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87.09% Paid In Blood (Harry Potter Fanfic) / Chapter 27: Chapter 24

Capítulo 27: Chapter 24

To the other houses in Hogwarts, Harry Potter had not changed at all since the days after his fallout with Professor McGonagall, which by then was a Hogwarts secret, naturally known by everyone. To the students in the house of the snakes, as well as the students in the Black Wands, the truth was another matter. Harry seemed to be on edge, always performing his work in silence and using all of his time to study and practice. He still talked to people and cracked some jokes, but everyone, the fourth year Slytherin students included, knew something was up. Something that concerned Harry greatly.

The Black Wands knew this better than anyone, as they had often met Harry as they arrived for their club meeting in the Room of Requirement practicing against several training dummies in a deadly dance of movement, magic, and destruction. Even Daphne had been amazed at the sight, and after a grueling training session, Harry concluded the group's meeting only to remain in the room for more training.

All his friends were concerned about him, but most of them believed he was only training for the tournament, wanting to win. Daphne was the only human who knew the truth, and she didn't share it with anyone but Harry. Her training had stepped up as well, but she wasn't anywhere near the level she needed to be to face Voldemort...and that concerned her.

Truth be told, Harry didn't drown himself in training and practice. He still indulged himself in the company of his friends and girlfriend, never missed a class, and showed up to every meal at the Great Hall.

He even played several small Quidditch matches with Viktor, and the two organized a small Quidditch tournament as well, open to everyone in Hogwarts. It was a huge success and everyone loved the idea. Daphne had also spent some more time with Fleur, and the Veela had told the younger girl about her wish to see the world, make a name for herself, and be successful. Daphne appreciated the older girl's ambition, and they spoke at length about what they wanted in life. Fleur admitted she wished to attempt curse-breaking as a career, not hiding the desire to find a proper wizard who would resist her allure and be her partner in life, with whom she would be able to start a family. She even joked with Daphne, wishing that Harry had an older brother or relative she could be introduced to.

Daphne laughed with the older girl, but refrained from commenting that the Lord Black, Harry's uncle and godfather, was currently single. Besides, the man was almost twice Fleur's age.

With all that was happening, Harry was showing signs of exhaustion. Not everyone could see them, but for those attentive enough they were clear as day, and everyone was getting worried about him. One weekend, Daphne took the initiative to try and help him relax by making him go out with her and their friends to the lake shore. Much to hers and everyone else's surprise, Harry fell asleep with his head on her lap. No one dared to wake him for several hours.

Whatever had happened in Transfiguration that day had never happened again, but that didn't mean Harry didn't keep his defences up, ready for anything.

Then there was the reason for his concerns...


The Dark Lord wasn't at Riddle Manor, where Harry believed he would remain until the day of his rebirth. Harry had made plans based on that premise and had lost. Luckily, he had still his original plan, but what else had changed? Had things changed because of his return? Because of his changes?

Those thoughts fueled his rage in practice, and he rained destructive spell after destructive spell upon the training dummies, trying to make sure he would be ready for anything.

He believed he was stronger than Voldemort, but that didn't mean he allowed himself to slack. He worked tirelessly, making sure his muscle memory was honed, his reflexes quick, and his spells powerful.

Dobby or Scylla would often go back to Riddle Manor for some quick inspection to make sure Voldemort hadn't come back, but for weeks they had nothing to report. Even the elf and the young basilisk were getting worried, mostly about Harry.

Eventually, the day of the third task arrived, and while there had been classes in the morning, the afternoon was granted to the champions to prepare, while every other student was to attend classes until three o'clock.

That was the reason why Harry was sitting in the floor of the Chamber of Secrets, facing Salazar's statue and the skeleton of the basilisk, his wand on the ground before him with his eyes closed, meditating, and focusing his magic. He was preparing as best he could, because he was sure something was going to happen today.

"One way or another, tonight, everything will end," Harry whispered to himself, his voice echoing in the silence of the Chamber. "Voldemort will fall, and I will be free to live my life with no other concerns but the wellbeing of my family."

His family... Daphne. The woman he had broken the laws of magic and nature for. The woman he loved. He had too much to lose now. He was not allowed to make mistakes. He would win, and Voldemort would fall. There was no compromise, no mercy, no second chances. Then he would live in peace.

"Master," Dobby called from behind Harry, and the old Dark Lord turned fourteen opened his flaring green eyes. "It is time."

"Bring me my armour, then," Harry ordered, and Dobby snapped his fingers, the armour floating towards them from the dorm chamber. Harry silently put the armour on with the help of his most loyal friend and servant, as they had done many times before.

"Are you ready?" Harry asked, and Dobby nodded.

"What about the Horcruxes?" Dobby asked, and Harry hesitated. Did he dare to destroy them yet? Steeling his resolve, he looked at Dobby.

"Wait until the task starts. Then dip them in the venom," Harry ordered, and Dobby nodded.

"~~My pet!~~" a hiss was heard, and Scylla appeared in the Chamber, near Harry. "~~What do you need me to do?~~" Harry had thought long and hard about it and decided he needed Scylla's help.

"~~Scylla, you are staying with Dobby for now. When time comes, if it comes at all, I will summon you two to my side, and the moment you arrive, you are to find the snake and kill it. Do you understand?~~"

"~~I understand, my pet,~~" the young basilisk replied with a nod, and in a serious tone. Scylla understood very well that the situation was serious and that the threat to her nest and her pet had to be dealt with. "~~You can count on me.~~"

"~~I know I can, Scylla,~~" Harry replied with a smile. He could swear Scylla smiled as well, as much as a snake could smile.

"~~Tell the elf I will wrap myself around his torso,~~" Scylla said, slithering to Dobby, who accepted his master's words and allowed the basilisk to coil itself around him. "~~Be careful, my... Harry,~~" Scylla said,shocking Harry for a moment. "~~You still owe me a lot of meat, and you need to be around to protect me while I grow...~~"

"~~I promise, Scylla,~~" Harry replied, amused after the initial shock. He donned the entire set of armour, under the watch of both Scylla and Dobby, followed by the Slytherin Champion's robes his house had offered him for his moment of glory (or so everyone hoped). They were mostly green and black, accented with the colours of the other houses as well, with shorter sleeves, as all his robes had. Now dressed for combat, Harry picked up his wand and slid it into his holster, ready for the task.

Harry, Dobby, and an unusually quiet Scylla walked back into the dorm chamber.

"Will you take a secondary wand?" asked Dobby, and Harry nodded, approaching the trunk where he kept his supplies. Several weeks earlier, Dobby and Harry had gone into Knockturn Alley on a weekend morning and had acquired three wands with a good compatibility to Harry. Dobby, being both able to use a wand and well-tuned to his master's magic, would be able to use them as well. Harry didn't think he'd need them, but liked having them available as a contingency plan; sometimes it was better being safe than sorry.

After placing one of the extra wands in his secondary holster on his left arm, Harry walked to the workshop area, where there were several tiles made with runes etched on them. The tiles were arrayed in a pattern with one tile in the centre. One could tell they were all charged with magic, as the runes all seemed to glow softly.

"Don't you think this is a bit too much?" Dobby asked, waving at the tiles. Harry just chuckled.

"Better be prepared for everything. Besides, I haven't seen it in a long time," he spoke ominously, and Dobby snorted in amusement. "Unfortunately, I will not be allowed to have anything other than my wand, and I have no pockets..." Harry spoke regretfully, turning to Dobby with a smirk "You'll have to carry the tiles."

"I will not fail you, Master," Dobby replied, nodding, "I promise you."

"Have you ever failed me, Dobby?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrow. Before the elf could reply, he continued, "Never. I have full confidence in your ability to fulfil your part of the plan."

"Still, I won't fail you," Dobby replied, and Harry patted his best friend's shoulder.

"I know."

"Shall I take you to the common room?" Dobby asked, and Harry nodded, knowing he needed nothing else.

Dobby left him in his supposed dorm room, which was empty by that hour. He walked out into the common room, which was empty as well. It seemed that no professors had allowed the students to leave their classes early. With a wave of his wand, Harry checked the time and saw that it was nearly three o'clock, the assigned time for the champions (and all students) to meet at the Great Hall, where they had a surprise waiting for them.

What kind of surprise, Harry had no idea. He made his way to the Great Hall and came across no one but the ghost of the Bloody Baron and his knights, all of whom bowed to him.

However, when he did at last reach the almost empty Great Hall, he was a bit taken aback when he realized what the surprise was.

"THERE YOU ARE, PUP!" the voice of Sirius Black sounded from the head table, where he was speaking with Professor Flitwick, along with Remus. The man's voice was filled with joy and mirth, and the grin he sported had an almost perfect match in Remus's. They were not alone, though. Standing with them were the Tonks, their daughter not included, and on Sirius's arm was none other than the newest member of the House of Black, Isabella Black. Surprisingly, Narcissa Malfoy was there was well. All of the Blacks, even Narcissa, smiled as they saw Harry enter the Great Hall, especially when their lord and Remus walked quickly towards him (since people of their standing didn't run towards anything or anyone, one of the rules Andromeda had made sure they all understood).

"Are you ready to win, pup?" asked Sirius with a huge grin, embracing his godson by the shoulders. "The entire family came to see you kick the others' asses and be amazing."

"No pressure," Remus added, and the three laughed.

"I really wasn't expecting this," Harry replied, and Sirius grinned.

"Well, the Ministry, in their immense wisdom, decided to invite the closest family of the champions for the task," Sirius explained with a laugh. "I decided to buy some extra tickets and bring the whole family, or most of them, at least. Dora is working and couldn't take the day off."

"I'm surprised they all came," Harry replied, noticing that the Tonks, Isabella, and Narcissa were approaching them.

"Family sticks together, pup," Sirius replied, amused, "Or at least they should."

"Let us just say that the new Black family sticks together and supports its members, isn't that right, Sirius?" asked Andromeda as they reached them. "Hello, Harry. I hope you are ready for the task."

"Damn right," Sirius replied to Andy's previous statement, as Harry nodded.

"Mrs. Tonks, Mr. Tonks, Mrs. Malfoy, Ms. Black... it's a pleasure to see you again, and I am honoured that you took time from your schedule to come here today."

"Nonsense, Harry," Ted replied, amused, "There is no other place where we ought to be." Isabella nodded to that.

"That's right. Besides, it was a perfect opportunity to visit the so-called Hogwarts as well," the Spanish woman replied with a nervous smirk, looking at Harry as he stood between the two marauders. Harry knew she was mostly just being polite.

"How do you like it so far?" Harry asked.

"It's big and has several renowned teachers," Isabella replied, "Our academies back in Spain are smaller, but to compensate, we have many of them."

"Several smaller schools instead of one big one?" Remus asked, thoughtful.

"Well, at least the magical children of Spain don't all know each other by their fifteenth birthday," Sirius joked.

"And there must be more magical children as well, if they can support several schools..." Remus replied. Harry, however, noticed Isabella seemed somewhat uncomfortable, even apprehensive.

"Are you nervous, Ms. Black?" he asked, and Isabella looked at him.

"A bit," the woman replied. Over the past few months she had learned that there were situations where being honest and showing weakness was fine, especially among her new family. "Not much, though. I just want to make a good impression," she replied, and while the others nodded approvingly, Harry raised an eyebrow, not missing a chance.

"And you came with them?" Harry asked, pointing to the two surviving Marauders.

"HEY!" Sirius and Remus complained as Harry snickered, accompanied by the other four members of the family.

"They're not that bad," Isabella replied a bit hastily, feeling the need to defend the Lord Black.

"Don't worry about that," Harry replied with a shrug and a smirk, "Come, let us sit at the table and have a cup of tea. I'm sure Dobby can get us something."

"A fine idea," Andromeda nodded, turning to Sirius. "See? Your godson is more polite towards guests than you are. You could learn something from him."

"One time," Sirius mock complained, throwing his arms up in the air, "I forgot to offer tea one time and I will have to hear about it my whole life."

"Either that or get married," Ted added his two knuts to the conversation, "Your wife wouldn't let you forget that kind of thing, that's for sure."

"I beg your pardon?" Andromeda asked with a mock glare, hiding her own amusement. Ted didn't even flinch, as he knew his wife. They walked to the Slytherin table and sat, Dobby quickly popping to their side and snapping his fingers, making a tea tray with hot water and cookies appear at the table.

Narcissa looked at Harry and saw his serious demeanour, which was much more intense than she would expect. She would be the first to admit she hadn't exactly been fond of the Potter boy, but since the revelations about the Black family (and her almost begging to keep her memories), she had started to see things in a new light. Now she couldn't help but feel curious about the boy who was held in such high regard by Sirius, much like a son of his own. Not for the first time, she wished Draco and Potter would get along, and that Draco would prove his worth to the Lord Black and earn his respect.

"What kind of preparations have you made, kiddo?" asked Sirius.

"I know it's a maze with obstacles, so I'm ready for it," Harry replied, "I am also wearing my hide armour."

"Hide armour?" Narcissa asked, amused, "You don't feel safe?"

"I don't plan on taking any chances," Harry replied. "I have too much to lose."

"Damn well said, pup. Damn well said," Sirius replied approvingly, picking up his cup of tea while Remus nodded with a grin. "Speaking of which, I believe that 'too much to lose' has just entered the hall."

Harry turned to the hall's doors, ignoring Sirius's chuckle, and saw Daphne entering though them, followed by the Slytherin fourth years. She saw him immediately at the Slytherin table and was surprised to see the Blacks with him, but she didn't hesitate to send a smile to her boyfriend. With a wave, Harry called his friends over, and the fourth year Slytherins sat next to the Blacks, some of which they already knew.

In no time, the Great Hall started to fill, as had been mandated by the headmaster the previous night. None of the Blacks missed the fact that several students came from their own house tables to wish Harry good luck, acting familiarly with him and the other fourth year Slytherins.

Much to Narcissa's chagrin, her son had not been one of those students. In fact, the only student wearing red and gold that had come to wish Harry good luck had been a little boy, probably a first year. Draco had not even entered the Great Hall yet.

Harry accepted the best wishes and squeezed Daphne's hand, feeling her squeeze back with a smile. He was ready for the task and more importantly, for Voldemort. All the encouragement he needed was sitting at his side, smiling at him. Sure, she was nervous and she was hiding it, but he knew she trusted him and loved him. As he loved her.

As he leaned into her lips, he heard a cough from his other side, missing the angry look Andromeda and Isabella gave the source of the cough, the grin from Sirius, the blush from Daphne, and the snickers from their friends.

"Mr. Potter, Ms. Greengrass, please refrain from showing your affections for the time being," the cold and stern voice of Professor Snape sounded.

"Of course, Professor," Daphne replied with a blush, as Harry looked towards the Potions Master, who was looking back at him.

"Anything we can help you with, Professor?" Harry asked, and Snape nodded.

"I came to offer you my best wishes and remind you that it is in everyone's best interests to have a win for Slytherin."

"I thought it would be a win for Hogwarts," Remus replied, frowning.

"Cedric Diggory is the Hogwarts champion," Harry replied before Snape could speak, "I am a reluctant champion of no school so...Slytherin."

"Yes..." Snape replied, smirking, "Do remember to do a good job and try not to die. It would be rather shameful," Daphne flinched imperceptibly at that, and Harry smirked.

"I wouldn't want to deprive you of the pleasure of teaching me for the next three years, Professor," Harry replied, and the fourth years almost widened their eyes. "Can you imagine how dull it would be?"

"Yes...dull," Snape replied before looking to the Blacks and acknowledging them with a nod.

"Was it me or was that odd?" asked Remus.

"It wasn't only you, Professor..." Millie replied, as Blaise only nodded.

"I wonder if the world is about to end..." Tracey wondered, and everyone laughed. Harry just chuckled.


Ginny Weasley clenched her remaining fist in anger, watching Harry, his family, and the snakes, remembering the words written in the letter she and the twins had received just a week before. A letter sent to them by none other than their brother Bill. They had last seen him before going back to Hogwarts in the new year, and along with him, their mother, and themselves, they were the last Weasleys alive. They didn't know much about what their brother had been up to, but they knew he had to keep a low profile while working to support their mother and the rest of them, as he was now the head of the family. The few letters they received had been short and almost desperate, but now that she thought about it, Bill's letters had changed over the past months, seeming more joyful and hopeful...and in the last letter they received, they finally found out why.

Bill had found a patron who had offered him protection for the entire family. He said in the letter that he had been learning a lot from his patron, and that he deserved all their respect and loyalty. In fact, Bill wrote that his patron was a powerful wizard who helped him uncover the truth about what happened. Bill had no way to prove it, but he KNEW that Harry Potter had been responsible for Neville Longbottom and Ron's deaths.

At first, Ginny didn't want to believe it, but as she read the letter, she became convinced that her loving brother's words were true, and all the "love" she felt for the saviour became anger, resentment, and hate. She and her brothers had followed Bill's instructions to the letter and were more than ready to go forward with the plan to have their revenge for their family. They had told no one, especially Hermione...she could not be trusted, uppity mudblood...

Ginny scowled again, seeing the snake whore and Potter's closeness, surrounded by their sycophants and the traitor Blacks, and the foreigners approaching them. In but a few hours, the Weasleys would have their revenge, and Harry Potter would pay dearly for all the pain he caused them.


Unaware of the dark thoughts in the Weasleys' minds, Harry shook hands with Mr. Krum and kissed Mrs. Krum's hand, not noticing the proud looks directed at him by Andromeda. Viktor had decided to introduce his parents to his fellow champions, and his good friend Harry and his beautiful girlfriend Daphne were the first.

Harry had not disappointed, and properly introduced the Krums to each of the Blacks, in turn. They sat and chatted for a while before rejoining the cluster of Durmstrang students. An announcement of tea being served for all students and guests was made, a small treat offered by Hogwarts before the task, after which dinner and a huge celebration for the crowning of the champion would be offered.

Minister Fudge, a few representatives of the foreign ministries, and a few of Fudge's underlings arrived soon after tea began, including his undersecretary, Madam Umbridge herself. They took their place at the head table among the staff.

Meanwhile, Narcissa Malfoy observed her son sitting at the Gryffindor table, not having seen her yet. She waited throughout the duration of the meal but her son never came to offer his good luck to his 'cousin'.

"Shameful," she whispered with a sigh, heard only by Andromeda and Isabella.

"What is?" asked Isabella with a frown and a whisper.

"My son hasn't come to offer his best wishes to Potter," Narcissa replied with a scowl.

"Harry," Andromeda replied promptly, hiding a scowl behind a sweet smile but looking at her youngest sister with severe eyes, "His name is Harry, as you know, being family."

"Yes..." Narcissa replied nervously, having never feared her sister as much as she had over the past weeks. "Clearly your husband was a bad influence on the boy. It is a shame Lucius is dead, but maybe now you can educate your son as a proper Black instead of a foolish and preening Malfoy."

Isabella couldn't hide an amused chuckle, luckily not attracting anyone's attention, as Sirius and Remus were delighting the fourth year Slytherins and whoever else wanted to listen with tales of their adventures and exploits throughout their Hogwarts years.

Narcissa chose not to reply to the jab. It was true.

A few moments later, the Minister rose and gave a small speech before offering his best wishes to the champions. He introduced the two other men with him, who happened to be the ministers of Bulgaria and France, respectively, and each of them added their own short speeches. Once all of the ministers had finished their remarks, Dumbledore rose from his seat to address the hall.

"I am sure we all enjoyed listening to the wonderful words of our guests, but I am sure we are all excited for what it is to come, am I right?" A loud cheer was raised in the Great Hall, and Dumbledore chuckled as several people cheered for their favourite champions.

"May I suggest that we all start to make our way to the Quidditch pitch, then?" Another cheer.

"In that case, Mr. Krum, Ms. Delacour, Mr. Diggory, Mr. Potter, good luck, and may the best among you win. I know I should be impartial in the task, but as I won't have to assign points, I am allowed to be a little biased this one time. Let us show our Hogwarts spirit, shall we?"

The cheers rose again, as well as the laughter.

Dumbledore knew how to crack a joke, that was for sure.

The students rose from their seats and many rushed for the door, wanting to get to the pitch and find good seats. The champions and their guests stayed behind, and much to the Blacks and the Slytherins surprise, Draco Malfoy appeared before them, with his mother behind him.

"I just want to offer you good luck, Potter," Malfoy said in a sour tone, and Harry widened his eyes in surprise before chuckling.

"Thank you, cousin. It is most kind of you," Harry replied with a smile, and Malfoy sneered at him before turning to leave and imparting a sour look at his mother, who just sighed.

Harry didn't care, though, as he too started to walk out of the room with Daphne on his arm, having said his goodbyes to everyone. The two walked slowly through the grounds, alone.

"Don't do anything stupid," Daphne told him in almost a whisper as they walked.

"I don't intend to," he replied.

"Just kill him and come back," she said again, and he realized she was shivering. She was afraid for him. "I need you to come back to me."

"Don't worry, Daph," Harry replied, "I promise you I'll be careful, and that I will finish the bastard and come back."

"Good," she replied, turning to him and kissing him deeply. He held her tightly and kissed her back, and for a few moments, there was no Voldemort, no tournament, no nothing. There was just the two of them.

Daphne was the one to finish the kiss, smiling at Harry and their foreheads touching.

"Let's go, then," she spoke, and he sighed.

"Just a bit longer," he whispered and tightened the hug, as did Daphne.

They eventually gave up the hug and continued silently together, until an owl flew in front of them and landed on the ground, offering her leg and the letter attached to it to Daphne.

"What the...?" Harry asked with a frown, "Were you expecting mail?" Harry asked, and Daphne shook her head, recognizing that it was one of Hogwarts owls. She drew her wand and cast a diagnostic charm, which revealed nothing.

"I have no idea," she replied, approaching the owl and taking the parchment. The owl flew away immediately, leaving the two surprised.

"Well, it has nothing dangerous..." Daphne said with a shrug and opened the parchment, reading the first line.

"It's for..." she started to say only to feel a very weird sensation before vanishing into thin air. Harry, who was patiently waiting for Daphne to read the letter, could only stare in shock as he saw Daphne fade from existence in front of him.

"DAPH!" he shouted in fear and disbelief, trying to grab her, but knowing that was already too late. Daphne vanished in front of him a mere moment before he heard a pop next to him, and then he noticed the parchment falling to the ground where Daphne had stood.

"Master, what happened? Where's the mistress?" asked Dobby, having felt the distress through the bond. Breathing heavily and not feeling the external surge of magic cast on him, Harry grabbed the letter from the ground and started to read it, paling dramatically.

"No, no no no no no..." he seethed as he read the letter, his shock being replaced by anger.



If you want your girl, all you need to do is win the task.

You know what I mean.

See you soon,

Lord Voldemort


"I AM GOING TO KILL YOU, VOLDEMORT!" Harry shouted, loud enough that several others nearby heard him. He turned to Dobby, who scowled nervously.

"I... I can't do it, Master. I know she's alive but I can't pop us to her..." Dobby said, and Harry seethed even more.

"How? How could that bastard do that? Do this?" he spat, trying to think of a plan.

"~~What's wrong, my pet?~~" asked Scylla. Having heard Harry's raging, she had slithered out from Dobby's armour and had immediately noticed that Daphne was missing.

"The cup then... I have no choice but to use the cup," Harry mumbled in anger. "Dobby!"

"I will need to go with you, Master," Dobby replied promptly, "Or else I won't be able to go to you again." Harry nodded and put his hand on Dobby's shoulder. With one pop, they were gone, finding themselves in the middle of the maze, a few steps in front of the cup.

"~~That son of a bitch dug his grave,~~" Harry scowled as he went for the cup. ~~"Dobby, find Daphne and keep her safe. Scylla, Voldemort kidnapped Daphne. I want you to bite everything and everyone who is not me, Daphne, or Dobby. Make sure you find the damn snake and finish it.~~"

"~~Yes, my pet,~~" Scylla replied promptly, ready to fight for Harry.

"What about the Horcruxes?" asked Dobby, and Harry scowled.

"Shit, I forgot… Go now, and hurry damn it," Harry ordered, and Dobby nodded at once before popping away. Harry circled the cup in fury, resembling an angry and caged lion, and after only a minute of waiting, Dobby popped next to him again.

"It's done, Master," Dobby replied, and Harry grabbed the elf's shoulder.

"Then let us go to war," Harry spat as he went for the cup's handle. "Daphne is the priority. All others are meaningless."

"They will all die," Dobby seconded, before both of them felt the tug in their navels and the world swirl.

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