Lena wakes up with Alura cuddled into her arms, she feels so utterly peaceful. Lena looks at Alura who is still sound asleep. She just thinks of how incredible and amazing this young girl is. She has only known her such a short period of time and she has already made Lena's life so much better, so much more enjoyable. In fact Lena is sure that she might love this young girl already, but she can't allow herself to ponder on those thoughts. She can't think about the potential love she has for Alura, as Lena knows this could all come falling down if Kara processes her feelings and decides she doesn't want anything to do with Lena. Admittedly Lena thinks that's unlikely as Kara is too nice, but she does think that Kara could potentially just want to be friends, and with everything, Lena isn't sure she could settle for that.
Before Lena can continue to spiral even further Alura rolls over and cuddles up so her head is now on Lena's chest. It's almost as if in Alura's sleep she can somehow tell that Lena was spiralling, as Lena knows that this affection from the four year old is all she needs to stop herself spiralling down a dark hole. Lena looks down at Alura and just smiles at her, stroking the side of her head. She decides to just lay there and wait for Alura to wake up, as she doesn't want to disturb the young girls sleep, or make her scared again if she wakes up and is alone in Lena's bedroom.
Alura wakes up about 30 minutes later. She begins to stir by moving her head slightly and then clutching on to Lena's side as she's waking up, as if she's trying to figure out where she is. But soon Alura opens her eyes. Alura's blue eyes meet Lena's green ones.
"Good morning darling. Did you sleep well?" Lena asks.
"Uh-huh. I love to snuggle with you." Alura says with a yawn.
Lena smiles widely.
"Well I quite enjoy it as well." Lena smirks.
Before the two can have any more conversation Alura's stomach makes a loud grumble which causes Lena to laugh, loudly.
"Are you hungry little one?" Lena asks as she stokes some hair out of Alura's eyes.
"Hmm... yes." Alura nods.
"What would you like? I could make pancakes or we could have bacon and eggs." Lena asks.
"Hmmmmmm..... bacon n eggs p'easeeee." Alura says, sweetly.
Lena chuckles.
"Your wish is my command." Lena replies.
Alura smiles at Lena once more.
"I have to get up now though." Lena explains.
"But I like it here." Alura pouts.
"I know, but don't you want food?" Lena asks.
"Hmm...." Alura says and her stomach makes another noise causing them both to laugh. "I guess so."
Lena and Alura then get out of bed and go downstairs to the kitchen. Lena begins to cook the bacon and eggs while Alura sits on a tall chair by the kitchen isle, just watching Lena cook.
"Would you like some bread or toast as well?" Lena asks.
"Just bread please." Alura replies.
Lena nods and a few minutes later she serves up the breakfast. They two ladies are both having bacon and eggs, however Lena also made herself some toast instead of just having bread. The two then tuck in, both now sitting on tall chairs by the kitchen isle.
"Hmm this is nice. Thank you Lena." Alura says, politely.
"You're very welcome darling. You know you're a very polite young girl." Lena comments.
Alura smiles at Lena.
"My mommy says you should always be nice to people, as you don't know if they could have had a bad day or not. Being nice could make them happy." Alura explains.
Lena thinks that explanation really sums Kara up, although it sounds more like the heroic optimism of Supergirl than Kara Danvers. Either way, it just shows how special Kara is for having such an attitude in any capacity, as well as how amazing of a mother she is for instilling that quality into Alura. Lena can't even begin to imagine Lillian saying anything of that sort.
"Yes that's right. I wish more people were like that." Lena smiles.
"Me too." Alura nods.
The two continue to eat in silence for a bit. Lena has noticed that Alura is very comfortable eating her food in silence, just preferring to enjoy her food than have a conversation. Lena thinks this is a noticeable difference between Alura and Kara, as on the few occasions when Kara has had lunch with Lena at L-Corp, Kara of course stuffs her face, but she somehow still manages to ramble and keep a conversation going, even if it isn't necessary.
"So I've been thinking. Today once we are all dressed and ready we can go shopping. You can help me pick out a Christmas present for your mommy." Lena says.
"Okay." Alura smiles.
"I was also wondering, do you find the room you were sleeping in scary because it doesn't feel like your bedroom?" Lena asks.
"Uhmm.... it.... it feels empty..... and big....." Alura explains, nervously.
"Hmm okay. How about when we go shopping we can buy a bunch of things to decorate that bedroom however you like. You can make it your own bedroom if you like." Lena suggests.
"Really?" Alura asks, surprised.
"Of course. I don't use that room, I rarely have guests over anyway, and I have enough room for them to sleep elsewhere. That room can be your bedroom when you stay here, both now, and maybe in the future if your mommy asks me to look after you again." Lena says.
"Yes!!! That's amazing!" Alura says, joyfully.
Lena smiles at the young girl. However she then notices Alura suddenly bites her lip nervously.
"But.... does that mean I can't sleep with you?" Alura asks with a sad expression.
"You don't sleep with your mommy do you?" Lena responds, knowing the answer.
Alura shakes her head no.
"That's because you're a big girl and can sleep in your own bed. You of course can come sleep with me if you get scared again, but once we decorate the room I think you'll love it in there." Lena smiles.
"Okay." Alura nods, still sounding a bit glum.
"But I'll tell you what. If we decorate and paint the room today you can sleep with me tonight while the paint dries." Lena suggests.
"Yes!" Alura says happily.
"We can even snuggle up in my bed and watch a movie on my TV before we fall asleep." Lena suggests.
Alura smiles widely once more and takes Lena in for a hug.
About an hour later Lena and Alura are browsing through various shops with Alura trying to help Lena pick something out for Kara for Christmas. Eventually Lena has a gift idea, although she can't buy it in a store, it's something that she could make for Kara.
"Hmm you know what Alura, I think I know what I want to get your mommy, and I'm gonna make it for her." Lena says.
"Really? What is it?" Alura asks.