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53.33% Dragon Soul: Ryu Senko / Chapter 8: Feelings and Heritage Revealed!

Capítulo 8: Feelings and Heritage Revealed!

Everyone was moving towards the edge of the Tower to go back to Konoha when Sora, at the head of the group, stopped tensing up. "Naruto! You feel that?" he said loudly.

Naruto nodded and said, "What is it?"

Sora's face grew grim, "I want you to stay with everyone and let no one leave this tower. Any attempt, even shunshin, will result in death." Many people seemed both shocked and disbelieveing at the same time.

Sarutobi spoke up, "What's wrong Sora?"

Sora frowned even further, "I'll let Naruto fully explain the reasons." He turned to Naruto, "This aura? Remember it well. This is a Balor's aura. They are second only to Pit fiends and the Biju in power. Right now you could probably take a squad of Hezrou but don't push it." He said seriously. He turned back to the crowd, "LISTEN UP! If you leave this tower, your death is your own fault, I WILL NOT PROTECT YOU! Stay inside and you can leave when the demon's outside are gone."( All demons are from Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual version 3.5 which I also do not own.)

Gaara's eyes twitched, "Demon's do not scare me."

Sora glared at him, "Ichi shut the fuck up! This ain't playtime with the kiddie ninjas anymore." He turned to Naruto, "Full power, no limits anything gets near the towers entrance. Kill it!" He looked at Anko and whispered, "You stay here. I haven't trained you, yet, so you'll be a huge beacon to them."

Anko looked confused, "What do you mean?"

He sighed, "I don't have time for this!" He said annoyed, "Look, When I marked you, you became half dragon. Much like Naruto, the only difference is Naruto can control himself. You can't. I'll explain everything more fully tonight ok?" He whispered to her so only she could hear. Anko seemed a little miffed at his attitude but nodded. She could feel his annoyance and, was that a little fear? coming from the mark.

Sora turned to the entrance and actually smirked feeling the thrill of battling demons was one he hadn't felt in almost three thousand years. He walked out and everyone heard, "Come and get it! You'll be dining in hell tonight boys!"

With Sora

He was disappointed. They kept sending platoon after platoon of Drecht's after him. Did they really think he was so weak? Drecht's were the standard footsoldiers. Only about as tall as a ten year old, they had long arms thatt ended in wicked poisoned claws, short legs that was slightly behind the body itself. The stomach and body area seemed to be one giant bulge from the legs to where the neck should be that went slightly in before comoing out to a hideously marred face. Long ears that stood out to each side of its head and the spine seemed to come over the top and connect to the small bump above its face. They were weak, but, in numbers, they could take down a newly trained dragon.

Sora was pissed. He was Ryuujin! The man who DECIMATED armies in the ancient wars. Did they really think he had fallen this far! "ENOUGH!" He roared into the Drecht's releasing a spray of silver lightning bolts that jumped from each body to the next incinerating them. He closed his mouth and surveyed the smoking clearing. He felt better. Suddenly he heard crashing in the undergrowth, "Welp, looks like the sergeant is coming in to play." He said smirking.

The Hezru crashed into the clearing and charged straight at Sora. This thing was a hulking monstrosity! It had wide set legs that were as thick as a tree trunk. Its arms were only slightly bigger but had a small horn coming out of his right, one at the elbow. The claws were huge, easily big enough to grab Sora's arm and rip it off without resistance. The face was rotund and had long rows of teeth with deep set eyes and nose. It's face seemed to be below its shoulderline, much like a Dretch's, but the shoulder line sported a row of spikes, easy to impale if someone was stupid enough to jump on it.

Sora smirked and turned to face him head on. To the demon Sora looked relaxed, however, He actually tensed his muscles and was ready to spring at a moments notice, demons were not fair fighters after all. Just as the demon raised its hand to put all of its charge into a single body destroying punch, Sora dropped into a stance and brought his right hand up to match the punch. The resounding explosion of dust and smoke billowing out of the clearing was a testament to the power of these two beings. The only question was, "Which is stronger?"

With Everyone else

Naruto stood at the entrance watching the Forest. He sighed and looked back at the group behind him that was getting antsy. It had already been nearly half an hour and Naruto could still feel the demons moving. Sarutobi approached Naruto and everyone watched in anticipation.

"Naruto would you please explain what is going on?" He asked.

Naruto nodded but kept his eyes on the forest, "As you know, Dragon's are the frontline fighters against demons. Sometimes, demons get cocky and attack lone Dragon's when they are out in the wild. Since Sora is here, They are coming after him." 'thats not entirely true but I don't wanna give away everything yet' Naruto thought.

Inoichi spoke up, "Wait you said Dragon, does that mean he is a...?"

Naruto thought for a second, "Yes and No. He carries the Dragon summoning Contract. He IS human but demons target him for it." Those who knew of Sora's real position knew it as a half truth but kept their mouthes shut. Suddenly, they heard a massive 'BOOM' in the forest and everyone's head turned to it. Naruto heard some clicking noises and his eyes widened, 'O man! Please tell me it's not a Retriever. I fuckin HATE those things! The last time I fought one, it turned my leg to stone!'

Many people's eyes nearly bugged out as a twelve foot spider looking creature came out of the woods. Suddenly everyone sweatdropped as they heard, "KAMI DAMMIT! I swear you send these things JUST to spite me!" Naruto yelled. The Retriever looked a little annoyed at that statement. It's six legs propelled it forward, while its two front legs (thats eight all together) prepared to strike at Naruto. A call of "Sonzai kara bokashi, Senko!" (Blur from Existance, Flash) and Naruto was holding a rather plain looking Katana. "close the doors! Now!" Naruto yelled as he met the charge head on.

Sarutobi nodded and the doors started to close. Hana saw Naruto just as he blocked to his right before spinning and slicing at the left knocking away the offending limb. The doors closed and Sarutobi quickly motioned everyone back to the preliminary room. The screen lit up although there was no sound. It showed Naruto jumping back from the demon who stared at him for a second. "Ssssso, you are the one. The nexssssst Dragon warrior." It said.

Naruto smirked, "Maybe I am, Maybe I ain't why don't you come and find out?" He said turning with his left side facing the demon and his right holding his blade back and down.

The demon seemed to scowl, "You are too cocky for your own good brat!" It charged him. The right claw like leg cam down and Naruto ducked under it, He quickly spun and brought his blade up to knock away the left. This dance seemed to continue for quite awhile, however it was only about five minutes. Naruto couldn't produce enough Dragon chakra to cut through the Retriever's armor. The demon, unfortunatly, knew this and simply attacked without worrying about defense.

The dance quickly turned deadly once again as Naruto thought to himself, 'Not enough Dragon Chakra even with it reacting to this demon. I'm lucky he hasn't used his eyes, he seems to be underestimating and playing with me' He thought bitterly. 'Wait a minute, Sora said he developed Byakurai specifically to beat enemies with harder than normal armor, its a piercing technique that he downgraded to a capture technique.' Naruto smirked ferally as he jumped over the right leg once again and kicked off of the things chest.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" (Shadow Clone Technique) He yelled stabbing his sword into the ground. 50 Naruto's came into being with puffs of smoke. "Let's see if you can take this!" They yelled.

With Sora

Up in the tree branches, A huge red beast stood twelve feet tall. Its large leathery wings spread slightly to help it balance. It was muscled with a flaming sword in its right hand and a flaming whip in the other. It had a mane of hair behind its head and a mouth that looked like it could rip the throat out of a bear. Two long horns sported from the side of its head. This thing was a Balor. He, the great Belnazaar, had been sent to destroy the young Dragon Soul. All before him had failed, however none were of his caliber. Yet, here he was staring at what could possibly be the worst nightmare a demon had ever seen. THE Ryuujin was fighting his forces. Belnazaar had seen this man's power when he fought in the wars. Yet, when all the people from his age had died, the man had lost much of his power. While lower demons still needed to fear him, the Balor had no reason to. After all, he was nothing but a washed up warrior.

As the dust settled, the Hezru was surprised. No human could physically withstand that charge! Sora stood beneath the giant fist with his own clearly matching it. "Is that the best you got? Man, they must have really let the standards drop if thats what counts as a charge these days." Sora said uninterested. This Hezru had been born after the wars and had no idea who this human was. Too bad... for him that is.

The Hezru, pissed beyond belief that this mere human talked down to him, quickly added more pressure to his had before pushing off and turning in place. He planned to catch the human in a vicious backhand that would send him flying. Unfortunatly all he heard was, "Too slow" from the human before his vision turned red and he collapsed... into two clean cut pieces.

Belnazaar was disappointed. How had that Hezru ever made it to under his command was beyond him. He should have been able to at least harm the human. Sora shouldn't have been able to defeat the Hezru so easily. He pushed that out of his mind. He focused on Sora just as he disappeared from veiw. His eyes widened and he quickly turned around to block the double bladed strike from Sora, "Hello there Balnazaar. Still hiding and letting your underlings weaken your prey I see."

Balnazaar scowled, "Ryuujin, I thought you had died, after all, you ARE just human." He said spitting out the word human.

Sora smiled, "See thats why you demons always lose. You always assume humans are automatically weaker than demons."

Balnazaar pushed Sora back. Sora simply backflipped and nearly caught Balnazaar under the chin. "Humans are inferior! You are nothing more than evolved primates!"

Sora chuckled and set into a stance, his right blade held paralellel to the ground at his chest while his left was near his knee. His knees were bent slightly and his whole body screamed power. "Let's find out shall we?" Balnazaar charged in fury at his insinuation and swung his blade down as his whip cracked out to the side. They clashed as fire and lightning danced in the air.

With Naruto

The Retriever was a little perplexed as to Naruto's plan. Why create so many copies when Naruto could not harm him? He pushed that out of his mind and instead focused on the clones.

Naruto smirked seeing his 8 hidden clones getting into position. Good. Now it was all set. He smiled as he set himself into his imperfect technique. he had been trying to do this for the past month since he learned of his blade. Every Dragon has its own Soul blade. His focused on speed, which is the staple of this technique. His left side faced the Retriever while his blade was held behind him slanted at a 60 degree angle to the ground. His front leg was bent slightly and he stood up straight staring right at him. (If you have ever played Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones, You know what Ima do. I love this attack btw! check this link if you wanna see an image, watch?v=WKnhZHnJxWo&feature=related)*

Naruto smiled at the Retriever who looked at him puzzled, "I haven't quit mastered this yet, but it'll do for you. Ryu no Senko!" (Dragon's Flash) Naruto spun in his spot turning around but keeping his front foot planted. He bent his front leg more and his back slightly while crossing his arms holding his katana at a 30 degree angle up in front of him. (check above link for better veiw) He disappeared and three semi-transparant visions of him appeared behind where he was. Suddenly, Four of those visions appeared on the Retriever.

The Retriever smirked because he could feel the blade hit his armor and barely scratch it. That turned to shock as he heard eight shouts of "BYAKURAI!" (White Lightning). Two shots apiece hit the scratchs and destroyed the armor there. Unfortunatly for the demon, Those four spots happened to be critical organs that were roasted. It fell over dead as Naruto flipped down from above breathing heavily.

"Damn (pant, pant) That still takes far to much out of me. (pant, pant, pant)" Naruto said. He watched as the demon was swallowed by darkness and made his way to the tower door where he was promptly glomped and forced into a quick tongue war by Hana before he pulled back so the others wouldn't see them. Before anyone could say something they heard a shout of, "Souryuuha!" (Dragon Strike)

With Sora

Sora smirked as he blocked the blade and dodged the whip by flipping up and, using his sword as leverage, over the giant demon. He had been constantly taunting it getting him madder and madder. He had forgotten how FUN it was to piss off your enemies! Still, he was tired and had enough of playing with his opponent. He still had to explain to his wife and he had a feeling that was NOT going to be simple.

He jumped back. "Alright I'm done. This has dragged on long enough Balnazaar."

Balnazaar scoffed, "What makes you think YOU can decide when the fight is over!"

Sora narrowed his eyes, "This Bal-chan," he replied. He spoke in a deathly calm voice, "Kaminari no noru, Ryu." (Ride the lightning, Dragon) Balnazaar's eyes widened as Sora's swords started to glow with his lightning chakra and Sora smirked, "This is the end Balnazaar. I will not hold back any longer." He raised his right sword above his head. "Souryuuha!"(Dragon Strike). A silver dragon of pure chakra formed around Sora. (Go look at the picture of Sesshomaru with his dragon strike same thing cept silver) He brought his sword down and the chakra roared as it enveloped the now screaming Balor who exploded detroying a good portion of the branch they were on. The strike continued on, obliterating most of the canopy in a 2 mile stretch beyond the demon.

Sora sighed, "I hate having to kill a demon like that. I prefer to fight them face to face. Anyways, I gotta get back." He turned back to the tower and quickly headed there.

As everyone stared at the dragon made of chakra, Naruto whistled in appreciation. "Damn wish I could do that." Most people chuckled nervously while thinking, 'If he's being trained to use THAT we have no way to beat him!' After about three minutes, where most people chatted wondering if the fight was over, Sora landed in the clearing in front of the tower.

He sighed and waved at Naruto and his now pissed off wife, 'CRAP! Now I'm in the shit house and we haven't even done it yet!' He groaned. Anko stormed right up to the nervously smiling Sora and proceeded to hit him on the back of the head, "BAKA! You better tell me whats going on before I decide to go snake on your ass!" Sora nodded furiously as she started to detail what 'going snake' entailed.

Normally, Sarutobi would have left him alone, but he needed information. He cleared his throat and Anko turned around then looked slightly sheepish. "Is it safe now Sora?"

Sora smiled at the intervention and replied, "Ya its safe Wyrm. Just avoid my battle sight, It ain't pretty and some of the more squemish Gennin will probably lose their lunch." Sarutobi nodded and everyone started to jump through the trees or Shunshin away.

With Naruto

Hana caught upto Naruto and quickly Shunshinned to his apartment. He was a little taken aback and looked at her curiously. That is until she slammed her lips into his and proceeded to make out with him on his couch. A few minutes later and the need for air broke them apart. "Not that I'm complaining but what was that for?" Naruto asked.

Hana giggled cutely as she felt Shiroi snuggle againest her leg, "Your leaving for four years, while it'll only be a month for me. I want you to remember me."

Naruto's face fell slightly, "You think I could forget about you?" He asked a little sad.

Hana shook her head and rocked her hips elicting a surprised look from Naruto, "Not really. I just wanna make sure you don't forget WHY your coming back to ME!" She said her feral side showing slightly.

Naruto gulped but decided to play a little game, "And just why am I coming back to YOU, Hana-chan?" He asked smirking slightly.

She caught on, and was quite happy to play with her catch. She smirked sexily and leaned over to his ear breathing hotly on his neck, "Because you owe me a date, Na-Ru-To-kun" she replied sexily. Her feral side was honestly quite happy with the way he was teasing her. Besides those few nights where she dreamt what he'd look like when he returned always got her ready for a little makeout session.

Naruto smiled and licked the side of her neck, "Sounds like a perfect reason to come back Tenshi-chan" He replied.

She shivered slightly at the lick and proceeded to make out with him once more before smirking and saying, "Good, now come on. We are all eating at my place tonight. Mom said to bring you win or lose... well win or domination in your case." She chuckled as did Naruto before she picked up Shiroi and, after a quick shower for Naruto, the two lovebirds walked to the Inuzuka compound.

With Anko and Sora

It was close to dinner time so Anko went to get some Dango while Sora took a shower. Sora sighed as he stepped out. It had been a LONG time since the he had actually commanded Dragons into battle, but it seemed, with this recent increase in activity, that both his brother and wife would soon be taking positions in that army. He knew Anko would take to commanding a small elite force well. She was, after all, an interogation and assasination specialist. Naruto, however, would probably be best suited for a strike or recon group. His high reserves and insane speed would do well for the quick strikes while his above ANBU stealth (from years of pranking) would aid greatly in recon. Now all he had to do was explain.

Anko walked in and set down the dango. She quickly served herself three of the 50 skewers and leaned back before settling Sora with a deadly glare. "Alright Ryu-kun what the fuck is going on?"

Sora simply looked at her and said, "You remember when the Hokage and I told you of me being Ryuujin?" She nodded, "I also told you that I am the General of the Dragons. They obey my orders on the battlefield without question. All Dragons treat each other as family, however there is a slight hierarchy. Since you are now my mate, You are technically the second-in-command of the Dragon armies."

Anko's jaw dropped, "I-I'm WHAT!" she yelled almost spitting out her Dango.

Sora sighed, "You heard me. Now, Your... talents... are not suited for battlefields. Your a WONDERFUL infiltrator. So I was thinking of giving you direct command of the Shadow Core."

Anko was still reeling but she seemed intrigued, "What's this 'Shadow Core' your talking about?"

Sora smiled seeing she took the bait. "Well, they are the assassins of the Dragons. Not all demons hide in plain sight. The one's that don't specialize in hiding within Humans or the dredges of society. Shadow Core are the dragons who are masters of the silent demon killing techniques. They can kill a demon without affecting a human's soul. Although the stronger the demon, the harder it is to do." He said.

Anko smirked and had a gleefull glint in her eye. "You mean your going to give me the assassination and interogation squad of the Dragons?" She asked hopefully.

Sora nodded, "If that is what you wish, then yes. It is actually larger than your ANBU plus most of those Dragons are... eccentric. I'm sure you'll get along just fine."

Sora seemed stunned for a second before he realized what happened. One moment, he was staring at Anko, the next, well, They were in the bedroom. Anko was straddling Sora's waist gently rolling her hips, "That sounds like a wedding present to me." She leaned in and nibbled on his ear before whispering, "How can I repay you?"

Sora smirked and replied, "I'm sure you'll find a way Hebi-hime." Anko simply giggled before engaging in a tongue war. Tonight was gonna be a LONG night!

Next Morning: 7:00 AM East Gates

Naruto was waiting for Sora to show up. He knew Sora would be with Anko and they had preset the East gates as a departure point. Suddenly his vision was blocked by two hands and a body was pressed agianst his back. He smiled already knowing who it was but deciding to play along. "Ummmm kind stranger? I cannot see because of your hands." He said.

He heard giggling and a heavenly voice called out, "Guess Who!" she said childishly.

"Ummmmm I wanna say Hana Inuzuka, but she's supposed to be asleep after that wonderful dinner we all shared last night." He said.

Hana pressed herself closer and said, "Maybe she wanted to see her boyfriend off, so she woke up early?"

Naruto chuckled, the hands still over his eyes, "Ok then! Hana Inuzuka!" He said loudly before proceeding to whisper loud enough for her to hear, "Please be Hana! Please be Hana!"

She chuckled and removed her hands before twirling around in front of him, "CORRECT!" She said smiling. "Now what would be a good reward for winning?" She continued putting her finger to her chin while mock thinking.

Naruto simply smiled and said, "This!" He quickly pushed her againest the nearby wall and engaged in a rather heated makeout session. Until he heard someone clear their throats.

He looked over to see the Sandaime, Tsume, Sora, Anko and Kakashi surprisingly. Sora, Anko, and Tsume were smirking, Kakashi was giggling pervertedly while giving the thumbs up to Naruto and the Sandaime looked quite amused. The both blushed before backing into the street.

Sora spoke up, "Ok now that your done sticking you tongue down her throat," That earned him a dodge from Naruto and a whack to the head from Anko, "We will be going. Remember, It'll be four years so say your goodbyes well. Anko is coming with us because I have to introduce her and eventually get in touch with Manda so she can work with both snakes and Dragons." That earned weird looks because only one summoning was possible, he sighed, "Don't ask its complicated." They nodded.

Naruto smiled and kissed Hana chastely. He turned to the Sandaime, "Well Jiji keep those councilors in line! I'll see you for the exams!" He said smiling. Sarutobi simply smiled and handed him the pay for his two side missions in the exams. He turned to Tsume, "Make Kiba see 'underneath the underneath' Kay Tsume-san?"

Tsume simply snorted and hugged him. "Call me Kaa-san you little hatchling! Kami knows the way your going I'm gonna have to set up a nursery!" Naruto promptly turned blood red and Hana screamed out "MOM!" once again.

Naruto turned to Kakashi who cut him off, "You were right Naruto. I haven't been a very fair nor good sensei. I was pressured by the council, but thats no excuse. I already called in a favor with Kurenai to get Sakura some Genjutsu training. If that doesn't work, some medic training would probably work out better." He pulled out two scrolls, "These are my only original techniques. I want you to have them. Chidori is the original, it is flawed and a one way attack while the Raikiri allows you to swing the arm instead of a straight forward attack."

Naruto looked at the scrolls and back at Kakashi, "Why would you give me these?"

Kakashi looked a little pained, "Naruto, I failed you miserably. Those lightning techniques you used were very strong. I am sure you can use these Jutsu to their full potential. Plus, I wanted to teach you SOMETHING even if you have a far better teacher than me."

Naruto smiled softly and took the scrolls, "Maybe... I've gotta get going. Later Kakashi-san." Sora simply watched the exchange and smiled at Kakashi's peace offering. When Naruto reached him and Anko, they all waved goodbye before disappearing in a silver lightning bolt.

"Somehow, I have the feeling that Naruto is gonna be stronger than me when he returns." Kakashi said.

Tsume chuckled, "If Sora is teaching him? I don't think old Wyrm over there could beat him."

Sarutobi scowled, "I may be old, but I'll be damned if I let Naruto beat me out yet!" He said his face curving into a grin. He was gonna train because He needed to get back into shape!

Timeskip 1 week: Dango Bar: 1 Year for Naruto

Yugao, Kurenai, Hinata, and Hana were having the weekly 'meeting' of the girls. Normally, Hinata wasn't invited but, with Anko gone, Kurenai had brought her along. Hana had an idea of why and she was pretty certain she was going to have to either break a girls heart or fight for her life. She sighed as Kurenai turned the talk to Hana.

"So Hana how long have you and Naruto been dating?" She asked. Hana noticed the tense form of Hinata but decided to answer seeing as Yugao was to her right and Kurenai to her left.

"If it's really so important... since the day before the Chunin exams." Hana said.

Kurenai nodded, "What made you go after him?"

Hana scowled, "You have to ask? More importantly, why do you care?"

Kurenai frowned, "You know why. Everyone knows that Hinata had a crush on Naruto!"

Hana's face went blank, "So, because a shy little princess who can't even talk to him, shows some interest. No one is supposed to chase him?"

Kurenai's face split into a scowl, "I told you she held feelings for him..."

Hana had enough. "Naruto chose me! I don't have to explain myself to you! If Hinata was too timid or shy, then thats her problem not mine."

Hinata whispered, "Why!"

Hana looked at her with sad eyes, "Why did he pick me?"

Hinata's eyes were shining with held in tears but she nodded.

Hana sighed and said, "To be honest? I'm not sure. He calls me Tenshi because I payed attention to him openly even againest the council's orders. All I know is he is too good for me."

Hinata's eyes dryed a bit and she leveled a glare at Hana, "Do you love him?"

Hana was a bit shocked at Hinata's question but glared back, "I definitly like him enough for it to turn into love. But, I want to have some more time with him before I am sure. He always pays attention to what I say and never looks at me just for my body. Not once have I seen him look at another woman while I'm with him. He's loyal to his friends and will never abndon them. He's an alpha in every sense of the word and I refuse to give up the opporturnity to get close to him."

Kurenai and Yugao simply watched as the two glared trying to prove that Naruto made the right/wrong choice. Right for Hana and wrong for Hinata.

Hinata finally spoke, "You hurt him and I'll destroy your ovaries. I may be timid but I refuse to be weak for him!" She spoke with conviction.

Hana nodded, "Fine with me. He's the only man to ever get this close to me before and I'd hate to see him hurt. He's just too kind for his own good."

Hinata glared for a second before she smiled slightly, "So your the one he met everyday for lunch for the past two months?"

Hana seemed a bit surprised, "Yes it was me. How did you know..."

Hinata started to smile for real, "He always smiled when he went up to the mounument and was practically glowing when he came back. You forget my favorite sport is Naruto-kun watching."

Hana chuckled, "Just don't go spying on us when he comes back. If my mom has anything to say about it,she might lock us in a room until she has grandpups."The other girls were staring at her like she grew a second head. "What? I'm not lieing!" They simply started to laugh before Hana joined them. Maybe they could get along after all.

Timeskip: 2 weeks to Exams: 2 years for Naruto

A bright light shined in the middle of a giant battlefield. All around the fighting came to a stop as three figures were seen emerging from the light. However, two people were staring and crying at the sight. One Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki stared as their son, now 15, emerged and looked around. "So this is the great 'Battlefield of Heros?' There doesn't seem to be anyone who could fight you aniki."(Naruto already knows of his parents and has recieved their scrolls with Jutsu, Rasengan and Hiraishin)

Sora chuckled, "Maybe not but I think you have some admirers." He said pointing at Naruto's parents.

Minato stepped forward, "Ryuujin-sama, is-is that Naruto?"

Naruto's face suddenly contorted into rage, "You don't even recognize me?" He shot forward at speeds only the greatest of warriors could match and decked his father. As Minato stood back up he found himself on the recieveing end of a Ryu Rendan (Dragon's Barrage) although it was not lethal. "THAT was for sealing Kyuubi into me and making my life hell!" Minato had tears streaming down his face. His face turned to shock as Naruto hugged him. "And this, is for caring enough to ask that I be seen as a hero." Minato smiled and hugged his son back.

Anko and Sora smiled brightly. Anko grabbed onto Sora's arm, "When are you gonna embrace a child like that?" Sora started to sweat, but Anko chuckled and continued, "I expect you to do so after this whole mess with Naruto is over understood?" Sora nodded furiously actually happy at the thought of having a child with his wife of now two years.

Naruto backed from his father and looked at Kushina. He had some tears on his face, "Well? You gonna stand there mom? Or do I get a hug?" Kushina promptly rushed him in a red blur before kissing him on the cheek and hugging him to death.

Suddenly, Minato stared at Naruto his face falling, "Your here but that means... Your dead! O. My. Kami! Please don't tell me your..."

Sora whacked him upside the head, "Naw, He ain't dead Yondaime. But, I don't think we have time for full explanations." Everyone looked at him funnily until they saw the legions of fighters looking eager to rip them to shreds. After all, Minato and Kushina were feared in their own right. How powerful was their son being trained by Ryuujin himself?

Naruto disengaged himself from his mom and drew his katana, speaking its release phrase (see earlier reference). "Mom, dad, Aniki, Onee-san? What do you say to an all out brawl? Us versus them?"

Minato laughed heartily, "Now THATS what I call a challenge! You definitely take after me boy!" Sora and Anko took up positions behind Naruto while Minato faced the right.

Kushina laughed, "Let's hope not. I wanna see some grandkids before he dies!" She said taking the left side facing the enemies.

Naruto chuckled, "No worries there Mom. I already got Hana-tenshi waiting for me when I go back." Kushina smiled.

Minato laughed again, "Well well little Hana? Look out Naruto those Inuzuka are fierce in bed!" With a smack from Kushina for the comment the group moved as one to enter the fight that happened everyday and spanned an entire plain. Too bad for the fighters. These people would not lose today!

Konoha: Week 3: 3 years for Naruto

In the biggest Casino, we see the Sandaime and Jiraiya playing in the poker tournament. Why were they playing? Well its simple, Tsunade Senju was playing and losing badly. They promised that if she won the next hand, They would wipe her debts out. If she lost however, she would have to stay in Konoha.

Tsunade sighed as she saw she had a horrible hand. A King of hearts, a Jack of spades, an ace of diamonds, and the two of hearts and spades. She sighed once again and folded. "Fine I'll stay, but what do you want?"

Sarutobi smiled, "Simple, for you to train some medic nin. I am changing the current curriculum in the academy. Not to mention, I am finally cutting out the civilian council for this decision. Please help me?"

Tsunade smirked, "Fine sensei. But don't expect me to stick around forever!" She had always wanted to start a medic nin program and with overcoming her hemophobia, but still acting like it bothered her, she could finally do so. Sarutobi simply nodded and they all walked out, picking up Shizune and Tonton on the way. They promptly arrived at the Hokage tower and Tsunade looked at her sensei when they entered the office.

"What is the problem really sensei? You wouldn't have recalled me if that was all. I knew you had something set up to lure me back just for that." Tsunade said.

"Tsunade. Is Naruto Uzumaki still alive?" Sarutobi asked seriously. He knew she was his godmother, but he didn't know why she left. She had a responsibility and Sarutobi had let her ignore it long enough.

Tsunade grit her teeth, "Of course not! One of your damn ANBU arrived right after the Kyuubi attack to tell me he was dead. Thats why I left the village sensei! You know this!" She nearly yelled.

Sarutobi frowned, "Naruto is alive and well Tsunade. Whoever sent that ANBU, was not me and lied to you."

Tsunade was stunned. She left her godson to this village? "That means he survived the... O GOD! He's the Jinchuuriki! Where is he!" She yelled.

Jiraiya spoke up, "Calm down Tsunade! He is fine. Right now he is training for the exams."

Tsunade didn't look pleased and neither did Shizune who was holding Tonton for dear life. "Who lied to me sensei? I want to know who took my godson from me!" She yelled once again.

Sarutobi looked her dead in the eye. "What is spoken does not leave this room." He said seriously.

Tsunade and Shizune nodded. "Very well. Then let me tell you what has been going on since you left..."

Timewarp: 2 weeks ago (3 weeks to exam): Aburame compound

Kin Tsuchi was being held in a secure room in the Aburame compound. She sighed. The bugs didn't bother her, she actually liked the company. They were chakra draining, however, and didn't allow her to leave. She was waiting to be interogated as she knew she would even when she agreed to this setup. Her 'teammates' would have simply raped her and then sent her back to Orochimaru with the news of their failure before she was killed for being the messenger. She had jumped at the chance to get out from under the sadistic snake's grip.

Shino walked in with his father right behind him. While not experts in interogation, They had allowed Ibiki to observe through a hidden camera in the room. They would seek the answers for she was their 'guest.' Dependant on the answers, she would gain freedom.

Shino stated in his almost monotone voice, "Do our friends bother you Kin-san?"

Kin shook her head, "Not at all Shino-san. They are very polite and love to put on a show when they feel I am down." Surprisingly, this had happened. When the bugs had sensed her displeasure they had immediately called some of their more colorful companions and had a slight dance in her room. Shino was rather surprised himself because these partners were not easy to manipulate, so they had done it of their own will. Most unusual.

Shino spoke once again, "Please tell us of Orochimaru's plans. We will know if your lying." He was watching her body for any signs of deciet. He had to admit seeing the few bugs crawling on her arms was quite a sight since so few of the female gender allow such things. He quickly cleared his head of those thoughts.

She scowled at Orochimaru's name and proceeded to tell them of his plans involving Sasuke and that he planned to attack but, unfortunately, she was too low on the food chain to learn much besides the time and that Suna was somehow involved.

All throughout the explanations and information spilling, Shino and Shibi watched. Not once did she indicate a lie. Their partners trusted her, so they trusted her. It was as simple as that.

When all was said and done she asked Shino, "What do I do now?"

Shino seemed to smile behind his coat, "You are a retainer of the Aburame clan. You are free to wander the village unobstructed. Just stay away from the training grounds and clan areas, until you are classified as a Konoha nin. You are welcome to a more permamnent and less secure room once we have relayed your information."

Shibi smirked seeing the way his son was acting with the young Kunoichi. 'Much the same way I acted around Satsumi. Hmmmm perhaps we will be adding to the clan sooner than I thought?' The father and son left the room with Kin thinking to herself that maybe living here wouldn't be so bad.

Day before the Chunin Finals: 1 week before for Naruto.

Sora appeared next to Naruto who was enjoying dinner with the warriors in Valhalla. "Naruto. You have one week left. It is time for your final training." Sora said.

Naruto grew serious. "Are you sure I'm ready sensei?" He asked hesitently. Sage training was not easy by any stretch of the imagination.

Sora smiled softly, "I assure you. You are ready Naruto. Just believe in yourself and you will do fine."

Naruto nodded and said his goodbyes to the band of warriors his father and mother had collected over the years and departed with Sora who left Anko so she could battle her heart out over the next week while they underwent this training.

As they arrived in the Dragon realm, The hatchlings quickly ambushed Naruto who proceeded to play with them until Sora ushered them away. Sora smirked at the slightly disheveled look Naruto had before He grew serious once more, "Naruto, over the next week I will train you to pull out your dragon half and manifest it. Once it has been started, however, You will become slightly more animalistic. You, also, cannot let your dragon half have control or I will kill you. Understand?" Naruto gulped and nodded.

Suna encampment: That night

A manical laugh made itself known to the wilderness. "Kukukuukuu, soon, soon I will destroy you sensei and your Leaf too!" A man yelled.

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