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87.17% Tornado Alley Summoner / Chapter 34: Chapter 33: Titalian Monarch

Capítulo 34: Chapter 33: Titalian Monarch

The humans and their so-called allies didn't know it, but there were no less than thirty seven cities of various size housing Redever societies. Each was a city-state of its own, a nation upon itself, and their cooperation was more-or-less a loose confederation, rather than a committed partnership. The last war had bonded them a little closer, but Redevers were anything if not religiously independent.

Survyn Haraxis lived in one of the smaller, and older, cities constructed in the bedrock of Mount Fortune. Towering over the clouds, the reddish granite rock was but one of dozens of mountain ranges along the endless sea of wasteland.

Inside the mountain, the city was a multi-tiered settlement with poorer zones at the base, and wealthier, more opulent, districts the further up you traveled. Inside the core of Mount Fortune, the lower levels were predominantly owned by the Flesh Markets, and manufactories dedicated to producing war machines belonging to the Behemoth Cults. The higher tiers were more structured, better managed, and home to a more distinguished society. The highest peaks were exclusively reserved for the nobility, where some of its palaces were built along the mountains peak, underneath a churning open sky.

Deep inside the mountain, red clay was used to make the brick for the cities streets, and smooth obsidian stonework was the standard for most dwellings. Marble stone architecture was typically reserved for those of some affluence, and Redever architecture was known to include a sharp contrast between light and dark masonry, often separated by checkered plaza's and decorative statues. Everything was clean, the streets sewers and power lines carefully disguised into the architecture itself as to not draw the eye. Lanterns lit up the streets, while electrical outlets were available, fire light was preferred in the streets themselves.

Wandering to the lower tiers, Survyn was pleased to find the revelry of the late nights festivities still quite active. The peoples of the lower tiers seemed to always be the liveliest in all of Titalia.

Titalia was once home to one hundred thousand souls. The people had been ruled by an Empress of some renown, a Redever queen blessed with beauty and long lasting youth; her skin glowed like fresh cream on a warm summer day, and her dark hair was said to spill down her immaculate breasts for all to see.

Living in the palace at the top of Mount Fortune, her desirable beauty made many a young man wish they would've been born into royalty, if only to buy them a chance at properly courting their darling Empress.

Tragically dying before her time, and without an heir, the city changed. Its streets lost that echo of magical potency that was said to surround her, and the cheerful disposition once belonging to its thriving populace had long since diminished.

Survyn Haraxis was just old enough to remember the jubilance once shared by his fellow Titalian, but young enough to not have seen the once ivory queen in the flesh. Seasoned through war, the middle aged man had walked away from the crucible with many scars to show for it. The war had lessened him, which was probably why he sought to renew himself with the creation of a rather large and growing harem.

Sex was a natural rejuvenating comfort for Redevers, and men earned recognition by the size and obedience of their harem's. Only the most distinguished and powerful women in Redever society were monogamous, their men willing to forswear the right to multiple partners to share a life with but one wife. While some Redever cities had claimed to be more enlightened, forbidding this so called 'outdated' concept, the Redevers of Titalia had continued to embrace the harem tradition. True love always seemed in short supply in Titalia.

Standing just six feet tall, with dark purple skin, and a soldiers musculature, the Redever walked down the narrow side street of the Flesh Markets District, eyeing the stock on sale with mild interest. He wore a simple vest and business suit, keeping a small magical dagger sheathed at his waste should he need it. While not particularly wealthy, he had enough to afford an additional wife, should he be in the mood for it. Women from multiple species were available for purchase, of various quality, and it had been a while since he purchased a fresh breeder.

He always found it odd how humans so vehemently rejected the slave trade in their own cities, when they were so prone to conforming to it upon capture. All it took was three strong doses of Allucia and they were hooked, their bodies and minds ready to languish in a lifetime of sexual sojourn.

Survyn had found it more entertaining to slowly bend his more resistant wives to his will using lighter doses, and finding newer and more inventive ways to introduce it to them, rather than a quick and harsh submission.

One of the newest additions caught his eye.

The woman was young, with fair skin, short dyed red hair, and of slender build. Her university uniform had been stripped from her body, leaving behind only tattered remnants so that her breasts were fully exposed. Cherry red nipples sprouted in the steamy air, and her arms were fairly thick with muscle. Not a scar adorned her skin, which meant those proud muscles were earned recreationally rather than through war.

That brought a smile to his lips, Survyn liked a woman who pushed herself when she could've chosen a life of comfort.

Her dark blue eyes looked up at him in frustration. The choker around her neck was drawn tight, and the bounds on her wrists kept her arms back, keeping her pinned forward slightly.

It was clear, given the size of her midriff, and the flatness of her stomach, that she had never born children before. Her breasts were supple, well rounded, but not swollen or softened with milk, further confirming his suspicions.

A young and ripe virgin perhaps? He wondered.

"My lord, are you by chance interested in this little number?" A young courtesan approached, noticing his interest. She was a beautiful Redever of middle age, with voluptuous breasts, and wide hips. Her dark red skin gleamed from the moisture in the air, and her sharpened horns were lengthy enough to distinguish her as a prize worthy of devotion. While her white hair contrasted her skin, her eyes were an eerie blue. Her narrow chin, and arrowhead shaped face, made his heart swoon.

"Perhaps," Survyn looked the seller up and down, wishing she were available for purchase instead.

Noticing his glare, the courtesan smiled. "My lord, my father would absolutely skin you alive for looking at me like that. Unless you were of a certain lineage?"

Survyn sighed, of course this damsel would be beyond his reach. "My apologies, how much would this new breeder cost me?"

Looking over the new girl, the human spat at the plastic glass between them. The chains danced around her wrists as she tried to jerk forward, causing her breasts to jiggle.

"Want me to muzzle her?" The seller asked, her eyes rolling at the sight.

"No, but I wouldn't mind her tested for any abnormalities before purchase." Survyn always had his purchases screened before bedding them properly. While Redevers were mostly resistant to human diseases, that didn't mean they were completely resistant. Every few years a nasty disease would circulate among the Flesh Markets, despite the pre-selling inoculations, vaccinations, and treatments given to new products.

"Of course, but I assure you all our offerings are up to the highest standards. And this one is still a virgin! A great prize indeed, and unspoiled since her capture." The courtesan had both her hands on her hips, her tail rubbing the surface of the plastic wall between them and the human slave as if she herself was half-interested in spoiling her prize.

"In that case…" Survyn grumbled. Virgins were cheap, their lack of experience, and unproven fertility, was not something Redevers prized. But still, her body seemed healthy enough to sire several new children for him. He could never understand why some humans devalued copulation, and why those who enjoyed sexual gratification often avoided having children. "Perhaps I could take her off your hands at a discount?"

The courtesan pondered this for a moment. "She may be untested, but her youth is a prize unto itself. She would make a fine addition to anyone's harem, or a suitable plaything, whichever you desire."

"What if I find her unsuitable? She's more scrawny than I would expect for a breeder, or proper mother for that matter." Survyn thought back on the nine humans he already had in his harem, half of them were a bit older from the time of the last war, and he had an eye for determining which humans adjusted easily to child birth. The woman in the pen in front of him seemed a bit wanting for the task. While her hips were wide enough, her stomach was far too lean, her figure a little more narrow than the hallmark hourglass frame which was always best suited for motherhood. Her muscular, and natural bulk, was more fitting for a soldier, or perhaps a bodyguard.

He considered simply purchasing her as a play thing, using her to test some of his newest experimental drugs and aphrodisiacs. He could even use her to practice his tattooing skills. His imagination was already running wild, thinking of how both the woman's breasts could be decorated with some of his elaborate artworks; perhaps the shield of his house could be sketched across her back, the symbol of fertility displayed over her entire stomach.

By the time the Allucia laced ink was stained into her skin she would be pliant enough, or at least, she would be begging for his seed, as her libido was permanently enhanced. Whether he would agree to the demands, or enjoy the sight of her desperate pleas, he could decide later. Maybe by then, after some proper meals, her body would've adjusted a bit more to his liking.

"If one is in search for a specimen a bit more…motherly, I have several in stock. But I warn you, none of them are as fresh as this one," the courtesan looked at the woman in the pen, and then back to Survyn with a gesture.

That was a disappointment. Survyn hated purchasing used stock that had been sold from another harem. "So…how much would you consider for this unspoiled prize? Perhaps a hundred Tenders would do?"

"Three hundred and twenty five, and I'll include the vibrating garments with your purchase," the courtesan was quick to respond, as if she had rehearsed this several times beforehand.

The price wasn't too outlandish, but Survyn figured it was still a bit high. "How about two hundred?"

The seller narrowed her eyes, not too pleased. "Three hundred, no less."

Survyn chewed his lip, looking back at the woman while considering the offer. He supposed she was still worth it. But a good negotiator never settles so quickly.

"Two hundred and seventy five, and the next time my contractors bring me fresh stock, I'll consider selling to you first." He had been waiting to hear back from his elvish contractors prowling the wastes for new products for some time.

Every Redever of note employed their own slaver contracts, and his network had proven somewhat resourceful. So far they had already brought him three specimens this year, all of them he sold to make up for his own life style, and now that things were stable, he was interested in purchasing something for himself.

"I suppose…" The courtesan wasn't pleased, but was content enough with the deal. "But first, I must ask. Breeder, or toy?"

"Why is that business of yours?" He raised a brow.

The courtesan clasped her hands together, which pushed her breasts to the limits of her robe. "Because we pamper our breeders, and ensure they are ready for bedding. Toy's however, well…we keep them nice and lucid for your pleasure."

Survyn smirked at this. He still hadn't quite made up his mind, but either way he preferred his slaves lucid upon purchase. He would play with her for a while before making a final decision. "I wold prefer to make that summation on my own, so please, don't give her any Allucia. Just a collar, the proper garments for her sold virtue, and that should be all."

"The muzzle?" The courtesan cocked her head to the side.

Survyn thought on that for a moment. The woman in the pen clearly wanted to lash out, and he could tell she wasn't above biting her way to freedom. "A muzzle will do, but make sure she can breathe properly."


He dragged the girl by the collar with a tight leather leash all the way to his private home, situated in the marble stoned apartments in the Capisk district. She protested the entire time, but her strength was so restrained that she could do little to resist.

The air was more crisp and clear in the higher tiers, and the lurid smell of unwashed bodies had left them behind upon leaving the Flesh Markets. The smell of cold stone, burning oil lanterns, and frosty air welcomed him upon reaching the entrance of his home.

Upon entering his private abode, his prime wife was there to greet him. Her dark rosy colored skin was barely wrapped in a linen robe, her short dark hair was combed back, and her eyeliner made her almond eyes stick out.

Unlike his other human brides, Vanessa was uninfluenced by the narcotic typically used to indenture breeding slaves. She looked at the new possession being dragged behind him with a mixture of snark, and displeasure. Vanessa liked being his favorite, whenever a new bride was brought to the harem she saw it as a potential threat.

Survyn smirked, she had nothing to worry about.

"This one's name is Kaylee, and she is unspoiled," he spoke while looking at his new 'soon-to-be' bride.

Vanessa smirked at that, her own eyes wandering up and down the new acquisition with some fascination, but mostly concern. "Truly, a virgin then. What a find, yet you seem disappointed?"

Survyn walked into his home, dragging the girl behind him, and his wife shut the door behind them once they crossed the threshold. Vanessa looked over the younger maiden's backside, studying the curvature of her muscles, and bulky arms that remained bound.

Vanessa walked around in front of the slave, and reached out to test the buoyancy of her small breasts. Her hands easily cupped them, the giving flesh feeling firm beneath her fingertips. Drawing a finger around the suction cupped garments latched onto the new slaves nipples, Vanessa could feel the warmth of the new slaves heart beating beneath her breast, and it throbbed like a drum. Even now the new slaves erogenous zones were being stimulated endlessly, straining her focus, and sapping her strength. The young slaves legs were drenched with her lust, and her muffled cries could barely be discerned behind her muzzle.

"Virgins require special attention when being bred, I don't want her first experience to be lacking," Survyn handed the leash to his first wife, who was happy to yank the girl closer to herself.

"I'll make sure she's properly prepared," Vanessa clutched the new girls cheek and chin, studying the shape of her face. "Should I pamper her just the way you like it?"

Survyn looked over to the girl who's glare was like a dagger to his throat. "Let's try the small stub piercings with this one, ensure they have a low dose of Allucia, just enough to get her arousal going."

"Shall I summon Valore?" While Vanessa was his prime wife, Valore was his most skilled, both in the arts of pleasure, and supplication.

"Absolutely, I look forward to seeing her work." He looked back at the new slave. The woman shot him a look of confusion.

"She's strong," Vanessa commented, feeling the muscle in the woman's burly arms. "She'll produce strong sons and daughters. Speaking of which."

With a smile, his prime wife looked over as a tiny Redever girl rushed to Survyn's leg, hugging him feverishly. "Daddy! You're home!"

Survyn embraced his tiny daughter, hugging her close to his chest, kissing her on the cheek, and enjoyed the sound of her laughter in his arms. She was the only one of his children who shared his dark purple skin, and thus became his favorite. While born from a human mother, she seemed to inherent little from her mothers genes, except the color of her eyes, and the sharpness of her wit. The young girl had already demonstrated fierce intelligence, something that would help her rise above the lower strata when she got older.

Survyn had already decided to officially recognize her, but such traditions weren't common until she became of age.

"Little Vylesha, you know I was only gone for a couple of hours." He smiled, happy to see his daughters dramatic excitement. "Now, let's go find your brothers."

Watching him carry their daughter further inside, in search for his other children, Vanessa returned her attention to the new addition to the harem. The woman's eyes were twitching, her stomach muscles clenching as her legs struggled to carry her. The spasms were steadily getting worse, and it wouldn't be long before the slaves strength would fail, and she would have to be dragged to the pampering stable.

"My my, that last orgasm was a good one, wasn't it?" Vanessa gripped the new slave by the back of her neck, keeping her from falling to the ground. "Don't worry, we'll be gentle with you…once you've learned your place."

The woman groaned. Bent forward, her breasts were being pulled by the weight of the suction cups, making them seem larger than they actually were.

Vanessa smiled, leaning in close to whisper into the new slave's ear. "Do yourself a favor, Kaylee, and don't resist. The harder you fight, the worse things will be for you."

The slave's eyes were drained of vitality, her eyelashes fluttering from near constant duress, and her shoulders were slumped in defeat, and yet the way she tried to stand revealed she wasn't about to surrender just yet.

Vanessa sighed, slightly annoyed. "Something tells me, you're going to suffer more than necessary. No matter, you'll learn to enjoy being the masters woman soon enough. And who knows? Maybe you'll learn to truly enjoy it. Maybe after your first or second child you'll come to love our master the way I do."

Kaylee's voice was a wet slur, a thick slob of saliva dripped from the corner of the muzzle. She tried to jerk away, as if there was still some hope for escape, but her feet were starting to slip on the wet sap now coating the marble floor.

"Come now, before you make even more of a mess." Vanessa yanked the leash, nearly causing the slave to fall, and then looked back. "If you fight me, It'll be a rather crude instrument that will be taking your virginity, rather than the masters rod."

Kaylee paused at that, her body still shivering. Reluctantly, she followed, each step a wet slap that needed to be mopped up behind her.


The woman's body wouldn't stop shaking, it writhed under extreme sensational duress, as Kaylee was pushed to the extremes of sexual torment. Her mind was being smothered in oversaturated blissful oblivion, all other sensations, outside of sexual gratification, were being made lesser from the chemicals surging through her veins.

It didn't have to be this way, but Survyn had grown tired of trying to goad her through less intrusive means.

Her arms were bound overhead, her muscles tense as electrodes were firmly attached to multiple nerve groupings up along her biceps and shoulders. The slave was lathered with sweat, her body systematically going limp only to tense again as each mind numbing climax took hold. Every groove of muscle was sickeningly clenched as she was pinned in place, slowly giving in to the mind breaking drugs.

She had resisted for hours, but once her nipples had been pierced with small ruby colored jeweled piercings, each containing a small mixture of Allucia, the woman started to finally break.

The Allucia entered through her milk ducts, sinking into swelling mammary glands, before finding its way through fatty tissue into her blood vessels. It made her nipples sharp and fully erect, and already the veins in her breasts were starting to glow a subtle purple hue.

Now, as the electrodes prodded her senses, and her loins were stimulated with multiple vibrators, each orgasm was gradually erasing her short term memory. She lost track of time, no longer able to count the minutes, let alone hours. Soon her frontal cortex would begin to suffer from the gradual increase of Allucia through her blood stream, and her inhibitions would begin to die.

He had a tattoo needle on a metal plate, along with several ink cups, and studied the woman's jerking body as she continued to endure his punishment. He already decided to tattoo her lower abdomen, just above her neatly shaved pubic hair. It would be a large heart shaped emblem that he would alter upon each child she would conceive for him. Squirming, the wreckage that was her mind was slowly breaking apart, and Survyn readied his utensil, for when she was on the edge of sanity.

"Husband?" The voice of one of his wives broke his train of thought.

Valore approached to take a seat alongside him. Her translucent robe shrouded her modest frame, and her blonde hair was decorated with jeweled bowties. While she didn't look it, the woman was a master when it came to womanly pleasures, and often helped him break in new slaves.

"What is it darling?" Survyn motioned for her to speak openly. In truth, he was hoping to enjoy spending the night bending and breaking his new toy into a proper breeding slave. His favorite part was nearing, the moment where fragile ego met cruel reality, and the slave would finally surrender, fully giving in to the pleasure of serving a master. It wouldn't be much longer now. His new slave, Kaylee, would last only a few more hours before the last of her defiance would ebb and sputter out like a dying flame in the dark.

Once she had finally reached that cliffside, he would ease off the pressure, offering her a moment of tenderness before marking her flesh with Allucia stained ink, and letting her fill her belly with his seed.

She would feast on his essence, and drink only his other wives milk, for a week, all the while being given greater amounts of Allucia until the very last inch of resistance was sapped forever. Then he would rebuild her psyche, using subtle manipulation, and a practiced obey-and-be-rewarded set of learning conditions that would make Kaylee an obedient, and loving spouse.

He estimated it would take a week, maybe two, for the full transformation to be complete. Then, and only then, would he seek to put a babe in her belly. Survyn only hoped she would provide him healthy children; she certainly seemed an impressive enough specimen, and that hopefully would improve his coming lineage.

Valore leaned forward so that she could whisper something into his ear. "We haven't heard anything from the elves in the wasteland. Vanessa wanted you to know they've missed their weekly scheduled reports."

Survyn leaned back in his chair, looking over to his beautiful second wife. Valore didn't take long to break into an obedient breeding slave, her body was even now a little soft along the midriff from her most recent child birth. She seemed anxious, likely a bit sad for not joining him in his bed chambers for a while, or being invited to the weekly orgy. Survyn felt guilty for this, but in truth, he wanted to give her the opportunity to heal a bit longer, before enjoying her company again.

But spending time with his second human wife could wait a bit longer. He pondered her words for a while, before getting up from his seat. "I'll make a few calls. Do me a favor and watch over our new friend and lover."

"Of course my love," Valore curtseyed. "I'll watch over her, and let you know when she's close to submission."

"Please do," Survyn smiled to Valore. "And don't worry love, we can cuddle later tonight, but I insist you wait at least another week before any passionate love making.'

Valore blushed, her body practically shaking. "That's fine my love, and do check on our son before you retire to bed. He's missed you."

Survyn nodded, leaving the chamber behind. He sighed to himself; he had four sons, and three daughters, that he needed to check on tonight, all of whom were likely playing in the vast recreation room on the upper floor of his house. He was tired, and wasn't sure he had the energy to entertain them, but knew it was his duty. They deserved their father's attention. But first, he had to investigate why his highly paid slave contractors weren't doing their job.

His elvish slavers should've reported back to him by now, certainly they would've ensnared at least a few new slaves to offer the Flesh Markets, or his own private harem if they were attractive enough. His scavengers never took so long to report their progress before, especially not during the calm seasons. He would find out what went wrong, and make them pay should he learn of betrayal.

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