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9.79% Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family) / Chapter 28: Chapter 28: Days Passing by. 

Capítulo 28: Chapter 28: Days Passing by. 

(Sup! I'm back! Don't forget to give me powerstones!)

"Your songs are too… depressing to be made into the opening acts. I have hired some professional musicians, and you'll start to practice some cover songs for the debut." Pepper said. "That was my opinion, but if you want to play your own songs, I won't stop you."

"Cover songs? Hmm…I think…Lazy song, Amnesia, and 7 years can be played in the opening act. But I need something else to get the crowd's attention." I muttered as I started thinking, ignoring Pepper and my dad.

Pepper whispered to Ted while I was deep in thought, "Do you know about him creating a new song in several minutes at Mitch and Cam's?"

Ted replied using the same whisper, "Yeah I do. They showed me the footage. I was dumbstruck when I heard it. I know my son is talented…but that was surreal."

"His brain neurons are firing rapidly before he creates the song. Maybe…We'll witness the creation of a new one?" Pepper jokes, but he did expect something more.

"What is Justin Bieber compared to Eddy? This…is a real artist." Pepper said with awe in his eyes while Ted was looking at the man weirdly.

Suddenly, my eyes twinkled in excitement as I got an idea on how to start the whole act.

"I think…I got it. 5 songs right?"

"Yup." Pepper said. "It won't be continuous, so you don't have to worry about getting burned out in the performance."

"Nah. That's okay. I used to perform for one or two hours inside the auditorium hall for classical music's performance, so I believe in my stamina."

"Ed…" Ted called out as he remembered something terrible that had happened when I was performing my violin in my previous performances before.

Turning toward my father with a determined look on my face, I said with a tone full of confidence, "Don't worry dad. As long as it wasn't a violin, I won't pass out on the stage again."

Before creating the entertainment agency – 'ENtertain', Pepper had already researched everything about my background so he knew what Ted was worried about. He slapped my dad's hand with his gloves lightly and said, "If he was going to pass out on the stage again, he wouldn't even play his songs in the cafe before this."

"That's true." Ted said. "Also…Ouch." He rubbed his bicep that was slapped by Pepper in pain.

I shared snippets of the songs to Pepper, making him squeal in excitement. Ted was looking at me with astonishment as I had 'created' a new song yet again. After hearing what Pepper had seen before, Ted finally understood why it was easy for me to create a love song.

"I see. Having a girlfriend is good for you huh. You can create a song like that in just a few minutes after your makeout session."

Unfortunately for Ted, I wasn't the type to let that kind of statement go without retaliation.

"Maybe if you did have a girlfriend…"

"Okay. Stop." Ted quickly said in defeat.

"Mrs. Desiree is no longer a potential candidate as she is the mother of my girlfriend. So you should start searching for a dating app. I will help you create an account to make sure that you can…"

Ted ran away quickly before I could continue. "I'll get some wine." He said to Pepper.

"Oh, Bordeaux will be fine." Pepper said.

Ted stopped in his tracks and turned to Pepper in confusion. But he didn't say anything and went to his wine collection that he placed inside his bedroom closet with some locks on so as to not let me get my hands on it. Not that the locks changed anything as I knew where he put his keys.

"So, you're okay with your dad dating again?" Pepper said and sat right next to me.

"Yeah. In fact, it'll be good for him to release the pent up energy from all these years of constant working." I replied.

"You're a good son. If you dad wants to, I can set him up with some booze-drenched loose whor- Ahem…I mean some nice woman."

"Sure. That'll be great." I said to Pepper. I wonder if Pepper would set up my dad with Sal the whore. That'll be fun to watch, unfortunately I was still a 14 years old kid that would be left out by any of the development.

While picking up the wine, Ted suddenly shuddered and goosebumps appeared on his skin.

"This Saturday is the recording session. I had booked some professional musicians to help you with the beats. Do you have any transport, or do you need me to send someone to pick you up?" Pepper asked.

"How far is it?" I asked.

"It's an hour ride from here." Pepper said. "I would get one that's nearby, that they didn't have that good of a quality."

"Let me ask my girlfriend first if she has a driver's license. I can use dad's car after sending him to the Marina." I said and texted Abby. I then said happily, "It's also a good day for a date."

[Abby's POV]

"I must be going crazy!" I muttered as I walked hurriedly back to my house. The sensation of the kiss was still vivid in my mind, especially when Edward kissed my neck – giving me a jolt of electricity running around my body.

"Damn that son of a…." I cursed as I arrived home. After I calmed down a bit, I couldn't help but break out a smile… "...Boyfriend of mine." As I was smirking gleefully while standing in the front door, my mom suddenly opened the door from the inside.

"Oh Abby. You're home. Why didn't you knock?...or enter?" Desiree asked in confusion.

"Where are you going mom?" I said, quickly changing my face to a poker face to hide what had happened from my mother. But, my mom suddenly smirked as she saw my makeup.

"You kissed? Good good." Mom teased as she checked on her car to make sure that she had turned off the car light.

"MOM!" I exclaimed in disbelief as to how liberal my mom was with this matter.

"Remember, if you can't use protection, then you're going to make the younger generation." Mom said her motto, making me run inside the house to get to my room.

"By the way Abby, are you going to the DMV tomorrow to take your drivers test?" Mom asked.

"..Why? We're New Yorkers. We don't use cars much." I said. I had kept it a secret from Edward and most of the school students, but I had skipped a grade before this.

I was finally at the age where I could get a drivers license, and mom had been pushing me to take the test everyday. "It's good to have the license. You can drive your boyfriend around in the car, and even make out at the make out spot near a lake or a cliff-"

"MOM! STOP! I will take the test if you stop!" I said hurriedly and slammed my bedroom door. I could hear her giggling outside of the door so Iaid on the bed with my face into the pillow and I started to toss and turned on the mattress.

"Ugh!" I groaned as the memory of inside the house resurfaced again. My face became extremely hot, and I couldn't help but kick the air to release some of my frustrations.

"He's…quite good at kissing. I wonder how many girls he kissed before." I muttered while trying to block out the entire make out session. Jealousy started to bubble inside my chest, but I knew I shouldn't blame him for it.

If my dad wasn't a pathological cheater who would cheat on my mom at any given chance, maybe I could strive for a more healthy relationship style, but it's too late now.

"That glasses girl…and that doe-eyed girl…" I muttered as I remembered the scene inside Edward's house before I came there.

Suddenly, my phone screen lit up and I heard the buzzing notification noise. It was a text from Edward.

"Okay…Read it…but don't reply yet…Don't seem desperate…You got this Abby!" I gave myself some pep talk before I opened the text message. My Cheshire Cat grin froze after I saw Edward texting about driving to the desert together this Saturday. Although it sounds romantic, I…

"I don't have a driver's license!"

Before I answered him, I ran to my mom and started asking her about the DMV test.

"If you pass the test on Thursday, I can get you your driver's license this Friday." Mom said, already changing into a short mini-robe as she sat down in front of the tv. Her barely tied up robe was opened in the chest area, displaying her huge chest that was unencumbered by a bra and her thick thigh as the robe was riding upwards.

Mom was the reason I never invited Edward to my home. She was just too careless about her sensuality, and I especially didn't want Edward to be another idiot that would stare at my mom all day long. Unaware of my thoughts, she pulled me to sit next to her before I could run off again.

"Tell me about your kiss." Mom said, her eyes shining innocently like a small child waiting to hear about Christmas or Santa Claus.

Avoiding her eyes seemed to increase her curiosity even further. "Come on. Tell me~ We always tell each other everything right~?"

I…couldn't object to my mom's innocent request and I told her everything. Her eyes widened in surprise and she said, "He kissed you like that? He…must be really talented. My daughter has gotten a good one."

"MOM!" I exclaimed in embarrassment, begging her to stop. "What? It's been years since I was kissed or approached by any man like that. So…Passionate!" Mom started to tease.

Although there were rumors about her sleeping with other dads in school, those rumors were without any substance and truths behind them.

Dad…hurts her a lot, that she couldn't bring herself to date another guy even after they had been separated for a year now. It was impossible for her to just hook up with someone, especially a married man as she hated people who would cheat on their spouses.

"So, he's inviting you to a date this Saturday?" Mom asked.

"Yeah. He needs to go to his recording studio and record a few songs for his upcoming album." I said with a hint of bragging. Mom hugged me suddenly and buried my face in between her cleavage like she did for Edward before.

"My daughter is dating a famous singer!" Mom said in excitement. I relinquished any thought of getting out of her embrace as I knew when mom was excited, there was no way out for anyone who's been stuck in between those g-cup cannons.

My hands were wrapped on my mom's body, and I hugged her tightly as my heart was feeling so happy at this moment. Mom stopped moving and brushed my hair lovingly as I kept hugging her.

"You're happy huh?"


"Good. I'm so glad." With a touched voice and some glassy eyes, mom patted my back as I let myself rest on her body. Letting go of my hug, I leaned my head on her shoulder, and we cuddled for a while before I responded to Edward.

[Edward's POV]

Big Tiddy Goth GF: I will if I pass my driving test this Thursday.

I smiled after reading her message. Pepper and Ted were celebrating with me in the living room about the upcoming concert. They were drinking wine, while I could only drink some fruit juice – which irked me.

While they weren't looking, I poured some of the wine into my empty glass. The juice and wine colors were the same, so they didn't suspect anything while I was sipping wine next to them.

I fell asleep easily that night as I got help from the alcohol. The next day came, and I went to school as usual. I was surprised when I had no hangover after I woke up.

"Benefits of being a young man again." I muttered as I sipped a cup of coffee.

I didn't cycle to school today, instead dad was sending me with his car. Jay was going to pick me up after school to bring me to Pritchett's Closet company and factory, so my bike was useless today.

The moment I stepped into the school hall, the giant potato kid grabbed me by my collar and dragged me to the men's restroom.

"What?" I asked the panicked boy.

"Youuu son-of-a-bitch!" Jacob cursed.

"I already know that. So what happened?" I asked, not getting mad he implied my mom was a bitch at all.

"She's texting me!" Jacob said and shoved his phone screen toward my face. I took the phone and read it to understand more about the situation.

Jacob received a short text message from Elsa last night. Just one word…text but it had caused the selective mute Jacob to have a sleepless night last night.

"Yeah. She said, "heyyy." And then, you ignored her?" I asked in confusion. He grabbed my collar with teary eyes and shook me left and right.

"How-How can I reply to her?! I can't even talk to girls! And you set me up with the most beautiful one in the whole school!"

I almost let out a laugh, but I pretended to have a caring face on the surface. I was only joking before and I didn't know that Jacob really did have a crush on Elsa. His phone was still in my hands, so I texted Elsa back while he was freaking out about it.


A new message came in after I had sent the previous one. Jacob turned to look at me weirdly and his face turned from teary to horrified after he realized I was holding his phone.

"Ahh, you didn't silent your notification." I muttered in a flat tone.

"What did you do?!" Jacob asked urgently and snatched his phone back from my hand.

He read that I had sent a "Heyyyy" back to Elsa. She then texted "Are you free next Wednesday?"

"You- How?!" Jacob's eyes turned fanatical, as if he had seen his salvation.

"Let the master explain a bit." I said.

"One "y" in a "hey" means - "Hello how are you doing?" Two "y's" in a heyy means - "Hi, I'm kinda interested in you, what are you doing?" Three "y's" in a heyyy - "So, when are you going to ask me on a date?" Four "y's" in a heyyyy - "We have been seeing each other for a while, when are you going to ask me out?" – So tell me, how many Y did she send?"

Jacob rechecked the message and said, "T-T-T-Three."

"So. What are you waiting for?" I teased. "Text her back, just say you're free that day and ask her why she asks."

Jacob nodded at my words and texted her back hurriedly and sent the message.

"Congratulations. You just spoke to a woman using your own effort." I said and wanted to get out of the toilet, but Jacob grabbed my collar from behind.

"This-" Jacob showed me the reply message and said, "Y-Y-You're coming with me to this. T-there's no way I'm going to go on my own."

Elsa: I'm having my birthday party at my house. Will you come?

Jacob: Yes. Absolutely yes. Can I bring Ed with me?

Elsa: Sure! I'll see you then.

I let out a long sigh after reading the texts. "I don't have a choice don't I?"

"No." Jacob tried to say sternly, but his eyes were begging me to go.

"Okay then, as this matter is caused by me, I will show my face for a while." I said in defeat. "I just hope Jenna won't lock me in the closet and try to have her 7 minutes in heaven with me."

"It's a birthday party. Her parents are going to be there. What are you thinking about?" Jacob looked at me weirdly after I said that.

"You're saying that, but my instinct is telling me otherwise." I said and walked to my class with Jacob together.

[3rd Person POV]

A high pitched squeal shocked the entire AP Bio classroom after the girls duo had read the text from Jacob.

In a panicked voice, Elsa said, "Jenna. Shushh! We're in a class!"

Jenna stopped squealing and turned to Elsa, "But– Edward is going to be there….(Squeal)"

Before Jenna could start her weird high pitch squeal again, Elsa covered her mouth and said to the teacher, "Jenna is feeling unwell. I need to bring her to the nurse for a bit."

The old, male biology teacher just smiled knowingly and gave them the permission to exit his class.

"We're going to change it into a pool party! At my house!" Jenna said hurriedly. She was planning to wear her seductive bikini at the party and even prepare some tricks in the 7 minutes in heaven game to make her and Edward end up together.

Elsa felt a bit bad cause it was her birthday in the first place. As Jenna saw Elsa's expression, she pointed toward her friend and said, "Louis Vuitton bag as a birthday gift! And…I'll make sure that you and Jacob will end up together!"

"Deal!" Elsa smiled and shook hands with Jenna. "Ahh! We need to plan a LOT of things!" Jenna said and dragged Elsa someplace else to talk while ditching their class.

"Wait. Aren't you going to get second place for the bet with Edward?" Elsa asked in concern.

"What are you talking about? After we had our times together, do you really think he would still say no? He'll beg me to become his girlfriend afterward!" Jenna said confidently.

As Jay picked up Manny from elementary school, he picked me up too as the elementary school and middle school were nearby each other. We went directly to the company and to take a look at the company's website.

Margaret, the old secretary with a kind smile and dark burgundy hair that falls on her shoulder, gave me a lollipop as she thought I was one of Jay's kids. I accepted the gesture gratefully and I put the lollipop into my mouth after I opened the wrapper.

"I googled this before, and I got to say, your developer didn't have any skills…at all." I said after I opened the shabby website on the company's computer. I plugged in my USB stick on the computer port and opened up a system of my own.

"Yeah. That's why I had already fired him." Jay said decisively.

"Oh. Good decision." I said and tapped into the keyboard quickly. "You want me to upgrade your company's defense system at the same time? It won't prolong my work on the website, and make your company more secure." I offered.

"Kid. The website may be shabby, but I had bought a top notch defense system from a big company. I don't think you can do it better." Jay said while smirking.

"Really?" I said and tapped a few buttons on the keyboard before I pressed enter.

"AHHH!" Suddenly, Margaret – Jay's old assistant screamed and ran to the meeting room we're in. "EVERYTHING'S GONE! EVERYTHING! EEEEVERRRYTHINGGGG!" Margaret yelled hysterically and almost fainted on the ground. Jay had to catch her to prevent her from taking a tumble.

"What did you do!?" Jay asked hurriedly as he saw the chaos inside his company.

"Calm down, I'm just showing you how vulnerable you are." I said and restored their system back to normal. Jay's face was in disbelief and shock when he saw how easy it was for me to tear down all of his defenses.

I took off the lollipop from my mouth and turned to Jay, "So. Do you want it or not?"

Jay sighed and said, "Give me everything."

I signed a contract with Jay to upgrade his company website and the defense system for a payment of 30k, cash.

"Nice working with you." I told Jay. "Now, I need to go home and start to train Claire next."

[Jay's commentary]

"The kid's a hustler. But..he's very capable. He reminds me…of me!" Jay said while laughing loudly.

"Seriously. I ought to sue the one who installed the defense system before. It didn't stop him even for a minute. If my rivals had hired the kid…then the company is going under!" Jay said with a solemn tone.

"I'm lucky that I found him first." Jay said with an evil smile. "Now, I can do what I wanted to do for a long time now."

[Commentary ends]

"Are you sure?" I asked Jay again for confirmation.

"Yes! I'd never been more sure in my life." Jay said.

"Okay then." I said in defeat and sent the virus to his rival – Earl Chambers (His name. Not really an Earl). When the Earl opens his emails next time, it will be filled with pictures of Jay's butt.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Jay laughed hysterically and went to his office, leaving me alone in the meeting room.

"Oh. The things I'd do for money."

I continued listing everything that needed to be upgraded and what I could offer the company. I was sent home by one of Jay's workers, and Claire was already waiting for me at my house when I returned.

"Afternoon boss." Claire greeted happily.

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