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93.5% The Reincarnator's Tavern / Chapter 72: Chapter 72 The World is My Sword.

Capítulo 72: Chapter 72 The World is My Sword.

Chapter 72 The World is My Sword.

HK-47 once told Rayleigh that if you only trained while being slowed down, you only become skilled in moving slowly. Although Rayleigh spent many hours practicing Haki with his Empty Sword, he would spend just as much time with his Sword of Babylon, integrating what he learned into his existing style and power systems.

The Force, being Haki's nosey next-door neighbor, gave many insights into Haki and the various flows it contained within. While analyzing the Light Side, Rayleigh gained insight into the World's aspects of Training, Growth, and many others. The Dark Side granted insight into many more aspects, but the most useful was the aspect of Weakness.

After he decided to just use cultivation terms, the headache he got from trying to piece them together lessened, so he would use the word Law instead of Flow most of the time.

From the perspective of the greater universe rather than just a world, the so-called Flow of the World, from a physics standpoint, was powered by the expansion of the Universe. Every empty point of space contained vast amounts of energy and constantly expanded, imparting that energy to matter to grant motion and allow for the passage of time.

The Laws that made up the World were just the naturally formed structures and concepts that the World used to keep turning and gaining control over these small pieces could grant greater control over the whole. The main reason it seemed supernatural compared to the Earth of his previous life was that this world and the Universe in general had an over-arcing Will. If the World had a Will, then Willpower could affect the world.

Though, Willpower was not infinite. Similar to that of the Force, using Haki exhausted the mind and spirit if not the body. If you wanted to increase your Willpower, you had to train.

Rayleigh was not surprised to discover a Law of Growth and Training in this world. It meant that a person who had completely and utterly dedicated themselves to training would receive more gains than should be possible. The Law of Weakness was an interesting boon as he could use it together with Growth and Training to weaken his body and strengthen the effects of the growth through the training.

Rayleigh's Will training had also sped up by an unreasonable amount. Now that his mind could access the Laws of the World, it seemed to take nutrients from these laws to develop itself further, and in the three months since Rayleigh started practicing, he had gone from eighteen Wills to twenty-one Wills with no sign of slowing down. The Will training he endured using itching powder before coming to this world was finally paying off.

Mihawk returned to the island five months after leaving, two months after the Pirate MC was first spotted.

At the time, Rayleigh was using the Sword of Babylon to practice and Mihawk attacked without warning.

Rayleigh's proficiency in Haki barely allowed him to guide the whole flow of the World into his sword. He had yet to reach the proficiency of any individual or fusion of flows that allowed him to use it to lead the rest of the World, but with his Overdrive available to strengthen his muscles, he could take the weight of Mihawk's blade and block it completely.

Mihawk actually showed a small smirk at this. It had been too long since he could use his entire strength in a fight without it ending in one move. The fact that Rayleigh was using abilities beyond what he was familiar with didn't matter. He had long heard from Shanks about these strange geniuses and knew that Rayleigh had not gone all out. This was the only reason Mihawk used his full strength. He knew that Rayleigh could take it.

Mihawk asked, "Have you beaten the Humandrill King?"

Rayleigh nodded, "With this sword I have." Overdrive easily allowed Rayleigh to match the Humandrill King's strength and he had been practicing using different flows against him for the past few weeks now.

Mihawk nodded and slashed forward again. Rayleigh's eyes widened and his senses went crazy as Mihawk's sword seemed to transform from the world into an unstoppable force capable of cleaving through mountains.

Rayleigh poured everything he had into his Sword of Babylon. Yoru and Rayleigh's Sword stopped a meter from each other as the pressure from Yoru met the Aura and Haki from the Sword of Babylon. Rayleigh felt that if he did not block this sword, he would be cleaved in half, and every one of his Wills entered the Ten of Point State to achieve hyper-focus. A black sheen appeared momentarily on the Sword of Babylon before it snapped in half and shattered to nothingness. A line of blood shot from Rayleigh's chest and he blacked out from the backlash, but one of his Wills barely managed to hold on and regained consciousness before he collapsed.

Rayleigh staggered back several steps and confirmed that he was still alive. That last surge of Willpower blunted much of the force of Yoru's slash and the remaining bulk of it was absorbed by the destruction of the Sword of Babylon.

Seeing that Rayleigh was still alive, conscious, and standing, Mihawk pointed out, "You are the second person this month to withstand Yoru. Though I did not use Conqueror's Haki on the first one."

Rayleigh laughed a bit though doing so hurt his chest and lungs. He sat down cross-legged, entered a state of normal Zetsu, and started using the Force to speed up his recovery. He then asked, "Anything special about the other guy?"

Pleased that Rayleigh did not disappoint him, Mihawk became slightly more talkative and answered, "He said that he would best me one day in the future. His captain was also interesting."

Mihawk pulled out a sheet of paper, one with a picture of a black-haired teen with tanned skin. He had a bright smile and wore a straw hat. It was a Wanted poster and had a bounty of 30 Million Berries with the title 'Monkey D Luffy.'

Although Immortal Beauty never gave the MC's name, Rayleigh's connection with the Force could grant him insight into the future of Main Characters. That and the fact that there was no way that a normal Pirate with a Bounty of only 30 Million would be remembered by Hawkeye Mihawk.

Rayleigh cheekily said, "I bet his bounty will increase by ten times within a year."

Mihawk asked, "Oh? And what would you give me if you lost?"

"You can ask me any question you want."

"And if I lost?"

"Let me hold Yoru for a minute."

"A bet it is then. How long will it take you to reform that sword?" Mihawk didn't mind the fact that he knew nothing about this student of his, but that didn't mean he wasn't curious. He could also guess from the manner in which the sword was destroyed that it could be reformed.

Rayleigh answered, "I'll have it back tomorrow." Remaking the sword was easy, but his Kyber Crystal was destroyed. As a Starting Game inventory item, he could disable the item's existence and re-enable it twenty-four hours later in its saved state. The catch was that it would not show any changes since he last Saved it using the Lightsaber Customization Kit. Rayleigh often uses Force: Weapon on the Kyber Crystal itself to strengthen his connection with it, so any progress he made since the last save is lost if it is destroyed.

"Then you can return tomorrow. I shall see how skilled you really are." Mihawk was looking forward to seeing Rayleigh's skills. Mihawk himself would not grow as a swordsman unless he found the mistakes in his style, but that required being pushed when he was not holding back. Mihawk's not holding back meant using Conqueror's Haki, and if Rayleigh could survive, then he might be able to push the world's number one swordsman.

Rayleigh nodded as Mihawk returned to his castle. Rayleigh remained motionless, recovering slowly until he could enter the Tavern for some food. Since he was injured, he would spend more points than normal on a really big meal to speed up his recovery.

The next day with the Sword of Babylon in hand, Rayleigh entered the training area behind Mihawk's castle and Mihawk joined him a moment later. The sound of swords clashing echoed as Mihawk tested Rayleigh's limits. Mihawk attacked with Strong and deflected with Gentle. Sometimes a Strong attack turned into a Gentle one to make a feint. Rayleigh used too much power to parry these and made an opening which Mihawk rewarded with a new scar.

Rayleigh used Babylon to enhance the effect of Force Precognition and merge it into Observation Haki to grant visions of the future, but every time he looked, it changed as Mihawk adjusted accordingly, forcing him to look multiple times a second from multiple angles to discern all of the most probable futures and react accordingly.

Rayleigh's Human body limitation Swordsmanship faired decently against Mihawk's reality-bending Anime Swordsmanship. Similar to how Rayleigh read Goddess of Ice like a book, so too was Mihawk reading Rayleigh. He didn't mind of course. There is nothing wrong with a Teacher learning from his students.

The main problem with the swordsmanship Rayleigh learned in the MCU was that it assumed that the opponent would also use swordsmanship that followed logic. Mihawk's two-meter-long blade that could swing with the force of a mountain and adjust like it had the weight of a feather did not follow logic.

That being said, it did not take long for Rayleigh to adapt. Overdrive evolved in real-time to accommodate the shifts and changes in power. New ideas and concepts were being born one second, tested the next, and then either refined or discarded.

The only reason Rayleigh could keep up with Mihawk was that Rayleigh was faster. Mihawk's blade was more nimble, and precise, and he could out-predict Rayleigh's predictions, but Rayleigh had achieved a base speed that surpassed Mihawk's.

But even if Rayleigh could outpace the world's number one swordsman, that didn't mean he could beat him. At his fastest pace, Rayleigh's use of Haki could not keep up with his body. His strikes lacked the power to push Mihawk back while his blocks lacked the weight to do more than barely deflect Mihawk's strikes.

Any advantage Rayleigh gained from his speed was overtaken by Mihawk's power and dexterity.

The sparring match lasted thirty minutes. Thirty minutes of Rayleigh using Overdrive, Babylon, Sword of Babylon, Haki, and the Force. Each Hatsu Rayleigh used tripled the amount of aura he needed for upkeep so even if his aura could hold out for a full day on its own, using all three in an all-out fight reduced his fighting time to less than an hour.

Mihawk ended his attack and remained silent for a moment. Rayleigh didn't look tired, but Mihawk's observation haki told him the truth of the matter. After gauging Rayleigh's condition, Mihawk stated, "Return in two months," and turned around to walk back into his castle.

Rayleigh disabled the Sword of Babylon and started meditating. He had a lot to think about.

As predicted, Mihawk left the island the next day and Rayleigh went back to practicing. After a lot of meditation, Rayleigh picked five flows to fuse together and master. He chose Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. There were many reasons to choose these five, but the main reason was that it was used in Chinese Medicine due to the belief that these elements existed in the body and reinforced or restricted one another.

Rayleigh did not actually want his sword to burst into flames or send blades of water. He was a swordsman, not the Avatar. He would use the flow of these elements only to strengthen his body and swordsmanship. This would form his foundation. From this, he would fuse every other aspect of the world into his swordsmanship.

Each element had multiple facets and Rayleigh was not learning the flashy ones, but the aspect of the elements that existed in the human body. Using the Force to guide him, it did not take more than a few days to create a fusion of these five elements, Rayleigh then spent the next month refining his swordsmanship into this foundation.

By continuously incorporating new forms and styles into this flow, he could figure out if it was missing anything and he had in fact found a few holes that needed to be filled. Sensing what was missing, Rayleigh incorporated Lightning into the foundation and then tried to add Light and Darkness. Since he was going for the five elements, then he needed Yin, Yang, and the power of the tribulation.

Light was easy. Rayleigh was familiar enough with it thanks to his interactions with Justice. Darkness was a different story.

One would think that he could use the Dark Side of the Force as a reference to understand Darkness, but that was not the case. The Light Side of the Force did not represent Light, it represented the Force in a Healthy State while the Dark Side represented the Force in an Unhealthy State. Rayleigh's observations of the Dark Side granted insight into things like Weakness, Sickness, Madness, Pain, Lightning, and other things, but not pure darkness.

However, even though his foundation needed Darkness, he could work around it for now.

The elemental aspects of the flows he used negated each other so he could not use this foundation to set his sword on fire unless he purposefully weakened it, but that worked just fine for Rayleigh. As for what he called this fusion? It seemed only fitting to call it Force.

When Rayleigh used the flow of Force, the elemental aspects of his swordsmanship would continually reinforce each other while adapting to the world. So if his opponent became stronger, Rayleigh's swordsmanship would become stronger as well.

Even without the weight of the world granted by Armament Haki, Rayleigh could use Force to match the Humandrill King. Due to the BS property of Photographic Reflexes, this allowed the Humandrill King to use Force in return. Rayleigh had to use Overdrive to strengthen himself which caused the Humandrill's swordsmanship to get strengthened as well which then strengthened Rayleigh's swordsmanship.

Due to missing a few things, the loop was not infinite, but it was an exciting match that had the hundreds of Humandrills in the area cheering and shouting.

The match ended because the body of the Humandrill King could not keep up with the power of the sword technique, but it was still a good fight that left both parties satisfied.

After that, Rayleigh got started on using Force to direct the flow of the World. That took another week of practice.

Upon Mihawk's return, he showed Rayleigh another Wanted Poster. It was of the same person and the bounty had increased to 100 Million Berries.

Rayleigh asked, "What did he do?"

"Among other things, he defeated Crocodile."

"The Hero of Alabaster?" Rayleigh learned a few things about the Seven Warlords of the Sea from Justice while he was staying at Marineford.

"So it would seem," Mihawk put away the Wanted Poster and started attacking once more.

Rayleigh's Force met Mihawk's Strong and the most powerful of the Seven Warlords revealed a brief smile.

Rayleigh had yet to reach the level of pouring Haki into his Sword of Babylon as fast as he could move, but he had figured out a way around it. Instead of specifically pouring it into his sword in a way that he had to adjust with every move, Rayleigh's circulating, self-reinforcing flows would constantly strengthen everything. It was weak at first, but as the battle continued, it would grow stronger and stronger.

This was not beneath Mihawk's notice. He could easily overpower Rayleigh at this moment, but the longer he waited, the stronger Rayleigh got. How could he resist such an opportunity?

The explosiveness of fire, the immovability of earth, the ductility of metal, the fluidity of water, and the tenacity of wood. Rayleigh's sword contained a balanced measure of each that would refine itself over and over.

Mihawk held back less and less and soon, Rayleigh's sword had a black sheen as the weight of the world moved under the direction of the elements. Mihawk's sword then changed. A red flash of light seemed to shine in his eyes as a repeat of the attack that shattered Rayleigh's sword came at him.

Rayleigh deflected it this time but the impact shook his body and included a mental attack as well. Rayleigh overcame it and struck back, but Mihawk parried his attack and sent another blow of Conqueror's Haki.

With each exchange, cracks formed in the ground beneath them. The pressure of each sword was so great that neither even made contact with the other, they clashed a meter apart using their pressures alone. Then Rayleigh's sword started to crack.

Mihawk ended the fight without breaking the sword and looked at the cracks in the ground. If they continued, the foundation of his castle could be in jeopardy.

"This island is no longer suitable for your practice. Come with me."

At the shore was the coffin-shaped raft that Mihawk used as a personal mode of transportation. It had a sail, but that sail was poorly designed for travel, and unfurling it was more likely to tip the boat over than propel it forward. So how did Mihawk get around the Grand Line so quickly?

According to Rayleigh's Clairvoyance, there was an anchor at the front of the boat and when Mihawk entered the boat, a certain tamed sea king would grab the anchor in its mouth and start swimming where Mihawk wanted it to go.

Rayleigh could not tell how the sea king knew which way to go since Mihawk didn't say anything and it didn't surface to ask him, but once the pair had boarded, the anchor was taken and the ship was pulled at a speed that did not lose out to most speed boats.

As both Mihawk and Rayleigh were quite used to being alone, neither felt the need to fill the silence between them with conversation as the raft was dragged further into the Grand Line.

After a few hours, Rayleigh recognized the background music of the world change as they entered the Calm Belt. For the first time, Rayleigh spoke up and asked, "Are we going to the South Blue?"

Above the Paradise half of the Grand Line was the East Blue and below it was the South Blue. In order to get to the North or West Blues, you needed to cross the Red Line. Rayleigh came from the South Blue and he could tell from the baring of the Sun that they were heading south, not north.

Mihawk answered, "No. There are many islands in the Calm Belt and there is one I have in mind for your training."

"Is it filled with giant monsters and powerful beasts?"

"Few beasts found on land are stronger than the Humandrill King, so that would not help you improve."

Rayleigh nodded and did not ask further. Mihawk would tell him later, so there wasn't a need to push for an answer now. Rayleigh's clairvoyance picked up the sea kings in the area but they seemed to avoid the sea king that dragged along Mihawk's boat.

The island they eventually reached was quite small. Other than a few handfuls of trees, it did not have much, and around the island were many outcroppings of rock.

After getting off, Mihawk pulled out Yoru, faced a specific direction, and slashed out with his strongest force.

The flying slash continued splitting the sea for at least a few kilometers before it ended. Rayleigh had to use Gyō and Force Enhance: Sense to clearly see that far. A bit further and it would have gone over the curvature of the world. The power from this slash was not just from the flow of the world through Mihawk's body. This was the power of the world being commanded by Mihawk. This was the power of Conqueror's Haki.

Mihawk stated, "This is one of the few locations where you can practice such a thing without being disturbed. I will visit every few months to check your progress."

After returning to his boat, he called out as an afterthought, "And if you wish to practice your combat skills, stand on those rocks over there." A few moments later and he was gone.

Rayleigh could not help his curiosity. He got out his Sword of Babylon and jumped over to the rock outcroppings that Mihawk had pointed out. Each only had enough room to barely stand. There was no room to move unless you wanted to fall into the water or jump to another rock.

A breath after taking his place on the rock, a sharp blade nearly tore through his side. The main reason he dodged was that the movement was caught by his En before his Haki even noticed it. As for what it was, its appearance only brought a single word to mind. Swordfish. Though to be fair, it was definitely the type of swordfish one could only see in a cartoon that had writers who loved bad puns. It had all the normal facets of a normal swordfish, but the 'sword' on its front was like a Japanese katana rather than a long pike. It even had the decorative Hamon.

Rayleigh's sword swung to the side to block another one. It flew out of the water faster than a cannonball and swung its 'nose' to cleave Rayleigh in two. Somehow, the edge of the fish's sword did not get cut in two from meeting Rayleigh's Sword of Babylon.

A moment later, Rayleigh understood what Mihawk meant when he said combat practice. A dozen swordfish of many sizes shot out of the water. Rayleigh had blocked them all while essentially standing on one foot. A smile unconsciously spread to his face. At least Mihawk had a good sense of humor, dropping him off in a Swordfish Sea King breeding territory.

After that, Rayleigh would spend a full hour using Overdrive, Babylon, and his Sword of Babylon at the same time on those rocks three times a day. Occasionally he would stun one of the swordfish and throw it to shore for food, but the rest he only parried or dodged.

The rest of his time that he didn't spend eating, meditating, or chilling in the Tavern was spent using the Empty Sword and practicing Haki and slashing into the sea.

Rayleigh's biggest breakthrough in Haki came when he figured out how to affect the flow of the World with the Jedi Power System. Why did this help? Two reasons. First, Rayleigh already had the Easy Masteries for Sense and Control with his Jedi Class. Once his Haki could be affected by the Force, the Sense Easy Mastery made training Observation Haki easier and the Control Easy Mastery made training Armament Haki easier. But neither of those came close to helping him as much as Tutaminis.

Tutaminis allowed Rayleigh to control the energy in his body and could affect all forms of energy. The flow of the world seemed like energy at first, but it was not, it was Law, closer to a blueprint or password than an actual form of energy. Once Rayleigh figured out how to use the Force to affect the flow of the world, the amount of Willpower he needed to move and control the flow of the world reduced to a fraction of what it was. Both Force and Haki required Willpower to move, but Rayleigh was leagues better at using the Force, so this was a direct cheat that brought his Armament Haki right to the level of being able to blacken his skin and sword at will. He was so excited that he invited Dragon Chef, Captain Jack, and Justice to the Tavern for a feast he paid for and threw a party. They enjoyed the free food, but paid the price of having to listen to Rayleigh brag.

After that, Rayleigh could add the Jedi Power system directly to his Force Fusion Flow. And since Babylon enhanced all Force skills, his Haki would receive an amplification boost while he used Babylon. Soon he would be able to enhance the power of Haki directly.

When just using Haki with his Empty Sword, Rayleigh's sword slash didn't fly a tenth of Mihawk's, but when he used Babylon, Overdrive, and everything else, Rayleigh's sword slash had almost reached Mihawk's distance.

His Force Flow contained Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, Lightning, Light, the actual Force, and an attribute that Rayleigh simply called Sword.

When he practiced, he also used Growth, Weakness, and Training while using the maximum setting for the Zoldyck Family Adjustable Weight Set. At full weight, they were 2,500 Kilograms and Rayleigh's enhancement Divine Script enhanced that weight by tenfold. Not ten times, but tenfold. Each weight acted on Rayleigh as if it weighed more than the entire Zoldyck Family Door and combined they were over a million kilograms. Thankfully it only affected Rayleigh and not the island or it would have sunk. And that was not the max he could use, that was just the max he could use while moving using at least a quarter of his max speed while being affected by the Law of Weakness.

Months passed by and on the one-year anniversary of Rayleigh's first lesson, Mihawk visited and showed off a new Wanted Poster for Luffy with a bounty of 300 Million Berries.

Mihawk handed over Yoru and Rayleigh waved it around for a minute while asking, "So what did Strawhat do this time?"

Mihawk answered with an amused look. "He seems to have attacked Enies Lobby, nearly destroying the whole place."

Rayleigh, someone who had seen Enies Lobby and knew what it was used for. Hearing this he could only pause in shock. Then he laughed. If there was any doubt that Luffy was the MC, this put an end to it.

While laughing and waving it around, Rayleigh had ten Wills in the Ten of Point Hyper Focus state using Psychometry on Mihawk's blade while another ten put the work into memorizing every detail about the sword's history. With this, Rayleigh could feel exactly how skilled Mihawk was and now knew his upper limit. He could also tell where Mihawk could be said to have hit a dead end. Thankfully, it wasn't a problem for Rayleigh.

Mentally, Mihawk was too dependent on using strong opponents to train and hone himself against. Even if Rayleigh ran out of strong opponents to fight in the Tavern, it wouldn't matter. He had multiple ways to keep improving himself, like Over-Clocking his Overdrive to damage his muscles and then recover stronger than before. The limit of such a training method was far beyond what Rayleigh could see at the moment.

Rayleigh returned Yoru and Mihawk left again.

After Mihawk left, Rayleigh used what he learned from Mihawk's strengths and weaknesses to refine the abilities and restrictions on his Hatsus. What he was left with was a monster that took a full two weeks to stabilize and complete.

1st Hatsu Overdrive.

No Restrictions.


-Enhances the effect of Force: Program and Force: Augment when used together.

-Enhances the Effect of Tutaminis and Haki when used together.

-Enhances the strength of the body.

-Enhances the speed of the body

-Enhances the skill level of Kō, Ken, and Ryū.

2nd Hatsu Babylon


-User must say aloud, "Open Babylon" to initiate. (New)

-Nen-inscribed Kyber Crystal or Sword of Babylon must not be out of contact with the body for more than 30 seconds while in use.

-Cannot kill while using or Nen-inscribed Kyber Crystal will explode.

-Must use two different Wills to meditate and strengthen the connection to the Force. (New +1)

-Must use one Will to channel the Force through the Kyber crystal.

-Must use one Will to use Shū on the Kyber Crystal. (New)

-Must use one Will to maintain Clairvoyance.

-Must use one Will to maintain Battle Precognition.

-Must use one Will to maintain Gyō.

-Must use one Will to maintain En.

-Must use one Will to maintain Observation Haki. (New)

-Must use one Will to maintain Tutaminis. (New)

-The En created must have the User as the Center and extend out in the form of a sphere.

-The size of the En field cannot be adjusted after the initial release.

-Every use of the Force while maintaining Babylon requires a separate Will.

-If Babylon is disabled, it cannot be re-enabled for five minutes.


-All Force Skills used within the En Field are enhanced.

-All usages of Haki are enhanced.

-The user's body is enhanced.

-The power of the Hatsu: Overdrive is Enhanced.

-The effects of Observation skills like Gyō, En, Battle Precognition, Clairvoyance, Shatterpoint, and Observation Haki are Enhanced and are fused together.

-If injured while using Babylon, a blood-red Conjuration aura will generate and gather around the Nen-inscribed Kyber Crystal like a bloody mist. The more Conjuration aura is gathered, the thicker the bloody mist and deeper the bloody color. The Nen Skill: In may be used to hide the visible appearance of the mist.

3rd Hatsu Sword of Babylon (Has multiple forms)

Empty Sword


-The user must remain motionless and sincerely recite aloud the Force Code three times to generate the Conjuration Aura required to materialize the Empty Sword. If the user moves or is interrupted during the recitation, the user has to start over. The user can use 16 Wills to offset the recital once or use 32 Wills to offset the recital twice.

-The form of the Empty Sword cannot be changed after its conjuration. (New)

-Can only be wielded while using 2nd stage Zetsu. (No access to the Force or Nen once used)

-The Empty Sword will break if it draws blood.

-The Empty Sword will break if not in contact with the user's body for more than thirty seconds.

-The Empty Sword will break if the user does not maintain One with the Sword state. (New)

-The Empty Sword will break if the user does not maintain the Heart of the Sword state.

-If the Empty Sword breaks, it cannot be formed again for five minutes.


-Materializes a long sword.

-A strand of transformed sword aura can form on the edge at will.

-The sword is indestructible unless the destruction conditions are met.

-Enhances the effect of physical, mental, and Haki Training

-The Empty Sword can transform into the Sword of Babylon by pressing the sword against the Nen-inscribed Kyber Crystal, switching from using 2nd Stage Zetsu, to using Overdrive and Babylon at the same time to make the Empty Sword absorb the Nen-inscribed Kyber Crystal. While the Empty Sword is absorbing the Nen-inscribed Kyber Crystal, the user must say aloud, "Split the Heavens, Sword of Babylon." This transforms the Empty Sword into the Sword of Babylon (Blue.)

Sword of Babylon (Blue and Red)


-The user must remain motionless and sincerely recite aloud the Force Code three times while maintaining Babylon and Overdrive to generate the Conjuration aura required to conjure the Sword of Babylon if the Empty Sword is not available. The user can use 16 Wills to offset the recital once or use 32 Wills to offset the recital twice. If the user moves or is interrupted during the recitation, the user has to start over.

-After the Sword of Babylon (Blue) has been conjured, the user must say aloud, "Split the Heavens, Sword of Babylon."

-Alternatively, if the blood-red mist conjured due to injuries sustained while using Babylon is thick enough, it can be used to directly conjure the Sword of Babylon (Red) without the above restriction.

-The Sword of Babylon must form around the Nen-inscribed Kyber Crystal.

-If the Sword of Babylon (Blue) has already been conjured, it can be converted into the Sword of Babylon (Red) if it absorbs a sufficient amount of the blood-colored mist conjured from injuries while using Babylon or by covering the entire Sword of Babylon (Blue) in the user's blood.

-Cannot make multiple swords. (New)

-Can only be used during Overdrive.

-Can only be used during Babylon.

-The form of the Sword of Babylon cannot be changed after its conjuration. (New)

-Must use one Will to channel Haki through it. (New)

-The Sword will break if Kō, Ken, or Ryū is used to defend the body from damage. (New)

-The Sword will break if Haki is used to defend the body from damage. (New)

-The Sword will break if is not in contact with the user's body for longer than thirty seconds. (New)

-The Sword will break if the user does not maintain One with the Sword state. (New)

-The Sword will break if the user does not maintain the Heart of the Sword state.

-The Sword will break if the user causes any damage to an opponent using a Force Skill independent of the Sword of Babylon. (New)

-The Sword will break if the user causes any damage to an opponent using Haki independent of the Sword of Babylon. (New)

-If the Sword breaks, it cannot be formed again for five minutes if the Nen-inscribed Kyber Crystal is intact.


-Conjures a long sword. (Red or Blue)

-Aura channeled into the sword is automatically transformed into strands of sharpened sword aura thinner than a line of silk.

-All strands of sharpened sword aura are automatically filled with Conqueror's Haki.

-The more aura is channeled into the sword, the more strands of sharpened sword aura are generated.

-These strands automatically circle around the edge of the blade like a chainsaw and each additional strand reinforces the speed and sharpness of the strands of sword aura.

-These strands of sword aura can also be released at will in the form of flying slashes.

-While holding the Sword of Babylon, the power of the user's Control, Sense, and Alter aspects over their internal Force is heavily enhanced, allowing for greater feats of Internal Force usage.

-While holding the Sword of Babylon, the user's internal Nen is heavily enhanced.

-While holding the Sword of Babylon, the user's Haki is heavily enhanced.

-While holding the Sword of Babylon, the user's physical strength and speed are heavily enhanced.

-The Sword of Babylon (Red) can null and void the No Killing rule of Babylon, allowing kills without the Nen-inscribed Kyber Crystal exploding.

-The Sword of Babylon (Red) multiplies the previous enhancements based on the amount of damage taken or injuries sustained.

Understandably, the restriction list looked crazy. Babylon alone needed ten separate Wills to use and the Sword of Babylon could no longer be used without using at least one Will to use Haki on it at all times. It was fine though since he now had 31 Wills so he had more than enough to spare.

He had completely given up on any form of attack that did not use the sword and his physical defenses had also been stripped so if he was attacked, he had to block with the sword or dodge.

And it was worth it. A Hatsu's power required a balance between cost and effect. By adding more Wills to Babylon, he had directly reached the level of Advanced Observation Haki, Future Sight, and had a bootleg version of Mystic Eyes of Death Perception when he used Shatterpoint.

By sacrificing his ability to attack without the sword, he massively boosted his attack power with the sword.

By sacrificing his ability to defend himself with Haki or Nen, he massively boosted the physical speed enhancement it granted and greatly raised his sword's durability. The Sword of Babylon did not have an indestructible condition, but it should be as close to indestructible as possible. Rayleigh inherited this from Mihawk as the latter never blocked attacks with his hand or kicked someone in the face. As a swordsman, you should fight with a sword. In a pinch, Rayleigh could still use harmless Force Skills like Telekinesis, Stasis, and Fear. The most devious part was that without any defense, he would be easier to injure, making it easier to conjure the complete full-powered form of the Sword of Babylon.

Oddly, one of the biggest boosts to Rayleigh's might came from the fact that he finally achieved One with the Sword. Now that he had an actual foundation for the style he would build up in the future, he could perfectly use the Sword of Babylon as if it were an extension of his body.

The first thing Rayleigh did after completing the update of his Hatsus was fight Netero. Rayleigh's new speed surpassed Netero's max speed. His flying slashes of silk-like sharpened sword aura were infused with Conqueror's Haki and chopped completely through his Hundred-type Guanyin Bodhisattva. Rayleigh moved like Bankai Ichigo Kurosaki spamming Getsuga Tenshōs like no tomorrow.

When Rayleigh appeared behind Netero, the Hundred-type Guanyin Bodhisattva actually appeared behind Rayleigh and all 100 pairs of hands slammed into him. A moment later, the Guanyin Bodhisattva roared. All of Netero's Nen concentrated into a single emission attack.

And Rayleigh cut it in half. Using his strongest slash, the emission attack, the Hundred-type Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Netero himself, were all split horizontally down the middle. Netero's final ace, his most powerful move, had been defeated.

At that point, Rayleigh was tempted to fight Mihawk in the Tavern, but it would be a waste of points since he could just wait until the real Mihawk showed up again.

And show up he did. Less than a month after his last appearance, Mihawk returned, but not for a fight.

Mihawk explained, "The Marines have called back each of the Seven Warlords to preside over the execution of Fire Fist Ace, Commander of the 2nd division of the Whitebeard Pirates. It seems they know that you are my student and I was asked to bring you along."

Even while training, Rayleigh kept the Pirate Chat Room open so he knew quite a bit about what was going on in the world. Rayleigh asked, "So they want your help when Whitebeard comes to rescue him?"

"That is the case."

"Alright, I'm in."

Before getting back onto the raft, Mihawk seemed to be thinking of something. After a moment, he asked, "What do you call your swordsmanship?"

Rayleigh honestly answered, "It doesn't have a name yet."

Mihawk nodded and said, "Then I shall name it. Hmm. Very well. It shall be called World Sword Style. Your sword is not a physical object, but you use the world itself as your blade."

Rayleigh couldn't help but smile.

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