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34.37% The Modern family and Me / Chapter 11: 11•Coal Digger [3]

Capítulo 11: 11•Coal Digger [3]

What was going on in the den was completely unknown to Claire and Gloria as they were still in the kitchen with Phil giving them advice

Gloria:"Okay. The truth? I sometimes feel like you don't like me."

Phil:"Wow. Powerful, powerful stuff.Claire? Tell us how that makes you feel."

She turned to face her husband as she had a face of anger while leaning on the table island

Claire:"Right now, I'm feeling a lot of anger."

Phil:"No, don't tell me. Tell her."

Phil oblivious to her sentence still smiled.

Claire:"Gloria, right now,I'm really angry at Phil."

Phil:"Let's respect the process."

He now had a serious face as he understood why she said that to him while facing him. Claire took a breath and faced Gloria who was on the other side of the table island.

Claire:"Gloria, I don't know why you think I don't like you."

Gloria:"Sometimes when you see me, you make that face."

Claire:"What face?"

Gloria:"Like this."

Gloria demonstrates as she lifted her head up and shriveled her mouth while her eyes were glaring

Claire:"I do not make a face like that."

Mitchell comes in the most perfect time as he chuckled seeing Gloria making a similar face to what his sister does

Mitchell:"Oh, my God. That is so Claire."



Phil:"She does that with everyone. It's just her face."

Gloria:"No, it's not just the face. From the beginning, I feel like Manny and I are not welcome in this family."

Gloria started to whine

Claire:"That is so crazy."

Gloria:"No, it's not so crazy. It's how I feel."

Mitchell passed by with a plate of food while mumbling a phew stuff.

Claire:"I am sorry if you feel that way. I really am, because from the moment I met you, I have tried to make you feel comfortable with us."

Gloria:"You think it's all in my head?"

Claire:"No. Kind-I don't know.I mean, we really love having you and Manny in our family."


Claire:"Really. So, you don't have to be so defensive."

Gloria:"I do that, don't I?"

Claire:"Well, a bit."

She lets out a small laugh while shrugging. Phil came from the back with a smile

Phil:"I'm feeling a hug.I was thinking group hug,but this is nice."

He doesn't overstep knowing what he did. Haley comes in talking to her phone still as Claire told her to get off but like usually, she doesn't listen. Cameron walks in with Jay behind him.

Cameron:"Where did you go?"

Mitchell:"You heard him.He said, "Get outta here.""

Jay:"Oh, my God. You're such a girl."

Mitchell:"Dad- I was coming to get a beer anyways, Nice apology."

Jay:"Nice beer."

Manny, and Luke came in laughing with Alex and Will behind them talking among themself as they were nudging each other with some laughter

Phil:"Hey, there are the little roustabouts.You look like you patched things up pretty good, huh?"

They simultaneously agreed with Luke holding a football

Phil:"Oh, we can learn so much from the children. Bet it seems kind of silly now what you were even fighting about, huh?"

Luke:"I made fun of his accent."

The family minus Will and Alex let out a chuckle as Gloria just shrugged

Gloria:"What accent?"

Manny:"I made fun of him for having the same thing for lunch every day."

Gloria just made a funny noise as they chuckled some more

Luke:"I made fun of him because his mom used to dig coal."

Silence took over for a moment as Will stopped refilling Alex cup with Soda as they both turned around with everyone looking at Luke and Manny.


Manny:"He said you were a coal digger."

Phil:"Okay. I think we can move on."

Phil starts to Chuckle nervously as he tried to push them out into a different space.

Gloria:"Who said I was a coal digger?"

Luke:"That's what my mom told me."

Alex:"What's a coal digger?"

Will whispered into her ear as she widen her face, looking to others she then looked back to Will

Alex:"I'm not a gold digger"

Will:"I didn't say you were"

Alex:"Oh yeah then…why is Haley looking at me like that"

Will:"No idea besides I wanted to date you so technically I'm a sucker for cute girls"

Will tried to calm her down as she started to panic

Alex:"I'm not a gold digger, Mom, please tell me I'm not one"

Claire:"No sweetheart, I'm sure you like Will because of his qualities and I realize that this is now one of your insecurities and need i to remind you that he wanted to date you so what he said was right and besides, I really do not think that I remember ever saying that."

Alex nodded as she had a worried look. Looking back to Will she reassured him again that she wasn't with him because of his money.Surprisingly, Will trusted her and eased her down as she looked confused.

Alex:"That's it? Your not gonna ask me anything"

Will:"This relationship comes with trust and I trust that you truly do like me with and without my money"

Alex:"How can you read my mind so perfectly?"

She started to cross her arms with a smile as Will got close to her and started to stroke her hair backward

Will:"Well, my girlfriend emotions are practically displayed on her face so no biggie"

Letting out a small chuckle she nodded as Gloria left the room with manny coming behind her after a phew seconds

The room was full of awkwardness as they ate without Gloria. After a while Jay went to check on her but Claire and Phil noticing she was not coming down with Jay, knew she was still upset.

Jay:"Well, she's pissed."

Claire:"Yeah. She wouldn't even come out of her room."

Mitchell was in the back cleaning the dishes as Alex carried a plate over to sit next to Will with a smile. They weren't exactly in the room as they were in their own bubble.

Alex could now finally see why Haley was always bragging about having a boyfriend. Man it felt amazing. Someone who paid attention you, listened to you, actually laughed at your jokes and cared for you.

Jay:"Did you really have to call her that-a gold digger?"

Claire:"Well, you know what, Dad? It was a year ago.And it was a natural question to ask. She's a beautiful, hot woman, and you're not exactly, you know-"

Jay:"Not exactly what?"

Claire:"Um- Mitchell, little help?"

Mitchell:"No. You are doing great."

Jay:"See,this is exactly why we sweep things under the rug-so people don't get hurt."

Phil:"Yeah, until you sweep too much under the rug.Then you got a lumpy rug.Creates a tripping hazard.You open yourself up to lawsuits.Boy, you can go a really long time without blinking."

Phil got off tracked by receiving a stare down by Jay who felt uncomfortable.

Jay:"Anyways, someone has to go talk to her and let her see the truth."

They nodded as they turned to Phil who was nodding along but stopped once all the eyes were on him.

Phil:"Why me?"

Claire:"You were the one who initiated the whole thing so…get your-actually no let me do it"

Phil:"Hold hold up, let me talk to her first to calm her down"

Jay:"That's a great idea"

Jay sarcastically said heading out with a bow of grapes as he laughed. Claire only looked at him as Phil nodded which she took a deep breath and returned the gesture.

Phil:"Great now all I need is…Ah, Will your gonna help me"

Will who was talking and laughing with Alex raised his head as he pointed to himself

Will:"Wait why?"

Phil:"Because I-I don't know you're coming along and I'll forgive you for betting which is illegal!"

He pointed out as he started to exit out of the room with Claire behind him, Will only sigh in a defeated manner with Alex giving him an awkward goodbye which was her rubbing her hand his cheek as Will only laughed at the display.

He wasn't expecting a kiss so soon anyways. Alex only blushed at her way of saying goodbye and went to put her head down while mumbling to herself

Claire:"Wait why are we forgiving him? Betting-"

Phil:"Because, when we go to Vegas, I would want Will looking me in a favorable light"

He started to climb the stairs with Claire pulling his arm back

Claire:"What? What does that have anything to do with-"

Will appeared behind them with Phil quickly going up the stairs, Claire just smiling awkwardly at Will as she left.

Arriving behind the door of Gloria room, Phill just turned around and held his finger on his lips and then turned back around.

Phil:"Gloria? It's Phil and Will. Hey that rhymes, Phil and Will meeting with Gloriahill…,Can I talk to you for a second?"

They entered with Will just shaking his head as Gloria just waved at him with the same upset face she left the kitchen a while ago

Phil:"Listen, Claire feels terrible. Why don't you talk to her?"

Gloria:"Why? I know what she thinks-a coal digger."

Phil:"You know she's saying "gold digger"?"

Gloria:"Yes, Phil!"

Phil:"Well, I-I know she said that. But that was a long time ago, before she knew you."

Will stood next to Phil with him feeling awkward. Deciding to sit down, he sat on a rectangular chair with Phil sitting on the edge of the bed

Gloria:"Does Jay buy me nice things? Yes! Of course! All beautiful things.Look at this-yellow, red, blue.All the colors.Do you think I can't live without this?Take them away, Phil."

She throws them at Will, clearly still upset because she did not care about a 13 year old boy covered in her lingerie.

Phil:"Gloria, we all know you'd be fine without underwear."

Will:"He means, We know it's not about that."

Will interjected as Phil nodded at him and then back to Gloria with her looking at them

Gloria:"No. It's about me not being accepted by my new family."

Will:"That is not true.Gloria, look, you're a beautiful woman. In fact, you're probably one of those beautiful women who doesn't even know it."

Gloria:"No, I know it."

Phil:"So it's natural for Claire to wonder about you and her dad. This family's very protective of each other. I remember when Claire met will at first she had the face, but gradually she came around while only partially stalking him and Alex"

Will was nodding at first but stopped and turned to look at Phil with him just shrugging

Will:"Wait what?"

Phil:"That doesn't matter anyways-"

Will:"Wait, Where is she stalking us?"

Phil:"The kitchen, Alex bedroom, that one time you took Alex to the mall with me"

Will:"And you knew?"

Phil:"Well-Yeah-but-umm, I remember the first time Claire brought me home.Do you think Jay thought I was good enough for his little girl? No way.But over time, he realized that I loved Claire as much as he did. And by then, Mitch had brought Cam home, so I was golden."

Phil avoided Will question as Will was looking at him while talking

Phil:"Claire just needs a little time.And then, trust me, she'll be the most loyal friend you've ever had."

Phil felt Will stare as he couldn't take it anymore and faced him

Will:"So does Alex know?"

Phil:"God no, I was paid to be quiet so I could possibly get a robot that could rewd my mind but unfortunately…I'm not gonna get"

Phil voice started to fade out in the end of his sentence as he sniffled while grabbing a piece of Gloria underwear that was hanging on Will shoulder and blowing his nose

Will:"Hey hey, it's okay, I don't blame you"

Phil:"You don't?"

Will:"Of course not, if Claire ever needed me to spy on you I wouldn't accept any payment"

Will handed him a green bra to wipe his eyes as he smiled with Phil smiling back

Phil:"Thanks Will"

Will:"No problem…because I would do it for free…"

He mummbled the last part turning his head as Phil looked at him with a blank look


Will:"Nothing, just something got caught in my eye"

Will took a piece of lingerie that was hanging on his thigh and began to act like their was water in his eye with Gloria just looking confused

Claire:"Gloria? Come on, let's-let's talk about this."

Phil:"I've seen her kick in a door before."

Phil still blowing his nose and Will still wiping his eye, Claire came in with the same confused face Gloria had watching them

Claire:"I don't know what my husband or Will is saying to you or...why they're covered in your underwear while using it as handkerchief…"

Will quickly threw it aside with Phil still wiping his nose but Will quickly took it away when they saw Claire with a strained smile.

Gloria:"Obviously I'm trying to seduce him for his money."

Will:"Actually you could go to jail…."

He stopped himself when seeing both of the ladies shaking their heads. Claire sat beside Phil as she just shook her head, clearing telling him that now isn't the time

Gloria:"What do I have to give that everyone trusts me? Huh?These earrings?"

The trio simultaneously disagreed

Gloria:"What? This bracelet?"

Again they disagree

Gloria:"My new dress?"

Only two voices were heard as they both turned to look at Phil who was trying to talk.

Phil:"I didn't respond because...this shouldn't be about me.It should be about you...talking to you...about it. Come on Will"

Claire:"Phil? Honey?"

Phil:"No, no, no. No. You're welcome."


Will nodded and reached down to take out the underwear of Gloria that was caught on his underpants pocket. They exited out with a loud sigh and headed downstairs.

They heard the TV Playing, Will sat next to Alex while Phil reluctantly stood next to Jay.

Jay:"Now a field goal beats us.The snap! Fumble How could he fumble that?"

Will:"Center blew the snap.I hate that."

Cameron:"I played center, and I always got blamed for a quarterback's clumsy hands."

Jay:"Well, I was a quarterback, and it was probably your fault."

Cameron:"It's impossible to fumble the ball...when the quarterback has the proper hand placement."

Jay and Cameron started to argue on whose fault it is when a lousy ball is thrown to them but that's when Claire came down with Gloria

Jay:"Hey, you guys work that out?"

ClIre:"Almost. Gloria just wants me to jump in the pool."

Jay:"Okay then."


Everyone got up expect for Jay as he took a second and followed them. Alex looked at Will as he just shrugged.

Luke:"This is so awesome."

Haley:"I know. Mom does not look good wet."

Jay:"Gloria, is this really necessary?"

Claire now stood one inch away from the pool as the rest of the family including Will, just watched the scene unfold before them

Claire:"Dad, it's fine. It's fine. If I need to jump in this prove to Gloria how sorry I am, I will do it.I'm fine.You're serious? You're not gonna stop me?"

Gloria:"Why would I do that?"

Claire:"Because I am standing here. I am showing you my willingness to-No?"

Claire took a deep breath as she took one step forward and fell in with everyone cheering.

Claire:"Are you happy?"

Gloria:"Yes! I forgive you!"

Claire:"Then give me your hand."

Jay:"Oh, that's the oldest trick in the book. She's gonna pull you in there."

Claire shook her head with a smile

Jay:"And that's my job."

Gloria calls out Jay name while shrieking as she was pushed in. They once again cheered as Phil stepped in

Phil:"This is funny, but this is also a teaching moment.Yeah! Think about- No!"

He was pushed in as well and that's when manny and Luke tackled Jay. Cameron and Mitchell did a cannon ball as Alex looked at Will who had a smirk


She said while laughing as Will hugged her from behind as she was trying to get away. She shrieked as the family laughed when Will jumped in with Alex.

Luke:"Best makeup ever!"

They started to splash each other more with giggles and laughs as Will carried Alex on his shoulder and then that's when Phil appeared with Luke on his.

The others joined in with Cameron carrying Mitchell, Jay carrying Gloria as Claire stood in the side with a smile.

Alex:"Don't drop me!"


Alex giggled as she startled to push off Luke

Phil:"Come on buddy!"


Phil and Will along with Luke and Alex started to shake their heads but it was to late when he and Mitchell pushed everyone off as well cheat when Cameron started to push the carriers.

More laughs were along when Alex was carried by Will, more like wrapped around him. Will used his arms to stay afloat as Alex had her legs wrapped around his torso.

They laughed while facing each other as their hair were wet while seeing their family still playing around.

Alex started to blush now considering her position and that's when she got a bold idea for being a child who only focused on her school work and now Will.

She cupped up his face and kissed him but considering this was her first time, their lips just pressed together for a long time with the surrounding noise being silent. And a white flash in their eyesight.

They turned around to see everyone with a shocked faced while Haley was laughing and Gloria smiling.

(AN:To soon? I could still take it off. Anyways sorry for the late upload and see you guys tomorrow)

~Not edited~

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