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70% Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic] / Chapter 154: CHAPTER {158-160}

Capítulo 154: CHAPTER {158-160}


Since Harry could change the colour of the portals, he could easily make them colourless and that is exactly what he used to get rid of Alastor Moody as he didn't want to deal with the paranoid bastard at this moment. The green sparks around the portal could have alerted the man, hence, he decided to forgo the sparks. There was still a chance that Alastor had noticed the portal, but to be honest, Harry couldn't care less.

He could have used other means to deal with him, but he had other important things to deal with… "Norton" Harry called out and the said house elf appeared in front of him with a soft pop.

"Gather everything, we are leaving" Harry ordered, making Norton blink in confusion.

"The Aurors be coming to arrest yous, Master Hadrian?" Norton asked while looking around worriedly.

"No, not yet" Harry answered with an amused grin on his face. "A generous gentleman has decided to offer his manor to me and I am not someone who would look a gift horse in the mouth" Harry declared and even though Norton was still confused, he nodded his head in understanding and decided to follow Harry's order.

Meanwhile, Harry decided to simply sit down on a nearby chair and closed his eyes in concentration as he decided to reach out to his followers…

'Where is the man I captured?'

'Someone keeping an eye on him'

He received a message from Jacklyn only after a moment.

'He was using Polyjuice'

Moments later, he received another message from a man named Nigel. He guessed that Nigel must be the one who was keeping an eye on his prisoner.

'I had my suspicions'

Harry answered without missing a beat.

'Good work'

Harry added and only to receive a thanks from Nigel. He would have loved to interrogate the person right away, but there were some other things he needed to deal with. Harry was certain that whoever Alastor was working for wouldn't give up so easily. Well, he would be long gone by the time they would be here again to grab him…

"Norton is done, Master Hadrian" Harry was broken out of his thoughts when Norton spoke up. He opened his eyes only to find that his apartment was now completely bare except for a few trunks and the chair he was sitting on.

"Good. Don't leave this chair" Harry said as he stood up. "I will open a portal for you when I get everything wrapped up on my side, so for the time being, stay here and if someone triggers the Ward, take everything to Jacklyn's house and stay there" Harry quickly conveyed his orders to Norton, who frantically nodded his head in understanding.

With that over with, he decided to send a message to Gellert…

'Tell everyone to start packing'


Gellert asked

'I have found a new base'

Harry answered, getting a hum of acknowledgement in return from Gellert. Now that everything was taken care of on this side, he decided to make his way to the other side of the pond. After all, it would be rude to keep his newly appointed guardian waiting…

<Line Break>

~~Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire, England~~

"I have ordered Alef to prepare a room for our new Ward" Narcissa declared as she entered Lucius' study without bothering to knock. Lucius only needed to take a glance at his wife to know that she was displeased and he could already guess why she was displeased. Though unfortunately for her, Lucius never cared about her opinions, to begin with, and he wasn't going to start right now. He was the man of the house and according to him, his decisions were absolute in this house.

Lucius didn't marry Narcissa because he loved her… He had married her because she would look good in his arms during those high-class parties and due to her status. It was the same for Narcissa, she didn't marry him because she loved him, she married him because her parents wanted her to… There was no love between them and while Lucius would admit that Narcissa was still a beauty, it has been more than a decade since he last slept with her.

Lucius would have loved to continue sleeping with her, but that might ruin her beauty and that was a big no-no for him and then there was the fact that there was a clause in their marriage certificate which made it impossible for him to assert force on her… Lucius loved dominating and abusing women during sex and he couldn't have that with Narcissa. That is why after Draco was conceived, he stopped sleeping with her and started to visit brothels where women would happily accept his demands for a measly amount of gold.

Narcissa was obviously aware of his dalliances and while it simply increased the rift between them, he paid it no heed as Narcissa was forbidden from having any affairs due to their Marriage Contract. Once again, according to Lucius, everything was as it should be in the first place… As a Pureblood wife, Narcissa shouldn't be having an affair in the first place as it might ruin his image within the Wizarding community.

"Is it really necessary to provide him with a room of his own?" Lucius asked with a frown as he looked at Narcissa.

"Yes" Narcissa nodded her head with a determined look. "He is the last surviving member of a Pureblood Family" Narcissa declared.

"He is a filthy Half Blood" Lucius hissed as he glared at Narcissa furiously, but Narcissa didn't look bothered by the glare.

"Yes, his bloodline was sullied by the Mudblood" Narcissa admitted. "But his last name is Potter. He is going to be my ward, and I will not deny him hospitality" Narcissa declared leaving no room for arguments, making Lucius clench the sides of his table in anger. He couldn't even attack her for disregarding his opinions thanks to the blasted Contract.

"You know he won't be living to see his majority, right?" Lucius asked with a sneer, only for Narcissa to nod her head.

"Yes, but that is your business, but as long as breathes, he will have the hospitality he deserves" Narcissa declared with a look of determination on her face. She was aware of the fact that her husband was planning to kill the boy, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't treat him right as long as he was alive. He may not be a Pureblood, but he was the last member of a respectable family. He will receive the hospitality he deserves from her.

"Fine! Fine! Have it your way!" Lucius snarled in rage. "Don't ask me to help you when the Dark Lord decides to punish you for this transgression!" Lucius growled in anger and Narcissa pursed her lips in displeasure at the mention of the Dark Lord's name.

The Dark Lord was no man, he was a monster. According to him, he was fighting for the Pureblood cause, but he had wiped away so many Pureblood Families. The House of McKinnon? Gone! The House of McMillan? Gone! The House of Max? Gone! The House of Blishwisk? Gone! The House of Prince? Gone! The House of Black? Almost Gone! The House of Potter? Almost Gone! The House of Longbottom? Almost Gone!...

Narcissa realized that she could probably keep going for hours if she decided to count the minor Pureblood Families too… That monster destroyed more of their World rather than saving it, so she didn't even want to imagine what the monster would do if he ever returned… That monster would brand Pureblood Wizards and Witches as if they were cattle and the Purebloods thought that it was an achievement to be treated as cattle.

She was able to avoid taking a Mark during his regime, but she wasn't sure if she would succeed or not if that monster ever returned… Well, she could ponder her options on a later date as he wasn't back yet…

Narcissa opened her mouth to say something, but she froze when she felt someone assault the Wards. While she didn't have any control over the Wards, she was still connected to them as the Lady of the Manor. Lucius shot up from his seat with an alarmed look on his face and moments later, both of their faces turned pale when they felt the Wards collapse… Both of them could wonder nothing but how? How did someone manage to bring down their Wards so quickly?

The Malfoy Manor boasted probably one of the strongest Ward schemes within the Continent…

"Alef!" Lucius snarled, but his newly bonded house-elf didn't arrive. It spooked him even more, so he immediately tried to leave by Apparating. Lucius was arrogant, but he was no fool… He knew that he wouldn't have a chance against a person or a group who could bring down his Manor Wards within a matter of a few moments.

So, escape was his only option, but unfortunately for him, the Anti-Apparition Wards stopped him from Apparating away and he crashed against his desk. Narcissa threw him an annoyed look at that. He didn't even warn her and tried to escape on his own… Narcissa pulled out her Wand and started to make her way toward one of the corners of the room. Narcissa was no fighter and she definitely wasn't as skilled as her insane sister with a Wand, but she was a Black, so she knew how to use a Wand.

Lucius also pulled out his Wand and flipped his table to use the table as a guard. He would have summoned the Aurors, but the Floo was on the ground floor while his study was on the 1st floor. So, there was a chance that he might get ambushed if he tried to reach the Floo and since Alef wasn't listening to his summons, he was out of options…

Then all of a sudden, the door of his study flew open before a cheerful voice greeted them. "Well, hello there" Moments later, Harry Potter appeared at the door with a cheerful look on his face. Lucius and Narcissa were so taken aback by the sight that they completely forgot to attack the intruder…



After gaping at Harry for the next few seconds, Lucius finally shot up with his Wand in his hand and cast a Body Binding Curse at Harry. He didn't miss the fact that the boy didn't have a Wand in his hand, so he didn't expect the boy to defend himself, but his eyes grew wide as saucers when the boy deflected the Spell away from him with his bare hand with a dismissive look on his face.

"Who are you?" Lucius asked dumbly as he subconsciously lowered his Wand a bit.

"That was rude" Harry dusted his robe with a frown before he hissed something and Lucius gasped in pain before looking down at his left arm, which was still covered by the sleeve of his robe. Moments later, his Wand cluttered on the floor as he clutched his left arm in pain. The man slowly dropped to his knees before a loud groan escaped his lips. The man looked up at Harry with clear terror in his eyes.

"Are you not going to try to attack me, Mrs Malfoy?" Harry asked as he turned his head toward the corner of the room where Narcissa was also staring at him in complete horror. She was no longer pointing her Wand at him.

"I would never dare, my Lord" Narcissa quickly denied the offer, looking completely pale.

Harry narrowed his eyes at her, making her flinch. "I am not the Dark Lord" Harry revealed firmly. He didn't like being compared to Voldemort because he was much greater than his fated enemy. "I can understand why you would mistake me for him" Harry stated with an understanding look on his face.

Narcissa seemed to regain some of her bearings at that revelation, but she didn't seem to drop her guard. She still decided to act carefully even though she stared at him with a disbelieving look on her face. "Then who are you? You can't be Harry Potter" The woman declared carefully.

"Believe it or not, I am Harry Potter" Harry declared dismissively, making Narcissa frown at him before her hand immediately shot upward, but before she could cast anything, her Wand sailed out of her hand and her back slammed against the wall. "Though, that doesn't make me any less dangerous than him… In fact, I am way more dangerous than him" Harry declared with a grin as he started to approach the woman, who was now staring at him in pure terror.

Narcissa believed that she had walked into a trap by giving in to her impulses. Usually, she was not an impulsive woman, but according to her womanly intuition, the boy was telling her the truth. Even though she was never a Death Eater or a follower of the Dark Lord, she had met him enough times during the war to get a rough grasp of his personality. The Dark Lord's ego was so large that he would have never claimed that he was anyone but Lord Voldemort, even if the situation was disadvantageous for him.

Harry stopped right in front of her, and Narcissa would have backed away in fear if she wasn't backed into a corner… The boy raised his hand and she ended up scrunching her eyes close in fear as she turned her head away from him. When the pain didn't come for the next few seconds, she finally opened her eyes and fearfully turned toward Harry, only to find the boy holding out her Wand with the grip held out toward her.

To be honest, Narcissa was completely taken aback by this development and she didn't know how to react. So, when Harry kept holding out her Wand to her with a soft smile on his face, she hesitantly raised her hand to take her Wand… She was even more surprised when he allowed her to take her Wand back. Now, she was almost sure that the boy wasn't the Dark Lord in disguise. The Dark Lord would have punished her in some manner before returning her Wand.

"Please don't try to Curse me again, or the next time I won't be lenient" Harry warned her with a polite smile and once again, Narcissa wasn't sure if this was the Dark Lord in disguise or not. Either way, she was certain that she couldn't win.

Harry turned around and hissed something and Lucius gasped in relief before he started to take deep breaths. "Lucius Malfoy, I would have liked to meet you under better circumstances, but you forced my hand" Harry said coldly as he raised Lucius Malfoy in the air with a simple gesture of his hand, once again surprising both Narcissa and Lucius. Both of them had seen the Dark Lord use Wandless Magic, but his Wandless Magic was extremely limited.

"Now, let's see what is going on in that noggin of yours" Harry declared and Lucius screamed as he felt Harry tear into his Occlumency shields. His eyes bugged out when Harry started to rummage through his Mind… The Dark Lord and Severus were the only Legilimens he knew. He had tried to learn the Art when he was young, but he was never able to make much progress in this particular Art of Magic.

The Dark Lord regularly utilized Legilimency to see if any of his followers were lying to him or not, so Lucius was quite familiar with the sensation of being Legilimized. He desperately wanted to protect his Mind and memories from the boy, but he couldn't even move and the throbbing inside his head was intensifying with each passing moment as his memories continued to flash in front of his eyes. He gritted his teeth in an attempt to bear the pain.

Harry rummaged through Lucius' Mind, looking for any relevant information… He started with his most recent memories, so he saw how he was angry at Narcissa due to their most recent convection. He saw how Narcissa called his mother a Mudblood before admitting that the Potter Bloodline was sullied by her blood. He felt his anger bubble at that, but he decided to force his anger down for the time being. He wasn't planning to punish her because she wasn't a Death Eater, but he realized that he might need to rethink that.

Though the woman wanted to treat him nicely for the wrong reasons, she still wanted to treat him nicely and respectfully while Lucius wanted to slowly feed him addictive drugs to turn his brain into a mush before making him sign away everything he owned to the man, and then Lucius would have killed him to appease their Master just in case the man ever returned. Narcissa's mindset earned her a few positive points in his books, so he decided to go somewhat easy on her.

Lucius was somewhat on the fence about the return of his Master… He no longer wanted to grovel at the feet of the man, but at the same time, he knew that only Voldemort could lead them to victory and complete domination. Then on the other hand, he wasn't even sure if the man could really return in the first place or not while some of his associates fanatically believed that the man would eventually return and they believed that the proof was right in front of their eyes.

After all, their Dark Mark, which was barely visible after the end of the War, has recently started to become dark…

Then Harry decided to move on and see what sort of deal Lucius made with Cyrus Greengrass to get his support in Wizengamot. Apparently, the Greengrass Family had to pay a price to remain neutral in the last War. Cyrus Greengrass was forced to sign a Marriage Contract between his daughter and Draco Malfoy, but Cyrus Greengrass never mentioned which daughter, but only a year before Draco started his first year at Hogwarts, it was decided that Astoria Greengrass, the youngest daughter of Cyrus Greengrass would marry Draco Malfoy.

Lucius Malfoy had to nullify the Marriage Contract to get Cyrus Greengrass' support for that little scheme of his…

The Minister and his Undersecretary were with him on the plan from the beginning. The two of them were going to pay along with the rest of his pardoned Death Eater buddies, but Harry started to wonder what to do with Cyrus Greengrass. A part of him still wanted to get back at the man for crossing him while another part of him wanted him to go easy on the man as Cyrus did what he did for the sake of his daughter. He realized that he didn't need to make a decision right away so he simply decided to move on.

Then Harry finally stumbled on the memory of Lucius getting a new house elf after his old house elf, Dobby went missing during the Quidditch World Cup. Without wasting any time, Harry simply followed the trail of the memories and stumbled upon the memory of Lucius placing the Contract to get him assassinated after the Quidditch World Cup while he and some of his Death Eater buddies would be creating a distraction.

Harry grinned viciously as he stared at Lucius and it was at this moment that Lucius knew, he fucked up…



Harry didn't stop rummaging through Lucius' Mind after learning that he was the one behind his assassination plot as he wanted to learn the identities of all the Death Eaters and the sympathizers, but Harry didn't stop at that. He wanted to know what made a man like Lucius tick so that he could use that knowledge to make the man as miserable as possible before ultimately killing him.

After what felt like hours to Lucius, he finally felt the foreign presence retreat from his Mind, but that didn't make him happy or relieved… Meanwhile, Harry simply rubbed his chin with a thoughtful look on his face before he flicked his hand downward and Lucius fell on the floor and groaned in pain, but instead of trying anything, he simply started to rub his head, in an attempt to alleviate his pain.

There were quite a few things Harry was able to learn from Lucius. First of all, there were only a few things Lucius genuinely loved and his beautiful wife was not one of them… |Pity… I could have used her to make him more miserable| Harry mused internally in disappointment. Thankfully, the man loved his Family Legacy and his Heir more than anything else.

Lucius would happily chug down gutter water or agree to suck a dick as long as it meant his Family Legacy and his Heir would survive…

Harry finally stopped rubbing his chin and turned toward Narcissa, who seemed to be patiently waiting for Harry to say anything. It was clear that the woman was clearly anxious… While there was no love between Lucius and Narcissa, there was something common between the two… The love for their son. Even though they both loved their son for completely different reasons. Lucius simply loved Draco because the boy was his Heir and one day, he would lead the Malfoy Family, but Narcissa simply loved her son because he was her son.

"You wouldn't mind if I called you, Narcissa, would you?" Harry asked politely and while Narcissa wanted to protest as it wasn't appropriate according to Pureblood traditions, she ended up nodding her head in acceptance as she knew that she was in no position to deny the request. "Good!" Harry cheerfully beamed at her and if Narcissa hadn't seen just how dangerous the boy really was, then she would have thought that he was a simple 14 year old.

"Then, please call me Harry from now on" Harry stated innocently, making Narcissa give him a hesitant nod. After that, Harry turned on his heel and clapped his hands… "Let's take this to the drawing room. This room is quite small for all the guests" Harry declared before he flicked his hand to levitate Lucius in the air. Moments later, Lucius' Wand, which was also lying on the floor, flew into his hand.

"Guests?" Narcissa blurted out with a bit of a fearful look on her face.

"Yes, guests" Harry confirmed. "Lucius decided to host them too when he decided to enact his wicked plan to enslave me" Harry added and Narcissa's eyes grew wide at that statement. She knew that Lucius wanted to have the boy killed by some accident, but she didn't know that he wanted to enslave Harry. "You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?" Harry asked coldly as he glanced at Narcissa from the corner of his eyes.

Narcissa felt chills run down her spine at his cold tone, but moments later, she fearfully shook her head in denial…

"I see…" Harry said as he started to walk out of the room with Lucius floating behind him. The man seemed to be struggling frantically, not that it helped him much. Narcissa also followed Harry out of the room while keeping some distance from the boy and her floating husband as she didn't want to get hit by her husband who seemed to be frantically throwing around his limbs. The rest of their walk passed away in complete silence.

The trio finally arrived in the drawing room and Harry raised his hand up in the air, slamming Lucius on the roof of the drawing room, breaking some of his bones before Harry finally lowered his hand and Lucius was slammed on the floor, breaking a couple of more bones in his body. Harry was getting annoyed at the fact that the man was struggling and making weird noises during their walk… Narcissa flinched at the sight of her groaning husband. His Wand arm seemed to be bent in the wrong direction and a bone seemed to be poking out of his left shin.

"He won't die if you are worried about that" Harry said as he plopped down on one of the couches and he had to admit, the Potter manor couches weren't this comfortable. "Have a seat, Narcissa. There is no need to keep standing" Harry said without looking at Narcissa. The woman gave him an unsure look as she wondered if her husband would truly survive or not before finally taking a seat. Her husband seemed to have passed out due to the pain, not that she cared if he lived or died in the first place.

'I am opening the portal for you guys'

Meanwhile, Harry decided to send a message to Gellert to inform him before opening the portal. Moments later, a portal started to form at the edge of the drawing room, surprising Narcissa as she had never seen anything like this and as soon as the first person stepped through the portal, Narcissa seemed to shrink back on the couch as she started to tremble in fear. It did take her a moment to recognize the man, but she had seen his pictures in the history books of her Family, so there was no way she wouldn't recognize Gellert Grindelwald.

For probably the umpteen times since Harry Potter invited himself to their Manor, Narcissa cursed at her husband before involving her in this mess…

"From now on, all of them are going to stay here" Narcissa was broken out of her internal ramblings by Harry's words and when his words registered in her Mind, she fearfully whimpered. She wanted to be no part of this, but she didn't believe she had a choice. "Kenta, can you please heal him? I don't want him to die, yet" Harry said while pointing at Lucius and Narcissa saw an Asian man step out of the crowd and make his way toward her broken husband.

"So, where are we?" Gellert asked as he looked around.

"We are at the Malfoy Manor" Harry revealed, making Gellert raise his brows in interest as Harry started to explain how they ended up in this situation, and when Harry finally finished the story, Gellert burst out laughing along with some of his followers who were staring at Lucius who was healed and conscious right now with mocking looks on their faces… When everyone was finally done laughing at Lucius, Harry turned toward Narcissa, who seemed to be nervously fiddling with her hands.

"Narcissa, will it be okay for them to occupy the Quidditch Field for the time being?" Harry asked and the woman immediately nodded without missing a beat. Yes, the Malfoys had their own Quidditch Field within the property. They were simply that rich… Narcissa knew that her son loved the Quidditch Pitch and her husband saw it as a sign of their status, but she didn't even think twice before handing over the pitch to them.

After that, Harry asked his followers to use the pitch as their temporary base for the time being. There was a lot of space around the Malfoy Manor and Harry was planning to build a permanent base in the near future, but before everyone could leave the Manor to prepare the tents, Harry stopped a group of ten and told them to kidnap Barty Crouch Sr. His other prisoner was also here but right now, his face was covered with a black sack, which was Charmed with Silencing Charms and acted like a solid barrier, so that the prisoner couldn't see or hear anything.

"Nice to make your acquaintance, Madam Malfoy" Gellert politely greeted Narcissa with a bow and the woman fearfully extended her hand. Gellert took her hand and gently brushed his lips over the back of her palm before finally taking a seat.

"Well, now that the pleasantries are over, unmask him" Harry ordered and Nigel, who was still keeping an eye on the prisoner removed the sack from the man's head and Narcissa gasped as soon as she saw the face. From the corner of his eyes, Harry noticed Lucius' eyes grow wide in recognition as soon as he saw the man. Harry didn't have to be a genius to know that both Narcissa and Lucius knew the man.

The man also recognized everyone in the room, but he settled on glaring at Lucius and Harry for whatever reason. "Narcissa, you know him don't you?" Harry asked, only to receive a hesitant nod from the woman.

"That is Barty Crouch Jr., but he died in prison…" Narcissa trailed off with a confused look on her face.

|Indeed| Harry muttered internally. He also recognized the name, but he had never seen any pictures of the man as he felt it would be unnecessary since the man was long dead. Right now, the man should be buried in the graveyard of Azkaban, but here he was… He wondered if Crouch Sr. helped his baby boy escape Azkaban since the man was clearly in contact with his son and this revelation also made Harry realize something.

Dumbledore was referring to Barty Crouch Jr., not Sr., but he wasn't certain if Dumbledore knew he kidnapped Barty Crouch Jr., who was masquerading as the caretaker of Hogwarts or if the man mistook Barty Crouch Jr. as Crouch Sr. Yes, Dumbledore was such a man who would happily overlook such a case if it helped his plans in some manner, but once again, Harry couldn't be certain… Though there was something Harry was certain about. Dumbledore had the means to learn the real names of anyone inside the school and monitor them at the same time.

"I see… Well, I will have the answers" Harry said as he stood up and started to approach Barty Crouch Jr., who was on his knees, courtesy of Nigel. Crouch Jr. tried to scream something at Harry, but it was kind of impossible for him as he was gagged, once again, courtesy of Nigel. Harry arrived in front of Crouch Jr. and broke into his Mind without wasting any time…


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