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67.2% DxD: ReKiba

Capítulo 80: Back to NEXUS

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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"Oh stop it you crybaby" Kurama sniffed at Isaiah. Who was gritting his teeth while Valerie and Asia were dulling the pain.

"You try getting your every cell changed at high speeds. My entire being is currently getting rewritten" Isaiah glared at Kurama who just smirked at him

Their group was still a bit shaken up from meeting Ophis.

Kurama was the first that git over it since he wasn't in any danger.

" Hey Isaiah..." Kurama said seriously grabbing his attention

"What?" Isaiah gritted his teeth, even if Valerie and Asia dulled the pain, it was still not enough.

" You planned the become a dragon from the start. I always wondered why you avoided killing the Red and White Emperors, but you were letting them live, like pigs to be slaughtered"

Everyone turned to Isaiah who just nodded " Yeah, I planned on killing Draig's host, i really dislike him. But i left Vali alive just in case the other one somehow dies."

Isaiah groaned on the inside

' Fucking plot armor saves the pervert again. At first I was going to let him live so he can deal with all the bullshit in the future, but seeing as I destroyed the plot, i decided to kill him, but then Vali shows up and Albion was delivered to me on a Silver platter. And the pervert lives... for now'

Gloxinia sighed out "I can't believe it, the first time I ever leave my home I meet one of the most powerful beings in existence. When you said a life of adventure. I wasn't expecting this."

Misaki was patting the Fairy King on the shoulder. "You will get used to it after a while"

"She is just trying to make you feel better. You never get used to it" Dino cut in and he got a head smacked by Meredith

"Dino have some tact."

Dino looks at her incuriously "Tact? You are talking about tact to me? When we are Two for Two on Dragon Gods. This team has existed only for a few months and we have met 4 of the Dragon Kings, we technically met Fafnir as well, since he is acting as a battery for my Dad's Sacred Gear. So 5 Dragon Kings. We met and partied with the Norse top Gods, Destroyed a pretty strong Faction(Heros). Fought old man Wukong and Met both of the DRAGON GODS!"

Everybody was surprised by Dino's rant.

Veldora sighed out "He does have a point. But that's what makes it Awesome!"

"Hear, Hear!" Gasper laughed with him

Meredith gave Dino a small glare who just put up his hands

"Hey i didn't say i don't like the adventure, but asking for tact on a crazy team like this is a bit weird in the first place"

Rossweisse giggled "He got you there Meredith."

"Grrrrr" Isaiah growled as his Draconic Aura grew stronger by the second

"Hahahaha! This is fantastic! My sworn friend is becoming a Dragon. No we are not mere friends anymore. We are BROTHERS! RAHAHAHAHA!!" Veldora laughed like a madman

"Hahaha, Senpai is going to get stupidly OP again. And I love it. Hahaha" Gasper was clutching his stomach from laughing too hard

"Isaiah senpai is getting broken again." Koneko said with a flushed face. Isaiah's dragon aura was affecting her. But since she is young she was able to keep her cool, and not jump him. Her calm character helped as well.

"Nee-san... stop embarrassing yourself" Koneko grumbled.

Left from her Tiamat was sitting on Kuroka to stop her from jumping on Isaiah. She was going into heat just from his new draconic aura.

"Shirone~ Don't be so mean to your big sister~ You feel his aura too right, he is irresistible"

Tiamat's pupils were dilating as well, but she was a lot older and could control herself better. So she just increased her weight just a bit to weigh Kuroka down even more.

Ingivild grinned as she kneeled in front of Kuroka "You look like you need to chill down" She pointed her hand at her.

Kuroka's eyes instantly widened "No Ing-chan! Wait"


Water came out of her finger dousing Kuroka and Tiamat.

"NYAAA! IT'S COLD!" Kuroka started to scream, while Tiamat just smiled at their antics. The water did nothing to her. She was a Goddess of the Sea. It was like trying to make water wet.

"Kuroka calm yourself" Tiamat smirked at her "You are supposed to set a good example for your sister. And she is the one setting an example for you"

"Nyaa! You guys suck!" Kuroka slumped on the ground, not resisting anymore


A bit further away LaFey and the rest were around the Collapsed Vali

"Well I told her" LaFay grumbled as she healed up Vali. The now very weak human Vali

"Sigh, we did warn him.. UGH.. why is this so confusing" Bikou grabed his head

Arthur just shook his head, raised his hand, and made a communication magic circle appear on his palm

A few moments later a holographic Azazel appeared

" Good evening Governor General. I am afraid I have some bad news about Vali. Where are you at the moment?" Arthur says in a calm, composed manner

"Sighhhhh...Vali, huh? What's that stupid kid of mine done now?" Azazel says with an exhausted look on his face " As for my location, I arrived in Kyoto and I have been busy researching this new type of barrier that the Yokai have. Some really interesting stuff"

Isaiah's eyebrow starts twiching

Arthur and Bikou started getting nervous.

Isaiah appeared next to Arthur. "We will be brining them back to Kyoto. And you and me are going to have a little chat Azazel"

The Fallen just facepalmed "Crud. Really Arthur? You couldn't have said something about them being near you?"

Arthur had drops of sweat fall down his face "Umm respectfully, I'm not in any position to make moves like that. Or we might just lose our heads"

"Sigh.. Fine... I'll wait for you in the nearest Oppai Club here, I am looking forward to seeing some sexy Yokai ladi-" 

Isaiah cuts him off "No, you will enter Yasaka's Castle. She has already been notified. We will be arriving there in a few minutes" 

Isaiah glances at Arthur who gets the message to end the call.


Isaiah sighs "Everyone get ready, I'll teleport us to Kyoto. Azazel is trying to sneak in through wards. Which I should have seen coming"

Dino just facepalms and hides his face "really dad? really?'

"RAHAHAHA, Dino's dad has balls I'll give him that" Veldora laughs loudly

Kurama smiled "I informed Yasaka, she will go and pick up Azazel. Isaiah are you sure you in any state to make such a big jump?" 

Isaiah was sluggish and was grimacing when he moves. "I have to be the one to do it. I should be able to handle it, even if it will be painful. Gather around" 

Everybody moved closer to Isaiah who made a 4 meter sword "This one is linked to the Giant beacon we have in Kyoto, it will send us right to it. This will be somewhat uncomfortable so I suggest you prepare yourself" 

Isaiah pumped power into the sword 


It ripped a portal right below them, swallowing everyone in an instant. 

Erasing all traces of them in the Gap, like they were never there in the first place

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