shreds. Blood and viscera poured from her mangled hand as she jerked backwards.

He leapt high up into the air, landing on a branch and placing both hands over his head. A small ball of energy appeared, rapidly building as he readied his attack.


He thrust his hands forward, and a bright yellow beam tore through the air towards Annie. She managed to put her arm up in time just enough to take the attack on her forearm, the beam exploding and ripping apart the flesh. She let out a roar as she stumbled backwards once again, dropping onto the floor.

Whether it was anger, or pain, Gohan didn't know. But he watched as steam billowed from her wounds. He breathed deeply, part of it from his exertion, but only very little. It was mostly as he tried to steady himself, to get his breathing back under control as he seethed with rage.

Slowly, she began to rise to her feet. Her limbs were healing, but slowly. Instead, he noted how the steam from her arm had dipped in quantity, with only small tendrils remaining that drifted into the air. The stump that was once her fingers instead rapidly began to heal, sparks of electricity appearing at the ends of each digit. When they fully returned, blue crystal reformed around them.

She looked at him, snarled, and charged.

"Holy shit, anyone else hear those explosions!?"

The sounds of combat echoed around the woods as the scouts all looked around. Some still had their eyes on the Titans which remained feasting on the small remains of the Female Titan. Most of it was gone now, and some of the Titans had returned their focus back to the humans around them, and were either attempting to climb the trees, or were laying on the ground with their corpses dissolving. Attacks on the creatures had been kept limited, as they were not the primary objective, but when opportunity or necessity had presented itself, the Scouts had still struck with ruthless efficiency.

"Levi, report."

Commander Erwin was likewise attempting to trace the sounds, but having similarly no luck. Being still inside of the tree canopy, they had heard what sounded like thunder of a Titan shift, but been unable to see or trace a lightning strike.

"That damn brat…" Levi growled, his eyes shut as he focused.

"What's happening, do you sense something?"

Levi opened his eyes to look at the commander, before pointing off into the trees. "Gohan Son, he's off in the woods, he's fighting the Female Titan!"

Erwin's eyes widened. "She's still alive!? What's the distance, how is the fight going?" He waved his arms, summoning over Mike and Hange. Two bursts of gas being heard as they quickly obeyed his command.

"A few hundred metre's maybe, I'm not as accurate as Gohan, and they're moving around a lot." Hange and Mike both landed beside the pair, listening intently as they tried to catch up through context clues. "I can't tell who's winning, but Gohan is still alive, and he's move damn fast, much faster than her."

The commander nodded as he processed the information.

"I'll get my team ready." Hange prepared to move off again if she got the order. "Mike, your team too. We'll go with Captain Levi and reinforce Gohan, take the Female Titan down again."

Mike nodded in agreement, and Captain Levi readied his blades. His current ones were dull, and he had one set remaining, but perhaps it would be enough when combined with his new Ki powers.


"No?" Mike could hardly believe the order.

The commander held his chin as he thought carefully. "When the scouts engaged the Female Titan before, they were killed quickly, even our veterans. She's dangerous, exceptionally so."

"They didn't know what they were dealing with, we do." Insisted Mike, eager to go and back up his comrade as well as get some revenge for the fallen.

"Levi, I want you to restock your blades and gas." The man made to protest, but Erwin held up his hand to stop him before he could begin. "We need you at full strength if you're going to fight her, we can't afford any mistakes. That's why I want your squad and Eren to back you up as well."

"Sir, are you sure?" Levi didn't like the idea of waiting, and he liked even less the idea of unleashing Eren when they had such little training with him. "Jaeger is still untested, he wasn't meant to be used on this mission. What if he loses control?"

Erwin obviously knew it was a possibility, and Levi could see the briefest moment where his mask of command slipped, the uncertainty plain to see before it was hidden away again by decisiveness. "Eren will need to be put into action eventually. This situation is dire as it is, but he may be our best chance of salvaging it if Gohan is unable to. With the special operations squad supporting you both, I trust you to be able to handle any issues."

He turned to his subordinates. "Hange, Mike, gather your teams and be prepared to act in reserve, but leave the fighting to the others."

The two of the grudgingly accepted, and moved off to rally their soldiers. Hange signalled to one of her soldiers to grab supplies and bring them up to Levi, who quickly moved off.

"Are you sure about this Erwin? Leaving Gohan to fight on his own?"

Was he? In truth, he wasn't, but… "I have faith. We must trust in him, until we can support him properly."

Tree after tree was cut down, Annie's crystalline fingers chopped quickly as she chased after Gohan. He was fast, incredibly so, darting from place to place, almost bouncing off the trees the instant he came into contact with them. She had finally started to catch up with his pattern, where he would zip around with the occasional Ki blast sent her way. She caught as many as she could on her arms, unable to risk losing her armoured fingers again, and far too slow to be able to try and dodge them.

Some hit her in other places, the joints of her legs, her ankles, her eyes. How could the man move so quickly and still have both the focus, and the precision to hit such specific targets on her body? She was afraid, she had long since stopped trying to pretend she wasn't. Gohan was dangerous, and she was on a knife's edge balancing to try and stay alive. But… so was he.

She knew if she could get close enough, if she could just get her opening, she could turn this entire situation around. And she suspected he knew it too. Despite all of the damage he had unleashed upon her, he hadn't moved in with his swords much. Outside of the occasional blitz through her limbs or tendons, he was sticking back and taking her apart piece by piece, playing it safely. It was working too, sooner or later he would come for her, and by then she would be too much of a wreck to protect herself.

Her crystal hand chopped through another tree, the trunk braking apart as the tip tipped over and began to fall to the ground. She kicked it as it came, using a push kick that destroyed part of her foot to launch the trunk towards Gohan. She took delight in watching his eyes widen, then quickly leap out of the way, the mass of wood crashing to the ground where he had stood and tearing up the earth. Chunks of dirt and bark flew into the air behind Gohan, whose eyes were still firmly watching Annie.

She had already begun to move however, charging forwards with hands outstretched to snap him out of the sky. She had seen him move without using his cables before, and despite not understanding how she'd still been forced to recognise that he was just as agile in the air as on foot. But she was getting desperate, and her attack still had a chance of succeeding.

Gohan spun on the spot, spinning around and letting gas fill the air around him. When her hands clapped around the misty cloud, she felt nothing between her fingers. She froze, eyes looking around in disbelief. Could he disappear too!? The rustle of leaves over her head was all the warning she had before Gohan burst from the branches above and dove straight for her nape.

She had armoured her nape just in time, but for a second she thought it almost hadn't happened. Ki enhanced blades managed to keep themselves from shattering as they dug deep into the crystal around her nape. Each sliver that they cut through took strength, and sapped his speed until he was suddenly jerked to a halt, too slow for his momentum to continue cutting. The sharp pain through his shoulders as he was yanked to a full stop made him yelp in pain, his arms straining from the agony, and shaking from his exertion.

He was so damn tired.

But he knew he had no reprieve. Climbing up, he crouched on her neck, released the blades lodged in the crystal, and leapt off with all his might. Annie spun around almost as soon as she felt him leave, hands swiping out at him and missing by the barest of margins, the shockwave of wind from their near miss thankfully pushing him further away.

He let his ODM gear take over for a moment from his Ki, cables latching onto his surroundings and letting him soar through the woods. It was an almost casual pace, which he was thankful for as he allowed himself to catch his breath. His plan was working, and if he kept his pace he would be okay, but he was certainly not safe from the danger.

"We should be over there helping!"

"You shut your damn mouth brat! We're not having this argument again! Do as you're told and wait for orders!"

"Don't you talk to him like that!"

Mikasa stood in front of Eren, glaring heatedly at Oluo who likewise growled back. She hadn't been a fan of the man during their training together, but this mission had driven her annoyance towards him closer to hatred.

"All of you, be quiet!"

Eld ordered their silence as he pondered on what to do. Without communications of what was happening, the only thing he knew was that there was some kind of battle, too far away to sense anything. They had all begun to hear the explosions when they started, ones that were distinctly different from the cannon fire, and they could well place them as being Ki based thanks to their training with Gohan.

However, it had been a lot of blasts, far more than there should have been without something going terribly wrong. Did he take the risk of trying to save what was arguably humanity's most powerful asset, risking their other asset at the same time? Or did he hold back, and try to play it safe.

"What's everyone's thoughts on this?"

He wasn't truly putting it to a vote, but a good leader took into consideration how their team were thinking when making big decisions. If he wanted to keep them focused, he couldn't risk large amounts of division.

"We need to go help Gohan!" A rather predictable response from Mikasa, the only surprise was that she had somehow managed to beat out Eren for answering first.

"Our orders are to protect Jaeger, we can't go risking his life by acting on a situation we don't know." Also predictable, Oluo hadn't shut up about shooting down the siblings suggestion of assistance since they'd started talking.

"He's too important to risk! And he's my friend damn it! I can transform and help, it's why I'm here. Not just to be bait, but to help. If he needs help, then he needs us, and he needs us now!" Eren was showing a little more maturity than he first had when he'd arrived, potentially a result of him easing up on whatever grudge he held against his sister… friend… whatever they were.

That only left Gunther and Petra, the former of whom looked rather hesitant. "I… agree with Oluo. We shouldn't be risking Jaeger if we don't know what is happening. If something is wrong, they have Captain Levi there to help."

Both Eren and Mikasa immediately turned and began to complain, another argument brewing up between them and the others which Eld tried to block out as he turned to Petra. She was silent, eyes focused on nothing while they looked around, seemingly mentally switching sides with her own arguments.

It was a long time before she finally spoke, looking up at Eld not with determination, but perhaps resolution. "We should assist Gohan. It's too much of a risk to let him fight alone."

The argument went quiet, and Eld nodded.

"Agreed. Team, engage ODM gear and move out towards Gohan. We'll circle back afterwards to retrieve the horses." Disbelief was on their faces, even of those who had argued for it weren't quite ready for what to do. "Now! Team, move out!"

They leapt from their tree and burst into movement, forming into formation naturally. For the long standing members of the team, their grumbles were kept quiet as they obeyed their new orders. Had he decided against, he knew that Eren and Mikasa wouldn't have been anywhere near as disciplined.

As they soared, Eld dropped down to be side by side with Eren. "Jeager, I need you to listen. When we get there, if we need you to transform, have a single clear goal in mind." He thought back to their experiments, in particular the spoon situation. "We're going to put a lot of trust into you right now. You can't repay that by losing control. Clear focus, and no hesitations."

A dash, sidestep, then lunge, and Gohan was once more bringing his feet against Annie's face in a mighty blow. She stumbled backwards, but did not fall. Crystal shards rained down from her crushed skull, but between her last minute defence and Gohan's dropping power she was far from finished. She threw a jab that caught him mid air, his arms up to block the blow but she shear size difference between the two of them sent the half-breed soaring backwards.

He crashed against a tree trunk, denting it inwards as bark was blasted apart around him. He fell and hit the ground, landing on his feet and having to leap away as Annie's foot came crashing down where had stood, intent to crush him into nothing more than a red smear.

He was shocked at how she was still standing. He'd been picking her apart piece by piece, and she'd pulverised her own limbs plenty of time trying to kill him, not to mention the amount of energy she must have spent chasing after the scouts in the first place. The steam from her body was minor now, and it was about the only sign he'd had that she was slowing down.

This was taking a lot of energy from him, more than he was comfortable with.

Perhaps it was time to go for it and put her down. Her nape was a glaring weak spot, one she clearly knew about and had kept on guard of for their entire fight. It would leave him vulnerable to try and break through her defences and get to it, but he didn't have much of a choice left given she didn't seem to be letting up.

Annie, was likewise aghast at her opponent being alive. This was not her first blow on the man, though it had taken her a distressingly long time to begin hitting him. She had thought all she would need was one hit, then he would die like anyone else. That had evidently not been true. He was fast, had what was close enough to magical powers, and was also damn near indestructible. Had it not been for his occasional stumble, or the small wounds that dotted his body, she would have thought she hadn't even touched him.

This fight was far too close for her comfort.

She had tried to escape after a while, something he had not allowed. Any attempt to leave simply opened herself up and left her vulnerable for sliced tendons, or a blast to the eyes. She needed to end this, quickly.

She was completely shattered, only still standing and fighting through a combination of discipline and desperation, and it was due to that desperation that she contemplated her next move. It was something she hadn't managed to reliably perfect, but it was about her only chance to truly turn the tables on Gohan.

He moved again, firing off a rapid series of Ki blasts that shredded her forearms, forcing her back into the defensive. He disappeared high up into the trees, using the foliage for cover as well as the steam that rose from her own arms, unwilling to risk dropping them and catch more blasts to her vulnerable parts. When he broke through the growth, he initially beelined towards her, before quickly breaking off and zapping from side to side through elaborate dodges and twists in the air.

She followed it as best as she could, backing up to keep a distance from him and his razor sharp blades. He spun in the air, cancelling much of his sideways momentum, then fired his hooks directly into her face and pulled himself straight at her. She reached out to grab his cables, yet as soon as her fingers came near he sliced through the wires himself. It was a small enough movement she might have missed it, then wasted time trying to catch him and open herself up.

'This is it!'

Thanks to her numerous near death experiences during their fight, she recognised his trick and managed to stop herself. He was going all out, just as she had been waiting for.

Her hands flew to the side of her face, fingers splayed, and she roared.

The sound that came out was incomprehensible, but the effect worked regardless, as she managed to cast the solar flare and catch Gohan completely by surprise.

Had it not been for his demonstration during training, she would have been dead. Even then, it had taken her a very long time to be able to try anything like him, especially without being able to try and learn from him, lest she need the surprise on her side.

He yelled, clutching his eyes, and she seized her chance. Charging forwards, she through a right cross that smashed into Gohan's vulnerable body, following him through and crashing into a tree that was demolished by her blow. His bloodied form splattered across the ground, bouncing as it came to a stop at the base of a trunk. He shakily moved, attempting to rise to his feet and dodge before her foot stomped down upon him.

She kicked at him again and again, pausing only briefly to swap over to her hands and reign blow after blow onto his wrecked body. The sounds of her attacks sent thunderclaps echoing around, but she heard nothing as her thoughts were filled with only a desperate grasp for victory.

One of her hands broke apart as she pummelled him, the damage from his attacks and hers breaking it apart into little more than fleshy shreds. Despite all the pain she had inflicted, he stumbled and moved.

He tried to clamber to his feet, but one failed entirely to support his weight, too broken to use. Stumbling back down onto his knee, he instead pushed off as best he could, trying to gain some distance until she grabbed a hold of him with her remaining hand. From within her clutches, he could do nothing but watch as she lifted him up to look dead in the eyes.

Then, she squeezed.

He screamed as he felt his body being compressed, his ribs straining and beginning to break. If he were not as strong as he was, he would have died instantly. Instead, he was forced to feel each moment slowly as she began to crush the life out of him. Bones creaking, his body fighting back however it could.


Annie wanted to say she took no pleasure in it, that she hated having to kill someone she considered a friend, but it was sadly a lie. The adrenaline of the fight, and the rush of a victory finally within her grasp. She did feel guilty, just as she had the entire mission. But determination had seen her through, and now her fighting spirit was doing the same. Her pride as a martial artist and a warrior sent a thrill of happiness down her spine as she crushed him.

What little air was in his lungs were used only for his screams of agony. It was pure torture. His wailing reached a new octave as he felt another rib crack, and with eyes squeezed shut he couldn't see her vicious grin.

Then suddenly, he was falling.

He hit the ground alongside several of her fingers, crashing in a shared mixture of blood as he coughed it out, the fall taking the breath out of him with only a sharp cry of pain left. And then just as quickly, a pair of hands grabbed ahold of him and pulled him away.

"Gohan! It's okay, we've got you. GOHAN!"

Struggling, he opened his eyes to see Ilse staring back at him. Her hands cupped the side of his face in worry. He'd never noticed the rough callouses she had, nor the way she could still be so gentle despite them. She was holding him delicately, as if he might break. From the way his breath came out in ragged wheezes, it was entirely possible. Part of his mind began trying to self diagnose himself. The breathing indicated lung damage, with potentially his ribs now compressing inwards. He was fortunate that there didn't seem to be any punctures in his lungs caused by shattered bone, otherwise he could have drowned in his own blood.

Despite the great pain he was in however, he put one hand down and began to push himself up and look over to Annie. She was still fighting, a blur of swords cut along her body in countless locations, every key muscle being ripped apart in mere moments as Gohan watched Captain Levi move. He was fresh, fully stocked, experienced, and from the red glint in his eyes as he moved, thoroughly pissed off. Annie, was near dead from exhaustion after their fight.

She stumbled, dropping down to a knee as her arms hung limp by her sides. Levi came in to slash the underside of her knee and bring her down again, but rapidly formed crystal broke his swords as they hit. He moved away quickly as she moved in to bite him, only to receive a Ki blast to the face.

Levi was fast, almost as fast as Gohan in some ways, and thanks to his training he had almost as many tools in his arsenal to use as Gohan did. Annie clearly didn't want to stay in this fight. She rose as best she could, staggering away towards the forest in an attempt at cover.

"All hands, prepare to engage! Don't let her get away!"

The command came from Hange, who Gohan hadn't realised was also by his side, she had been one of the hands that had helped drag him away from the battle. Her face did not hold any of her usual humour, in fact she looked ferocious as she watched her men move in from all sides towards Annie.

The men cut her once and moved off, hitting enough to slow her and get out of the way as Captain Levi moved in once again. She tried to swipe at them, catch anyone who got overconfident, but she was drained, and these men and women were veterans, they gave no chance for mistakes.

Levi once again whirled over her body, blood showering from her body as she was cut to ribbons. She fell to her knees, hand raising up to cover her nape while another reached out to try and drag herself out of the clearing that her and Gohan's battle had made. Then, just past the brush in front of her, a bolt of lightning struck and thunder boomed.

Eren's titan form came barrelling out of the tree line and slammed into Annie, picking her up and throwing her through the air. The rest of the Special Operations Squad came following after, hovering around in support in case Eren needed it.


Mikasa suddenly broke from formation and rushed over towards him, landing hard as she raced too fast to slow down properly.

"Is he okay!? Gohan!"

Hange slapped Mikasa's hands away as she reached out to check him over, instead pointing back to the fight.

"He'll be okay, we have him. You need to support your team." Mikasa looked over to see Eren continuing to dominate his battle against Annie, but also how each of the members of the special operations squad were doing their own parts. She watched as Petra sliced an ankle, Gunther following behind to blast it with a Ki blast as Annie failed to fall.

Each one of them was fighting, just as she should be too. She looked back to Gohan, who placed a bloodied hand on her shoulder. "I'll be alright, go help them."

She hesitated, placing her hand over his. She could still feel his warmth, his trust in her, and so she rose and returned back to the fight.

"Ackerman! What are you doing breaking formation like that!?" Captain Levi was pissed when she returned, falling in line beside him as they soared around the battling Titans.

"Apologies Captain, I had to check on Gohan, he's hurt bad."

"You can check him out later. Right now our focus is on bringing this bitch down once and for all." He signalled with his arm for the rest of the squad to form up on him, the group of them landing at various branches on the outskirts of the clearing.

"Bitch is still standing?! What's it gonna take to get her to stay down?" Oluo cried out in frustration, waving his blades angrily as he watched her fumble against Eren.

"If Eren could actually focus maybe, then he'd have taken her down no problem. Instead he's flailing like a wild animal." It wasn't needed for Eld to point it out, as everyone could see Eren scramble on top of Annie, then proceed to try and squish her face into the ground, snarling and biting at her arms as she brought them up to defend herself.

"Captain! What's the situation with Gohan, does he need treatment?" It was clear that Petra was looking for an excuse to go over to him like Mikasa was, except unlike her she'd had the self-control to focus on her task first. At her words however, the others looked over and began to notice for the first time what kind of shape that Gohan was in, the small crowd of Scouts surrounding him either for protection, or attempting to wrap him up clear to see.

"Shit, Gohan… That bitch, she's gonna pay for that!"

"We shouldn't have waited so long…"

"Enough of that, now." Captain Levi didn't need Oluo and Gunther getting so angry they got clumsy. "Get ready for a group attack, we'll take her down now."

The others nodded, spreading their feet and crouching slightly. They watched and waited as Annie and Eren fought, holding for just the right moment until she began to separate from him. Eventually she did, raising a knee to push him off and back away.


"Ka…Me…Ha…Me…" The group waited until she rose to her feet, her back squarely towards her as she focused all attention on Eren. As she began to move, they fired.


Six brilliant beams of blue light tore through the air and slammed into Annie, erupting into a single blazing fireball. Her body was wrenched into pieces, her mangled flesh landing in chunks, anything smaller incinerated into ash. The upper half of her body landed as one, face down in the dirt.

Eren lunged on top of her mere moments later, his fingers tearing into her body and rending it apart. When he tore off the cover of her nape, he froze, looking down as Annie stared terrified up at him.

"Annie…?" Mikasa herself couldn't believe it, stunned at the apparent betrayal of someone she had once thought if not a friend, then a comrade at least. The moment of hesitation cost Eren however, as the fingers he had dug into her Titan body on either side of her human form, began to slowly encase in crystal. He started, suddenly pulling away desperately as he was frozen in place and the crystalline structure snaked up his arms and towards him and his nape.


Mikasa was on him in an instant, slicing open his nape and reaching a hand inside to grab the back of his shirt and pull him back. Eren released hold of his Titan form, reaching his hands out to grab Mikasa's as well, pulling himself out in unison with her. A tendril of flesh still stuck itself to parts of his face, and was quickly sliced apart by Levi, who landed beside Mikasa and pulled Eren out alongside her.

Annie could only see the barest glimpse of it from past Eren's Titans' shoulder, the crystal forming around her at the same time. This was her last desperate move. She was using the final dregs of her energy to do it, but she would not be captured and tortured, not as long as she could do something about it.


A scream pulled her attention, and she saw the oncoming form of Gohan. Still only partially wrapped in bandages, and covered with blood and bruises, he nonetheless made straight for her. She didn't know what he was planning until he threw his fist, with all the power and speed he had remaining into the crystal that moved to encase her.

It shattered apart, fragments flying off and wind billowing through her hair. She had the barest of time to gasp, before his hand reached out, grabbed her collar, and pulled her in for a headbutt.

She slumped unconscious, and Gohan dropped to the floor, letting out another yelp of pain as he smacked against the ground. He'd definitely broken a finger or two with that punch, and his body was screaming in pain from the additional sudden exertion, but they'd done it.

They had captured the Female Titan.

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