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51.11% Take Eldritch surveys! Noted! / Chapter 46: Omake 2: An unusual holiday for an unusual family~.

Capítulo 46: Omake 2: An unusual holiday for an unusual family~.

Artoria: "Hmmm…"

I hummed to myself as I was lazily looking over a large case that had some expensive jewelry on display. I was about to give up when I suddenly saw a piece that caught my eye. I reached down, totally ignoring the glass as if it wasn't even there, and picked up the item.

I twirled the finely crafted necklace around slightly in front of my face as I asked, "What do you think?"

Waiting a second but not hearing a response, I frowned and turned to my right to look for the reason why. There, pinned to the wall with a Black Water construct staked right through their heart was a very dead Thor "god" of thunder and hammers.

Artoria: "Dead already? Could have sworn the Asgardians were made of sterner stuff."

I huffed in annoyance, as I had even gone through the trouble to make myself visible to the mortals. My eyes passed over the rest of the store, and another sigh escaped my lips. The rest of the Avengers were similarly staked to the walls of the store like their teammate Thor. Even the Hulk was limp, dead. What a disappointment they all turned out to be.

Artoria: "Really, wipe out one city, by mistake even, and they got all pissy about it."

Another sigh as I look back at the jewelry in my hands. It was a beautiful fox pendant with a purple jewel of some kind for its eyes. However, as pretty as this was, I just tossed it aside as I made my way out of the store.

Artoria: "No, I am going about this wrong, as usual. Tearwyn deserves something a lot more personal than some trinket made by a mortal."

Ignoring all the bodies on the floor as I stepped through them, and the Avengers staked to the wall, I exited the store with a frown on my face.

Artoria: "I need some ideas. A fresh perspective on what to get Tearwyn."

A smile appeared on my face as I thought of just the man.

'But before that…'

With a snap of my fingers my shadow rushed forward and covered a large area. Seconds later, four people started to rise out of it.

Team RWBY: "Goddess! How may we serve?"

Huffing in annoyance before speaking I say, "Apostles, this universe has outlived its usefulness and further still, disappointed me. Cleanse it."

Raising her head with a bloodthirsty smile Yang said, "It will be our pleasure, Lady Artoria! No luck on a gift for Lady Tearwyn?"

Slumping my shoulders a bit I shake my head, "Sadly no. Honestly, I don't know why I even tried this universe in the first place."

Ruby: "It's okay, Lady Artoria! I am sure you'll find the perfect gift for her!"

The other girls nodded their heads at that and all voiced their agreement. I gave Ruby a smile and thanked her.

Artoria: "Now, off you go girls. I place no limit on how you may go about cleansing this universe. I don't want you missing the party I have planned for Tearwyn tomorrow after all."

Team RWBY: "Thank you, Our Goddess!"

They all bowed and then separated by running in the four cardinal directions. As they were running away, I heard them shout out to each other before I left the universe.

Weiss: "Dibs on the Asgardians!"

Ruby: "What?! Noooo! Please share, Weiss! Their hearts are so good!"

Blake: "Dibs on the Celestials! Not sharing~."

Yang: "DAMN IT!"

Smiling slightly at my Apostles, I snapped my fingers and a rip in creation was created. Stepping through the tear, I hummed in boredom as I walked outside all of creation itself before another tear opened up and I stepped back into creation.

???: "Ah! Artoria! To what do I owe the pleasure?"

Looking around, the place hasn't changed in all these years. Looking at the man who greeted me, I gave a small smile and answered.

Artoria: "Lucifer. I've come for a bit of a social visit and to get your opinion on a matter. But before that, how have you been?"

I walked over to one of the couches in his lounge and sat down, and he quickly followed suit. He summoned a tea set on the table between us and poured him and myself a cup. Passing me the cup, I gave my thanks before taking a small sip. A small smile threatened to appear on my face as I took in the taste.

Artoria: "Your tea really is some of the best, Lucifer."

Nodding his head, he enjoyed a sip before setting the teacup down.

Lucifer: "Well, I've had an incredibly long time to perfect it. As for your question, I'm doing great. So, what brings you to my little corner, Artoria?"

I took another sip of tea before placing my cup down as well and leaned back into the couch.

Artoria: "A few things, but before that…"

I looked around, but I couldn't sense anyone else. Tilting my head in slight confusion I ask, "Where is your wife? Is she still struggling with the changes?"

Lucifer barked out a laugh before he also leaned back into the couch while crossing his left leg over his right.

Lucifer: "I see you are still bad with time if it doesn't involve Lady Tearwyn. Artoria, it's been well over several trillion years since you had liberated Chloe from her mortal existence and blessed her with your corruption. If she was still struggling to this day, I would be more than worried."

A smile cropped up on his face while he shook his head.

Lucifer: "No, she is doing fine, trust me. At this moment, she's in another universe purging some Light gods that got to uppity. They had tried to send a few reincarnators to take over one of the worlds we like to use for our dates. One of the little bastards attacked us while we were on a picnic. The saying 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' is a thing for a reason. She was so mad. And so sexy…"

I could only smile wryly at that. He wasn't wrong about me losing track of time if it didn't involve Tearwyn though.

'Not my fault nearly everything other than fighting is boring if it doesn't involve Tearwyn…'

Artoria: "She is certainly feisty. Even more so after I had blessed her, that's for sure."

Lucifer nodded his head and said, "Oh my, yes. She was a freak in the sheets before the change, but after? Let me tell you…"

Shaking my head at that I interrupted him, "Rather you didn't. Anyway, it's good that both of you are still going strong. Now, for the reason I am here. I need some tips or suggestions for a present for Tearwyn."

Giving me a cheeky smile, he nodded his head as he took up his tea cup before relaxing into the couch again.

Lucifer: "A present for Tearwyn is it? Hmmm. She'll love anything you give her, but that's not what you want to hear. Ah, how about you create something for her?"

I slump my shoulders and flop my head back while sighing.

Artoria: "I can't make shit though, you know this. I just can't stand sitting around long enough to learn a craft. And making something with a snap of my fingers feels cheap and Tearwyn doesn't deserve anything but my best."

Nodding his head Lucifer said, "True, true. Then, why not create something that falls within your skill set?"

Getting back into a proper seating position, I tilt my head in confusion.

Artoria: "You know my skill set is really only corruption, fighting, and killing right?"

Lucifer lightly snorted at my admission and said, "Oh, I am aware."

My eyebrow raised while I said, "And you still suggest I use that skill set?"

He had a sly grin as he nodded his head.

Artoria: "And how exactly should I do that?"

He sighed a bit and opened his mouth to answer before he was interrupted by a black portal opening near us. We turned our attention to the portal, and a few seconds later his wife, Chloe, stepped out covered in golden-white blood. She held a head in each hand, one male and one female, with a look of pure horror frozen on their dead faces. She noticed me, and was about to kneel down but I raised my hand to stop her.

Artoria: "It is fine, Apostle Chloe, your hands are full, hehe. I take it those were the two Light gods who ruined your picnic?"

She gave a small bow and smiled when she answered.

Chloe: "Greetings, Goddess. Thank you, and yes these are the two. Took me all of five days to find and kill their champions so I could summon them."

Artoria: "And?"

Her smile grew as she said, "Six more worlds have been added to your and Lady Tearwyn's control. Would have been seven, but I lost my temper with these two shits. So that world is nothing but a waste land now."

I shrug my shoulders at that and say, "Eh, easy come easy go."

She breathed out a sigh of relief that I wasn't mad at the loss of a world. And I honestly couldn't care less, it wasn't a planned incursion so nothing was spent. And Tearwyn and I gained six worlds in the process.

Artoria: "Ah! That's it, I know exactly what to give Tearwyn! Thanks Lucifer, your idea is perfect."

He turned his attention away from his wife to me and gave me a nod and a smile.

Lucifer: "I am glad I could help. The party for Lady Tearwyn is still on for tomorrow?"

I stood up from the couch and gave him a nod.

Artoria: "It is. I hope to see you both there."

Chloe: "We wouldn't miss it for the world, Goddess Artoria!"

Lucifer: "As my wife said, we'll be there."

Smiling at them and snapping my fingers, I created a rip in creation. As I stepped through, I gave them a wave goodbye.

Artoria: "I look forward to seeing you there. Goodbye~."

Chloe: "Goodbye, Goddess Artoria!"

Lucifer: "See you then, Artoria."

Walking outside of creation again, I couldn't help the crazed smile that made its way up my face.

Artoria: "I know exactly what I want to get you, my precious little sister. I'll have to be quick about it, but I can't wait to see your reaction to it."

~Time skip to just before the party for Tearwyn~

As the rip in creation closed behind me, I dismissed my armour and clothes as I quickly headed for the shower.

'I could just snap away all the grime, but a shower is still just too nice to pass up even to this day. Got to be quick though, I don't have much time.'

After a quick 10 minute shower, I stepped out and started to dry myself off the mundane way as I looked over myself in the mirror.

'I remember way, way back when I was still sealed by Lady Lilith. How I looked then, and how I changed over the years. I am glad I aged up, if I am being honest. Among all the other changes I've undergone over the years.'

Smiling at myself, and feeling a bit narcissistic and summoned my dress. Feeling Tearwyn was in our favourite place, I smiled as I willed myself to be there.

With less than a heartbeat later, I was standing in Tearwyn's sakura forest. I closed my eyes and breathed in. After all this time, it's still the same, and it still provides the most wonderful feeling to just be here.

I sighed in contentment and when I heard the voice I always loved to hear a smile bloomed on my face.

Tearwyn: "Artoria! Sister, you've arrived!"

Turning around, I catch the small fluffy ball of adorableness.

Artoria: "Of course, Tearwyn. You know nothing could keep me from you~. I see you're back in your child form?"

She gave a sly grin and nodded.

Tearwyn: "I just don't like being tall, if I am being honest. I fit much better on your lap when I am small!"

I barked a laugh, and nodded.

Artoria: "That's true. I am sorry I was almost late, I had to clean up quickly. Getting your present took a bit longer than I had expected."

She beamed a large smile at me and hugged my chest.

Tearwyn: "It's fine! You're the last one to arrive though, let's go! I want to give you your present already!"

Propping her up on my left shoulder, I nodded and we teleported to where I could feel our guests. As we appeared on the stage that was set up, everyone in the area had gone silent. I smiled inwardly at how quick everyone was, and took a minute to enjoy the view.

'Creating a small section that is like Tearwyn's forest for this part was the right call. This looks great.'

While there was snow on the ground, and a bit of it falling from the "sky", it wasn't cold. And the sakura trees still had their leaves on them in full bloom, but were simply covered in a bit of snow. It looked really great in my opinion. All the look of the human holiday Christmas, without all the corporate bullshit the humans have attached to it.

With Tearwyn still on my shoulder, I cleared my throat, "Welcome, everyone. I am glad you could all make it to this year's Winter Gift holiday. Relax, and enjoy yourselves. Today, you're not here as our Apostles, you're here as our friends to enjoy the day with. Let's get this party started!"

Tearwyn: "YEA!"

Everyone: "Ooohh!"

Everyone went back to talking amongst themselves as Tearwyn and I left the stage and made our way to the table reserved for us and a few others.

Artoria: "Do you want to stay on my shoulder, or do you want to sit down Tearwyn?"

Tearwyn: "Stay here, thank you!"

Reaching up and giving her a head pat, I nodded mine, "Very well. Now, before you give me my gift, I would like to give you yours first."

Tearwyn: "That's fine, sis!"

Smiling at that, I gave her another head pat before I walked past our table a bit.

Artoria: "Now, credit where it is due. Lucifer had helped me with this idea. So, be sure to thank him for giving it to me, okay?"

Tearwyn: "I will!"

With that, I snapped my fingers and a viewing portal was created. I heard Tearwyn gasp as she looked through it.

Tearwyn: "Artoria! Are those what I think they are?!"

I nodded my head and said, "They are. I figured it was high time I took care of it. And turning them into your present was just the perfect idea. Do you like your present, Tearwyn?"

I felt her hug my head as she wrapped her tails around us. I could hear her sniffling a little as I felt her nod her head against mine.

Tearwyn: "I love it. Thank you so much, Artoria."

Raising my right hand, I scratch Tearwyn a bit behind her ears. In the viewing portal, were dozens of planets. All of them were aligned in a grid to make them look like a sheet of paper. On each world, were the corpses of every inhabitant aligned to spell out something.

"To my lovely sister Tearwyn. May you be free of the Light and the Dark."

These were the core worlds of every Light and Dark god that had threatened Tearwyn over the course of time.

Artoria: "I am sorry my selfish desire for fun combat prevented me from taking care of them much sooner."

I felt Tearwyn shake her head as she spoke up, "It's fine, my lovely sister. I know you as well as you know me. And the fact you killed off so many fun playmates for my present, means so much to me. I know how bored you can get sometimes if I am not around. So to see this? Thank you Artoria. I love you so much, and I am glad we are family."

Artoria: "Anything for you, Tearwyn."

We just sat there for several minutes, watching the planets float in space with my message "written" on them. I couldn't help but internally smile at the surprise all the gods and goddesses had on their faces when I had summoned all of them at once. The looks of pure horror on their faces will remain with me forever more.

Tearwyn: "Right! My turn for your present! Please set me down, so I can go and get it!"

I did as she asked, and she quickly ran away to where she had hidden my gift. Hearing a whistle I turn and see Lucifer enjoying the view of the planets.

Lucifer: "Well, damn me thrice. You really went and did it, eh?"

Shrugging my shoulders I turn back to the view as well.

Artoria: "She's worth it."

Lucifer and I turned around when we heard Tearwyn call out to me, and we saw her dashing back to me with a rather large present being carried above her head.

Lucifer: "She sure is."

[author] Early Xmas chapter~. Hope you all enjoyed it~![/author]

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