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Chapter 220: New Fear Unlocked Part

With a speed that defied the laws of physics, Superman, the Man of Steel, arrived at the imposing structure of S.T.A.R. labs. He paused momentarily, his piercing gaze scanning the surroundings for any signs of adversaries. Finding none, he swiftly entered the building.

Inside, he was met with a scene of utter devastation. The once bustling hub of scientific innovation was now a graveyard of twisted metal and shattered glass. The air was heavy with the stench of destruction and death.

However, Superman's focus was not on the wreckage around him. His attention was drawn to the source of the scene that had brought him here. A few floors below the main lobby, he found what used to be a secure holding center. Now, it was a tomb for his fallen comrade, Green Lantern, and a deathbed for the critically injured Kid Flash.

Superman's heart clenched at the sight, but he pushed aside his emotions and rushed towards Kid Flash. He still had time to save him. But before he could reach him, an unseen force yanked his cape, pulling him back with such force that he was slammed into the ground.

The impact was so powerful that it sent shockwaves through the building, causing nearby structures to tremble. Superman felt a sharp pain coursing through his body as he lay amidst the rubble, stunned by the sudden attack.

His attacker soon revealed himself. Arias's suit materialized above Superman, exerting an incredible force on his chest. Superman tried to use his x-ray vision to see who was inside the suit but found it impossible.

Arias's voice echoed through the suit's speakers, his words laced with mockery and contempt. "Always so eager to save others... It must run in the family."

Superman's eyes narrowed in anger and confusion. He attempted to rise from the rubble but found himself pinned down by Arias's foot.

"Who are you?" Superman demanded, his eyes glowing with the threat of unleashing his heat vision.

But before he could fire, Arias landed a brutal punch on Superman's face. "You worry about the wrong things," he said coldly. "Though you should consider yourself lucky, for now you serve a purpose in my being alive."

Superman felt a ringing in his ears and an unbearable pressure on his body. His mind raced as he tried to understand who this attacker was and what his motives were.

"Answer me!!" Superman roared defiantly, managing to lift himself slightly from the rubble.

But his efforts were met with another devastating punch that sent him crashing back down. The impact caused another round of tremors that spread throughout S.T.A.R. labs.

"Answer you? By what obligation? What will you do if I refuse? What can you do? That's right, nothing; you can do nothing, and you are nothing. So just grit your teeth and play the role I've set for you," Arias taunted.

Superman could only grit his teeth as Arias's words echoed in his mind. He wasn't as strong as he thought he was.

As Arias continued to rain down punches on him, tremors spread from S.T.A.R. labs across the city. Heroes and villains alike felt them and assumed it was Superman dealing with escaped villains. This assumption led many villains to retreat.

But in reality, it was Superman who was on the receiving end of a brutal beating.

Superman, the beacon of hope and symbol of strength, now lay amidst the rubble, his suit torn and tattered. His face was swollen and bruised, a stark contrast to the usually immaculate visage the world was accustomed to. A thin stream of blood trickled from the corner of his mouth, staining his blue suit. His vision blurred, making it difficult for him to see clearly.

Suddenly, Arias stepped back, reaching into a compartment in his suit. He pulled out a small, spherical device and casually tossed it into the air. The device hovered in place, a lens visible at its front.

"Try to smile for the camera, Superman," Arias taunted. "It's time the people knew that their beloved hero... couldn't even protect his own people. It's time they knew fear."

With that, Arias vanished from the scene with a speed that was too quick for the naked eye to follow.

Superman, struggling to regain his strength, looked up at the tiny device recording him. He felt a sense of helplessness wash over him. Behind him, Kid Flash's life was slowly ebbing away, his pained groans gradually fading into silence.

Meanwhile, Kara Zor-El, had flown through the skies of Metropolis and found herself at a local school dormitory. She entered her darkened bedroom, illuminated only by the soft glow of moonlight streaming through the window.

Her heart pounded in her chest, and her hands trembled as she turned on the television. News stations were broadcasting live footage of the disaster unfolding around S.T.A.R. labs via a news chopper.

Suddenly, the broadcast turned static before switching to a new live video feed. It showed an uncensored, high-definition view of Green Lantern's gory remains and Kid Flash's unmasked face frozen in pain. The camera then pans over to Superman lying defeated in the rubble.

Kara watched in horror as her cousin's battered form filled the screen. Her phone buzzed on her study desk nearby in the next moment and she hesitantly picked it up and saw a message from an unknown source.

"Just in case you had any wild ideas regarding your situation," it read. "Remember that even the cousin you look up to can die at my whims. You'll be hearing from me very soon, Kara."

A/N: Love the smell of corruption. Anyway, keep stoning them stones and show support to my other work Chaos Harbinger if you enjoy domineering Mc's and harem. What am I saying, of course you do. And also the reason chapters seem shorter is because "m doing my own editing and proofreading. If you prefer longer chapters then expect grammatical errors as i probably won't have time to edit them carefully.

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