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100% The Guild of Gamers: The Tamer / Chapter 15: School Starts 

Capítulo 15: School Starts 

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by: Priapus, Beans, Malcolm Tent, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain

The Guild of Gamers: The Tamer

Chapter 14: School Starts 

 – Nezu –

Watching as Kaito reopened the dungeon, he was unsure what to feel as they confirmed that Kaito was now the master of this place. He had been able to summon the dungeon entrance onto U.A. grounds, now in the forest behind the building that the Monster Research Association had built.

And then he waved his hand again, and the dungeon sealed.

"Yeah, I can keep it closed," Kaito confirmed easily, shrugging as Nezu let out a sigh of relief. "So, can I go in now?"

"You may; I wish to confirm that the monsters within are indeed more docile and no longer pushed towards aggression," Nezu said, looking at the gathered heroes. Hellish Blizzard had obviously volunteered herself to join him to make sure that Kaito was safe and to further her agenda of getting close to Kaito, and Midnight was also going in with her Arbok, waiting eagerly.

"Don't worry, Nezu, the Wild, Wild, Pussycats won't let anything happen to him," Mandalay confirmed, smiling widely as the eccentric group all posed behind her. It was no exaggeration to say that there was a waiting list of heroes who wanted a chance to team up with Kaito. Pixie-Bob, Ragdoll and Tiger stood behind her. They were not taking chances with another near-death.

The Pussycats were talented, reliable and, most importantly, trustworthy. As former U.A. students, he trusted them to watch Kaito and not try anything untoward. Additionally, three team members were attractive females, increasing their chances of gaining a monster, which was what he wanted.

"Then I wish you all luck; please remember to keep your cameras turned on and recording," Nezu requested, seeing Kaito grin widely as he headed into the portal. The others followed behind in short order. 

– Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) –

Watching the strange two-headed flightless birds flee from Arbok's glare, she smiled. The last time they came, everything had attacked them constantly. Now, while some monsters still attacked them if they got too close, many of the dungeon residents were more than happy to ignore or flee from them.

"What's that one called?" Ragdoll asked Kaito, making him grin as he wrestled one of the large birds, taming it.

"Doduo, the Twin Bird Pokemon. I hope those researchers knew what they were asking when they said to tame as many as possible," Kaito laughed. Nemuri chuckled, having watched Kaito grab basically everything that they came across.

Sentret, the Scout Pokemon, stood on its tail and looked around for more prey for its new trainer. It made some adorable noises, getting Kaito's attention as it gestured for him.

"On it, little guy," Kaito agreed excitedly, rushing off in the direction as they followed behind. Diving into the bushes, they watched with amusement as Kaito came back out, holding a… beaver? "Welcome to the team, Bidoof."


The small furry brown monster didn't seem to mind being manhandled and was sent away like all the others Kaito had captured. She wondered if the researchers were excited or shocked as an increasingly large group of monsters appeared with them.

Arbok hissed, drawing everyone's attention to a small rabbit-like monster that was frozen in place.

"Yoink," Kaito said, picking it up. "Nice glare, Arbok, and hello, Buneary! Aren't you a cute one?"

Buneary seemed a little scared, but Kaito was calm as he started the taming process. Before long, Buneary was sitting on his shoulder, large ears twitching as she helped them find more. 

"Heh, I figured we'd be fighting non-stop; this feels more like a petting zoo," Mandalay joked. "Never had a dungeon delve where I wasn't constantly attacked before; it's pretty nice. So, you and Kaito, huh?"

"Jealous?" Midnight quipped, watching her man charge after a strange chipmunk with intense eyes that were red with an orange ring. Kaito dove for it, missing as it slipped away… and ran straight into Primeape. 

Faced with the heavily breathing monkey glaring down at it, it turned right back around and ran back to Kaito, making Primeape huff in amusement.

"Maybe a little. He's an impressive young man, maybe a little bullheaded, but he clearly likes what he does," Mandalay agreed with a small smile, watching Kaito examine the new capture (a Patrat, apparently). Kaito loved this, exploring the dungeons and capturing monsters to his heart's content. There was an almost childlike element to his excitement as he saw a new monster he didn't recognise, making her smile.

Despite all the pressure on him, despite his upbringing, Kaito really was a good boy at heart. 

– Melissa Shield –

Something told her that Kaito had taken their request for him to capture as many monsters as possible earnestly and taken to his task with the sort of dedication and hard work she'd come to expect from her muscular friend.

"And aren't you just fascinating?" Melissa cooed, looking at the owl in front of her. "Hoothoot, huh? I do have to wonder where Kaito gets these names."

The Hoothoot just hooted, standing on a singular leg as she examined the passive and relaxed monster. It had two, but it switched which leg it was standing on so quickly she'd needed to record it and slow it down to confirm that it had another leg hidden away.

A Doduo cawed, racing with several more of its kind around the biosphere that Kaito's power had made for the new captures. It seemed to place monsters with similar environs together, as the forest it had created very much resembled the one that Kaito was exploring right now.

She was glad that the other researchers were arriving soon; handling the feeding and studying of all these monsters may have been too much, even for her.

Bidoof sat patiently at her feet, staring up at her with an adorably blank expression, while a Buneary hopped around curiously, bouncing around at impressive speeds. 

Smiling to herself, she picked up the passive owl and examined it more closely, wondering just how many monsters Kaito planned to tame.

– Fubuki (Hellish Blizzard) –

Volunteering to work as U.A's security was proving to be the right decision, as she watched Kaito tame entire packs of monsters and send them back. She knew he was starting a true collection so that he could start to give them out to people he trusted, increasing his small collection into quite the menagerie.

Some monsters attacked them, such as a particularly adorable Teddiursa that had taken offence to Ragdoll cooing at it and punched her in the face, reminding them that 'passive' did not mean 'safe'. Kaito's mastery of the dungeon had worked; the monsters here acted more like… well, animals. The skittish ones would flee, the territorial ones took offence to them trespassing, and some would just watch them curiously and didn't even fight or run as Kaito approached.

Kaito had a theory that Shaymin, the adorable beast that she was, had a tranquillity aura that helped calm weaker monsters, which would explain how many had wandered over to them in curiosity. 

Kneeling down, she stared into the utterly blank face of the newest find, giant purple eyes staring right at her as the grey, catlike monster stood on its hind legs and just stared

Something about it reminded her of someone, but she couldn't quite place it. 

"Espurr, the Restraint Pokemon," Kaito explained, kneeling down and stroking the Espurr's fur. It snapped its head to the side, refusing his pats with a huffing sound, and it immediately clicked.

A tiny creature with big eyes and a tsundere attitude? It was just like her older (but smaller) sister. The idea made her snort, suppressing a giggle. 

"Why does it look so… blank?" Pixie-Bob asked, kneeling down herself as she poked it lightly, getting an annoyed look from the monster. 

"I think it's adorable," Fubuki admitted, reaching out herself and smiling as Espurr hopped back with another huff.

"Skitty is cuter," Ragdoll argued, holding the pink and cream feline in her arms. "Aren't you, Skitty?"


"That's right, yes you are," Ragdoll agreed, holding the cat monster into the air before she brought it down and burrowed her face in the incredibly soft fur, making her teammates chuckle. 

"Good, then that one is yours," Kaito announced, making them freeze. "Told Nezu I'd give people a chance. Skitty is joining the Wild, Wild, Pussycats. Espurr is going with you to the Blizzard Group, Fubuki. You want more; prove to me that you can take care of these two."

"You are sure?" Mandalay asked, making him nod.

"Gotta give people a chance, right? You take care of Skitty, and I'll consider giving each of you your own monster, abuse her, and I'll take her back and feed you broken bodies to my monsters," Kaito swore, his tone casual but the threat very real. "I was gonna give her to you, Mandalay, but she's already bonding with Ragdoll, so I'm giving Skitty to Ragdoll instead."

"Wait, for real?" Ragdoll asked, perking up as she cuddled the kitten-like monster. Had she not been listening before? "I won't let you down, Kaito. Skitty will be just fine with me, I promise. Won't you, Skitty? Ooh, we can get you an outfit!"

Skitty just meowed patiently, cuddling against Ragdoll happily. Tiger chuckled, reaching forward and patting the cat, making it purr, unafraid of his intimidating face as it hopped out of Ragdoll's hands, rubbing itself against Tiger's legs.

"Nemuri says you're friends with her, so I believe you. Won't stop me from turning you into Kaiju bait if you mistreat her," Kaito explained, reaching forward and giving Skitty a stroke as she purred in pleasure. "She's yours now; treat her right, yeah?"

"Of course, we all will," Mandalay agreed, looking at their team's newest member. Midnight gave Kaito a small smile, happy for his trust in her friends.

"That goes for me as well, obviously," Fubuki promised, looking down at Espurr's blank stare. "Espurr will be well taken care of."

Espurr tilted its head slightly, its expression unchanged as she chuckled. It would probably be for the best if she never told Tatsumaki that she thought Espurr somewhat resembled her in powers and personality, if not in appearance (besides in size).

She gave Kaito a pleased smile, getting a smirk in return, but he was quickly distracted by some noise that Buneary alerted him to, dashing off for another monster. A brilliant start to her plan, truly.

"Come on, Espurr, let's see what Kaito found," Fubuki said, getting a slow nod as the psychic cat followed behind her with the same blank expression.

– Kaito –

[Whismur, the Whisper Pokémon - E Rank] Tamed

Man, this is great.

Sending the little crybaby to its Biosphere, I grin as I shake my head. It kinda gave me a headache when it started crying so loudly, but it is clearing up quickly enough. 

"I didn't think something that small could be so damn loud," Midnight winces, rubbing her head.

"Oh, don't worry… I'm pretty sure it gets so much worse when it evolves," I laugh, scanning the forest for my next monster. Sure, I haven't had many fights (beyond every Teddiursa trying to punch me), but getting to tame so many new monsters is great. I'm glad the little guy cleared up the whiny bitches who were worried about the sealed dungeon. Who cares if I got a little beat up by Snorlax? Lemme back in, you pussies.

"I think it ruptured my eardrum…" Mandalay admits, touching the side of her head with a frown. "That's what I get for underestimating the little guy."


"Eh?" Mandalay asks, watching as a giant pink egg on legs wanders out of the trees and up to her. It even has a pouch with an actual egg inside it. The egg looks up at her as it holds out its hand. A soft white glow makes Mandalay straighten up, touching her ear in surprise. "I think it just fixed my ear."


Shaymin hops down, running up to Chansey, the Egg Pokémon, squeaking something as Chansey looks down at her. Chansey chirps back, a short conversation going on. Shaymin beams up at Chansey as it waddles over to me.


Shaymin has tamed [Chansey, the Egg Pokémon, B-Rank]

Huh, you go, Shaymin. Maybe she's just sick of having to do all the healing? 

[Chansey - Healing Meal]

Any food you cook has a noticeable healing effect, able to close lesser wounds and cure minor diseases. If you cook with Chansey's egg, the effect is massively increased.

I can't cook, but I'm sure someone can. Chansey doesn't like fighting; I can already tell that, so I don't think she'd be happy on my team anyway. Still, I can sense she likes helping people, and that's always going to be in high demand.

"Thanks, Chansey, 'ppreciate the heals," I say, patting her head as Chansey chirps happily. We're getting close to the time limit Nezu gave us, which makes me frown slightly, but I can't deny that today has been massively rewarding.

I've well over doubled the monsters I have available and confirmed what I already knew about my dungeon; I shouldn't get sulky just because I have to go home when it gets late. I have school in the morning, after all. U.A. starts tomorrow, and honestly, I'm looking forward to it.

Still, I've got a little time to kill first, and I haven't found the right one yet. I need a monster for someone special, and none of the ones I've found yet seem to fit. Grinning, I gesture for Buneary, who hops up onto my shoulder again, ears twitching.

– Nezu — Later –

Watching Kaito leave the dungeon, he smiled as he checked his watch. 

"Ah, right before the deadline. I suspected you would push your time to the limit," Nezu chuckled with a knowing smile. "I take it this has been a productive day?"

"Oh, hell yeah. I was right; by the way, the dungeon monsters are way less aggressive now. They aren't peaceful, but they aren't just balls of anger either," Kaito explained, looking somewhat smug. "So now I just need to conquer every dungeon in the world, and we're golden."

"Indeed, though, that is a rather large undertaking, and the researchers and government want to keep a close eye on this dungeon to confirm your theory first," Nezu explained, making him shrug. "It's possible, a new 'dungeon boss' could spawn and remove your control. I personally believe that you are correct, but this is new ground we are treading."

"Meh, if they wanna waste time and leave more dungeons, I could close active; the consequences are on their asses," Kaito agreed, making Nezu nod calmly.

"Quite, I told them the same thing. If a dungeon you could have tamed spawns a Kaiju or has a Dungeon Break, the damage will be on their heads. Do not worry; I intend to put pressure on them to allow you to conquer more dungeons," Nezu explained, a sly smile on his face. If the Japanese government proved problematic, so many other countries would be willing to have Kaito visit and conquer one of their weaker dungeons. Each one tamed would clear up resources that could be used elsewhere, after all. Even the weakest dungeon needed to be watched and cleared on a semi-regular basis. "It is simply the nature of governments to move slowly, mired in red tape."

"Man, your job must suck sometimes, dealing with all those idiots," Kaito said commiseratingly. 

"Correct," Nezu agreed with a nod. Humans could be so self-sabotaging and illogical sometimes. It was a miracle they had managed to take over the planet when they seemed insistent on shooting themselves and each other in the feet. "That it does, but I can handle some politicians. You simply focus on the monsters; I can handle the rest."

"I knew I liked you for a reason, little guy," Kaito praised.

"It's because I do the boring work for you. I see Hellish Blizzard and Ragdoll seem to have acquired monsters. Will they be keeping them?" Nezu asked, making Kaito nod easily.

"Yup, decided to give each team one monster to see how it goes; Skitty is joining the Pussycats, and Espurr is going with Bliz," Kaito agreed before blinking. "Oh yeah. Oi, you lot, come here." 

The gathered heroes blinked at Kaito's sudden shout, wondering what was going on.

"What's wrong, Kaito?" Mandalay asked, watching as he approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"Telepath, huh? Cool. Anyway, do you want me to make it so you can basically set up a telepathic network allowing multiple people to talk mentally instead of just sending messages, or make it so you can borrow other people's senses?" Kaito asked, briefly shocking her as a wave of excitement spread.

"Hm, borrowing people's senses does sound useful, but I think the network would be more useful," Mandalay said, shivering as Kaito did his work. "Thank you, Kaito. Your trust in us will not be proven wrong."

"You're friends with Nemuri, so I believe it. You, blondie, you're next. Get your cute little ass over here," Kaito said, pointing to Pixie-Bob. Ah, he may not have understood what he had just done, Pixie perking up at being called cute. Or maybe he did? 

The other members of the Wild, Wild, Pussycats clearly did as Pixie beamed at Kaito, rushing up and practically pushing her body against his.

"Saw you using your Earth control to mess with the Doduo flock; nice stuff. Do you want Earth Sense, letting you feel anything moving on the ground you can affect, or the power to control stone as well?" Kaito asked, Pixie beaming up at him as she pushed her breasts against his chest.

"The stone control, my power becomes far less useful when there isn't soil around, and Ragdoll does all our sensing," Pixie answered immediately, shuddering in pleasure as Kaito upgraded her quirk. "Thanks, hot stuff."

Pixie spanked Kaito as she walked past him, giving him a flirty look as she moved over to Midnight. He ignored their scheming as Kaito gave her a hungry look before switching over to Ragdoll.

"Ah, shit. I should have upgraded this before we went in. Could have cleaned house. I can make it so you don't have a limit on how many people you can monitor at once, massively increase your range, let you sense monsters as well as people, or make it so you get more information on the people you can sense, like how hurt they are and shit," Kaito explained. 

"Oh, wow… hmm, I think it'll be best to let me sense monsters. We've had some close calls in the dungeons; some of them can be damn sneaky," Ragdoll replied, also shivering as Kaito upgraded her quirk. "Meow, that feels amazing," Ragdoll admitted, her eyes glowing as she immediately used her quirk, too hyperactive to wait. "Now I'll always know where you are, Skitty… yes, I will. Oh, you're so cute; yes, you are."

Ignoring the way Ragdoll immediately went back to playing with her cat, Kaito grinned and turned to the last member of the Wild, Wild, Pussycats.

"Your turn, muscles. You do that stretchy shit, right?" Kaito said, making Nezu's eyebrow raise as Kaito moved on to the only male in the group. Ah, good, he was willing to empower male heroes. 

"That's right," Tiger chuckled, not offended at Kaito's blunt words as Kaito placed a hand on him.

"Nice muscles; we should fight later," Kaito praised, making Tiger chuckle darkly. "Anyway, I can make you stretchier, so you can stretch yourself even further or make your body much more resistant to non-piercing attacks cause they'd just bounce off you."

"The second. Being tougher is never going to be a bad thing," Tiger decided, making Kaito nod sagely. "Hm, punch me."

Kaito, being Kaito, didn't hesitate to throw a punch right at Tiger's jaw, and they all watched as his hand sank in slightly before simply springing back, the jaw going back to its normal shape.

"Impressive. I wonder how much of a beating I can take," Tiger mused, and Kaito beamed.

"Oh, that's easy to find out. Oi, Primeape, kick his ass," Kaito ordered, making Tiger's eyebrow raise as the rage monkey leapt at him. Tiger didn't seem to mind as Primeape lunged at him, throwing dozens of punches. Mandalay simply sighed, rubbing her forehead as she watched Tiger brawl with Primeape, being tossed around by the angry monkey's impressive strength but seemingly taking no real damage. Shaymin also sighed, chirping something towards the giant pink… egg? 

The egg nodded sagely, making an agreeing sound.

"Your turn, Bliz," Kaito said, ignoring the sounds of violence (even as he briefly turned around and looked at the brawl with eager eyes, wanting to join the fun).

Fubuki perked up, approaching Kaito with a large smile, clearly pleased that her gambit had already started to pay off.

Kaito whistled as he placed a hand on her cheek.

"Damn, you won the quirk lottery, huh? Telekinesis. Flight, Barriers?" Kaito asked, making Fubuki chuckle, though it was a somewhat bitter chuckle. Nezu knew exactly where her mind was, thinking about the little sister who could do everything she could do but better. Fubuki had won a scratch card, while Tatsumaki won the national lottery.

"It runs in the family," Fubuki explained.

"Hm," Kaito mumbled, examining her power longer than he had anyone else's. "Oi, Chansey, come here for a sec."


The egg waddled over to Kaito, who placed a hand on its body, closing his eyes in focus.

"Yeah, that'll do it," Kaito agreed, Fubuki shivering as Kaito did something. "Gave you Psionic Healing. Chansey uses psychic energy to use her heal pulse move, so I figured it'd be helpful for someone with a big-ass group like yours."


Chansey clapped her hands together, cheerful as Fubuki's jaw dropped before a massive smile grew on her face. Nezu didn't need telepathy to know what she was thinking because Tatsumaki couldn't heal.

"I'm in your debt, Kaito. If you ever need help, the Blizzard group has your back," Fubuki swore, getting a grin from Kaito. 

"May I ask what brought on your decision to empower them?" Nezu asked, getting a shrug from Kaito.

"They seem alright, and let's be honest, I got my ass handed to me by Snorlax. Kinda an awakening, got a little cocky, so I decided to be less picky. Gotta tilt the odds in our favour and all that. I figure you trust this lot since you let them come with me, anyway, so they're a good place to start, yeah?" Kaito explained, making Nezu nod grateful. 

Before him, proof of the viability of his plan was in plain sight. A group of heroes, all empowered and with a monster for each group. A vital step towards his overarching plan to finally turn back the tide against the dungeons and Kaiju.

Nezu smiled as he clasped his hands behind his back, seeing the excitement on the faces of the newly empowered heroes.

"Err, Kaito? Your monkey is on fire. Maybe you should call off Primeape," Mandalay said, making them turn to wear. Primeape seemed to be glowing with energy, rage on its face with its fists ignited, Tiger carrying several burns across his body, squaring up against the enraged beast, who was looking rather smug about being on fire.

"Oh, cool. Primeape learnt a new move. Oi, dickhead, get over here," Kaito ordered, making Primeape freeze and then pout, shuffling back over to them as its fists stopped burning. "Sorry, Tiger, my bad."

"It's fine; I can take far more of a beating than that," Tiger said, unconcerned by the burn marks on his body. Shaymin went to help, but Fubuki moved first and placed her hand on him, focusing as she started to glow with energy that quickly passed onto Tiger, the burns fading into the soft green light. "Thanks, Blizzard."

"Chan-sey!" Chansey helpfully added, waddling up and patting Blizzard on the back proudly. 

Yes, this was proof that his plan could work. Kaito would slowly spread monsters throughout the heroes, empowering them and giving them a better chance against the unending swarm. Better yet, this would give him more ammunition to show that his plan was better than the ones other countries were trying to push.

Watching Kaito play with Primeape, rubbing his knuckles on the ape's head, Nezu chuckled to himself. A wonderful start to the year; now he just needed Kaito's first day to go well.

– Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) – Later –

Kaito had done wonderfully today, and it was only fair that he was rewarded for his hard work. Positive reinforcement was a key part of teaching her students, and it was the basis of being a teacher.

"That's it, pound that slutty pussy," Nemuri encouraged, her naked body pressed against Kaito's back as she nibbled on his ear and whispered encouragements to her man as he ploughed Ryuko into his bed, hammering into her friend, who desperately clutched the sheets as her eyes rolled back from the pleasure of Kaito's thick cock stirring up her body. 

Pixie always did have a thing for the younger, promising heroes, and for once, one of them was willing to take the horny hero up on her flirtations. Kaito was giving Ryuko what she so clearly needed, Pixie-Bob's hero costume scattered around his bedroom. 

"Tame this naughty kitty; put a litter in her," Nemuri encouraged, touching herself with one hand as she wrapped the other around his muscular chest and stroked his abs. Nemuri felt her heart race at the sight of one of her closest friends on her back, covered in sweat and moaning in pleasure as her man ruined that tight pussy. She knew Ryuko's love life had been pretty dead, and Kaito was clearly scratching an itch Ryuko had been ignoring for far too long.

"O-oh fuck, do it right meow, breed your kitty," Ryuko begged, too enraptured with the pleasure to care about the consequences (but not enough not to keep up the cat act that the Pussycats enjoyed). "Fill my pussy up with your tasty cream."

"You heard the girl, Kaito; it wouldn't be heroic if you didn't grant her wish," Nemuri encouraged, loving the sight before her as Kaito railed into Ryuko's pliant body. Kaito clearly took their provocations to heart, his thrusts speeding up as the entire bed shook with the force before he let out a primal yell and slammed every inch of that fat cock into Ryuko's eager cunt, his body bucking as he gave Ryuko the creampie she so clearly wanted.

Ryuko let out a moan, her body shuddering as she came from the feeling of her womb getting pumped full of young, fertile cum. The idea of Ryuko growing bloated with Kaito's baby made her shudder in pleasure, her finger speeding up as she pumped it into her own dripping slit.

Kaito pulled back, watching his cum leak from her gaping hole for a moment before he jumped back into action. She wasn't surprised. Kaito had never been so easily satisfied, and she was eager to get her turn as Kaito moved her into position, gripping her hair and pushing her head towards Ryuko's creamed cunt.

She eagerly lapped at the leaking pussy, even as she shook her ass at Kaito, feeling him move into position as Ryuko's thighs closed on either side of her head, her friend moaning lewdly at the feeling of her tongue exploring Ryuko's slit.

Kaito took aim, and she let out a moan of her own, muffled by Ryuko's body as Kaito ruthlessly sheathed himself into her asshole, the tight backdoor squeezing down on his fat cock as he started to pound her ass. It hurt just a little, but that just made it all the more enjoyable. Kaito clearly knew how she loved a little pain mixed with her pleasure, slapping her ass roughly and yanking her hair. God, he knew how to get her motor running.

She hoped Nezu understood that she wasn't going to even try to hide her relationship with Kaito just because the school year had started. Kaito could bend her over in the middle of the class, and she'd give the kids a lesson in sex ed as he ruined her with them all watching.

Even now, she was planning to see Kaito balls deep in more of her friends and coworkers, the idea of her man dominating so many women and showing off how manly he was making her clench down on the cock that was penetrating her, ruthlessly violating her tight little rosebud.

This was going to be the best school year of all time because if Kaito hadn't fucked all the female staff and students by the end, she would have failed, she decided, a lewd grin on her face as she ate out her friend.

And the best part? Nezu wanted her to do it for the good of humanity. Being a hero had never felt so damn good.

– Kaito –

Leaning back, I enjoy the feeling of the two heroines pleasuring me, one hand clutching a handful of blonde hair and the other gripping raven locks, both girls obediently sucking my cock. Ryuko is desperately sucking while Nemuri obediently suckles my balls, her hand groping her friend's body as they work together to please me. 

The two girls are leaking a pool of cum onto the floor beneath them, both pussies are freshly filled and Nemuri's ass equally creamed, and Ryuko already has my cum drying on her face and breasts from a fantastic titjob.

Being a hero is pretty damn fun. 

They move, kissing either side of my cock as it slides between their lips, basically kissing around my cock as best they can. I hope Ryuko understands that I don't do one-night stands; she's mine now. The Pussycats are sticking around U.A. for the most part, beyond their actual heroic duties and dungeon clearing; apparently, Nezu arranged for them to help with the next year of students since it's going to be larger (and they're talking about making a third class for people who wanted to be heroes but their Quirks weren't strong enough before if I'm willing to empower them or grant them monsters).

Eh, we'll see. For now, I just enjoy the fruits of today's labour, the dual blowjob bringing me to completion, as Nemuri quickly takes it back into her mouth, cum-hungry slut that she is. Ryuko takes offence, and I get to watch as two powerful heroes fight over my seed, making out as Ryuko's tongue slips into Nemuri's mouth and hunts down the leftover cum. 

Yeah, being a hero is the way to go.

– Momo Yaoyorozu –

Arriving at U.A., she looked around with a wide smile; today was the day. She'd arrived early, Kaito having asked her to come and see him before classes started, and she easily made her way to the building that the MRA had claimed as their new headquarters.

She chuckled as she saw Kaito cheering on Eri, who was racing around in front of the building on a… two-headed ostrich? Was that safe? Well, Shaymin was there, so it was probably fine, and Eri seemed to be having fun. It was good to see that she was opening up more.

"Momo!" Eri shouted, her ride changing directions as it ran over, Eri waving at her. Kaito turned and gave her a grin.

"Good morning, Eri! I see you've got a new friend," Momo said with a soft smile.

"This is Doduo. He's really fast, and when they sleep, only one head goes to sleep so the other can watch out for danger, and their feathers are really fuzzy," Eri explained with an excited expression.

Doduo made a squawk, and she reached up and gently stroked one of the heads. Huh, it was fuzzy. The other head knocked the first one out of the way, demanding pats, making Eri giggle.

"Hello, Doduo," Momo said, smiling at the pair of heads as they started squabbling, pecking at each other. "And hello to you too, Kaito."

"Morning, Momo. Catch," Kaito said, making her eyes widen as he tossed something at her. Barely able to react, she grabbed the furry projectile as her eyes widened before holding it in front of her. It wagged its tail, woofing once as the small dog licked her face. "That's Lillipup, your new monster. Won't tell you to take care of him or make my usual threats; I know you will."

Lillipup waggled his tail excitedly, the cream-fur-covered face beaming up at her as she cooed. 

"Are you sure?" Momo asked, making Kaito nod with a smile.

"He's a smart lil fucker, reliable and loyal, and he's got potential, he just needs someone to help him reach it. I'm pretty sure that's you," Kaito praised, giving her a pat. 

Looking back at Lillipup, she smiled softly as the small dog barked at her. It may not look mighty, but she was well aware that it was still a monster. Just look at Shaymin (who was now rolling around in the flowers). She was the cutest thing Momo had ever seen (with a close second in the form of Eri and Kaito's relationship), but Shaymin could probably take on everyone here and win with that same adorable stare. Though, as Lillipup licked her face, Shaymin might have a new challenger for cutest.

"I won't let you down," Momo promised, leaning in and kissing Kaito's cheek. " Eri racing Carol?"

Kaito paused, turning to where Eri was racing across the field with Carol following behind, riding Horny. Yeah, she'd had to bring Carol with her. They'd gotten so much weird attention. 

"Huh, oh yeah… wanna grab a Tauros or Doduo and join them?" Kaito asked, making her hesitate. They really shouldn't, but someone had to keep an eye on the child (and Eri), right? Lillipup barked excitedly, wagging his tail as she grinned.

Well, what was the harm? They had time before they were due in class anyway.

"I want a Doduo, if that's alright," Momo said, making him grin as he summoned her ride. Mounting Doduo, she watched Kaito climb onto a Tauros, giving her a challenging smile. Oh, it was on.

– Mina Ashido –

Okay, being a little late on her first day wasn't great, but there were a whole bunch of reporters and just generally nosy people trying to get in to see the Symbol of Victory and something about racing bulls? She didn't quite get that part.

But she was here, in U.A. This was where her hero career was going to start, at the best school in the world. Now, if only she could find her classroom. 

"You have horns!" a young voice shouted, making Mina blink as she turned around.

Well, that was just adorable. 

Pointing at her, a little girl in a custom U.A. uniform gave her an excited look, wide eyes almost hidden by her long white hair, a single horn poking out. Several giant purple rats and a two-headed ostrich all stood behind her, making Mina blink but then mentally shrug. 

"Yup," Mina agreed with an easy smile, wondering whose kid this was. She was obviously way too young to be a student, so she was probably a teacher's kid. "So do you, horn sisters!"

"Yup, I'm a monster! And if you have a horn, you're a monster as well," the girl said, hands on her hips as she nodded proudly. It wasn't meant as an insult; the little girl seemed downright proud to be a monster. "I'm Eri."

"Hi, Eri. I'm Mina," Mina replied with a small smile, amused at the girl's excitement.

"Come on, if the teachers catch you, they'll send you away. I'll take you to Kaito, and you can be tamed and join our tribe. You'll like it; being Kaito's monster is great," Eri whispered conspiratorially, taking her hand. "You get all the food you want and can go wherever you want and ride mon- other monsters, and then he gives lots of head pats."

Kaito, as in, Kaito the Symbol of Victory?

"Lead the way," Mina agreed, a grin on her face. Classes could wait, right? She wouldn't want the teachers to mistake her for a monster and send her to a dungeon.

Eri expertly led them through the school, peeking around corners to try to avoid any teachers who might send her away for being a monster. Eri made the cutest spy, pressing herself against the wall and whispering to her rat pack to go and scout for them. Something told her the ostrich was kind of giving them away, though.

Her first glimpse of Kaito was from behind, and she realised that the pictures had failed to show just how beefy and tall he actually was. He was chatting with Midnight, slapping her on the ass roughly as she gasped and gave him a hungry look before getting distracted by Eri waving at them.

"Hey. What's up, Eri?" Kaito asked, looking between Eri and Mina with a curious look.

"I found a monster!" Eri said excitedly, making Midnight blink before she giggled. "She has horns and everything."

Kaito's eyes moved up to her horns before they slowly moved over her body, making her give him a cocky grin. 

"Rawr~" Mina joked, playing into the role as she returned the favour and admired the shirtless hunk, giving him a sultry smile. 

– Bonus Chapter — Nezu —

…it was literally day one. 

"Get tamed, get tamed, get tamed!" Kaito grunted, pounding his pink classmate in a mating press, having pulled her into an empty classroom, unknowing or uncaring of the cameras. 

Ah, well, it wasn't his problem. He sent an idle note to Eraserhead that Kaito and Mina were going to be late and went about his day.

DarkWolfShiro DarkWolfShiro

Author’s Note: The first story of the new cycle, Tamer, is always a fun one. Supervillain made my head hurt because trying to write Jin is always hard… but Kaito? Monke.

Written: 12/06/2024

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster. I do read every review/comment, because it gives me the happy brain chemicals and motivates me to write more. My body is a machine that turns positive reviews into new chapters.

I have a Patreo n, where my supporters can vote on which fics get bonus chapters each cycle and have access to advance chapters, up to ten chapters ahead of the public release. Patreo n is also five chapters ahead and plat/diamond tier have voting rights for my Quest. Feel free to check it out.  

I also set up a Subscribe Star as well, more or less just as a backup/test to see which I prefer. The chapters are available on Discord if you’re a Patreo n and on the site directly on Subscribe Star due to the different site rules, so if you don’t use Discord or have issues finding the chapters, Subscribe Star is the better choice.

The Advance Chapters

Diamond: New Game Plus Ch08, The Occult Ch08, Guide to Necromancy Ch09, The Nightmare Ch12.5

Plat: The Celestial Remnant Ch07, The Celestial Remnant Ch06, The Gambler Ch13

Gold: The Cursed Ch04, The High Roller Ch06

Basic: The Celestial Remnant Ch05

Quest: The Celestial Roulette Ch11-15


Patreo n. com (slash) TheDarkWolfShiro 

Subscribe star. com (slash) the-dark-wolf-shiro

I have a Discord server with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. So much porn. 

Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/DarkWolfShiro

If it says it’s expired, it is probably your account being unable to join NSFW servers, and you’ll need to fix that. If you fix that and it still says it’s expired, add me (DarkWolfShiro), and I’ll invite you myself.

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