You know I have a bit of a bad habit when it comes to stressful situations. What is that you wonder? Well Jim, when it comes to stressful situations my mind does 2 things.
First off, I start to talk to myself, sure everyone does it at some point, but really let's be honest with ourselves, they don't talk to themselves this much when they are running, shooting and trying to survive against rabid, weird, insane aliens.
Well actually, I hope they don't.
Secondly, I start to think about random things, really anything that can keep my mind off the present. For instance, I think I'm going to make this place a retreat planet when we get out of here. The beaches are nice, the breeze was to die for and the temperature..... ohh my.... It was perfect.
Sure, the dilapidated and numerous ships that littered the horizon were a bit grim, and the natives were Bantha shit insane, but other than that a perfect place to relax... I just needed to find a spot where the inhabitants weren't.
Really, once I sort out this no-fly zone bullshit, carpet bomb these damn bastards to the outer rim and back, it'll be perfect.
Ok Jack, maybe don't go the genocide route...
But I really want to right now...
Well at least I know the I have problems, as long as a person knows they can...
Ohhh, warning in the spark, better focus.
Looking down at my weapons I frowned slightly as it overheated... again. There was just no end to these damn aliens. They wouldn't stop running to their death either. I mean I had killed quite a few people over the years, but damn there was a limit.
I think I may have already clocked over all my previous kills in the last 10 hours. We had just reached the first floor of whatever type of kriffing damn creepy temple we had found in the middle of this jungle, beach planet.
Like were did it even come from?
These aliens didn't look advanced enough to create the technology in here.
Just to reach this point we had to go through numerous camps full of aliens that would attack on sight.
I was honestly starting to feel bad about the amount of tribes?... Yeah, tribes we had gone through to get here.
Once we made it into the temple the only upside was the fact Dae was able to short circuit the door so none of the bastard that were rushing towards us from the outside, could actually get in. Though I think I could still hear the creepy banging the door let loose as it closed.
This was starting to feel like some Sith Spit damned horror vid.
The downside was what we found inside, more of them.
Like they must breed like Cathar, damn.
We had only gotten into some type of atrium right smack bang in the middle of the first floor when everything went to shit.
It was no wonder really when the atrium was connected to I think the rest of the floor and each door connected just kept opening to more and more of the bastards. They just wouldn't stop as they rushed us in packs.
It had been just non-stop fighting, I had to resort to rotating my pistols and saving grenades for the big groups just to make sure none could get close. Unlike Dae and her bullshit spark damned gifts, ohh and her vibro-sword, I couldn't let any get close.
I could see the teeth these things were packing; I think they could take a chunk of flesh on the way down if I wasn't careful.
The worst part was the fact we were only on floor 1, from the outside it looked like there were around 10 floors if not more to this stupid place and if it was as packed as this floor I would run out of grenades long before we got that high.
Where the heck was this stupid tech keeping us from leaving the planet?
Please be on the first floor.....
Ahh who am I kidding, with my kriffing luck it'll be right at the top, like out on the roof for some damn reason.
I frowned as another group rushed forward and both my blasters overheated, I needed another few seconds before one of them would be right to go. Reaching for the bag strapped around my waist I quickly pull my dwindling supply of fuck off balls and press the detonator.
*Click* *Click* *Click*
As it started to countdown, my mind finally snapped back to the present and I looked Dae's way to see how she was doing.
I was only slightly worried.
She of course had that bullshit spark luck on her side.
Yeap, she was handling herself fine, it was a bit hard to tell when she was almost a blur of motion, hacking and slashing through the horde behind me, but are you shitting me, she doesn't even look that tired!
Bloody spark.
Stupid Luck.
Why couldn't I get that type of stamina? Those pair of Zeltron sisters on Hosnian Prime would have gone crazy that one time...
Well, I was interrupted by Dae just before anything good could happen.... but a man can dream damnit!
*Click* *Click*
Ohh right grenade.
I tossed it at the still rushing group and got back before it exploded. I could just feel the heat from the blast as the bodies flopped to the ground, thankfully no blood was spilled in my direction... well none got on my jacket.
It was a bit morbid of me, but I was just about to laugh at that stupid thought when a greater warning from the spark came through. My head whipped in its direction as I caught sight of 5 new aliens walking out of some type of turbolift.
Unlike the other aliens that seemed to be in rags and carrying make shift weapons, the 5 that stepped out of the lift all wore some type of armour. Not only that, but their weapons were also much better. Four of them had vibro-swords, while the one in the middle, the big hulking and intimidating one had a double bladed vibro-staff clutched in his hands.
Yeap the universe hates me.
I quickly shot Dae a look and caught her eye, she also got a warning through the spark. We had to be careful here.
Trying to keep an eye on the 5 as they closed in, I quickly started to fire at the rabble that was engaged with Dae, she was swapped with far more enemies than me, I didn't even care if I overheated the pistols now, they needed to go.
Once we dealt with them, we could deal with...
My attention had only drifted for a second when a huge warning shot through my mind, I just dived out of the way as some type of force rushed by. I could just see it pick up the dead bodies behind where I was standing and fling them into the walls.
The bodies cracked with enough force into the walls to let me know, if I hadn't just dived it would have been me splattered along the walls, dead.
At the same time screams started up from Dae's side. I looked back over in worry and let out a small sigh of relief seeing Dae still kicking butt. She had also dodged whatever the Schutta had just happened, but the aliens weren't so lucky. Some were limp on the ground, others screaming their lungs out as they still tried to crawl towards Dae to finish her off.
Yeap horror vid.
I started to feel sick as I watched them move, but snapped my attention back towards the 5 big aliens. Two of them had their hands out, one in my direction, one in Dae's. I had heard enough smuggler tales to put 2 and 2 together.
You have got to be shitting me.
Wizard Alien monsters?!
I fired a shot at the one looking my way, sadly it seemed I had underestimated the bullshit of space wizards as my blaster bolt.... my kriffing blaster bolt stopped midair.
Nope, nope, nope.
I fired a few more shots off each stopping just before they could reach my target, while I slowly made my way closer to Dae. Thankfully it looked like there was some type of reaction from stopping blaster fire mid air.
Stupid wizard Bantha shit.
Another had joined the one I was aiming at to reach their hands forward and seemingly stop my assault.
Nope, fuck that.
I fired another shot while at the same time reaching for a grenade. This time I fired off a shot while also rolling a grenade along the ground. This thankfully didn't stop until it rolled to their feet. The other 3 aliens were focusing on Dae.
I needed to finish this up quick and help her!
I don't think they knew what the grenade was, and that was the only reason they didn't back away from it as it slowed to their feet. I fired 2 more shots as a distraction before it went off.
They didn't know what hit them as they were flung back, thankfully dead. My blaster bolts that were stuck midair finally came back to life as they were picked up off their feet and peppered their bodies with holes.
But I didn't have time to relax as I focused on the other 3. They were all focused on Dae who was struggling. I don't know when it happened, but another room had opened and more of these bastards had rushed through. Dae was dealing with a whole new horde of insane aliens and 3 wizard aliens at her back.
She was dodging back and forth from whatever weird shit was throwing the others into walls. They didn't seem to care they were killing their own, as their hands just kept coming back up to attack, again and again.
There were only small gaps between each shot, it seemed they needed a few seconds before they did whatever wizard mumbo jumbo they were doing.
Dae was finally starting to look tired as she moved, dodging 3 of them wasn't easy and I knew if it were me, I would have already been gone. I threw a grenade towards the large mass of them that were around the door before firing a few shots at the wizards.
They noticed my actions though and quickly dodged.
Yes.... DODGED my blaster bolts!!!!
What the actual bantha is this shit.
I grabbed one of my finale grenades and rolled it towards the group of 3 getting closer to Dae, but they had learned from their fallen comrades. The grenade didn't even reach a few feet of them before the big one raised his hand and flung it back.
Thankfully the force from whatever he did threw it far behind me and I dodged to the side. I heard it go off and was pushed to the ground from the proximity. My ears started to ring as I stumbled back to my feet.
I was finally about to make it to Dae's side, still firing a few shots at the horde trying to drown her. Once she went down, we were both finished. Not that I wasn't super worried about her, but I was at least reasonable enough to recognize that she was our main fighting force. She was always good at that stuff. The bad thing was, I was now towards her back and directly facing the trio of alien wizards.
Dae was being distracted by the horde, I felt something from the spark as I watched them like a hawk waiting for their next move. There was something wrong with the big scary one in the middle, he had raised his hand while I was watching him, and I was prepared to dive to the side when needed.
But he hadn't made a move after a few seconds he just stood there. The spark was trying to tell me something as I watched on but I wasn't sure, all I knew was that it was bad.
Actually, if my eyes weren't deceiving me there was some type of spark that was building on his fingertips. That sent warning bells through my mind. I think most people can realize that the wizard was building up for something big.
I quickly dived to the side as one of the other wizards blasted at me, and the quickly rolled as the other tried to get my downed form. But the big one only had eyes for Dae.
The spark almost cried in my head, louder than it ever had before as I realized that Dae was too distracted by the horde, she was off balance after one of them had somehow lunged to her leg and grappled it.
I shouted out in warning, though I'm sure she should have already felt something was wrong, sadly she was bogged down and couldn't move. I fired 2 shots towards the big one, but one of his buddies once more stopped the bolt in its tracks. I even flung 2 grenades their way as I sprang back to my feet, my body was already moving on autopilot.
It was no use though, whatever the big one was doing, it was ready. I finally looked away from the trio and focused all my attention on Dae as she struggled to break free from the horde. It was worse now, another had latched to her other leg, with a few trying to bite her. She was only just keepingg them from taking a chunk out.
As I jumped forward, between the big one and Dae, all I felt was a massive shock to my back that flung me over Dae, over the horde and into the opposite wall. I hit it hard , but luckily my kacet absorbed most of the shock.
I was blinded by white hot pain as I lost feeling in most of my body.
I wasn't even sure how I was still awake.
I don't know why, but the air smelt ionized, and my mind wouldn't let go of that fact.
As darkness took me I couldn't help but lament.
My Jacket was probably ruined.