Odin couldn't fathom why, but for some reason he absolutely believed Seras was going to make his death as painful as possible.
And even though he had never been afraid of any woman, he could not help but think that this one above him every bit as terrifying as her husband.
Though, he couldn't exactly say why he felt this way since she clearly wasn't; atleast appearance wise.
Finally, the itching started.
It was small at first, and really hardly noticeable.
And then… his whole body started to feel that hopelessly annoying itch, which in turn shifted to needles of pain as the seconds ticked by.
His whole body began to feel like he was being pricked by countless sharp objects, yet he had no idea what was happening.
The pain was becoming so mortifying that he couldn't even talk, and only choked gasps escaped his throat.
Seras' smile became wider and wider as she felt Odin's distress rippling off of him in waves.
my girl made chicken and sausage gumbo last night and that shit put me to sleep so deeply I almost didn’t wake up to write this chapter for y’all.
10/10 that’s not the only thing that’s finna get ate