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20.43% Strange Monkey Boy / Chapter 19: Chapter 19 The Trial

Capítulo 19: Chapter 19 The Trial

In the Trost Regional Garrison Heaquarters, the first basement floor was wrapped in an unusual kind of silence. It was a dining hall filled with a mix of cadets and regular garrison soldiers, the occasional sound of cutlery against plates and bowls as people idly ate, but very few talked. After Trost had been officially reopened and soldiers had returned from seeing their families, people were stuck in an awkward sense of "what now?"

They'd essentially been ordered to resume regular duties, but very few actually could as they had done before. Trost had been reclaimed and humanity had gained its first win over the Titans, but then had had to spend the day cleaning up their dead brethren, sapping any sense of victory away. And how could people go back to the relaxed sense of peace they'd had before? Shiganshina had shaken people to the core, and had the military overhauling their security measures. To the high brass, the measures had been mostly successful. Civilian casualties had been extraordinarily low in comparison to the previous breakthrough, or war gaming estimations.

But just as before, the colossal Titan had appeared and struck without warning or time to react, disappearing without time to fight back either. With so many survivors, it was now very apparent to those who lived in Trost and any of the other outlet districts that an attack could appear at any point with no lead up. Just a crack of lightning, and death.

It was these thoughts that kept everyone quiet, save for two young cadets sat opposite one another at a lone table. One, a messy blonde haired boy, the other a dark haired girl with the second most unique features around.

"A debate over Eren? What for?" Mikasas eyes weren't looking at her friend, instead far off and gazing into a corner as she wondered. She'd been stuck thinking for several days now, having seen neither him nor Gohan since the Trost mission.

"I'm not sure but, it might be about what they plan to do with him." Armins voice was as soft as always, but unlike Mikasa his voice wasn't as filled with confusion, but something more akin to trepidation. His two friends had been absent for a while now, and maybe it was pessimistic, but he didn't think that was a promising sign.

"And what does that mean? And why just Eren, what about Gohan? He's been gone for just as long but they were a lot more open about him at least being ok."

"You've heard about how people have talked about him, everyone seems to look up to Gohan. Something is happening with him, I don't know what, but I doubt it's anything bad. All they've said is reassurances, and we both saw those things he could do." How could they forget. Beams of light, inhuman speed, Gohan had always been leaps and bounds above everyone in training but what he did was on a whole other level. "But the silence with Eren, I think it means… They may not let him live."

Mikasa stood in horror, her mind struggling to accept the realisation before her train of thought was destroyed by the door at the top of some nearby stairs being flung open, and three soldiers walking in. Two were holding rifles and took protective positions either side of the door, whilst the third stood forward between them with a clipboard in hand, the emblem of the Garrison regiment clear on all their jackets.

"Cadet Mikasa Ackerman, and Cadet Armin Arlert. Hop to!"

"Sir!" Smartly, the two cadets in question stood at attention by their table.

"You are ordered to attend, and act as witnesses at today's deliberation!" He stood to the side, making room for them to pass through the door and suggesting they get a move on. They hurriedly did so, and found a carriage waiting for them at the road that ran through the HQ, a familiar face already awaiting inside.

"Mrs Jaeger?" Armin paused in surprise, while Mikasa quickly went over and checked she was ok. She looked unhurt, though her face was filled with worry and concern, only heightened when she turned to see the two children she'd fostered.

"Mikasa, Armin?" Her hands went up and instinctively checked over Mikasa even as she was doing the same to her. "Are you two ok? Have you seen Eren?" Her eyes showed clear signs of what had been a long time of worrying over her son especially. What else could she have done? When Armin and Mikasa had gone to see her on their day off they learned she hadn't been told anything about Eren aside from the fact that he was still alive.

"Climb aboard cadets, we need to be moving." The officer from before was stood right behind them, and Armin felt himself instantly drop to attention before moving onto the back of the wagon. Muscle memory and fear were partly to blame, he'd seen Shadis hand out plenty ass kickings for recruits who failed to learn discipline, but another part of it was simply that he also just wanted to be moving already. Anxiety had been building up in him just as much as Mikasa and Mrs Jaeger over Erens fate.

Once they were on board, the wagon was moving almost instantly and followed almost instantly by two horses mounted by garrison soldiers, their rifles still slung warily along their backs. They really weren't about to take any chances with the trial now that they'd decided it would happen. Had they decided earlier Armin and Mikasa may not have even been able to take a day off and allay Mrs Jaegers concerns at all. Not that it seemed they'd been able to do much…

"When they came to the house they were asking me all sorts of questions about Eren, and about Grisha, asking to know when I'd last seen him or if Eren had ever shown any similar abilities before. Hannes tried to have them back off, but he was ordered away instead." Her voice was tense and her eyes were far away, and Mikasa laid a reassuring hand on her leg. The scarf wearing girl was no doubt feeling the same, but like she all too often did she pushed it down and hid it.

As he thought about what was coming, Armin did the same and faked a brave face.

Gohan looked around at the myriad of forms around him. Countless different outfits from all walks of life, each one no doubt of great importance, and each group clearly had several representatives as they packed themselves into what had seemed like a big room when the half-breed had first entered. He could pick out a few obvious types, the MP's were obviously the most prominent as they filled every corner of the room, and curiously enough most of one side of the room in particular. He imagined it had something to do with the regiments as all around him on the opposite side of the room was a mix of garrison and scout regiment personal, some he recognised but most he didn't.

The second most prominent group were intermingled amongst the MP's, the long dark robes of the religious clergy stood in contrast to the off white stone walls behind them. He didn't know much about them beyond what he'd heard in passing. They had some sort of religion based around the walls, and far too much influence for people's opinion. From the snarls already on their faces, Gohan didn't expect them to be using that influence to help him.

Speaking of influence, Gohan flicked a glance to the side and spotted the man he was fairly certain was Commander Erwin of the Scout regiment. He'd seen a few paintings of him once or twice, but had never seen him in person before he walked into the room and wordlessly took his place. He had no relationship with the man, and he clearly hadn't thought it prudent to establish one with Gohan in the few minutes before the trial started, which meant the closest Gohan had to an actual ally was Commander Pixis who was likewise in his row. Except, he too hadn't said a word to Gohan when he'd walked in, standing with a few personal attendants by himself a fair distance from where Gohan had been told to stand.

Even when Mikasa, Armin, and Mrs Jaeger had been brought in they'd been kept a fair bit from him, though that might have arguably been due to them being amongst the last to arrive, and Mrs Jaegers wheelchair making her stay to the side at the end of the row. Her entrance had drawn a few eyes, and not many of them friendly. The religious groups had been the least kind, some openly glaring and letting Gohan know they already knew who she was. Those who looked to be merchants were more mixed, some looking in idle curiosity whilst others shared the same views as the clergy.

Mikasa had noticed those looks as soon as she walked in and had been visibly defensive already. He hoped she wouldn't do anything to cause problems, but to be fair it wasn't as if Gohan knew what the correct thing to do either. He was far ahead of the level of studies expected for his age, but law had been a less focused part of his learning, and even that had been based on an entirely different system, let alone the differences between a civilian and military court.

When the large double doors opened Gohans thoughts were cut off, and he finally got a glimpse at his friend once again. Eren looked unharmed if uncomfortable thanks to the chains he was wearing, but confused as he was suddenly thrust into the room by the same glasses wearing woman Gohan had seen when he'd woken up in the headquarters. His confusion wasn't answered as the two soldiers by his side pushed him forwards, heading down the centre of the room until he reached a metal pole that was stuck in the floor. When it was pulled out and placed over his chains he was forced to kneel in the centre of the room.

Gohan might have called it humiliating, however the figure that sat before him made it seem much closer to intimidation. The man came in, set his jacket on the side, rolled up his sleeves, and took a seat with the kind of relaxed seriousness that made it clear no one was about to question him on his manners. When he finally spoke to the room, the respectful silence only reinforced that.

"Alright, shall we begin?" He raised a piece of paper to his eyes, adjusting the glasses he wore and clearing his throat before finally beginning proper. "Your name is Eren Jaeger, and as a soldier you have sworn to give up your life when called to, for the good of the people, is that correct?"


"As an enlisted soldier during a time of war, military doctrine demands your tribunal be held as a court marshal. As commander of our armed forces this matter is left to my discretion. Thus I will decide, either you live, or you die. Any objections?"

A pin drop may as well have been a cannon blast for how quiet the room was. Gohan could even here Eren swallow hard. "No sir."

"Your astuteness is appreciated. Let us proceed." The sound of footsteps drew Gohans eyes up to a top floor balcony where more soldiers were gathered, a few stepping aside as three more arrived, the glasses woman known as Hange, a blonde haired man Gohan didn't know, and Ilse, who briefly locked eyes with him just long enough to tell him to not be distracted by her presence.

"As expected, covering up your existence has proven quite fruitless, and unless we publically disclose your existence one way or another, we risk the outbreak of widespread civil unrest. A choice must be made, and the regiment that takes custody of you will determine your fate. The military police, or the scout regiment. To begin, the military police will now present their case."

"Thank you, my name is Nile Doc." The man in question made the effort to stand a little taller at the front of the other MP's. He raised his voice too, no doubt trying to give himself the same air of authority as his superior, however the effect was actually the opposite as he seemed to have to try and give himself respect, rather than demand it with calm.

"I am commander of the Military Police. Our recommendation, following a thorough examination of his physiology, subject Eren Jaeger should be disposed of immediately." The verdict wasn't a surprise to most in the room, but there was still a muffled gasp from Mrs Jaeger, Gohans heart paining as he held himself back from looking over to her, instead keeping his eyes set straight ahead and on the man speaking.

"We acknowledge that Jaegers ability played a part in turning back the latest Titan incursion, however as has been stated his mere existence is creating a swell of rebellious sentiment. For the greater good, after we have gathered all the information we can from him we would see him made a fallen warrior of humanity."

"Unacceptable!" The man stood immediately by Commander Doc's side interrupted with a shout, the black robes and his position next to a senior officer marking him as someone of high importance in the church. "This verminous fiend has defiled the mighty wall-"

Gohan instantly tuned him out with a disgusted roll of his eyes. If he got the chance to speak and defend his friend, how would he be able to convince someone who's beliefs were based on faith and instinct, that wasn't something he could change with some passionate words. Fortunately, the judge cut off his rant fairly quickly with some harsh words of his own, before finally turning back to Gohans side.

"And now I'd like to hear the scout regiments proposed plan."

"Yes sir. As the commander of the survey corps, I Erwin Smith propose the following. Let Eren join our ranks, reinstate him as a full member of the scouts and we will utilise his Titan ability to retake wall Maria. That is all."

Whispering immediately broke out at Commander Erwins rather… concise proposal. Hell, even Gohan wanted to jump in and say something in disbelief, his thoughts even being echoed by the judge. "Is that it?"

"Yes. With his assistance sir, I'm certain we can reclaim wall Maria, ergo I believe our top priority is clear."

"Quite bold." Understatement of the century. "Assuming you were given clearance, where do you plan to launch this operation from? Commander Pixis, the wall in Trost district has been completely sealed is that correct?"

"Yes, I doubt it's gate will ever open again." Even Pixis was being unusually terse, which made Gohan suspect that there was something going on behind the scenes he hadn't been made privy to.

"We'll depart from Karanese district to the east." Continued Erwin. "From there we'll make for Shiganshina, a new route can be established as we proceed."

"But that's ridiculous!" A merchant suddenly began shouting. "Our time and money would be better spent sealing up all the gates, they're the only parts of the wall the colossal Titan can break right? Let's reinforce the blasted things and wash our hands of the entire affair!"

"Shut your mouth you spineless merchant dog! With a Titan on our side we can finally return to wall Maria!" Another voice interrupted, this time from the Scouts side as Gohan felt the rooms' atmosphere growing tense.

"We can't afford any more of your childish antics, or your delusions of grandeur!" Shot back the merchant, the room threatening to break down into petty squabbling.

"This war cannot be won on the defensive, every attack runs the risk of a breakthrough and humanity can't retreat much further!" There was a moment of silence as Gohan realised it was in fact he who had spoke, and now found a great many eyes on him. If he hadn't realised that, he might have been able to continue his momentum, instead he found himself clamping up as he wasn't sure whether was supposed to speak or not.

"Identify yourself."

The judges' words answered his question for him, and Gohan felt an icy chill grip his heart. He really needed to give Mikasa an apology for thinking it might be her who said something wrong. "Gohan Son sir, Cadet Corps."

The mutterings returned, but Gohan dare not tear his eyes away from the judges' heavy gaze, even as the man seemed to almost relax in recognition of his name. "Ah yes, I've heard your name come past my desk many times in the last few days. Your heroic actions in Trost have some calling you humanity's new strongest soldier." He heard a scoff of annoyance to his side, but calmed down anyway. His words were nice, nice was good, good meant he may not be about to be reprimanded by the commander of the entire armed forces. "Elaborate on your argument."

He took a deep breath as he collected his thoughts, cursing once again his impulse to speak. All right, he needed an argument that mostly appealed to the judge, but could also win over the rest of the demographics that he could see. So, duty, faith, money, morality, the desire to survive, and numerous others. No problem…

"In 100 years the walls alone were enough to stop any Titan incursion, but then two new types appeared that were enough to negate our defences. In the years since the walls were fortified, but still breached, our preparations preventing a massacre of innocent lives. Our defences as it stands are not sufficient to prevent any breakthroughs by the types of Titans we currently know of, let alone any new types that appear as they did before." He could see the slight nod of understanding from the judge, feeling a small amount of accomplishment as he made the first steps in winning over the most important man in the room.

"For 100 years the walls gave us territory to live and grow, and with the loss of one wall tremendous amounts of lives have been lost. But not only that, people are already suffering from the effects of overcrowding. There isn't enough room for housing, or renewable resources such as farms or lumber, let alone limited materials in mines such as iron. In time, we'll be unable to feed people, house people, repair our defences, or build ways to prevent breaches. Our only future lies in the potential to expand again." There, that should be enough to satisfy the merchants, who he hoped would be smart enough to accept a short term loss to secure long term returns. If these were as important as Gohan suspected they were, then most likely they would be owners of large companies, and would therefore have to think far ahead.

They should think like that, but that didn't necessarily mean they would. Instead they may act on impulse and fear, like the clergy seemed most likely to do. Speaking of… "Besides which, Wall Maria protected humanity for 100 years before it was overrun by the Titans. The walls do still provide protection in the time they give us to react and counterattack, they and their territory should be in the hands of humanity, not defiled by the Titan presence." Ok so that was a bit on the nose, and he was fairly sure that many of the more aware people were now very clearly clued in on what he was doing, but he risked a glance over to the clergyman who had spoken before and found his posture had indeed changed. It was too early to tell how, but anything was progress right?

He thought about adding more but fumbled in his thoughts. Should he talk about the horror of sacrifice? No, he'd sort of ended up covering that in his speech towards the merchants, and as the silence continued on he was stuck with the fact that any addition would actually make it look like he didn't have faith in his own argument, and so he was forced to leave it be.

"Very interesting Cadet Son, words to think on. In the meantime, we shall now address the person of which this trial is about. Mr Jaeger I have a question for you. As a soldier, you have made a solemn pledge to answer humanity's call, can you still serve by controlling your abilities?"

Oh no.

"Yes. I will sir." Eren answered quickly, perhaps thinking his certainty might alleviate the man's doubts, however Gohan quickly realised the mistake he'd walked into.

"Oh, is that so? But this report from the battle for Trost contradicts that statement." He raised another sheet of paper to eye level and began to read from it, clearly not needing to however. "Just after transforming, it seems you made an attempt to crush Mikasa Ackerman."

From the way Eren turned to her in horror, Gohans' fears were confirmed. Much like when he himself had turned into a great ape against Vegeta, or even before that during his training with Piccolo, he couldn't remember a thing, lost instead simply to instinct and action.

"And who is this Mikasa Ackerman?"

"Me. That would be me sir." Gohan couldn't stop himself from leaning forwards to glance down the line at her, seeing the girl shooting daggers at what looked like Rico standing next to her.

"Alright then. Is it true that Eren Jaeger assaulted you while he was in Titan form?"

Heavy silence followed as Mikasa held her tongue, hesitating before finally spilling the damning words. "Yes, all of that is true."

The mutterings returned and Gohan winced. There really hadn't been any way around that fact, and it was some strong ammunition against their case no matter how they tried to spin it. Still, Mikasa tried her best to defend him.

"However, he also saved my life twice before, and in each circumstance he was using his Titan ability. The first, shortly after Trost fell, I was nearly killed by a Titan, but then Eren came, he stepped in and protected me. The second time, he transformed and shielded myself and two others from rifle fire. I implore you take these facts into consideration."

"Objection!" Nile Doc's voice raised again, Gohans eyes glancing over just in time to see him hide the satisfied grin on his face. "I have reason to believe personal feelings play a large part in her testimony. Let the record show that Mikasa Ackerman was orphaned at a young age, and was subsequently taken in by the Jaeger family. What's more, our own internal investigation into this matter led to a most shocking discovery. Eren Jaeger and Mikasa Ackerman at the tender age of nine, dealt with three adult kidnappers by stabbing all of them to death."

A gasp went up around the room, and once more Gohan felt opinion swing against them, even though the man wasn't finished. "Granted this was done in self-defence, all the same one cannot help but question the violent nature of the act. Knowing all of this, should we really invest in him? Money? Manpower? Perhaps even the very fate of us all?"

"How dare you!" It was a new voice, one that had been anxiously waiting to the side to learn the fate of her son. "How dare you make him sound like a monster! Those men were animals, who wanted to do unspeakable things to an innocent girl! Who had already taken the lives of two good people! Those men deserved their fate and forced their hands, and even then don't think my son didn't question it!"

Carla Jaeger was leant as far forwards as she could from her chair, a hand hovering over her shoulder as an MP stood ready to hold the paralysed woman back, the fierce protectiveness in her eyes taking many aback. "Your report doesn't say how Mikasa had nightmares every night for months after what happened! How my son would constantly question us and ask if what he did was right! He is a good person, someone who did what was necessary and was still affected by it! He saved someone's life at the risk of his own, anyone here with children should be proud if they ever see their own be as selfless as Eren was!"

The mutterings once again returned, and this time Gohan seized his chance to cut off the MP's before they could try and wrestle control of the argument again. "Such risks are miniscule anyway! That same report should mention about how while in Titan form, I was able to lead Eren Jaeger back to the boulder to complete his mission, and for the entire travel back Eren was unable to injure me when I was holding back from attacking. Armin Arlert can serve as witness to that fact if need be, and I'm sure others from the Garrison squad can as well." He saw the man's eyes flick to the report in his hand, no doubt already knowing the section that he was referring to.

"So it says. However it also mentions your rather unique… talents, that were presumably what gave you the capability to perform such a feat, am I correct?"

"Yes sir, but my skills are not unique to myself alone. I can teach them, and if it was required then I can provide such advantages to any team tasked with watching over Eren." He couldn't help but flick a glance towards where he knew Commander Pixis was stood, and winced when he saw the eyes looking back at him. He wished he could apologise, but it seemed he'd been forced into choosing a regiment rather publically.

"And if you cannot?" The words pulled Gohans attention back to the judge. "If you're talents cannot be taught to others, what then? Will you dispose of Eren as would be required of you?"

"…" There was a pause, Gohan swallowed heavily, sparing a look towards Eren who looked back at him with an unreadable expression, before finally he turned back to the judge. "Eren Jaeger would give his life for humanity, he's said such many times. If Eren Jaeger was truly a threat to humanity, I'm sure he would ask me to himself."

It wasn't an answer, and unfortunately the judge clearly saw it as such, his expression souring and his eyes narrowed. A ponderous hmm could be heard from him, but his eyes didn't waver from Gohan as he tried to deduce whether Gohan would actually do it or not. Unfortunately, Gohan didn't actually know himself.

"Even without his lessons, I could handle Eren Jaeger." This time it was from a soldier by Erwins side, a short man who emanated a strong aura. Both metaphorically, and even from his Ki senses to Gohans surprise. "I have more experience killing Titans than Cadet Son, and less reason to hesitate. From the report I read, Eren Jaeger in Titan form is nothing but a stupid animal, one that almost knocked himself out in Trost. If the time came, I could still take him down without a problem."

"Sir, I have a proposition." Erwin spoke up once more, finally ready to add more than his short proposal from before.


"There's still too much we don't know, and no doubt his danger will be every present. As such I suggest this, Eren Jaeger be placed under Captain Levi's supervision, and we'll conduct a recon mission outside of the walls."

"Jaeger will join you in this excursion?"

"Yes sir, and you can look upon the missions' results yourself. And if he successfully controls his ability, Eren will have proven his value to mankind."

"Eren Jaeger will be closely supervised? And if he should, lose control?"

"I can definitely kill him if it comes to that." The man Gohan suspected was called Levi, since his boasts no doubt meant that he was the one who was actually called humanity's strongest soldier. "The only downside is that there is absolutely no middle ground."

"Hmmm. And what of Cadet Sons' proposal?"

Erwin was back to speaking again. "His lessons will be taught to Captain Levi and his squad whilst Eren is under their watch. If successful, it will increase the number of soldiers capable of eliminating Eren Jaeger, and even if not, he will have his chance to prove his capabilities once more and assist in subduing Jaeger alongside Captain Levi."

Another long silence drew out as the man considered his proposal. Unfortunately, the trial was clearly drawing near the end, and Gohan couldn't think of anything else to add to convince him. Maybe he could have demonstrated his Ki, but given that many had specifically called them 'talents' or 'abilities', he doubted that they actually wanted it to be public knowledge.

"In that case I have made my decision. Eren Jaeger will be handed over to the scout regiment under supervision of Captain Levi and his team. Should Jaeger lose control, he will be dealt with as the Captain sees fit. He will prove himself during the next recon mission, until which Cadet Son will be attached to help teach his unique skills to Captain Levi and his team, as well as two representatives from both the Garrison Regiment and the Military Police. Such skills may represent new potential in all forms of combat, and will be shared with all divisions of our military. This trial is hereby adjourned."



Gohan watched the two of them finally reunite in one of the court house rooms. After the trial was finally concluded it looks as if Mrs Jaeger would push herself over to her son then and there. Unfortunately for her however, there had been paperwork to fill in, official handovers to be completed, cuffs to be removed, and so many other little procedures that had dragged out Erens official release until eventually the two had been able to see each other when Eren was brought to a room where Gohan and the others had been allowed to wait as former witnesses.

It had been a touching sight, Eren dropping to his knees to embrace his mother as only a child would, her hands softly petting his head in reassurance for the both of them. But the intimacy of it all had been somewhat made awkward by the numerous other people around. Not only Gohan, Mikasa, and Armin, but also commander Erwin, a few of his personal staff and his right hand man, even Ilse was there alongside that Hange lady, though they were waiting outside the open door lest the room be filled to the brim.

"This is all very touching and all but can we get these details ironed out before I'm sick?" For a while, Gohan wasn't exactly sure what to make of this 'Levi'. He was clearly the strongest person Gohan had met since arriving in this new world, but his manners left a lot to be desired for Gohans taste.

Thankfully, Commander Erwin seemed to have some more tact. "I apologise for Captain Levi's rudeness, but it is best that we clear up some details before we continue on regardless."

He pulled himself up a chair as Eren and his mother separated, the boy taking a seat on a sofa next to her. Levi happily plonked himself down on the far end of it, stretching out and making himself comfortable before Mikasa immediately sat between him and Eren. The wary look she sent his way suggesting she hadn't forgotten about the death threats he'd made in the court.

Gohan found himself a comfortable nook in the corner of the room, whilst Armin shrank against the wall surrounded by others from Erwins retinue. None paid him any mind, instead all eyes were floating between Eren, Commander Erwin, or Gohan.

"First, I'd like to assure you Mrs Jaeger that despite what some of the words that were exchanged may suggest, we do not intend to put your son in harm's way during his training. His Titan abilities are unknown, and training will be required, both to determine his capabilities, and to ensure his control. But his great value also means that we will take great care also, his safety will be a top priority."

"Until he goes outside the walls that is." She shot back accusingly, already drawing a pleading look from her son. "Then you'll throw him against the Titans and see if he lives or not right?"

Eren moved to say something but her hand clamped down on his wrist, giving him a warning squeeze to shut his mouth. There was a cold anger that emanated from her, one that was familiar from when Eren had previously brought up joining the scouts, only this time much more intense.

"Listen lady, we didn't just go through an entire trial to get custody of him so we can leave him on the sidelines. Like it or not but Jaegers powers are going to be used when we need them, if you aren't willing to accept that then maybe you shouldn't have let him join the military in the first place." When Levi finished Gohan felt his lip twitch in a slight snarl, though Mrs Jaeger had enough venom to spit herself.

"What other choice did I have? Unemployment is still rife wherever you look, any possible job taken by refugees from Wall Maria far more qualified than Eren or the others. I sow bits of fabric to make clothes that I can barely sell for scraps. If it wasn't for Hannes we wouldn't have had anywhere to live, or food to eat. And it's not like there's any other jobs I can do. I lost everything we owned in Shiganshina, and I lost the ability to ever walk again, so forgive me if I don't want to lose my son as well!" Eren placed a hand on hers and she visibly calmed, the uncharacteristic understanding of her son helping to slow her down enough to breathe. To Gohans surprise though, it was Levi who looked the most changed, looking away dismissively but with a flash of understanding across his face when she had talked about their money troubles. When she was relaxed enough to speak again, she directed it back to Commander Erwin. "…He was supposed to join the Garrison regiment where it was safest, that was the limit of what I could accept. Not, this…"

"I understand, no loving parent would wish such danger upon their child. I know our reputation well, and I know it is earned. But such fates may change thanks to the help of your son and Gohan." He raised his hand and indicated to the monkey tailed boy, drawing Mrs Jaegers eyes over to his. He shot her back a reassuring nod of the head, and whilst she didn't return it, she did look at least somewhat comforted by it. "As you've heard his talents are potentially trainable, and if so then the chances of Eren being in danger are even lower. The scouts may have the reputation of the highest casualty rates, but they're the finest soldiers in our military as well, with each and every one of them ready to protect Eren when the time comes. And with Gohans help, they are only going to get stronger." He turned to him. "Which brings us to our second point, what will you need to begin training Captain Levi's team and his guests?"

He thought for a second. He'd never taught anyone before, so he supposed it would just be a case of repeating the way that he was taught by Piccolo. Though, perhaps with less dinosaurs this time. "First, we'll need somewhere to stay that's far from anyone else. We'll need a lot of room and no distractions."

Levi was already nodding his head. "We have a place. We were already thinking of using it because of Jaeger, but it fits what you need anyway. We'll give it a clean-up when we get there but then we're good to go."

"Alright. Second, there'll be some training gear that we need as well. Mostly typical things; ropes, weights, course markers, and so on. Most of it should be easy enough to get, what might be harder is getting some weighted clothing."

Erwin nodded in acceptance before raising a hand and pointing to Hange as she stood just in view in the hallway. "Captain Hange Zoe is our head of logistics. Write up what you need and give it to her, she'll make sure you get everything she can."

"Alright. Then lastly, we'll need Mikasa." That particular statement drew a mix of reactions. From Eren and Mikasa's wide eyes, the gazes that look at said woman curiously, and Erwin's furrowed brow that studied him and his words.

"This isn't a day-care Son, and we're taking on extra hands as it is. Why her?" Asked Levi, a sentiment that seemed to be shared by many in the room, though Gohan couldn't tell if Erwin was among them.

"I taught a little bit of the same training methods I'll be using while in basic training. Mikasa was one who took after it the best for what little time we spent doing it, so having someone else who can help advise others if we make progress will be invaluable for keeping up progress. It'll help with Eren's Titan control as well. I know what happened before, but if Eren can learn to control his form then we'd most likely make the best progress with the help of someone close to him."

There was a few moments of silence as the commander weighed the merit of his argument, before eventually turning towards Mikasa. "Have you any objections Cadet Ackerman?"

"Uh, no sir!" Her eyes were still wide with disbelief, but the way she looked back and forth between Erwin and Gohan let him see that she was grateful.

"Well then, welcome to the scout regiment Miss Ackerman."

Load failed, please RETRY

Status de energia semanal

Rank -- Ranking de Poder
Stone -- Pedra de Poder

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Stone -- Pedra de Poder
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