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Chapter 72: Making Moves

At exactly 7:07pm, President Pete Ross was in a private meeting with Justice League member and Metropolis hero, Superman, who none knew was actually a good friend of his.

Clark Kent, known to most at superman, smiled as he entered the office and saw Pete. He had simple yet strong masculine features, many of which women found appealing. It was honestly a miracle how he managed to preserve his identity thus far when he didn't even wear a mask or adequate disguise.

"Call me whatever you like Pete, to be honest I was bit surprised you called. We haven't met up since college…" Clark walked into the office and shared a brotherly hug with Pete who laughed off his words while shaking his head. "Well, we're both busy trying to make the world a safer place, aren't we?"

The two could exchange words comfortably and both indeed looked happy to see one another, although there was a subtle but definitely noticeable atmosphere present.

Normally no matter how busy, most close friends will stay in touch. For both sides not too, it simply means there was an underlining matter none of them were unwilling to address.

But now, it seemed they both had reasons for seeing one another and Clark was the first to make his reason known. "Actually, I've been meaning to see you too. The thing about the government running experiments on alien and apokoliptean technology, is it true?"

Upon hearing Clark's question, Pete released a sigh and placed his arms behind before pacing back behind his desk and sighing. "Well, I won't deny it but I've sworn an oath Clark, I just can't start revealing national secrets."

Clark frowned at this and also leaned on the desk from the front before arguing. "This isn't about national secrecy Pete, what you're doing is dangerous, not only for you but the earth entirely. That sort of technology could prove disastrous in the wrong hands or worse. You need to get rid of it, before it's too late."

Despite the gravity of Clark's words, his tone showed that he was clearly just being genuine with his warning. As someone whose known him for quite some time, Pete could tell, but that didn't change anything. "I'm sorry Clark but I can't do that, even if I wanted to, it's not a decision that can be made with my authority alone. The recent invasion showed me something Clark, humans are far too weak. If there's any hope of us surviving the times then advancement is needed! Can't you see this?"

Just like Pete could understand Clark's concerns, Clark understood his, and yet he still disagreed.

"You're going about it the wrong way Pete! With the formation of the league, earth will be protected from any threats."

"Then what will protect us from the league! What guarantee do we have that you lot might not overthrow governments using the power you hold, as we are now we'd be practically helpless to stop it! No offense Clark, I know you, but I don't know them. And because I know, I know you won't be able to make the hard decisions, when necessary, you couldn't back then and someone died, I can't risk that happening on a larger scale. I'm sorry."

Pete truly believed his method was what was best for humanity and thus he shot down Clark's words. Clark frowned and his friend and said nothing before turning to leave. But just as he got to the door, Pete said something else.

"The reason I called you, is because I wanted you to join me Clark, a special position in cabinet, in charge of all extraterrestrial affairs. You can do good things Clark and you don't have to make any hard decisions, I'll do it for you, we made a great team back then, why not now? Think about it? Sure, you save a few lives flying around but look at the statistics, nothing is changing, the league doesn't have any authority either, will you just keep fighting endlessly?"

Clark paused and put genuine consideration into Pete's words, but his own beliefs on the matter made him extremely hesitant so he couldn't give a solid answer. "I'll think about it."

He said only that and prepared to leave, when Pete sighed and gave his final words. "Lex Luthor will be running for the next presidency and from the way things are looking, he has a big chance of coming out victorious. With all that wealth and the authority of super nation, what do you think will happen?"

Pete's words weren't just a bluff. Lex Luthor had already been sent to jail before but each time he managed to find a way of getting out as if nothing occurred.

Since both Lex and Clark resided in Metropolis, the two had a relationship, although a very bitter one. Clark knew that Lexcorp had a hand in many dirty businesses, including trafficking of meta human children and alien technology.

However even with that knowledge, he failed to get him behind bars, Lex just had far too many connections with high places and contingency plans laid out. If Lex truly was to become president, then…

"I'll bring it up with the other members of the league and give you my personal answer along with there's."

After saying that, Clark left and Pete sighed before taking a seat in his chair with his head cast towards the ceiling. 'Onto the next problem…'

While Pete was thinking on how to deal with his problems, a clever Lex Luthor had already began executing solutions to his. He was currently seated in a very luxurious but small office, inside his Washington penthouse. For someone as wealthy as him, it was only natural to buy property in cities he frequently visited.

He was slouched back into a lone chair while a phone to his ear in one hand and a stack of papers in another. Standing behind him was a beautiful curvy brown-haired woman with fierce blue eyes, sporting a lexcorp guard attire.

She was Mercy Graves, Lex Luthor's personal bodyguard and chauffer. Despite her pretty appearance, she had strong expression and the skill to back it up, talented in both weaponry and hand to hand combat.

Before long, Lex ended his call and showed yet another one of his cocky grins. "Well Mercy my dear, once again my genius amazes even me. Once we return to Metropolis, I have a plan set to have it hold the lowest crime rate in the world in just a month."

Mercy immediately frowned at what she called. "Don't call me dear, I'm not one of your fangirl hussies." She dismissed quite irritably.

But rather than fade, Lex's grin grew only larger. "Come now, don't tell you're still jealous that I didn't take you to that bore of a gala? I mentioned before, I had to keep images there and your rough attitude would've been hindrance. It was just a logical choice, dear, nothing more, you're still my favorite bodyguard."

Lex's unmatched ego only infuriated her more. "Well fuck you too! I wish someone could've shot through that bald head of yours! Besides, isn't your all so brilliant plan just a copy of that other billionaire who embarrassed you in front of the whole world? Never thought I'd see the day someone actually shut you up."

Despite mercy's harsh but true words, Lex remained smiling. "A minor inconvenience at best and I'm not copying him, I'm perfecting what he did. History has shown us, ideas are nothing without the resources or funds to accomplish them. Let him enjoy this small little victory, in the end, I'll have the last laugh."

Mercy never ceased to be impressed by just how big an ego he had despite having worked for him for quite some time. Worst of all though, every time he did have a problem, he found ways to profit from it thus its not like his confidence was unwarranted. He was just that good.

"Whatever. Are you almost done? You said we had to get dinner or something tonight a couple weeks ago…" Mercy revealed in a carefree and casual tone but there was something off about her body language.

Lex though couldn't see this and just focused on the stack of papers before him while shaking his head. "Oh right, I did say that, I'm amazed you remember something so inconvenient. Anyway, I'm busy but you can go if you really want to, last I recall you didn't care for it, just send up another guard."

"Are you being serious right now Lex?" Mercy showed an even more apparent frown and her tone had some anger, but this was the way she was more than half the time around him so he didn't even turn to face.

Instead, he took out his black card and slid it to the side. "I'll pay for it of course."

Mercy was once again left speechless and in a moment of anger, she swiped the card and stormed out. "Some fucking genius you are Lex!"

Lex saw her leave and just shook his head and thought. 'Maybe I should have start therapy…'

A/N: I know where this is going… or so you think.

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